chicinsilk · 3 months
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US Vogue June 1975
Revlon Super Lustrous Cremes
Model Dayle Haddon
vogue archive
6 notes · View notes
browsethestacks · 6 months
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Vintage Comic - Witching Hour #055
Pencils: Luis Dominguez
Inks: Luis Dominguez
DC (June1975)
94 notes · View notes
more-relics · 2 years
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Pink Floyd  Wish You Were Here, June 9 1975, Capital Centre, Landover Maryland.  
197 notes · View notes
earlyback · 5 years
no further post....
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N & S
It's been a while...
I think, love is all about discovering the best versions of ourselves together with our significant other. It’s not about changing oneself to someone that they want you to be. It’s about accepting every little flaw, loving one’s weakness and bringing the greatest form, being the best half. 
I know I’ve been absent from FB a while now, and I hope you haven’t forgotten about me. Please rest assured I am not ignoring you. Please excuse me for basically dropping off the face of the earth. Disconnecting was exactly what I needed and I finally feel ready to get back to FB sometime soon. Here’s a little update about what has been happening and hopefully what’s to come:
The past few years was a blur, filled with long days and short weeks. It can be summed up with two words: ebullient and anxious.  These past few years have been transformative for me. I feel I’ve emerged from a metamorphosis, forever changed by the days that are now ahead of me. That is what I have conjecture right now.
At this point, I don’t know where my life is headed, but I’ve accepted that it will change. And I continue to believe that change will be for the better. There are so many things in this seemingly endless world. It’s truly full of possibilities, something I am learning not to  trepidation but to embrace.
The sun is perfect and you woke this morning. You have enough language in your mouth to be understood. You have a name, and someone wants to call it. Five fingers on your hand and someone wants to hold it. If we just start there, every beautiful thing that has and will ever exist is possible. If we start there, everything, for a moment, is right in the world.
There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s saying.
Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.
N - thanks for your patience and having faith in me.
S - Be patience and have faith in me. We can take our relationship further if you wish so.
in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually. till we meet again. 
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14 | 09 | 2019  |  a happy new Good Morning - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
post time : 08.08.12 am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
US being in love - since seven years (no.2) | since ten years (no.1) - double trouble.
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in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually. till we meet again.
since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
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in memories to no.1 - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite woman in my life - missing no.1 virtually. till we meet again. ** i miss talking with you.
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in memories to no.2 - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite woman in my life - missing no.2 virtually. till we meet again. ** i miss talking with you.
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in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually. till we meet again.
since seven years and ten years - double trouble.
33 notes · View notes
earlybeck · 5 years
no further post....
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N & S
It’s been a while…
I think, love is all about discovering the best versions of ourselves together with our significant other. It’s not about changing oneself to someone that they want you to be. It’s about accepting every little flaw, loving one’s weakness and bringing the greatest form, being the best half.
I know I’ve been absent from FB a while now, and I hope you haven’t forgotten about me. Please rest assured I am not ignoring you. Please excuse me for basically dropping off the face of the earth. Disconnecting was exactly what I needed and I finally feel ready to get back to FB sometime soon. Here’s a little update about what has been happening and hopefully what’s to come:
The past few years was a blur, filled with long days and short weeks. It can be summed up with two words: ebullient and anxious.  These past few years have been transformative for me. I feel I’ve emerged from a metamorphosis, forever changed by the days that are now ahead of me. That is what I have conjecture right now.
At this point, I don’t know where my life is headed, but I’ve accepted that it will change. And I continue to believe that change will be for the better. There are so many things in this seemingly endless world. It’s truly full of possibilities, something I am learning not to  trepidation but to embrace.
The sun is perfect and you woke this morning. You have enough language in your mouth to be understood. You have a name, and someone wants to call it. Five fingers on your hand and someone wants to hold it. If we just start there, every beautiful thing that has and will ever exist is possible. If we start there, everything, for a moment, is right in the world.
There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s saying.
Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.
N - thanks for your patience and having faith in me.
S - Be patience and have faith in me. We can take our relationship further if you wish so.
in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually. till we meet again.
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14 | 09 | 2019  |  a happy new Good Morning - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
post time : am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
US being in love - since seven years (no.2) | since ten years (no.1) - double trouble.
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in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually. till we meet again.
since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
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in memories to no.1 - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite woman in my life - missing no.1 virtually. till we meet again. ** i miss talking with you.
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in memories to no.2 - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite woman in my life - missing no.2 virtually. till we meet again. ** i miss talking with you.
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in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually. till we meet again.
since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
6 notes · View notes
khabaruttarakhandki · 4 years
इमरजेंसी की ‘बरसी’ पर अमित शाह का कांग्रेस पर निशाना, कहा-ऐसे नेता जो एक वंश के नहीं, बोल क्‍यों नहीं..
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अमित शाह ने इमरजेंसी को लेकर कांग्रेस के खिलाफ कई ट्वीट किए हैं
नई दिल्ली:
देश के इतिहास में 25 जून की तारीख एक विवादास्‍पद फैसले के लिए याद की जाती है. तत्‍कालीन प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी ने 25 जून 1975 को ही देश में आपातकाल (Imposition of the Emergency) लागू किया था, इसके तहत सरकार का विरोध करने वाले तमाम नेताओं को जेल में ठूंस दिया गया था और सख्‍त कानून लागू करते हुए आम लोगों के अधिकार का सीमित किया गया था. आपातकाल यानी इमरजेंसी को स्‍वतंत्र भारत के इतिहास का सबसे विवादास्‍पद और गैर लोकत्रांतिक फैसला माना जाता है और तत्‍कालीन पीएम इंदिरा गांधी (Indira Gandhi) को इसकी कीमत बाद में लोकसभा चुनाव में मिली हार के साथ चुकानी पड़ी थी. तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति फ़ख़रुद्दीन अली अहमद ने तत्कालीन भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री इन्दिरा गांधी की सिफारिश पर भारतीय संविधान की धारा 352 के अधीन आपातकाल की घोषणा की थी. इमरजेंसी को आज 45 साल हो गए. इस मौके पर बीजेपी नेता और केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने कई ट्वीट कर कांग्रेस पार्टी (Congress) पर निशाना साधा है. 
On this day, 45 years ago one family’s greed for power led to the imposition of the Emergency. Overnight the nation was turned into a prison. The press, courts, free speech…all were trampled over. Atrocities were committed on the poor and downtrodden.
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) June 25, 2020
Due to efforts of lakhs of people, the Emergency was lifted. Democracy was restored in India but it remained absent in the Congress. The interests of one family prevailed over party interests and national interests. This sorry state of affairs thrives in today’s Congress too!
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) June 25, 2020
As one of India’s opposition parties, Congress needs to ask itself:
Why does the Emergency mindset remain?
Why are leaders who don’t belong to 1 dynasty unable to speak up?
Why are leaders getting frustrated in Congress?
Else, their disconnect with people will keep widening.
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) June 25, 2020
यह भी पढ़ें
अमित शाह (Amit Shah) ने अपने ट्वीट में लिखा, ‘इस दिन, 45 साल पहले सत्ता की खातिर एक परिवार के लालच ने आपातकाल लागू कर दिया. रातों रात देश को जेल में तब्‍दील कर दिया गया गया. प्रेस, अदालतें, भाषण … सब खत्म हो गए. गरीबों और दलितों पर अत्याचार किए गए.’ एक अन्‍य ट्वीट में शाह ने कहा- लाखों लोगों के प्रयासों के कारण, आपातकाल हटा लिया गया था. भारत में लोकतंत्र बहाल हो गया था लेकिन यह कांग्रेस में गैरमौजूद रहा. परिवार के हित, पार्टीऔर राष्ट्रीय हितों पर हावी थे. यह खेदजनक स्थिति आज की कांग्रेस में भी पनपती है!”
शाह यही नहीं रुके, उन्‍होंने दो और ट्वीट कर लिखा- CWC की हालिया बैठक के दौरान, वरिष्ठ सदस्यों और छोटे सदस्यों ने कुछ मुद्दों को उठाया. लेकिन उनका मुंह बंद कर दिया गया. पार्टी के एक प्रवक्ता को बिना सोचे समझे बर्खास्त कर दिया गया. दुखद सच्चाई यह है कि कांग्रेस में नेता घुटन महसूस कर रहे हैं.” अपने एक अन्‍य ट्वीट में शाह लिखते हैं, ”आपातकाल की मानसिकता आखिर क्यों रहती है? ऐसे नेता जो एक वंश के नहीं हैं, बोलने में असमर्थ क्यों हैं? कांग्रेस में नेता क्यों निराश हो रहे हैं?”  
Source link
from WordPress https://hindi.khabaruttarakhandki.in/%e0%a4%87%e0%a4%ae%e0%a4%b0%e0%a4%9c%e0%a5%87%e0%a4%82%e0%a4%b8%e0%a5%80-%e0%a4%95%e0%a5%80-%e0%a4%ac%e0%a4%b0%e0%a4%b8%e0%a5%80-%e0%a4%aa%e0%a4%b0-%e0%a4%85%e0%a4%ae%e0%a4%bf%e0%a4%a4-%e0%a4%b6/
0 notes
browsethestacks · 11 months
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Vintage Comic - Werewolf By Night #030
Pencils: Gil Kane
Inks: John Romita
Marvel (June1975)
122 notes · View notes
browsethestacks · 8 months
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Vintage Comic - Richie Rich Success #062
Pencils: Warren Kremer
Inks: Warren Kremer
Harvey (June1975)
13 notes · View notes
earlyback · 5 years
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08 | 06 | 2019  |  a happy new day Good Morning - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
post time : 08.08.26 am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
US being in love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
pic : @grishina_kate
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Tumblr media am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
7 notes · View notes
earlyback · 5 years
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08 | 09 | 2019  |  a happy new Sunday Good Morning - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
post time : 11.18.26 am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
US being in love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
Pic : www.gingerseyes.com
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“You make the small moments special. Life is not going to be full of heart throbbing thrills and non-stop adventure, but when it slows down, I'll know I can sit with you, talk with you, or hold you in my hands, and still feel like I'm going 1000 miles an hour.” — Beau Taplin
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Tumblr media am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
1 note · View note
earlyback · 5 years
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07 | 09 | 2019  |  a happy new day Good Morning - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
post time : 11.18.26 am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
US being in love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
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youtube am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
1 note · View note
earlyback · 5 years
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26 | 05 | 2019  |  a happy new day  Sunday Good Morning - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
to them - listen adequate music : c - d - s - k - k - a
post time : 07.46.21 am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
US being in love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
pic : www.chrisandruth.com
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LYRICAL: Slow Motion | Bharat | Salman Khan, Disha Patani | Vishal &Shekhar Feat. Nakash A ,Shreya G
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Cheez Badi Full Video | Machine | Mustafa & Kiara Advani | Udit Narayan & Neha Kakkar
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Akh Lad Jaave | Loveyatri | Aayush S|Warina H |Badshah, Tanishk Bagchi,Jubin N, ,Asees K
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Pyar Ho - Full Video Song | Munna Michael | Tiger Shroff & Nidhhi Agerwal | Vishal & Sunidhi
Tumblr media am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
2 notes · View notes
earlyback · 5 years
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07 | 06 | 2019  |  a happy new day Good Morning - for us being in love.
You - m i S S
post time : 08.46.21 am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
US being in love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
pic : @grishina_kate
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Tumblr media am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
1 note · View note
earlybeck · 5 years
your hand touching mine. this is how galaxies collide. i want to be in love with you..
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“your hand touching mine. this is how galaxies collide.”
Sanober Khan
“i want to be in love with you the same way i am in love with the moon with the light shining out of its soul.”
Sanober Khan
“in the afterglow of an evening rain i lay down in the grass and think of you my body aches like an after-kiss breaking in soft fires and wildflowers my dear, i will always be this tender for you.”
Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since ten years and since seven years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am clip **Hairat - Anjaana Anjaani upload : 12.25 pm**in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since ten years and since seven years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
A great scene and a great song.  Looking at it he seems to be passing this mosaic that could represent the changing colors of the sixties. am clip **Mad Men - Welcome Back upload : 12.25 pm**in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since ten years and since seven years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am clip **Safarnama - Tamasha upload : 12.25 pm**in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since ten years and since seven years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am clip **Spencer Davis - I'm A Man upload : 12.25 pm**in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.1 and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since ten years and since seven years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you. am | a happy new day wishes - I want morning , noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses. missing no.1 and no.2 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since ten years and since seven years - double trouble.
You - m i S S
to them - listen adequate music : c - d - s - k - k - a
post time : 12.46.21 pm
VW - NS - us being in fervent love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
pic : www.heathernanphoto.com
1 note · View note
earlyback · 5 years
your hand touching mine. this is how galaxies collide. i want to be in love with you..
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“your hand touching mine. this is how galaxies collide.”
Sanober Khan
“i want to be in love with you the same way i am in love with the moon with the light shining out of its soul.”
Sanober Khan
“in the afterglow of an evening rain i lay down in the grass and think of you my body aches like an after-kiss breaking in soft fires and wildflowers my dear, i will always be this tender for you.”
Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtuallymatter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am | clip **Hairat - Anjaana Anjaani upload : 12.25 pm ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtuallymatter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
A great scene and a great song.  Looking at it he seems to be passing this mosaic that could represent the changing colors of the sixties. am | clip **Mad Men - Welcome Back upload : 12.25 pm ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtuallymatter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am | clip **Safarnama - Tamasha upload : 12.25 pm ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtuallymatter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am | clip **Spencer Davis - I'm A Man upload : 12.25 pm ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtuallymatter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you. am | a happy new day wishes - I want morning , noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses. missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble.
You - m i S S
to them - listen adequate music : c - d - s - k - k - a
post time : 12.46.21 pm
VW - SN - us being in fervent love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
pic : www.heathernanphoto.com
1 note · View note
earlyback · 5 years
Love grants us the power to forgive, to love when we’re hurt, but it also gives us the courage to let go, and the understanding that to love, we love freely—at our own choice.
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“Love grants us the power to forgive, to love when we’re hurt, but it also gives us the courage to let go, and the understanding that to love, we love freely—at our own choice.”
“In life there might be rules. In love there are no exceptions to those rules. No one is spared from heartbreak. We all suffer it at some point or another. You simply can’t control who you love and in particular, you can’t control what kind of person they are.”
J.C. Reed, The Lover’s Game
“like a blinking cursor on an empty page, it was just the first thing. The beginning of the beginning. but at least it was done.” “It was kind of soothing, these sounds of lives being lived all around me, for better or for worse. and there I was, in the middle of them all, newly reborn and still waiting for mine to begin.”
“When he first put his arms around her, it was tentative, like maybe he expected She’d pull away. When She didn’t, he moved in closer, his hands smoothing over her shoulders, and in her mind She saw herself retreating a million times when people tried to do this same thing. this time, though, She gave in. She let Wes pull her against him, pressing her head against his chest, where She could feel his heart beating, steady and true.”
“Everything always gets crazy at the end. You just have to keep going, regardless of how awful it gets. So that’s what I do.”
“there is never,” Kristy said adamantly, “a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”
“that was the thing. You just never knew. forever was so many different things. It was always changing, it was what everything was really all about. It was twenty minutes, or a hundred years, or just this instant, or any instant I wished would last and last. but there was only one truth about forever that really mattered, and that was this: it was happening.”
Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media am **in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtuallymatter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am | clip **Brett Eldredge - "Love Someone" upload : 10.26 am ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am | clip **Surrender To Me - Richard Marx upload : 10.26 am ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am | clip **Brett Eldredge - The Long Way upload : 10.26 am ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you.
youtube am | clip **Discovery of Witches - Lissie Go Your Own Way upload : 10.26 am ** in memories to both. - witty, piquant, minded and exquisite women in my life - missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble. ** i miss talking with you. am | a happy new day wishes - I want morning , noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses. missing no.2 and no.1 virtually matter till we meet again - for us being in love - since seven years and ten years - double trouble.
You - m i S S
to them - listen adequate music : c - d - s - k - k - a
post time : 11.18.26 am
VW - SN - us being in fervent love - since seven years | since ten years - double trouble.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
pic : www.light-meets-love.com
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