sollannaart · 5 months
Józef Poniatowski’s women.
Part V. The rest of ladies who might have been of some interest to him
Good day everyone and let me share with the rest of information I possess on Prince Poniatowski's love interests. (Though, I have to admit, the ladies from this list were the least likely - from all the mentioned in these series of post - to have some kind of affair with Pepi.
To start I would like by Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the queen of Prussia.
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On the right - unidentified artist, miniature portrait of Prince Poniatowski, 19th century. On the left - portrait of Queen Louise by Giuseppe Grassi, 1802.
Prince Józef had the opportunity to meet the wife of the king Frederick William III at least four times, because the royal couple visited Warsaw - which had become a part of Prussia as a result of the third partition of Poland - three times, in 1798, 1802 and 1805. And in 1802 Poniatowski himself had to go to Berlin, to settle the matter of the inheritance left by his uncle Stanisław August.
According to Juliusz Fałkowski, while at Warsaw Prince Józef "…gave a ball and a dinner in the Copper-Roof palace in their honor [the King and Queen of Prussia - A.S.] and was flirting with the Queen everywhere", for which he received the star of the black eagle, although he rather "expected something else from the beautiful queen." After the departure of the royal couple, "he longed a little for the crowned beauty who had easily won his heart in passing."
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An Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun painting of Queen Louise, c. 1801
The second source that mentions the relationship between these two is the book by Marian Brandys "Kozietulski i inni", which states (without giving sources, unfortunately) that during Pepi's visit to the capital of Prussia "… it was also said that the beautiful Queen Louise fell in love with in a knightly Pole."
However, if you ask my opinion about the likelihood of an affair between Pepi and the Queen of Prussia, I will say that in my opinion he was "flirting" her to make it easier to solve the inheritance problem. As for the fact that she could also be in love with the prince, I have no opinion because my knowledge about Queen Louise is not very great.
The second lady in today's list will be prince Józef's first cousin once removed, Anetka Potocka (née Tyszkiewicz, the daughter of Konstancja Poniatowska and a grand-daughter of prince Kazimierz, the oldest of the Poniatowski siblings).
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On the left - Poniatowski's portrait by Franciszek Paderewski, on the right - Portrait of Anetka Tyszkiewiczówna, Giuseppe Grassi, 1796.
Born in 1779, she was 16 years younger than Pepi, and she remained unmarried for quite a long time, becoming the wife of the Count Aleksander Potocki in 1805. (Marian Brandys, in the biography of Anetka's uncle prince Stanisław, states that some time before 1791 there was an idea to join all the Poniatowski estates marring Stanisław to his niece, but it was eventually abandoned.) The marriage brought them three children, but after 16 years Anetka asked for divorce and then wedded Colonel Stanisław Dunin-Wąsowicz. During the times of the Duchy of Warsaw, she was a frequent guest at the Copper Roof Palace, visited Paris, witnessed Napoleon's sojourns in Warsaw, with all of those events been described later in her memoirs.
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Portrait of Countess Dunin Wąsowicz, Anna née Tyszkiewicz, 1836.
As for her relationship with Prince Józef, it were her own words that made Fałkowski write that "the beautiful prince fell in love with Anetka" although "it was a platonic feeling".
"… Mrs. Aleksandrowa (Anetka Potocka - AS ) herself half-admitted thisin her old age. ''On disait alors que le Prince Joseph avait pour moi un sentiment plus tendre que l'amitié (it was said that Prince Joseph had for me a feeling more tender than friendship),' she would recalled with a dreamy expression on her face."
The second thing that leads historians to believe that Pepi could have distinguished this cousin of his from other relatives is the provision in his will, according to which she was to receive, after the death of the prince's sister, Teresa Tyszkiewicz, his favorite palace in Jabłonna near Warsaw. And when this did happen, Anetka ordered a triumphal arch to be built in the park in memory of Prince Józef.
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The palace in Jabłonna, 2019
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The triumphal arch from Jabłonna's park, 2019
And collage of mine is an illustration to the part dedicated to the rest of the women, whose portraits I wasn't able find. And honestly, the evidence that they might have been Prince Józef's love interests is very weak. But, since historians from time to time do mention these ladies' names, I thought them worth being included as well…
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For example, in the prince's testament, together with Henriette de Vauban, Zofia Czosnowska and the above mentioned Anetka Potocka, there was mentioned Elżbieta Merlini, the daughter of Dominique Merlini, an Italian architect, the last main builder of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. But such concern for the architect's daughter may have been explained by a sense of moral debt to her father, which the prince Józef inherited from King Stanisław with the rest of the things.
Then, the list of Pepi's women sometimes complemented by another "Elżbieta" - Cichocka (although her real names were Emilia Karolina - or Katarzyna) née Bachmińska I° voto Szymanowska, II° voto Cichocka, III° voto Abramowiczowa. It is said she even sojourned in Jabłonna before 1810, until being apparently forced by Zofia Czosnowska to leave the place. After that Madame Cichocka went to Vilna, where she married her third husband. However, what IMHO should be taken into account in regards with this lady is that her second husband, Michał Cichocki, was an illegitimate son of Stanisław August, which might have made Prince Józef consider her a relative and thus take care about.
The same can be said about Madame Kicka - Józefa Martyna Rozalia née Szydłowska, who was a sister of Elżbieta Grabowska, another mistress of King Stanisław.
Sometimes the names of women who were friends and companions of Madame de Vauban are also included to the list of prince Józef's love interests. Those are: Anna Krasińska, a relative of general Krasiński and the wife of Mikołaj Oppeln-Bronikowski; Salomea Wielhorska née Dembińska; Anna Trębicka née Czerska, future wife of general Kamieniecki, and Józefa Potocka née Sollohub.
PS. As the regular visitors to the Copper Roof Palace are as well mentioned two ladies of the surname Walewska: Józefina née Lubomirska, the wife of Adam Walewski and the future wife General Witt, and Maria, the wife of Anastazy Walewski. The first of them was known for her kind of loose behavior, so presumably she might have at least flirted with Pepi; the second one is the famous Maria Walewska, but all I know about her makes me think her love for the emperor left no room in her heart for other men.
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Portrait of Maria Walewska by Robert Lefèvre
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polish-spirit · 2 years
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Pałac Poniatowskich w Jabłonnej (1918-1939).
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russianreader · 2 years
You Don't Speak for Us
You Don’t Speak for Us
A Statement by the Free Nations League Regarding the Convocation of a Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation in Poland From open sources, we have learned about an undertaking to convene a Congress of People’s Deputies in the town of Jabłonna, Poland (November 4–7, 2022). The delegates to the Congress are parliamentary deputies of different years and different levels who were…
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dk4project · 10 months
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Dnia 14.11.2023 roku przed godziną 20 doszło do zderzenia samochodów osobowych w wyniku czego jeden z nich dachował. Zdarzenie miało miejsce na Drodze Krajowej nr 61 na granicy Legionowa i Michałowa-Reginowa. Na miejscu były zastępy z JRG i OSP Legionowo, patrole Policji, Zespół Ratownictwa Medycznego, służba drogowa. Ponadto, na drodze wylądował zespół Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego.
Z kolei, na rondzie im. Biskupów Płockich w Jabłonnie doszło do zderzenia karetki z samochodem osobowym. Z niepotwierdzonych informacji wynika, że Zespół Ratownictwa Medycznego udawał się na miejsce zdarzenia w pobliżu Centrum Szkolenia Policji w Legionowie. Na miejscu interweniowało JRG 10 Warszawa, OSP Jabłonna oraz patrol Policji.
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purpurowy-dym · 1 year
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Na pożegnanie
Jabłonna 10.08.23
Ze wspaniałym zespołem Biedronek! ❤️
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emilfeler · 1 year
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Warszawa - Jabłonna, 25 czerwca 2023, część 1
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amartranslationspl · 1 year
Tłumaczenia francuski Jabłonna Lacka
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Tłumaczenia francuski Język francuski należy do grupy języków trudnych, więc jego opanowanie wymaga wielu lat praktyki. Wyjeżdżasz do pracy, na ferie lub w innych celach do Francji i potrzebujesz przetłumaczonej dokumentacji? Nic prostszego. Zgłoś się do nas, a otrzymasz profesjonalne tłumaczenie dokumentacji różnego typu, takiej jak dokumentacja lekarska, prawnicza, pisma formalne, dokumenty biznesowe i korporacyjne i wiele innych wymaganych dokumentów, których będziesz potrzebować we Francji – szukam tłumaczenia szeptanki cennik . Tłumaczenia z języka francuskiego praktykowane przez profesjonalistów Biegłość języka francuskiego nie jest tak powszechna w Polsce, jak to jest w przypadku języka niemieckiego czy angielskiego. Jeśli chcesz w solidny sposób przełożyć pocztę w języku AmaR Translations - biuro tłumaczeń. Tłumaczenia pisemne tekstów specjalistycznych: prawnych. Tłumaczenia ustne: szeptanki. Tłumaczenia konferencyjne z zapewnieniem sprzętu i obsługą techniczną. Tłumaczenia przysięgłe, pisemne tłumaczenia: sądowych. Tłumaczenia ustne przysięgłe w urzędach. tłumacz angielsko-niemiecki, tłumacz niderlandzko-polski i holendersko-polski, tłumacz polsko-rosyjski, tłumacz angielsko-niemiecki. AmaR TRANSLATIONS - Tłumaczenia Techniczne, Specjalistyczne i Przysięgłe ul. Ogrodowa 28/30 lok. 423 00-896 Warszawa Tel. +48 22 393 39 00
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zehub · 2 years
Des Russes anti-Kremlin se réunissent en Pologne pour « dégager » Vladimir Poutine et prendre les armes – EURACTIV.fr
D’anciens responsables politiques russes anti-Kremlin se sont réunis à Jabłonna, près de Varsovie, pour discuter de l’avenir de la Russie et établir des plans visant à évincer Vladimir Poutine.
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kosmostudio · 4 years
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lamus-dworski · 7 years
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Votive tree in Jabłonna, Poland. Gelatin silver process photography © Marcin Sudziński, via desa.pl
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polish-spirit · 5 years
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Wnętrze pałacu Poniatowskich w Jabłonnej (1926).
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zyciestolicy · 3 years
Kradł z magazynu mundury policyjne i wojskowe, potem sprzedawał koledze
Kradł z magazynu mundury policyjne i wojskowe, potem sprzedawał koledze
Właściciele firmy produkującej odzież mundurową poinformowali policjantów z Jabłonny o kradzieży towaru z ich magazynu. Praca operacyjna funkcjonariuszy oraz ich dobre rozpoznanie w środowisku przestępczym zaowocowały zatrzymaniem dwóch mężczyzn.  Na początku lutego do jednej z firm produkującej odzież mundurową na terenie powiatu legionowskiego wezwano policyjny patrol. Zastani na miejscu…
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fotograffx · 3 years
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A google mi pokazały że 9 lat temu... #nocą #jesień #aleja #jabłonna #portret #nikonphotographer #patronite (w: FotoGrafFX) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7pJpwIEty/?utm_medium=tumblr
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emilfeler · 1 year
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Warszawa - Jabłonna, 25 czerwca 2023, część 2
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amartranslationspl · 1 year
Tłumaczenia turecki Jabłonna Lacka
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Tłumaczenia turecki Język turecki zaliczany jest do języków egzotycznych, wobec czego niewielu jest profesjonalnych tłumaczy. Zajmujemy się tłumaczeniem z języka tureckiego i na odwrót zarówno pism firmowych i biznesowych, jak i dokumentacji prywatnych dla klientów indywidualnych. Korzystając z naszych usług, dostajesz gwarancję skrupulatnego i profesjonalnego tłumaczenia dowolnego typu pism – Amar Translations – tłumaczenia medyczne . Tłumaczenia z języka tureckiego praktykowane przez profesjonalistów Współpracujemy z wieloma tłumaczami, dlatego jeżeli jesteś przedsiębiorcą, który pracuje z różnymi krajami i potrzebuje fachowego przetłumaczenia pism w języku tureckim, wybierzemy spośród naszych tłumaczy najbardziej kompetentną dla Ciebie osobę. W zależności od branży i charakteru amar-translations.pl - biuro tłumaczeń. Tłumaczenia pisemne tekstów specjalistycznych: medycznych. Tłumaczenia ustne: symultaniczne. Tłumaczenia konferencyjne z zapewnieniem sprzętu i obsługą techniczną. Tłumaczenia przysięgłe, pisemne tłumaczenia: dokumentów urzędowych. Tłumaczenia ustne przysięgłe u notariusza. tłumacz niemiecko-angielski, tłumacz polsko-niemiecki, tłumacz angielsko-niemiecki, tłumacz polsko-portugalski. AmaR TRANSLATIONS - Tłumaczenia Techniczne, Specjalistyczne i Przysięgłe ul. Ogrodowa 28/30 lok. 423 00-896 Warszawa Tel. +48 22 393 39 00
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sollannaart · 3 years
Answers to the “Favourite Historical Figure: Ask Game”
About prince Józef Poniatowski, of course ;)
Because @josefavomjaaga and @tairin​ asked me kinda similar questions (4, 6 and 10 and 6 and 15) I decided to answer to both in one post.
And because I am a “perfectionist” and I like to illustrate my posts with images, it took me some time to prepare everything, that is why I am answering only now.
As for illustrations chosen - this time all of them are made by the Polish painter Bronisław Gembarzewski.
4. In your eyes, what is their biggest strength?
A little bit difficult question to answer, I have to admit. Because nowadays prince Józef is usually liked for his patriotism, and his contemporaries noted in him such virtues as kindness and braveness. (And for this he was especially loved by him inferiors - by soldiers.)
The feature of prince Józef’s character which, however, appeal to me most of all is his self-criticism. Because - judging by the correspondence, memoires about him etc which was left - if Poniatowski didn’t know something he would openly admit it. And never was prince Poniatowski arrogant, at meetings of the Council of Ministers, as Kajetan Koźmian recalled, when asked for opinion, he almost always started with these words: "I in my stupid sense think...", though the things with which prince Józef proceeded then were usually precise and clear.
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Prince Józef’s in his study in Jabłonna palace.
6. In your opinion, what is their biggest flaw?
Oh, this one will be a little bit easy to answer. In his lifetime, especially before 1809, prince Józef was often accused of being too frivolous, of leading a life too merry, but from my point of view this is a kind of “features”, not flaws.
What really, in my opinion, might have bad influence on his life is that he, being a military commander, was often too indulgent towards those inferiors of him with whom he was in good terms. Remember, in one of the previous posts I wrote that after creation of the Duchy of Warsaw a lot of youth from the  “Blacha’s people” joined the Army? Thus automatically becoming Poniatowski’s subordinates. And he continued with them like nothing happened, like the were still only friends of him. (In the case, for example, of jumping naked around the fire in 1809, about which general Fiszer complained, no one, in fact, was punished.)
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Infantry regiment review in the courtyard of the palace "Pod Blachą".
10. What is your favourite quote by / about them?
Oh, to this one it will also be interesting to answer. The first phrase, which can into my mind, was Napoleon’s sentence from Saint-Helene, that “Poniatowski was the man which should have been made the king of Poland”. But knowing prince Józef’s reluctance this is not the case.
The second variant was a phrase attributed to him, supposedly pronounced just before his death: “God has entrusted me with the honor of the Poles, to him only I will only give it” (”Bóg mi powierzył honor Polaków, Bogu go tylko oddam”). But modern historians have a lot of doubts whether Poniatowski in fact said something like this, so this looks like to be a legend.
But there is another phrase, also attributed to prince Józef at Leipzig, it is shorter and it sounds much more probable - “Il faut mourir en brave” (We must die brave, one must die brave), and this is the quote I like most all.
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The death of prince Józef in the battle of Nation at Leipzig
15.  Describe them in one sentence
This, finally, will be very easy, because this kind of “slogan” came into my mind a couple of month ago, during a chat with one of my virtual friends, and is stuck there since then. “He wasn’t quick at setting his mind, but having set was faithful till the end.” Or just “faithful till the end”.
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Prince Joseph gives the order to attack in the battle of Raszyn
And thanks a lot for asking!
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