Sanders sides mimecraft/YouTuber au
Some basic info is missing but they all have roughly the same age/subscribers and stuff
Collects EVERY animal and names them all . 'Teams up' with people a lot. Mainly makes funny and casual irl games and vlogs.  He can only really play mc well and never uses cheats  ("not the honest or hardworking thing to do!")  Always has a MASSIVE Base (mainly houses for his animals and farms so he can feed them all)  either dies every five minutes or never dies there's no in-between  (the more upset he is the more he dies normally)  has a new hair colour every month (definitely virgil's doing)  has a subscriber farm/ garden  and puts atleast 2 people in it each episode
Swears like sailor   when playing so he has really edited and almost never livestreams  when playing minecraft he does do lots of qna/ irl games on livestreams and sometimes convinces one of the others to join. Has a "not PG" playlist of collabs where he has a few swears and dirty jokes (normally from the others). Travels a lot and always has a bag of sweets (vegan and everything free so anyone can eat them)  incase he meets any fans when out.  Has and will spend hours collecting things for his friends if he hears them complain about how they can't find any insert item here or need a certain amount of it but can't get it.  He has a "drop off hut" at their spawn where everyone but him has a chest and he'll leave whatever they need  for them to pick up and occasionally he'll leave sweet notes in them too if he knows they're having a bad day.  Doesn't make serious videos often but will always speak out on other social media about current events (blm, lgbt shiz etc) and give his support and thoughts on it there are some issues he doesn't talk about for personal reasons tho.
Basic info... 22..... vvv gay.......  totally not crushing on remus..... trans dude.....  about 3/4 mil followers.
Has a good sized Base and is focused on efficency and survival. Almost always streaming or filming. Has 2 pets à series (max.)  And the rest if the farm animals are definitely not pets (most have names and he refuses to kill them). Is practically a god by episode 5 so most of  the time he does stupid challenges and makes shops and trades/ helps  the others.  He only ever blogs for events (vidcon/comicon)  most of the time his camera is stolen by either remus, patton or Roman and they'll make sure to get all the funny and embarrassing moments on film.  Logan always réalisés two videos for each event eg :  video one: "Vidcon 2020 day 2"   video two: " Vidcon 2020 day 2 patton's  cut" (where all the shenanigans and  weird shit is posted).
He's always a sarcastic mum (so normal )  and loves to watch the playful banter and whenever any of the viewers see it he'll be spammed with edits and art for the next month or two. Of course he goes through everything he's tagged in and makes sure to like and comment. Because it's logan everyone still simps for  him and he posts photos a lot  and lots of group photos from when they all meet up and shiz  and most of the comments are people drooling over him.
Has a playlist of info videos where he talks about social justice stuff and is super supportive and informative about it and almost always gets someone he knows and is affected by it to talk to and make sure he's doing it the right way and he has all kinds of channels linked that talk about it all in more depth and always links petitions and places to learn and donate.
Basic info:  24... gay ..... abt 3/4 million subscribers... in a relationship with virgil  but only the group know about it.
Roman asks his subscribers every series for a theme (pirates, Princes,  mediaval, fairies etc) each series which he has to stick to
Always over the top and dramatic
Livestrwams once a week (mainly mining) and he has a few hours where he'll do song requests and they call it radio time and occasionally he'll get his bf or whoever's home to do lives with him and they'll do qnas and shiz abd sometimes do mini versions of tags abd shiz
Merch galore he has merch for every series (they're vvv long) tries to get fans to design them and uses underground artists
So many collabs
Lots of people think he has tattoos he sometimes tries to cover when really it's doodles that were done in sharpie and still haven't come off.
Shipped with EVERYONE and often has to make posts saying "I love y'alls creativity but all my friends are in relationships and please do not ship us because it makes it very uncomfortable and awkward."
Makes  so many vlogs and is always doing something new and interesting.
Has the most extra and intricate bases and all kinds of weird pets and he changes his skin for each series.
No one remembers adding him to the servers or anything but he's just there.
Normally shares a base with patton or is super close to it and basically has a house with a lava moat and a basement abd that's it. So many swears and dirty jokes.  Lots of random short vlogs that he has in a playlist that's called 'why I love these dumbasses'. Constantly flirts with patton and when they start dating publicly they do all kinds of tags and have a mc world together where everyone thinks they'll be sweet and wholesome but most of it is them killing eachother for the fun of it which everyone is mad for.
Remus always challenges patton to find a super rare pet (jokes on you remus patton has every pet in the game by episode 5)  for filler videos where they don't know what to do. Remus does lots of trolling and making traps/ death houses videos and mainly plays on servers or plays other games (mainly horror). Always ends up pissing someone on the server off and starting a war (they all know it's all in good fun) and spends wayyyyy too long working on different pranks for different people (He once made logan's house neon pink by hand)
Janus is pretty normal and will play with mods so he can get reptiles as pets. Is barely ever on servers and will barely play on them if he's part of one. He does lots of one off challenges / games with the others. Doesn't post anything but gaming vids and only ever does voice-over and no cam for a long time and is shipped  with everyone  he had every social media but only posts about upcoming videos and events. Lowest subs of the group as he doesn't do it for the income (unlike most of the others)  and just does it because the others convinced him. He keeps his home life secret until he accidentally turned up in the background of one of Remy's videos and everyone went mad with theories and he came out and explained it all so after tgat he occasionally posts vlogs for big events but that's it. He lives with emile and remy in a 2 bed apartment (they were previously roomates) and has his own room which is really an office with a spare bed in it.
Virgil :
Mainly does series on his own or speed running /parkour.  He's weirdly good at building so he has a series where he builds houses for his friends. He does a mixture of  art and gaming videos when he does collab with the others it's always one off games against eachother (bedwars parkour etc)  he almost always wins (his only real competiton is logan) and stays silent most the time   and only really throws around insults.
Remy (+emile)
Lifestyle  and challenge blogs doesn't game but he has tried a few times on janus' channel (so has emile)  he has a playlist  of mental health videos made by emile (He's still a therapist but he wanted a way to help people further so he does these with remy)  and occasionally does makeup / fashion videos and is a super super popular channel so his bfs  (janus and emile) don't really need to work but they like to contribute.
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cupcakecoterie · 6 years
Cupcake Coterie vs Mission Prep
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard
@miaaoi - Froseth, dragonborn monk
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin
@sfwarlock - Nai, elven warlock
Note: we lost @hyperewok1 about halfway through the session because the power went out in his building. I tried to do the spirit of Remi Crestwind justice (thank you, by the way, Noms - I got to be the salty common sense).
In any case, they came out of Valare Leathers and headed for the Ellon equivalent of Diagon Alley. Mostly they were heading for a shop called The Starlit Sky, which sells raw gemstones, because Hazel wanted diamonds for Revivify spells. They met the shopkeeper, an autumn-affinity genisari, and not only did they exchange a goodly chunk of the platinum they earned in Belarys for diamonds, and even exchange the larger diamonds they had for easier-to-handle sizes of diamond (300gp worth of chips, 300gp worth of diamond dust), but the genisari also turned that ornamental dagger that was apparently worth nothing as a dagger into a lovely armband, which the group will sell on to a high-end importer when they get back from their current mission.
On the subject of their current mission, they suddenly remembered courtesy Emmie, the gnome from the airship, that it wasn’t just armour and diamonds they needed. They were going to be walking through the desert for at least a full day to get to where they were going, and they’d need water and other supplies of that nature. Also, given that tombs are fairly often trapped, being able to find and disable traps might be useful. They couldn’t do anything about the latter, but the former at least they could deal with. They eventually figured out where they could get desert survival supplies...
And found Alisaie, the serving girl from the Tipsy Pixie in whom Remi is quite interested, waiting for them. Apparently she won two gold from Emile for that, because he hadn’t thought they’d remember about basic survival gear. Alisaie asked if she could go with them on their mission, because she still has the right to try again but couldn’t get a group from the available pool of adventurers because most of them didn’t take her remotely seriously. Too young. Too pretty. Too female. This aggravated basically the entire party, and they were happy to have the pretty barbarian along even without her pointing out that a) she knows the terrain in this area and b) she can use a set of thieves’ tools. Apparently her parents were thieves. Apparently they were really disappointed in how she turned out. There are REASONS for this. Darvin knows there are reasons that aren’t being discussed. Nai and Froseth know the reasons but are choosing to respect her privacy because the reasons are not bad.
They tried to go buy supplies after that, and agreed to meet at the Godshall for sundown devotions. Unfortunately, their attempt to purchase supplies died right out the gate because when telling stories to the son of the dwarven couple who run the best shop for Bag of Holding-level waterskins, Hazel happened to mention having met a drow, and clearly on friendly terms. Now, Nai comes from a time before the tainting of the drow, so this wasn’t an issue for him - though hearing what happened to them pretty clearly was - but for dwarves? They didn’t like the idea of serving people who were friendly with drow, and asked the entire group to leave. They failed miserably at finding someplace else to buy things, so they decided to just ask Alisaie to get their gear and they’d reimburse her. She agreed to that and they went to sundown devotions.
After the effective Song of the World (with the song of the followers of Bahamut giving it a depth that Darvin and Hazel had never heard before), they went to do their separate bits of worship. Remi paid homage to Tritherion, Darvin joined the jam session for Branchala, Froseth just meditated someplace out of the way, Nai met the genisari from The Starlit Sky at the shrine to Obad-Hai and she gave him an oak leaf to give as offering, and Hazel, of course, went straight to the shrine to Pelor. Alisaie joined her there for awhile but paused to pay tribute to Auril, Princess of the Snows, as well. That’s when Nai and Froseth figured out a few things, which again ... well, it’ll probably come up when they hit combat.
In any case, back to the Tipsy Pixie, leaving Alisaie to do the shopping. They found Kezia explaining to a couple of leering merchants that they got to choose who they wanted to ‘do business’ with and even if they wanted to pay for her time, her interests did not lie that way. Hazel also helped rescue her from that asking ... well, basically just, “...Again?” She finally got Kezia to teach her how to eat her pomegranate, which was appetiser to a dinner of shish kebab and spicy rice and sundries, and ice cream for dessert, and eventually everyone went off to their separate ... evenings. Alisaie bounced off with Remi in tow (there are going to be ‘badges of honour’ on both of them come morning, one imagines), Hazel went off almost hypnotised when Kezia beckoned in a more subtle way, and Darvin was more or less summoned by Marta for his massage. This left Froseth and Nai sort of looking at each other across the table, having a non-conversation and then going up to sleep and trance, respectively.
Nai, mid-trance, had a visit - one of the Archfey serving as his patrons; the Queen. She asked him to find her something in the tomb they were about to visit; a green pendant. Froseth, waking up from an interesting vision sent to him from the fire of his own (just confirming what he’d already guessed about their temporary companion, perhaps to ease his mind or just because, who knows?), happened to hear Nai talking to someone, and getting a sense from the air that there was someone replying to him. Somehow. So Froseth knocked on his door - because let’s face it, Nai’s history means that voices and such probably should be checked on - and Nai’s “I’m fine” was so unconvincing that eventually, conversation happened. Nai finally found out about Froseth’s connection to the elements giving him visions and, after Nai explained that his Queen was asking for something from him at her own behest, rather than it being a joint effort with the King this time, Froseth used that particular part of his elemental affinity again - this time, deliberately, calling it forth rather than just letting it come to him. The impression was that it would probably disrupt the balance of power between the King and Queen, but in the long run it would help maintain that balance, and more to the point, it would give the King and Queen power ... and while beings that capricious having more power was probably worrisome, the alternative - the corrupting sludge - was worse. Apparently that power will be used to fight the corrupting sludge, one way or another.
In any case, with that understanding reached, and a promise made to explain to the others in the morning (when they were done with their ... erm, revels), Froseth and Nai went back to their respective long rests. And that’s where we finished off for the evening.
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Tagged by @bubblebunnywitch
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Drink - Coke
2. Phone call - My boyfriend ~
3. Text message - '’ Im getting on my bike’’ to my boyfriend 
4. Song you listened to - Civilisation - Justice and Blood on Verona - Dawn of Tears
5. Time you cried - Yesterday, when me and my mother were discussing her work. She works with rehabilitating traumatized refugees, so her work stories are not pretty.
6. Dated someone twice? - I’ve dated the same boy for 4½ years now <3
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - I had a drunk oops once (before I met my boyfriend ofc) but otherwise no.
8. Been cheated on - No
9. Lost someone special - I’ve neverlost anyone I’ve been close to.
10. Been depressed - Not clinically
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - I actually don’t throw up while drunk, but I get the meanest hangovers if I drink like 8-9 units
Fave colours…
12.) Pale Teal
13.) Grass Green
14.) Coral
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - Yeah!
16. Fallen out of love - No, still going strong <3
17. Laughed until you cried - I think once or twice bc I was drunk and my bf was cute.
18. Found out someone was talking about you -
19. Met someone who changed you - 
20. Found out who your friends are - 
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list - I’m facebook friends with my boyfriend so?
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl -I know all of my facebook friends IRL
23. Do you have any pets - No,  but my boyfriend really want a cat so we’ll definitely get one someday
24. Do you want to change your name - No, I like it.
25. What did you do for your last birthday - I had a Costume themed mini meet for some of my closest lolita friends! I was a ballerina, check out my coord here~
26. What time did you wake up today - 10
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Playing Slay the Spire
28. What is something you can’t wait for - My summer course in Numerial Methods for Physicists!
30. What are you listening to right now - My boyfriend playing some weeb rythm game lol
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom - The principal at my old boarding school was named Tom.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - My courses at uni
33. Most visited website - Tumblr, I guess. I also use facebook a lot, mainly bc that’s where all of my group chats are.
34. Hair color - Golden Blonde
35. Long or short hair - Long hair is pretty, but so annoying.
36. Do you have a crush on someone - My dorky boyfriend 
37. What do you like about yourself - I learn quick, and I always try my best to be kind.
38. Want any piercings? - I have my ears pierced, and I don’t really want anymore.
39. Blood type - No clue
40. Nicknames - Celle, Celst, Celest etc. My name is very mutable. My boyfriend calls me ‘’Mis’’, which translates into kitten, except that it sounds way less perverted in Danish.
41. Relationship status - Very taken ~
42. Zodiac -Pisces
43. Pronouns - She/Her
44. Fave tv shows - I don’t watch TV a lot, but I really like Brooklyn 99 (Watch it!!!)
45. Tattoos - none
46. Right or left handed - Right
47. Ever had surgery - I’ve had a few extra teeth pulled out surgically.
48. Piercings - My ears
49. Sport - I take a few morning exercise classes, but otherwise I’m a couch potato
50. Vacation - This weekend me, my mom and my sister went on a micro, one night trip to Malmö! We ate at a nice restaurant, slept at a beautiful historical hotel, saw an art exhibition about dance as a form of activism and went shopping.
51. Trainers - I’m not sure what you mean?
More General…
52. Eating - As in food I eat a lot? I eat a lot of Hummus.
53. Drinking - I drink a lot of tea, especially green tea. The physics students at my uni has their own student lounge where you can store tea and a personal cup, and I usually drink 3-4 cups at least every day.
54. I’m about to watch - Nothing really
55. Waiting for - The solutions to that assignment I’ve been procrastinating to magically drop into my lap 
56. Want - Good grades, money, and world peace. In that order.
57. Get married - Marriage is not important to me, so if I ever get married, it’ll be because it makes some paperwork more convenient. 
58. Career - I’m a physics student! My interests are cosmology, physical chemistry and complex systems, and my favorite thing to do is writing physical simulations
Which is better…
59. Hugs or kisses - Both, please.
60. Lips or eyes - Eyes.
61. Shorter or taller - Taller! I like feeling small
62. Older or younger -  I don’t care as long as the person is still close to my age.
63. Nice arms or stomach -A nice soft tummy I can lay my head on.
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - Hesitant
Have you ever…
66. Kissed a stranger - No
67. Drank hard liquor - Many times.
68. Lost glasses - all the time lol
69. Turned someone down - Yeah, several times
70. Sex on first date - No
71. Broken someones heart - A lot of heart breaking happens at boarding school
72. Had your heart broken - See the above^
73. Been arrested - No
74. Cried when someone died - Yes
75. Fallen for a friend - Yes
Do you believe in…
76. Yourself - She’s proven herself not to be very trustworthy, so no, I don’t trust that bitch at all.
77. Miracles - Nah
78. Love at first sight - Infantiation/Attraction at first sight, yes. Love is a complex emotion that requires knowing the other person, so no to that one
79. Santa clause - Nah
80. Kiss on a first date - I kissed my boyfriend before we started dating
81. Angels -  Nah
82. Best friend’s name - My boyfriend is the closest friend I’ve ever had, so Emil
83. Eye color - Blue
84. Fave movie - Mad Max: Fury Road for fiction. Particle Fever for a movie that shaped my career choices. Stealing Africa for a movie that changed the way I saw the world
85. Fave actor -  I’ve no clue 
I tag: @oehbiwan, @clanlavellan, @gaylienn, @winterlark-night, and uhhh literally anybody who sees it and wants to do it
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TheWrap spoke with Jones and Austin P. McKenzie, who plays him in part of “When We Rise.” McKenzie, best know for the Deaf West Theatre’s 2015 Broadway revival of “Spring Awakening,” plays the young Jones, while Guy Pearce plays him later in life.
TheWrap: Fifty years ago, CBS aired a special called “The Homosexuals,” in which Mike Wallace warned viewers the subject might be “disturbing.” What is it like to see this project air on a broadcast network?
Cleve Jones: It’s certainly a milestone and it’s very exciting, and I think for all of us real characters who were a part of this, we see this as an opportunity to move things forward. There are parts of it that are not exactly accurate, but it remains truthful to the movement and that’s what counts.
Why did you decide to take this on?
McKenzie: I remember reading the script for the first time in my apartment in New York City, and there are just some scripts you get, and the second you read it you just know you have to play the role. I didn’t really know why. I think maybe there was something about the way Cleve’s vulnerability was written. I was really connected to it.
Cleve, what is it like to have these actors portray you and figure out your mannerisms?
Jones: It’s an odd experience… I’ve been very fortunate to have three extremely talented actors portray me and could not be happier.
The Trump administration just rolled back protections for transgender students. The timing seems almost impeccable…
Jones: When we started working on the screenplay we certainly had no clue that any of this could have happened… If this series helps people figure out how to fight back, that’s good. But I’m not a single-issue person, and every issue I care about is at stake right now. So, it’s turning out to be appallingly timely.
Austin, do you consider yourself part of the LGBTQ community?
McKenzie: I consider myself a part of any movement that ‘s moving towards love and freedom and equality.
What did you learn from working on the series?
McKenzie: You don’t have to know the history of the movement or see the television show to want to fight for justice. I didn’t know any of this specific history. I didn’t know who Cleve Jones was or Roma Guy or Ken Jones, and I felt so privileged to have learned the history and to feel embraced by a community that is really rooting for this television show… Cleve was a big part of that learning process. When I first met him, he took me around the Castro. I call him the Jesus of the Castro Street… Cleve is so intimidating and then I met him, and he was like — I’m not sure I’m allowed to say it…
Jones: Watch it Austin!
McKenzie: He was rambunctious. I’ll say that much. I’m a big believer that you are as old as you act, and when when I met Cleve I felt like he was the youngest person I’d ever met. When I met him in San Francisco we walked around the Castro and he would point to the windows of an apartment he used to live in… He told me so many of  the windows of the Castro were splattered with blood from the riots, and he showed me the camera shop that Harvey [Milk] used to own… I think from then on, I really thought, I have to do this role the best that I can for Cleve. That was the end goal for me. I wanted to do justice by Cleve and that’s sort of what I woke up to on set every day.
Cleve, what was it like for you, knowing there’s a whole generation of gay people who have no real connection to this struggle, whether because they weren’t born yet or because there are so few people alive from that time?
Jones: I don’t blame younger generations for their lack of awareness. Americans in general are not interested in history. As I’m approaching 60, I was given so many death sentences over the years, that I realize I owe that to the movement and that’s not hyperbole, that’s not rhetoric. I would be dead if it weren’t for the movement.
Why a mini-series?
Jones: It’s all about the reach, of course. Even best-selling novels don’t have the reach of ABC. That’s just amazing. I think that it was smart for ABC to do this. They’re competing against very edgy boundary-pushing products out of Amazon and Netflix and Showtime and HBO and the rest. There’s an audience for it and I think the audience is huge.
Are you ready for what’s about to happen once this airs?
McKenzie: Am I ready for it? I’m too young to know anything about life. I’m trying to take it day by day.
Jones: I don’t anticipate that my life is going to change much as a result of this. I’m not a celebrity. I work for a a labor union. I’m an organizer. I live in a rent-controlled apartment in the Castro, trying to hang on here.
What do you think of the explosion in social engagement we’re seeing across the country these days?
Jones: I think it’s unlike anything this country has ever experienced, at least since the Great Depression or World War II. I think that’s how deep the crisis is. I believe we are entering into a period of political chaos. Out of that chaos is the potential for great evil, but there is also the possibility of great good.
Do you feel like Trump’s win has forced you out of retirement? 
Jones: Oh, who wants to to retire? What will I do? I don’t golf. I imagine I will drop dead on some picket line.
Austin, how has this changed you?
McKenzie: It’s going to sound strange, but I’m not really someone who likes to be in the spotlight. I’m not looking for fame. There’s a comfort in playing a real person because in a way, it takes the attention off me and puts it on this real person’s life.
Jones: I think I have to add something here. I don’t know Austin well, but I’ve paid attention to him for a while and this was an extremely difficult thing for him… He was subjected to a lot of pressure and real intense challenges and he had to struggle and he’s grown a lot as a man and is a stronger person because of this experience. I think he was profoundly changed by this experience in a very positive way and I’m proud of him.
Austin, that’s a nice compliment. How does that make you feel?
McKenzie: Wow. I feel known. I feel more respect for him. I’m just happy to hear that.
Cleve, what was it about Austin that made you and Lance think he was the right guy for the role?
Jones: We viewed videos of people reading the script. It was a bit different than my experience with “Milk” where I actually was aware of Emile [Hirsch] before. With Austin, his reading was good but then also there was this YouTube video of him performing. What’s the name of the song, Austin?
McKenzie: “Brother” by Matt Corby.
Jones: The quality of the video wasn’t great, but the performance gave me goosebumps.
Austin: I felt very happy that I could write that song for episode 3. I pitched a song called, “Thinking of You,” to Lance for the show and they took it. And when we first showed it to Cleve, that was a really good moment. I had written with the thought of some of the things Cleve went through, one of his lovers in particular, and they ended up using it and that was really satisfying for me.
You didn’t know each other before this project. How would you describe your relationship today?
McKenzie: The first day I met Cleve, and he’d spoken about “Milk” and Emile Hirsch, I remember him saying, “From this day forward we’re going to have a connection forever because you’re playing me and we’re going to have this connection regardless if we talk again or not.” I think that’s definitely true. I feel like I know him intimately now.
Jones: We’ve gotten to know each other and there will be a connection forever. It’s just how it is. The people that I met during “Milk,” those relationships are still evolving.
“When We Rise” premiers at 9/8c on ABC.
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londontheatre · 7 years
I usually try and start my reviews with a brief synopsis of the plot but in the case of Five Guys Named Moe that will be difficult because it’s pretty flimsy, to say the least.
Shambolic Nomax (played by Edward Baruwa) comes home all dishevelled after a heavy drinking session as he bemoans the fact that he’s having trouble with his girlfriend Lorraine he tries to call her but she won’t pick-up. He turns on the radio to hear the sound of Louis Jordan’s music coming out of the speaker. Then as he bemoans his fate, five men dressed in zoot suits from the forties emerge from inside the radio, from out of the drinks cabinet and even from the chair he’s is sitting on. These are the Five Guys Named Moe and they’re about to instruct Nomax about how to get Lorraine back – and that’s about it for the plot!
Five Guys Named Moe is all about watching some terrific performances, hearing some superb music and having a party to the jumping jive of Louis Jordan. Whilst it may not be the very first jukebox musical, it’s certainly one of the first and although it’s been re-imagined since it debuted at the Theatre Royal Stratford in 1990, it’s a lot of fun if you enter into the spirit of it.
Some of the songs such as “I Like ‘Em Fat Like That!” are sexist to say the least – one of the characters even apologises for any chauvinism in some of the songs. And as a piece featuring six black actors, at times it seemed a bit anachronistic in the twenty-first century. As Clarke Peters who wrote and directed the show says in his programme notes “Young black men today are not the same as they were twenty-five years ago” – “The Scottsboro Boys”, it ain’t. But if you’re into audience participation, singalongs and conga lines into the bar at the interval, then this is the show for you.
The Marble Arch Theatre is London’s newest performance space located in a Spiegeltent just a few feet away from the Arch itself. The foyer is decked out as a New Orleans jazz club with a band playing on a platform above the bar and real American candy available in the merchandise shop in the foyer. It’s a lively atmosphere which carries on into the auditorium with even the front of house people singing and moving to the pre-show music. The auditorium has cabaret tables in the middle and a circular walkway around it dividing those who paid a premium to sit in the bullring from the cheaper seats on the outside. There’s a stage at one end of the room with the band seated at the back but a lot of the action takes place on the walkway which revolves taking the performers around and keeping the action moving.
All five guys and Nomax are excellent. Ian Carlyle (Four-Eyed Moe) is the slightly camp, foxy character. Idriss Kargbo (Little Moe) is full of energy and pizazz and sings like a dream. Dex Lee (Know Moe) is the sexy one and along with Emile Ruddock (Eat Moe), tap dances superbly on the cabaret tables. The choreography and musical staging by Andrew Wright are animated and full of life and Steve Hill leads a terrific six-piece band that gives justice to the 27 Louis Jordan songs including the better known once such as “Saturday Night Fish Fry” and “Let The Good Times Roll”.
So, if you’re looking for a great night out and you feel like partying, this is the show for you. I suggest you get there early, have a couple of mint juleps and enter into the spirit of Five Guys Named Moe – you’ll have a ball.
Review by Alan Fitter
Nomax is single, broke and drinking his sorrows away when five guys named Moe – Big Moe, Little Moe, Eat Moe, Know Moe and Four-Eyed Moe – appear out of nowhere to help him straighten out and sing and dance his way to love!
A once in a lifetime experience awaits as you enter the Marble Arch Theatre, designed specifically for the show. Be transported to a red-hot 1940s New Orleans jazz club, complete with a wonderfully authentic cocktail bar and band-stand.
Featuring the irresistible hits of the original king of jazz Louis Jordan, including Is You Is Or Is You Ain’t My Baby, Early In The Morning, Choo Choo Ch’Boogie and, Saturday Night Fish Fry, Five Guys Named Moe is a theatrical event like no other.
Directed by Clarke Peters (The Wire) with musical staging and choreography by double Olivier Award nominee Andrew Wright (Half a Sixpence, Singin’ In The Rain, Guys & Dolls), inspired by Charles Augins’ original choreography.
Marble Arch Theatre Marble Arch London W1C 1CX Initial booking period 29 August 2017 – 25 November 2017 Monday – Saturday 7.45pm Thursday and Saturday matinees 2.30pm Opening Night 14 September 2017
http://ift.tt/2yeJqTf LondonTheatre1.com
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headcanons--on--ice · 8 years
Headcanon: the characters' favorite song* from the
Yuuri: once upon a time Victor: it’s raining somewhere else Yurio: your best friend, your best nightmare, megalovania Minami: Ghost fight Mila: sans Georgi: oh! One true love Guang-hong: heartache and fallen down Phichit: memory, undertale, his theme, hopes and dreams, save the world, finale Chris: death by glamour, power of neo Leo: sans, bird that carries you over a disproportionately small gap, snowdin town JJ: death by glamour, battle against a true hero, power of NEO Emil: core, metal crusher Seung-gil: dogsong, tem shop, temmie village Michele: spear of justice Sara: spider dance Otabek: nyeh heh heh, megalovania, waterfall
* some may have more than one
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