#Jack Nelson x Shelby sister
evita-shelby · 7 months
Beware the Ides of March!
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Grab your knives and togas and join me on this Tumblr Holiday where we celebrate the murder of Julius Caeser.
🥖send a prompt for a moodboard or a fic where the only requirements are: must have a murder, a knife, and/or a party
🍷 write a fic or a moodboard with the same requirements from the list above
🫒 let's play Caption This! Send a gif or picture of a character(ocs welcome!) And I'll supply the caption. You can also send the caption and i will find the gif or picture
🗡 the Gladiator Arena: send me a poll and the participants and let's see who wins the fight!
Won't be restricting myself to just peaky characters, every character I've written for be it a cillian murphy character, BBC's World on Fire and now, Masters of the Air
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chaosinkest1996 · 11 months
Lilith Rose Shelby Peaky Blinders
Pre-Series 1
First Blood
First Kiss
Series 6
Jealous Man
Post Series 6
In The Graveyard with Lilith Rose Shelby (and Jack Nelson)
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“As The Crow Flies” (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader) — PART 4 (FINALE)
SUMMARY — By all accounts Anna Gray died in Australia and had no business standing in Alfie’s living room, nor calling the man “darling” for that matter. But there you were, identical to the picture they took when they shipped you off to the colonies.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — I feel like, perhaps, that is enough said in that little Alfie corner of mine. I'm not sure if I will return with any more stories. Thank you so much for the support along the way! I love you all dearly. One more note, some dialogue here is directly stolen from the show, because it was just too good not to.
WORD COUNT — 2,434
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You stayed observant through that bizarre meeting at Tommy’s equally bizarre mansion and gathered information as quietly and efficiently as you were taught to do. As you quickly learned, in Tommy’s new circles nobody suspected women of anything. This, you suspected, would surely be their downfall.
Jack Nelson was as infuriating as you had expected him to be. Not only did he insult your entire family by pretty much assuming you all still lived in caravans and told fortunes, he continued to be offensive even when he didn’t speak. Which wasn’t often. The man loved to hear the sound of his own voice and didn’t try to hide it.
Your infamous sister-in-law, Gina Gray, didn’t take too kindly to another woman present at the table—but seeing as she had felt so emboldened to restructure the Shelby organisation pretty much straight off the boat, you didn’t pay her any mind. She earned herself no favours with her ill-placed boldness.
What did amuse you most was the perpetual scowl on Lady Diana’s face, along with Oswald Mosley’s poorly concealed surprise at your presence. For a split of a second you regretted you had agreed to the plan. Perhaps you should have stayed in Margate… As your husband would say, life was so much easier when you were dead.
But it was too late to dwell on it. Somehow, both sides of your family came to accept a consensus those weeks ago, when the Shelbys invaded your seaside sanctuary on a misguided rescue mission. If there ever was a moment to compare your life to “Beauty and the Beast,” that would probably have been it.
Now one foot in the Shelby camp, one with the Solomonses, you really had to try very hard not to laugh in Jack Nelson’s face when he opened his mouth once more and the following came out:
“So you’re the sister,” he pointed to Ada whose scowl in comparison to Lady Diana’s was truly unmatched, “you’re the aunt,” he looked at Polly, “and you… You are cousins with Thomas, which I suppose makes you the sister-in-law to my favourite niece. How queer.” 
“Astute observation,” you muttered.
Jack Nelson remained unaffected. It seemed he could only pay attention to the words he spoke, the rest was lost to him.
“So it seems you and I are in the minority, Mr. Mosley. This,” Jack let out a humourless chuckle, “this feels too much like a witch coven and too little like a business meeting. Meant no offence, ladies.”
“Oh, Jack, you’re so blunt!” Gina rolled her eyes and gladly accepted her drink from Mosley.
“How refreshing,” sighed Lady Diana, “a man who isn’t careful with his words.”
Fish out of water, you didn’t comment, but Polly then spoke for the both of you:
“Yes, surely speaking your mind around gangsters should prove most beneficial.” She lit a cigarette in her usual dramatic way and handed you a match. You lit yours, too.
Jack looked at you both with an incredulous look, then let out a most uncomfortable chortle.
“I can see the family resemblance, you know…” He pointed towards you then turned to Gina. “Doesn’t she look just like Michael with that stony stare? I wondered… I wondered, sister dear, if you weren’t a fake, but now I see the Shelbys have not one lying bone in their bodies.”
How about the Solomonses?, you thought to yourself, but otherwise responded by leaning back in your seat and blowing out the cigarette smoke at the ceiling. Fortunately, the details of your marriage remained undisclosed for non-family members, because they weren’t yet useful.
And you didn’t consider the Americans your family.
Your indifference didn’t earn you any allies, but at least it seemed that Jack Nelson was most content when monologuing, so you let it be. Better they thought you a moron instead of suspecting the plot.
“Now, see, this is what I was hoping to hear from Thomas Shelby himself, but I wonder… What does Shelby Company Limited actually do?” Jack asked then, looking like the cat that ate the canary.
Oh, he thinks himself so smart, you thought, still silent as a grave.
Ada glared at him instead, like one might at a roach, and you started to wonder how many in the present company were actually holding any weapons. Gina looked too doped to care, you reasoned, and Lady Diana would never get her hands dirty, this much you could already tell after having known her for about thirty minutes. Jack might be carrying a piece and Mosley too, but both looked entirely too placated and confident in the company of women.
Of course, having predicted your fiery nature, you remained under strict orders from Tommy not to murder anyone. Yet. Alfie judged him well, you thought. Tommy truly could read anyone’s character like an open book.
But, as things stood, you were under no orders that concerned you plotting, and so you plotted in silence. Killing one of them would probably mean the other would attack immediately, but which would be easier to subdue should the occasion arise? You considered that precise conundrum when the door to the parlour opened once more and in it stood Tommy Shelby.
“Apologies for the delay, gentlemen. Ladies.” 
Now Tommy, you reasoned, he’d probably be greatly opposed to you starting a shootout in his home, but then he wouldn’t dare to kill you, not in front of Polly, and probably not while Alfie still drew breath. But by gods, you were growing tired of Jack Nelson’s tongue.
As Tommy sat down, a cigarette between his lips and a glass of Irish whiskey in his hand, you looked him in the eye and let yourself smile just a little. As far as cousins went, Tommy wasn’t so terrible.
“Tommy,” Gina cajoled. “Care to finally clue us in?”
“In what?” Tommy asked, his face a stony mask that revealed nothing, but somehow you already knew he despised the woman just as much as you all did.
Despite Jack Nelson’s sincerest efforts in assumption, though, your family wasn’t yet adept in mind reading and further explanations had to follow:
“Now, Mr. Shelby, Gina tells me this young lady there, your cousin, was presumed dead for the past decade or so,” said Mosley. “How curious indeed. I wonder why she is then present at the meeting? Is she sympathetic to the cause?”
The thought of a shootout came back to you like lightning. This time you got slightly panicky. You had no idea where the fascist’s reasoning would lead and you didn’t want to find out. 
Tommy looked at him as he lit his cigarette, then back at you to give you the tiniest nod of approval. You almost laughed. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe his grandfather’s gift truly allowed him to hear your thoughts.
“So not only can you Shelbys reach the dead, you can also raise them. My, my, Mr. Shelby, that will soon prove to be a very useful skill,” Mosley commented and Diana gave him a brilliant smile.
These people, you concluded, were trained parrots and fucking idiots. With the exception, perhaps, to Gina, who all in all seemed to have been trained in nothing.
“That remains to be seen.” Tommy took a long drag of his cigarette.
“Seeing as we’re all women and scarcely any men here,” Jack swiftly changed the subject, “I wonder where the husbands are? Are they not involved in family meetings?”
An ice-cold shiver went through you and Polly grasped your hand in hers to stop you from reacting. But you already felt panic settle in. Either this was idle talk or Jack Nelson wasn’t as ill-informed as you had judged him.
“Mine’s sadly dead now,” Ada answered sharply to Jack Nelson’s provocation, “but of course we speak often.”
If looks could kill, the one she sent Jack would burn him to a crisp. You smirked at the thought.
“Well, I’m bored now,” Gina announced and Ada rolled her eyes at the bratty behaviour. “Are we waiting for anyone else? Or can we finally get to business?”
Funny she should speak of business, you thought, seeing as she had no say in any. You, on the other hand, remained most curious on the subject of vendetta. Polly turned to Tommy and gave the slightest of nods.
“Perhaps, Mr. Mosley, we can turn to what practical things Mr. Nelson can do to further our cause, while he’s in the country,” Tommy said.
“Wouldn’t you I rather whisper in the President’s ear?” Jack Nelson smirked. “That is kind of why I’m here, right?”
Mosley seemed either pleased or exasperated at the suggestion, you couldn’t quite tell. His eyes remained dark and lifeless.
“We do, indeed, have things for you to pass on to the President,” he murmured, “but not while we share the table with Jewish whores.” He turned to you and in an instant you knew the charade was over. “Mr. Shelby, I truly expected better from you, but then again… Some blood runs thicker.”
There would be no swaying the room. Not when Mosley turned sharply to Jack and Gina and declared:
“That woman is the widow of Alfie Solomons, the late… king of Camden Jews,” he scoffed. “She is no aid in our cause, but a spy. One, I must say, very poorly concealed, Mr. Shelby.”
“Is that true?” Gina turned to you, eyes bright and wide from prolonged cocaine use. “You’re his wife?!”
“The widow,” Lady Diana corrected snidely, not without satisfaction. “His motley crew of sewer rats is no threat to anyone anymore, I assure you.”
You tried your best to remain calm, but the thought of the knife you kept concealed in your skirts grew stronger. The fascist idiot didn’t know your husband yet lived and while the information wouldn’t exactly help you right then, you held onto it for dear life. Nothing would happen to you while Alfie drew breath, this much you knew.
“Well then,” Ada sighed, “I’d say the negotiations are over?”
“Well,” Lady Diana chuckled humorlessly, “I’d say it was a pleasure, but my parents raised me better.”
Polly stood up first and perhaps that would be the end of it, had Lady Diana kept her mouth shut and didn’t whisper to her what she did:
“Gypsy scum.”
The movement was swift and sharp—obviously well-practised. One moment the hairpin was holding up Polly’s rich brown curls, the next it was firmly lodged in Lady Diana’s nose, all the way to her brain; Lady Diana’s face froze, twisted in pain and horror, and blood dripping through her eyes. 
Then, chaos ensued. Everyone rose from their seats, but only Tommy remembered his drills and, unlike Mosley, he would never be as arrogant to have come unprepared. 
“I will have no gorja speak like that of my kin,” he said calmly as he raised his revolver to Mosley’s head. “So when you meet the devil, say my greetings for me.”
Tommy shot him in cold blood and that, alongside a curse in his tongue of old, seemed enough to subdue even a man like Jack Nelson. Of course, to your great satisfaction, Gina swiftly joined her uncle’s bloodied corpse on the beautiful Persian rug—the corpse with your knife stuck in his neck.
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“Now then, Tommy, what are we to do with you, hm?” Alfie exclaimed as soon as Tommy’s men let him inside the parlour that was now undergoing impromptu redecorating efforts. 
To their credit, Tommy’s maids scrubbed the blood off the furniture like it was their lives true calling, all the while you sat side by side with Polly and Ada, smoking cigarettes and pretending to be fine.
“Hello, Alfie,” Tommy hummed his usual greeting and handed Alfie a drink the man obviously refused.
“Nah, I don’t touch that stuff, mate, but I should see to my wife, perhaps, she looks like she dearly needs some looking after, right, especially since you Shelbys remain savagely as per fuckin’ usual!”
Tommy smirked at that, then motioned Arthur inside as soon as he saw his brother in the hall.
“Is it done, Arthur?”
“We burnin’ them outside, Tom, like you said,” the elder Shelby grunted.
“And can I say, right, about fuckin’ time that fascist burns in hell!” Alfie roared and came closer to place an affectionate kiss on your cheek.
“You alright then, sweetheart?” he asked and you nodded, reaching for his hand.
“She’s fine,” Polly scoffed.
“Right, high time I take my bride back home then, Tommy, since your war efforts are quenched, I hope, yeah, an’ I now find myself avenged,” Alfie concluded, thoroughly ignoring Polly’s implications. “Don’t think on any debt collection, though, Tommy, I know ya well enough and one look at this mangled face should halt any such notions from you, all right?” 
You stood when Alfie offered you his arm and smiled at Polly affectionately, seeing as she still remained vigilant around the man. Perhaps that would be their way.
“Hope to see you again, Cousin?” Ada grinned at you in a manner that greatly reminded you of Tommy—something feral in that smile still kept you on your toes.
“I hope so as well,” you said.
“Perhaps we should turn to Boston, dearest?” Alfie’s gruff voice brought you back to reality. “I hear my uncle remains a man of wisdom, even now he’s past sixty. But such is the way in my family, don’t you worry. I ain’t leavin’ you a simperin’ corpse anytime soon…”
As you said your goodbyes to the Shelbys, despite Alfie’s annoyance and pointedly showing you his pocket watch, your heart felt fuller than ever before in your tortured existence. You entered your curious marriage an orphan and somehow along the way found you had a clan to call your own on two continents.
“Lead the way, husband,” you chirped as Alfie led you to his car.
“Aye, I should hope to finally lead you away from the viper’s nest, wife,” Alfie grumbled, though you could tell he was only mildly annoyed. “Now that ya saved England with your damnable cousins might I humbly persuade you not to leave my side for the foreseeable future?”
“Why, Alfie, with talk like that people might think you grew fond of me.”
“People can well think what they fuckin’ like,” he scoffed and then kissed you the way he knew you liked to be kissed—like the world stopped for a second around you two and nothing mattered, just as long as your gangster husband would not stop kissing you.
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runnning-outof-time · 6 months
K’s Reading List — MARCH
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
March was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
Taste Test - Carmen Berzatto x Reader — from The Bear
Diamonds - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy Shelby blurb
Tommy Shelby blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Happy day - dad!Luca Changretta blurb
The Pond - Tommy Shelby x OC blurb
A Night Like Tonight - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains intense/dark themes!
A Small Favor - John Shelby & Alfie’s Sister!Reader
Shadows - John Shelby x Reader
Dance with the Devil - Luca Changretta x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Hungry - Luca Changretta x Reader blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Alfie Solomons, the baker and storyteller - Alfie Solomons x OC (w/ OC daughter as well) blurb
Jack Nelson x OC (feat. Tommy Shelby) - blurb and moodboard
Planning or Scheming? - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains slight 🔞 NSFW themes!
I was really slacking this month 😅 here’s hoping that April treats me better — sorry for the short list!
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zablife · 2 years
Boston Meets Birmingham (Part 1)
Jack Nelson x Shelby sister reader
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Summary: Jack Nelson has proposed to the youngest Shelby sister without Tommy’s permission. The time has come for your wedding weekend and everyone is on edge.
Author’s Note: Thank you to the lovely anon who first requested this story. It has taken on a life of it’s own with the inspiration readers have sent me for this particular fic. I hope this doesn’t disappoint! This will be told in 2 parts because I couldn't edit myself.
Diverges from S6 canon because I wanted Polly and Aberama in the story. Follows the storyline of my fic Shelby Magic. Although you don’t have to read that story to follow this plot. 
Warnings: 🔞, language, drinking, lots of fluff, smut-sex in a church (last few paragraphs)
Moodboard credit: the talented @shelbydelrey
Birmingham 1933
You waited in Tommy’s office, anxiously drumming your fingers on the polished wood. You wanted to get the last of the business meetings over with as quickly as possible. Realistically you knew you were in for a long afternoon as experience had taught you the stubborn men in your life would draw out negotiations with more arguing. Every meeting ended the same way, with you desperately trying to mediate. This took it’s toll, however, as you felt your loyalty being torn between your past and present. 
“Y/n, where’s my whiskey?” Tommy’s voice boomed from across the room. 
“It’s in the safe because my fiancé and my brother can’t seem to get along, especially when alcohol is involved,” you replied crossing your arms over your chest. 
“What’s that supposed to mean, eh? We’re still conducting business, aren’t we?” Tommy said annoyed.
“No, you’re not, Tom. All you do is drink and shout at each other. Now I need you to make some progress today if you could please,” you begged him.
Tommy ran a hand over his face and sighed loudly. Opening his desk drawer, he pulled out a new bottle of whiskey and placed it down with a thud. “For fucks’ sake…” you said forgetting he had a hidden stash. As he poured himself a large drink, you studied him. “What’s next, Tom? You going to put a black star in the book for him?” you joked uneasily. Tommy downed the contents of his glass and retorted, “Don’t tempt me.” The door opened at that moment and Jack strode into the room looking dashing in his three piece suit. 
“Jack,” Tommy greeted your fiancé with just his name. 
“Tom,” Jack replied with a nod. He looked as stiff and uncomfortable as Tommy. This was not a good start, you thought. They had been like this since you announced your engagement and you were growing weary of the tension. Jack leaned over to place a kiss on your cheek and you watched Tommy’s jaw clench. 
Jack claimed the seat next to yours and took your hand despite the scowl Tommy gave him. “Well, Shelby, are you ready to accept my terms or not?” Jack said looking Tommy in the eye.
“Jack, I think you’re aware that the licenses you desire are not easy to acquire so let’s agree--” Jack interrupted, temper already beginning to flare, “I don’t agree to nothin’ until I get those licenses!” He brought his fist down on the table for emphasis and you closed your eyes wishing you could put an end to this. 
Jack continued, “You claim to have some clout as an MP, but now I’m beginning to wonder. See, I’m forced to conclude that either you don’t have the influence you say or this is some bullshit stall tactic to change y/n’s mind about me.”
Tommy sat forward in his chair and narrowed his eyes at Jack, “Think you know something about politics because you’ve been in the Oval Office, eh? You don’t know anything. As for my sister, I don’t need to make threats because she’ll realize this is a mistake soon enough.”Jack stood up and pointed threateningly at Tommy, “I’m gonna marry, y/n, whether you like it or not.”
You jumped to your feet, placing yourself between them raising your arms and shouting, “No more fucking fighting! Why doesn’t someone listen to what I want for a change? I’m a grown woman who is more than capable of making my own decisions.”
Although you had silenced them for a moment, being the headstrong men they were, they resumed their yelling. Feeling defeated, you sunk back into your chair with your head in your hands. At that moment, Polly breezed into the office. God how you’d missed her while she was taking time away from the company for her honeymoon. She swooped in wearing a white, fur trimmed coat looking like an angel. She was certainly the savior you needed today. 
Extinguishing her cigarette in the crystal ashtray at the center of the table, she stood with her hands on her hips. “Alright, gentleman, y/n has told me about your silly squabble and I can see you’re no closer to getting along. You don’t have to like it, but you’re going to sign these documents today so Jack and y/n are free to return to Boston and plan their wedding. You know you can’t stop her, Tommy. She’s not a little girl anymore,” Polly said authoritatively. Tommy held her gaze, unwilling to start a fight with his aunt, but not yet ready to give into Jack.
Polly gave Tommy a warning look as she extended a pen. “Now we both know you secured those licenses weeks ago. Sign the bloody papers before you cost us anymore money.” Tommy yanked the pen away gritting his teeth and you gave Polly a look of pure gratitude. In no time, Jack and Tommy were scribbling signatures. 
As Tommy shuffled the papers and placed them on his desk, Jack leaned over to you saying, “Let’s get out of here, doll” and you nodded. As you both stood, Jack buttoned his suit jacket and sneered at Tommy, “Wish I could say it’s been a pleasure, Shelby, but we both know that ain’t true.” Before Tommy could reply, you linked arms with your fiancé and pulled him out of the office. You glanced back at Polly who gave you a wink.
As you walked down the street to the car, Jack slowed his pace and then stopped abruptly to face you. Taking your face in his palm gently he said, “You’re right, doll. I should have asked you what you want. Do you still want to go to Boston?” He asked before adding softly, “Do you still want me?” Your heart melted as you realized he had been listening to you in the meeting. 
“I want to be your wife with all my heart, Jack,” you said pulling him into a kiss to reassure him. His hand slid to the back of your head and held you there as he deepened the kiss not caring who was watching. When you parted, you took a breath and placed your hands on his shoulders. You looked into his eyes and confessed, “I’ll always take your side, but I don’t want to fight with my family like this forever. If we go to Boston without resolving this, I’m afraid I won’t speak to them again.”
Jack hated the look of sadness in your eyes as you spoke, especially knowing he had caused it with his actions. “I’m sorry my temper’s been getting the best of me, doll. What can I do to make it up to you?” Jack asked looking desperate to please you. “Y/n do you want to get married here?” he offered, rubbing your arms soothingly. You were shocked he would suggest such a thing, but you couldn’t deny the idea of having all your loved ones at your wedding in your hometown made you happy. Without further thought, you nodded eagerly.
“Are you sure about this, Jack?” you asked with trepidation. 
“Sure, doll. I guess the Boston Catholics are gonna meet the Birmingham gypsies,” he joked. 
“That sounds like a rugby match,” you said with a laugh, nuzzling your head to his broad chest. 
“Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into one,” he chuckled. 
After the contentious meeting, Polly had talked to Tommy about the wedding. She threatened to stay away from Shelby Company Limited for good unless he supported you. She explained that Tommy’s feud with Michael had been difficult enough and she refused to see another war break out in the family. Copping to her plea for peace, Tommy begrudgingly agreed to stay silent about your decision to marry. He even offered his home for the wedding breakfast. That was where his participation ended though as he turned the planning over to Lizzie and Polly. 
As they helped you make all the necessary arrangements, they asked questions about Jack. Both women were curious about the man you were choosing to spend the rest of your life with because he didn’t seem like an obvious choice. Jack was invited for tea with the ladies and he did nothing but gush about you. The gentle way he brushed his thumb over your hand and his attentiveness to your every need won them over.
The day you went to alter your wedding dress Lizzie and Polly accompanied you to see what you had chosen. When Lizzie spotted you walking towards them, she gasped in delight, “Oh, y/n!” She was speechless. “You look absolutely radiant,” Polly proclaimed. 
“I can’t wait to see Jack’s reaction!” you squealed with excitement. “He’ll count his lucky stars that God sent him an angel straight from heaven,” Lizzie declared and that made you tear up.
“Don’t cry, sweetheart. You’re going to have a wonderful life,” Polly said squeezing your hand. “Yes, I hope so,” you said with a quivering lip. You desperately needed her reassurance in that moment that Jack would be accepted by the rest of the family.
“Go on, you might as well tell her,” Lizzie said with a sly smile. You looked from Lizzie to Polly. “Tell me what, Pol?” you asked with surprise. “After you came over yesterday, I read his tea leaves,” Polly said with a mischievous grin. You laughed out loud at her admission and brought her close for a hug. “Anything in particular you want to tell me about our life together?” you coaxed. “Just that you’re both going to be so happy,” she said patting your shoulder.
As you went to change out of your dress, Lizzie turned to Polly. In a conspiratorial whisper she said, “Polly, why didn’t you tell her the rest?” Polly lit her cigarette and blew out the match, looking over at Lizzie with a chuckle, “I didn’t want to frighten her. Can you imagine learning you were going to have six children? Best to keep that to ourselves.” Polly sat in the comfortable silence that followed smoking and watching a vision in the smoke of your beautiful blue and green eyed babies.
The day of your wedding arrived and you tried to calm your nerves as you applied your makeup. Stepping back to take a good look, you decided to add more rouge. You still looked pale and tired from the lack of sleep the night before. What little sleep you did get was marred by nightmares. In one awful dream Tommy punched Jack at the altar and they rolled around on the floor together knocking over flowers and candles. You wondered if it was a dream conjured by fear or an eery premonition. 
Before you spiraled completely, Ada came to help you with your veil. You hugged her, inhaling her familiar floral perfume to distract yourself from worry. As she finished and stood back to admire you, you couldn’t help but ask for her insight. “Ada, will Tom try to stop us?” 
Ada gave a small sigh and looked down, taking the lace of your veil in her fingers absently she thought it over. “That’s why I eloped, y/n. Tommy can be overprotective of the women in his life. As the youngest girl of the family, you should know that better than anyone.”
You hung your head so she wouldn’t see the tears that were forming. Of course, Ada realized right away that she had upset you with her honesty. She gently lifted your chin to look into your eyes and said, “Everything will work out, y/n. I’m not Polly, I can’t predict the future, but I trust you. And if Jack is who you want, I’ll always support you.” You dabbed at your eyes and gave her a broad smile, “Thank you, dear Ada.”
Giggling she said, “It’s true, y/n, you can have whatever you want. Just be strong.”
As you approached the church, you saw Tommy and Arthur waiting together. Tommy smoked as Arthur nodded his head. You were sure they were talking about you and that made your stomach churn even more. “Arthur, would you give us a minute,” Tommy requested. “Sure thing, Tom,” Arthur said before disappearing around the corner. 
“It’s been a long time since we talked alone, y/n. It’s my fault, I needed time to think so I stayed away,” Tommy stated sadly. “Fucking comets come around more often,” you scoffed. Worrying that he might try and talk you out of the marriage one last time, you braced yourself for the sound of his disapproval. You took a deep breath and unconsciously held it. 
“Y/n, I know I’ve not been a good brother to you recently,” he began. You quickly recognized his apologetic tone and you exhaled in relief. Tommy continued, “I didn’t want to admit that you’ve grown up because I got used to protecting you. After mum died it was hardest on you. You were only three, but you remembered her and you couldn’t understand why she left you. I tried to act as a mum and dad for you to make up for it because I hated to see you cry.” You teared up for the second time that morning and this time a single tear fell down your cheek. “I still do,” Tommy said swiping the tear away with the pad of his thumb. “Now I know you’re old enough to do as you please, but I’d like to offer you my blessing to marry Jack anyway…if you still care about that.” He looked down at his shoes having spoken from the heart more than ever before. 
The show of emotion was embarrassing him, but it meant the world to you. You couldn’t help the grin that spread over your face. “Are you daft? Of course I want my big brother’s blessing,” you said and he finally looked up at you with a smile. You hugged his neck the way you had done as a child and clung to him tightly. 
As Tommy untangled his arm from your veil, Curly shuffled up to you with something covered in brown paper. “Sorry it took so long, Tom. I had to hitch the wagon and it got stuck in the mud and I would have been here sooner if-“ Tommy cut him off clapping a hand to his shoulder, “It’s alright, Curly, you’ve arrived just in time. We’re almost ready to start. Why don’t you take a seat inside, eh?” Curly nodded, taking quick steps to the church as you looked at the object in Tommy’s hand with growing curiosity. 
Carefully removing the paper, he revealed a horseshoe. “I asked Charlie and Curly to make this for ya because I wanted you to have something to bring you luck,” he said shyly handing it over to you. You turned the cool metal over in your hands and ran your fingers around the smooth edging. You looked up at Tommy feeling a swell of emotion over his thoughtful gift. “Thank you, Tommy…for everything.”
Tommy took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with a shaky hand. You smiled at the small indication of emotion that proved he was an ordinary, mortal man. It had taken courage to admit his mistake and you admired him for it. 
Feeling a sense of ease returning, you decided to tease him a little. “You realize you’ve given Jack and me a symbol of fertility?,” you said eyebrows furrowed in mock concern. Tommy’s head jerked up, his cigarette still hanging from his lip in shock. Removing it quickly and pointing it at you he called out, “Oi! That’ll do!” Giggling merrily at his reaction, you clutched your dress and ran toward the church to find Arthur. 
You stood at the back of the small stone chapel waiting for the doors to open and begin your walk down the aisle to Jack. You shifted your weight uncomfortably next to Arthur and he patted your arm as a show of silent support. Looking up at your older brother to gauge his nerves, you noted his stiff posture and tight smile. You realized he was skittish about the crowd. You leaned over and whispered, “It’s not a firing squad, Arthur. Relax.” 
“Think you’re funny, do ya?,” Arthur grumbled brusquely and you smirked. It warmed your heart to think about how seriously he took his duty of giving you away. “Arthur, I’m glad it’s you who’s walking me down the aisle. Thank you,” you said softly. Arthur looked at you with affection and nodded, “Glad to do it, sister.”
The heavy doors began to creak open slowly as you smoothed your dress one last time. Suddenly, you realized something was amiss with your appearance and blurted out in dismay, “Oh, fuck! Arthur, my veil! Put it over my face, quickly!” Arthur’s large hands fumbled with the delicate lace as he panicked, clumsily throwing the veil over you just as the doors opened fully.
As your guests turned to catch a glimpse of you, you snickered into Arthur’s shoulder at the silly moment you just shared. You had never been good at acting appropriately in formal situations and Arthur was worse. It was all you could do to stifle the laughter that threatened to spill forth and your shoulders shook with the effort it took to contain your giggles. Today Arthur understood he had to reign you in though and he leaned over to hiss, “Pack it in!” Although you wanted to laugh harder at his scolding, you knew you had to regain control. You collected yourself with a deep breath and allowed Arthur to lead you toward Jack.
As you got closer to the altar, you felt all your nerves dissipate. Being near Jack always calmed you. When it was time for him to turn toward you and lift your veil, you beamed with excitement. Jack’s eyes sparkled even in the dim light of the old church and you knew he was feeling the same way. “You look like an angel,” he said quietly drinking you in with adoration. You blushed as you mouthed “I love you” to him. 
The ceremony went by so quickly, you barely had time to register the words of pronouncement. Jack was suddenly leaning into you for your first kiss as husband and wife. He held your face tenderly as he placed a chaste kiss to your lips, leaving you wanting more. As you turned to walk out, you looked at each other with huge grins. Jack extended an arm for you and you surveyed the sea of faces. One face in the crowd caught your attention and you nodded at Polly who was wiping tears from her eyes with a handkerchief. None of this would have been possible without her, you thought and you blew her a kiss to show your appreciation. 
After the photographs had been taken for your wedding album, you watched your family disperse. Jack tried to lead you to your waiting car, but you pulled him back whispering, “Not yet, Jack. I need you.” Jack smirked. He knew what you meant by the way your eyes darkened and your voice dripped with lust. He pulled you into an embrace and whispered back with a chuckle, “Here?” You bit your lip and nodded at him. “I know a place where no one will see us,” you said with an impish grin. He laughed heartily as you practically dragged him back toward the church. 
When you’d entered the vestry, you closed the door, backing yourself against the weathered wood to bat your eyelashes at your new husband. Jack placed one hand on the door just above your head and leaned over to lock it quickly. Caging your smaller form beneath him, he lowered his head to kiss you passionately. The intensity only increased as Jack’s desperation for you grew. He practically devoured you, tongue clashing with yours, one hand on the door and one roaming your body. When he pulled away he confessed, “I’ve been wanting to do that since I saw you at the altar.” 
You tilted your head watching him with lustful eyes. “What else do you want to do with your wife, Mr. Nelson?” you asked in a cheeky tone, pulling his suit jacket from him and discarding it on the floor. “Oh, you’ll see,” he smirked at you, hooking your waist and pulling you to a nearby table, making you shriek with delight. He lifted you onto the table with ease and lifted your dress to your waist, placing feverish kisses down your neck. You held his head at the spot below your ear that drove you wild. “Fuck me,” you begged. Jack nodded against your shoulder and moved one hand to grab your jaw possessively. Jack released a low growl as you turned your face in his hand to lick his index finger. Taking it into your mouth, you began sucking slowly as you looked into his eyes. 
You felt him stroking his knuckles along the front of your satin underwear and you inhaled deeply. You were too needy at the moment to stand his teasing though and you released his finger from your parted lips whining  “Jack…” 
“I know, angel. I’m gonna take care of my sweet little bride,” he said moving the delicate material aside to slide two fingers inside you. You gasped and licked your lips as he rubbed his thumb over your clit. Your moans grew louder and more frequent until Jack brought his lips to the shell of your ear, “I know it feels good, angel, but you gotta stay quiet for me, alright?” You gulped and nodded your head. Having hushed you for the moment, Jack kissed the top of your head and praised you, “Such an obedient wife, Mrs. Nelson.” 
Hearing the low timbre of his voice sent electric shocks through you and you knew you couldn’t wait any longer to feel him inside you. You reached down to unbutton his trousers with trembling fingers barely able to focus on your task with Jack curling his fingers against the spot deep inside that make you see stars. 
You wordlessly helped him free himself from the confines of his boxers, moaning at the sight of his hard length brushing your thigh. You wanted to take him into your mouth and taste him so badly, but you settled for stroking his growing erection. 
Jack pulled his hand from you suddenly saying, “Come ‘ere, baby,” and pulled you toward him by the back of your neck. Your foreheads touched and you breathed in his scent of cologne and cigar smoke, your breath catching as he pushed into you all at once. The sense of fullness relieving your ache for your husband. His hand slid down to your throat for a moment and you sighed loudly knowing you wouldn’t be able to keep your promise of silence much longer. Luckily, Jack swallowed your loud moan with an open mouth kiss. 
He tugged playfully on your dark locks, the slight force causing you to arch your back so he could watch your face contort with pleasure. He loved the way your eyes fluttered and your mouth hung open in ecstasy. He couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the little changes in your features as you felt him fill you over and over. The only noise remaining were the sounds of the table creaking and bumping against the wall. 
You opened your eyes to look down at your coupled bodies and saw his left hand on your thigh, his new gold wedding band catching the light. The sight of your husband making you his so completely ignited your body and you came suddenly with a shudder. Jack shifted his hands to support your lower back so you didn’t topple over as your orgasm washed over you. Jack found his release soon after and dropped his head to your shoulder with a satisfied grunt. You relished the weight of him leaning into you and carded your fingers through his hair. You hummed in satisfaction at the closeness of him, never wanting to part. 
You felt his pulse thrumming rapidly in his neck and giggled as you heard him pant, “That was incredible.” He stroked your back gently cooing at you, “You’re perfect, you know that?” 
He pulled out of you slowly and you couldn’t help but whimper at the loss of contact, consoled only by the thought of another round later that evening. You looked at him with adoring eyes and a warm smile. “I love you so much.”
Jack beamed at you as he helped you down from the table and fixed your skirt for you. In return you retrieved his trousers and buttoned them. Jack enveloped you in an embrace, strong arms circling you and burying you tightly in his broad chest making you feel safe and loved beyond measure. “Can’t believe you’re mine…my wife,” he said with a contented sigh. “I belong to you fully now, no returns,” you chuckled softly.
Just then you heard a knock at the door that made you jump. “Y/n?” Lizzie’s voice called out. You covered your mouth and looked at Jack with a shocked expression. He motioned for you to answer and you called out, “Yes, Lizzie?”
“It’s time to leave for the reception. Are you alright? I heard some loud noises,” she asked concerned. You stifled a giggle behind your hand and answered, “I’m alright. Just…looking for my gloves,” you lied thinking on your feet.
Lizzie paused before you heard her say with amusement, “Y/n, you didn’t wear gloves today. Just get to the house before the meal is set…..And give my regards to your new husband,” she said with one parting shot. You knew she wasn’t actually upset though. Lizzie had a wonderful sense of humor. You knew you’d been found out though and cringed with embarrassment. Unable to control yourself after you heard her footsteps fade, you collapsed in a fit of laughter.
Continue reading Part 2
Tag list: @retromafia, @violaobanion, @julyzaa, @shelbydelrey, @tommydoesntpayforsuits, @alanadetigy, @wandawiccan60, @peaky-cillian, @kittycatcait219, @theshelbyclan, @kpopgirlbtssvt, @celticmelody, @lovemissyhoneybee, @theshelbyslimited
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shelbydelrey · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Moodboard
Tommy x Gina
Tommy Shelby x Alfie Solomons
Modern! Tommy x Modern! Grace
Jack Nelson x Lana Del Rey
Tommy Shelby x Lana Del Rey
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Tommy x Demon! Lana
Peaky Blinders Hades and Persephone Aesthetic
Cha Joo Eun x Modern! Arthur Shelby
Jack Nelson x Thief! Reader
Cottagecore! Arthur
The Secretary's Diary
Her Hidden Fangs - Heaven Shelby x Arthur Shelby
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Alfie Solomons x Shelby Sister! Reader
Dad! Luca Changretta
Anna Gray Moodboard
Bad Omens - Arthur Shelby
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peakyswritings · 3 years
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Isaiah Jesus x Shelby!sister
Dark!Luca Changretta
Dark!Tommy Shelby
Dark!Tommy Shelby (based on “Black Beauty” by Lana Del Rey)
Modern!Michael Gray
Finn Shelby x aspiring engineer
Alfie Solomons x teacher
Tommy Shelby x ballerina
“Sham” moodboard (Tommy Shelby x Helen Lewis)
“Transaction” moodboard (Tommy Shelby x Edith Johnson)
Arthur Shelby + Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
Jack Nelson x (Y/n) - Bonnie and Clyde aesthetic
Michael Gray at a soirée
Heart, body and soul - (Tommy Shelby x Nina Ferrante)
Arthur Shelby + Lilith
John Shelby + Him and I
Pinkie Promise - (Pre war!Tommy Shelby x Helen Lewis)
Too young to love you - (Tommy Shelby x reader)
My Father’s Daughter (OC, Arthur Shelby’s daughter)
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evita-shelby · 1 year
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Gif by @filmgifs
Thank you all of you who follow me, who lurk, who reblog and especially those who actually talk to me.
I love you all and to celebrate this milestone we have these
💋 WWED/What would Eva do? (Where you send a question and I answer as only our favorite witch would)
💋pick a prompt from the links at the bottom to send as a request
💋send a gif or pic as a prompt
💋take Eva or any of my OCs for a spin
💋 send any gift of your choice
💋 drop into my asks for anything you feel like doing
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Links for prompts:
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evita-shelby · 10 months
My requests are back on, feel free to send them in y'all
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Reader insert Masterlist
Part 2
(Masterlist 1)
Ran out of space lol
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Tommy Shelby
Only Joys will come (part iii of nights on the January)
Happy wife Happy life (drunk!Tommy x wife)
Promise (tommy x sick!reader)
Chance (tommy x ex!reader)
Ths Red Room (tommy x reader x eva) vampire!au
Torture (tommy x wife!reader)
Fatal Attraction (tommy x assassin!reader)
Cuddling(part 2 for happy wife happy life)
Death shall set you free (tommy x wife!reader)
The Devil of Small Heath (kelpie!Tommy x witch!reader)
A Dull Party (Tommy x Eva/Reader x Tatiana)🔞
Moon (tommy x witch!reader)
Lamb(sequel to moon)
Crawl home to you(tommy x wife!reader)
Dad!Tommy fics
Ghosts of New Year's Past (Tommy & Diane(oc daughter) & Polly’s Ghost)
Promise? (Tommy & adopted!daughter)
Luca Changretta
Persistence (luca x shelby sister)
The fabulous miss shelby (part 3)
Two for One (Luca x reader x Eva)
Jack Nelson
The professor
Hunt(vampire hunter au)
Michael Gray
Finn Shelby
Preacher's Daughter (kid!finn x Jeremiah's duaghter!reader)
Isiah Jesus
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evita-shelby · 5 months
The Pullet Story
Sorry kinda couldn't find a title for this my bad inspired by the story in the post thank you for finding this story @bcolfanfic
John Egan x Diane Shelby
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He’s dog-tired after Emden and the whole thing with Meatball and the Farmer. Bucky wanted nothing more than to enjoy his night off with Diane. She’d suggested they skip the pub and just head straight to the room they rent for the nights where the tree or the jeep don’t feel comfortable enough.
Unfortunately, he had promised her a song and a dance, so they were down at the pub where fellow soldiers asked about the Meatball vs the Pullet story. Bucky liked telling the story especially because by evening it had changed entirely.
“None of those boys knew what a pullet was or how much one’s worth these days.” He recounts the tale of what happened earlier, Diane had learned it from soldiers who visited the injured at the infirmary and heard a different tale about it. The one she heard claimed Meatball ate a rooster and left only feathers in his shit.
“Do you know what pullet is, darling?” he asks with his arm around her and making her wish they’d gone straight to the inn they check into to fuck.
“A half-grown hen, obviously.” The dark-haired girl answered simply.
“And how would Lady Di know that?” John Egan loved to tease her about her upbringing, half the men here still couldn’t believe she was an heiress and others couldn’t believe John Egan had romanced an heiress to be his girl.
Strangely enough, they have the longest relationship either has been in.
“My baby sister named one after the Princess of Wales and Lizzie was not amused.” Diane said as if it were a normal occurrence. It was but because the Shelbys were anything but normal.
“I’d get shot if I named one of ours Franklin Roosevelt, how the fuck did you manage to name a farm animal after your future queen?” he laughs just as she knew he would and it doesn’t take convincing to tell him and their friends how the Shelbys came to name their silkie chickens after the royal family, elected government officials and the American ambassador, Jack Nelson, who looks far too similar to Bill Veal.
John’s back to his old self by the time they get to the modest room where he plans on forgetting the hell they live in even if it’s just for a night.
They’re sharing a cigarette much later when her major says the last thing she’d expect. “Should’ve gotten you a ring instead of the locket, huh, Lady Di?”
Those words alone remind her that she’s seen him shot down over Germany in the cards yesterday. She wants to pretend it won’t happen, to live in the now with her lover, but then he had to say something like this.
“You can get me the matching ring later, when the fighting's done, John.”
Six days later he is shot down in Germany.
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evita-shelby · 11 months
Another Tom Bennett x Diane Shelby. Ft. Eva and their universe's Jack Kennedy, Jack Nelson Jr.
Some day drinking, some blasphemy
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There is an historic heat wave during his leave. And given his wife’s and her mother’s commentary about certain guests, that wasn’t the only historic thing about this fucking garden party.
Tom has no idea how Tommy Shelby deals with it when he knows the man has the same dislike for these fuckers as he does.
“Here, let me.” His hostess and mother-in-law takes his iced tea, stirs nothing into it and then returns it to him.
When Tom takes another sip of the disgusting American version of tea, its has magically turned into whiskey.
“Reading cards and seeing the future isn’t all I do, kid.” He hates the word kid, but coming from Eva its not as bad as when it comes from her husband.
Thomas Bennett had become an officer in the navy and yet to Thomas Shelby he is still the young man who refused to be bribed away from his daughter. Looks down on him despite barely reaching Tom’s chin.
Though his disapproval is nothing like the one he gets from their guests. Well, not all of them. There were others here who came from a background just like his and had used their talents to get where they are.
Then there was the Nelsons and those who knew Diane had refused to marry the all too perfect Jack Jr.
Tom had never met the man who had been in Diane’s heart before him, and now that he knew him, he hated him with every fiber of his being.
Jack Fitzgerald Nelson was tall and broad shouldered and handsome. Not as lean as Tom, but everything about the young man had him wanting to punch him in the face.
Even worse, he was also a sailor and got along well.
Nothing about him could ever compete with Mr. Future President.
“Di said he’s gonna be president.” He mentions as he tries his damn best to restrain himself. Diane laughs at something he or his sister said and Tom’s fist clenched.
He'd give his right arm to ruin his face.
“Yeah, youngest American president in history.” The witch said making feel worse “and the fourth sitting president to be assassinated.”
Tom chokes on his whiskey with her casual way of delivering her message of doom.
“Oh, look, there’s Madame First Lady feeling just as jealous as you are, Tommy!” she gestures to Miss. Jacqueline Bouvier who looks at Diane in a more ladylike version of how Tom looks at Jack.
Lucky for him, Diane comes and joins them with a certain look in her mismatched eyes. One she only gets when she sees him.
“I hope you haven’t been too bored without me, Tom.” His witch takes his drink and sips it before grimacing at being sucker punched with Irish Whiskey instead of cold tea. “Jesus Christ, ma.”
“Christ wishes, mija.” Her mom said with a wink.
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zablife · 2 years
Imagine Jack and Shelby wife oc where he finds out her former lover was a woman and then he finds out it was Tatjana from S3. This makes me simultaneously blush and laugh. He'd be half turned on but unbelievably jealous I imagine. He'd get all possessive of her. And if Tatjana and Jack met....oh dear. The metaphorical contest for OC's affection. Jack would probably be threatened by Tatjana beauty 🤣
Tysm for the ask, darl! 💗 This was so fun to imagine, I just had to write about it. I hope you enjoy this! If you read it, let me know what you think!
London, 1934
Your eyes widened at the sight of your husband talking to the elegant brunette in the corner. It had been a decade since your last meeting with the Russian duchess Tatiana Petrovna and little about her extravagant taste had changed. She held a glass of champagne in one hand as she fussed with a large diamond and ruby bracelet. 
Her flirtatious behavior hadn’t changed either. You could tell by her giggles that she was trying to work her charm on your husband and from his expression, the seduction was drawing him in. Your handsome husband couldn’t seem to help himself when it came to women with beauty and intrigue and Tatiana had both in abundance.
You made your way across the room, heart pounding as you wondered if she would remember you. In some ways it would be much simpler if she had forgotten. You fixed your hair and took a deep breath. Jack hadn’t noticed your arrival so you slipped a gloved hand over his arm to alert him of your presence. He looked over at you startled and began an introduction. “Sweetheart, this is Tatiana Petrovna. She’s a duchess.” Turning to Tatiana he began, “This is-
“Y/n Shelby” Tatiana said without hesitation. When she cast her gaze upon you it was as hypnotizing as you remembered. She had a way of reading your mind that made her a dangerous adversary, but also an incredible lover. Despite your attempt to hide your emotions, you felt your cheeks flush at the sound of your name coming from her mouth. 
“It’s Y/n Nelson now,” you explained softly, turning your head away to break the tension. You had to do something to keep from replaying your wild nights together. Tatiana was one of the best lovers you’d ever had next to Jack and seeing them both together was giving you sinful ideas. 
Jack had noticed the effect Tatiana had on you and ventured a question about your acquaintance. “You know each other?” He turned to you, “Am I missing something here, doll?” 
You placed a hand to the back of your neck, feeling dizzy and wondering if you were sweating. How could you explain your past in a way that wouldn’t arouse suspicion? Finally you decided to give a dismissive reply. “One of Tommy’s parties ages ago, wasn’t it?,” you said with a nervous laugh. 
Tatiana did not seem pleased by your answer. She was always the jealous sort. You watched a lightning bolt flash in her eyes and knew she was going to say something characteristically mischievous. You held your breath waiting to see what that might be. 
“I’ve been admiring your beautiful necklace, Mrs. Nelson,” she said emphasizing your name. “Not nearly as beautiful as my hands around your neck when you were lying naked under me.” You gulped at the sensual memory. 
Before you could react she was excusing herself, saying she had business to attend to with another guest. You were left alone with your fuming husband. Tatiana’s jealousy was nothing compared to Jack’s possession of you. He wasn’t a man who was accustomed to sharing. 
“Who the fuck is she?” Jack said through gritted teeth as he watched Tatiana walk away, swishing her beaded gown seductively. You knew you couldn’t lie to him then. “She was my lover, but it was years ago, Jack, before I met you. I swear I have’t seen her since,” you said feeling the need to reassure him that you were his completely.
“Is that so?” Jack said anger building steadily along with his arousal. “Well, I’m just gonna have to remind you who you belong to now, won’t I, baby?” He grabbed your arm with bruising strength and pulled you away from the other guests. 
“Where are we going, Jack?” You asked fearfully, knowing how he could be when he was feeling possessive. 
“Anywhere it’s dark and I can erase those silly notions of yours about fucking that duchess again.” 
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zablife · 2 years
Little Harlot Masterlist
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🔞-Jack Nelson x Scarlett Shelby (OC)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 , Part 10, Part 11 completed
Summary: In a bid to curb her disastrous thrill-seeking, Tommy sends his younger sister to Boston to keep her out of trouble and handle legitimate business. Tommy’s plan backfires when she meets rival gangster, Jack Nelson.
Moodboard credit: @shelbydelrey
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zablife · 2 years
Little Harlot (Part 11) 
Jack Nelson x Scarlett Shelby (OC)
Summary: John’s twin sister is a battle-hardened WWI field nurse who shares her brothers’ philosophy that every day back home is extra. In a bid to curb her disastrous thrill-seeking, Tommy sends her to Boston to keep her out of trouble and handle legitimate business. Tommy’s plan backfires when she meets rival gangster, Jack Nelson.
Author's Note: This is the final part to the series. I have enjoyed writing this so much and it is so sad to be saying farewell to these characters! I hope everyone enjoys the ending I've given Jack and Scarlett!
Warnings: pregnancy, fainting, illness, mention of death, mention of suicide
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Masterlist Parts 1-10
Arrow House, 1934
Dr. Holford shifted uncomfortably in his chair, face ashen, as he considered the imposing man standing before him. He knew his patient was a calculating man who made his living through violence and the thought of attempting to deceive him made his stomach drop. If he didn’t stick to the carefully constructed script, Mr. Shelby would surely see through the ruse. Pushing the thought of failure from his mind, the doctor carefully passed the falsified x-ray over the desk, watching closely as Tommy held it to the light and squinted for proof.
“The shadow you can see at the base of your skull is not cancer. It is tuberculoma. A tubercular growth caused by the same bacteria as TB. You may have picked it up from your daughter.” Noting Tommy’s concerned expression, Dr. Holford continued with confidence, “I have no doubt you have already experienced symptoms.” Then he began describing the seizures and hallucinations Tommy had displayed recently, things only Lizzie and Scarlett had known about until Jack arrived. 
Tommy didn’t show much emotion, asking only if his infection was contagious. Dr. Holford assured him it was not, but warned his condition was grave. He paused allowing the man in front of him to process the overwhelming information. To squelch all hope of survival, Dr. Holford relayed that he had spoken to some of the best surgeons in the country who all declined to operate. 
As the doctor described the rate of deterioration, Tommy looked distant. He finally ventured one last query, “How long?” At that moment Dr. Holford wondered if he might have successfully convinced Mr. Shelby. He waited a moment to search the man’s blue eyes and finding a glint of fear he answered, “One year…perhaps eighteen months.” He was shown out soon after, hoping his tactics had worked.
Becker Estate
Dr. Abbott smiled brightly, “Lady Becker, I have delightful news. You haven’t miscarried, my dear.”
Scarlett began crying, “I haven’t?” she stuttered with trembling breath. 
“No, the bleeding you had this morning is perfectly natural for early pregnancy. It was a bit heavier in your case, but spotting can be expected for the next few weeks. I want you to call me again if you experience anything more,” he said, his kind eyes reassuring her. 
“But I don’t understand…I didn’t have this before…with my first. Are you quite sure it’s not a miscarriage?” she asked, eyes searching his for any hint of untruth. 
“Every pregnancy is different, just as every child is unique,” he explained in a soothing voice, placing his hand over hers. “Although I do hope he takes after your John. Such a lovely child,” he said squeezing her hand with a smile. He moved to close his medical bag, giving her a nod.
Scarlett wiped the tears from her cheek, “Thank you. He is rather remarkable."
“Try to rest these next few weeks though, won’t you? No reason to put unnecessary strain on your body. It’s still early days and we don’t want a despair,” he said turning to leave. 
Scarlett nodded and waited for the maid to show him out before turning her attention to her stomach. Tears clouded her vision as she thought of another baby that Jack would know from the start this time. If she didn’t lose the child. “Please stay little one, please stay,” she said softly.
Road to Becker Estate
Scarlett came to the prison to see Colin released. He stumbled out into the bright light and found his beautiful wife waiting for him with their chauffeur. Capturing him in a warm embrace she said, “Let’s go home.” Colin nodded and climbed into the backseat with her. On the drive he had plenty of questions. 
“Scarlett, how did you manage it?” Colin asked incredulously. 
“I called in a favor that barrister owed you after you forgave his brother’s debt last summer. I paid a large sum for his silence as well. Do you recall the incident?” she asked, feeling pleased with herself.
“I do. That was wicked of you, my darling, but I do appreciate it," Colin said shaking his head. After a few moments of silence, he looked over at a pale looking Scarlett. 
“Are you alright? You look unwell,” he said with concern. 
“You do spoil me with compliments,” Scarlett deflected with her caustic humor. Colin knew her too well though and wouldn’t let her rebuff him so easily.
“Scarlett, please, you’ve always confided in me,” Colin prodded gently. 
Scarlett took a deep breath, knowing she couldn’t hide her secret from him. She smiled weakly before admitting softly, “I suppose there’s no use hiding it. I’m pregnant. Jack is the father.” She watched Colin’s face for a reaction, but he only waited for her to continue. He had always been a good listener. “I wasn’t going to say anything today. You’ve been through so much.” Scarlett said looking away. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes as she choked out the rest, “I’ve made a mess of our life together, you know. You saved my reputation only for me to ruin yours. I’m so sorry, Colin. I have to confess that I’m terrified this child will be taken from me as punishment.” She broke down in sobs, reaching for her purse to find a handkerchief. 
Colin ran a hand down her back soothing, “You mustn’t think that.” He grabbed ahold of her shoulders softly, one hand caressing her cheek as he continued, “Please don’t apologize. You’ve given me seven wonderful years.” he said, feeling tears form in his eyes as well. “You have loved me unconditionally, more than my own family ever did. We both know what it is to have family who abandoned us and we vowed to never let that happen to the ones we love. Let your man look after you now as you’ve looked after me all these years. Scarlett, you deserve to be happy.”
“Thank you,” Scarlett managed. “You’re so good to me,” she said sniffling quietly. 
“Is the baby healthy?” he asked kindly.
“Dr. Abbott says I have to be careful for a few weeks, but I’m hopeful,” she said smiling at him and gently running a hand over her abdomen. 
“I’m happy for you, honestly,” he said and she hugged him tightly as he laughed in surprise. Their marriage was ending on the best terms possible, but the bittersweet taste it left in his mouth would not fade. He had loved her in his own way.
“What about you? What will you do now?” Scarlett asked desperate to know Colin would be alright. 
“Edward has been wanting to return to the south of France. I think now is an excellent time while we wait for some new scandal to fascinate London society,” Colin explained. Scarlett nodded and took Colin’s hand in hers, giving him a little squeeze.
As they continued toward their estate, they discussed the details of their divorce and how they might share custody of John. Scarlett couldn’t deprive either of them of the beautiful bond they had created. When they struck a bargain, both were satisfied with the outcome and made a plan to call a solicitor in the morning. The only thing left to do was tell Jack he was going to be a father, but that would have to wait. Scarlett had enough emotion for one day.
The next day Colin took John riding and Scarlett invited Jack for lunch. As she waited for him to be escorted into the dining room she felt faint, afraid to tell him the truth. She heard his voice booming through the front hall as he spoke to the butler and her heart pounded in her chest.
He entered the room and she stood to greet him quickly, but as she did the room began to spin. She took one step toward him and the room went black, the ground rushing up to meet her. 
“Scarlett? Scarlett?” She heard Jack’s muffled voice call to her as she lay slumped on the floor. Her vision returned in fuzzy waves as she focused on his handsome face. He was scared to death as he cradled her head in his hands. 
“I’m fine, Jack,” she asserted defiantly trying to sit. 
“Woah, woah. Lay down, doll. You fainted. I don’t think you should get up,” Jack said in a worried tone. He picked her up and carried her into the parlor, placing her gently on the sofa. 
As she fully regained consciousness Scarlett began to feel foolish. “I’m alright, Jack,” she asserted, “Please don’t fuss over me,” she scolded him.
Jack moved a lock of hair from her face carefully, studying her eyes. His tone was gravely serious, “Scarlett, I have to ask, are you drinking again?” Jack said with a look of fear.
“What? No, of course not,” Scarlett said pushing him away. Then she realized how her episode must have looked and she began to laugh.
“Scarlett, I don’t get the joke. You want to explain it to me?” Jack said hesitantly.
“You knew me in a past life, my love. It’s not alcohol that’s to blame. It’s you,” she said with a lopsided smile.
“Me?” Jack said confused by her behavior.
“Yes, you. Don’t you see?” Scarlett took Jack’s hand in hers and brought it to her stomach. She searched his eyes for understanding and he furrowed his brow, not believing what she was trying to convey.
“You mean?” Jack started.
Scarlett nodded. “Yes, the doctor confirmed it yesterday.”
Jack broke into a grin at her admission, pulling her body up toward him in a long embrace. He couldn’t believe the news that she was pregnant again. They had so much to discusss and as Scarlett revived, she sat up to discuss their plans to return to America. It would take a fortnight to arrange, but they would go together, a family of three, soon to be four. 
Liverpool docks
As they were approaching Liverpool docks a newsboy cried out the headlines from a nearby street corner. He was small, but his lungs were strong and his voice carried across the busy street. The ominous news wafting through the air to Scarlett’s ears like a secret desperately needing to break free. “Stop the car,” she said suddenly. 
“Scarlett, what’s wrong, baby?” Jack said, placing a hand to her knee. 
“What did that boy say about the dead MP?” 
Jack looked out the window and nervously adjusted his tie, unsure if Scarlett was strong enough to hear the news Mosley confirmed over the telephone that morning. “I don’t know, sweetheart, but we have to get to the boat.”
The car idled a moment too long as the boy cried out again, “Thomas Shelby OBE, MP for Birmingham South found dead yesterday of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”
The car pulled away as Scarlett looked over at Jack with a look of shock and sadness. “Jack, Tommy’s dead…” 
“I heard it too,” he replied simply. “I’m sorry, doll.” 
Her body went limp and she crumpled into his side. Jack pulled her into a tight embrace as they drove, allowing Scarlett to cry into his shoulder as he stroked her hair. She was tossed between conflicting emotions feeling at once free of a terrible burden and also heartbroken at the loss of a brother who would never love her as she loved him. It was a bittersweet farewell.
After they had set sail, Jack took a stroll around the deck to breathe in the sea air, feeling a deep sense of relief that his plan had succeeded. The man who had tormented his beautiful angel was dead, even if he had to align himself with a Fascist bastard to do it. Now he could bring Scarlett home to start the life he knew they were always meant to have.
Boston, 1935
Jack tucked John into bed, handing the boy his favorite bear before turning to leave the room. As he walked away, he heard John’s voice call out, “Dad…” 
Jack stopped suddenly, letting the sound of the word resonate. John had never called him that before. Although Scarlett and Colin had explained Jack was his rightful father, John had said he didn’t feel comfortable calling him that. Jack had resigned himself, knowing he had missed John’s early years. He was thankful the boy was willing to come to America, however, and spent every moment he could getting to know his son.
“Can I go to the park and play baseball with the other boys tomorrow?” John asked excitedly.
“Sure thing, kiddo. Tell ya what, I’ll take ya and we can keep workin on that pitching arm, ok?” Jack replied, unable to hide his eager grin. After a year of hard work, his relationship with his son was finally blossoming. He turned out the light and closed the door, feeling a swell of pride. 
He continued down the hall to find Scarlett resting against the headboard of their bed as she finished feeding the tiny infant in her arms. Jack placed a blanket over her and climbed into bed. He slid a sturdy arm around her shoulders, staring down at the child peacefully suckling at her breast. 
“God, she’s beautiful, Scarlett. Just like her mother,” he said softly, placing a kiss to Scarlett’s temple.
Jack lifted his daughter’s tiny hand from Scarlett’s chest and felt her grasp his finger tightly. He smiled at her show of strength thinking of the day she was born. The stress of all the life changes combined with a difficult pregnancy had taken their toll, sending Scarlett into labor a month early. He was terrified the baby wouldn’t survive, but Scarlett was calm throughout the ordeal. When Violet Ada Nelson entered the world screaming, they both cried tears of joy. Despite the drama surrounding her birth, they had been so grateful to have a healthy baby girl.
Jack turned his attention back to Scarlett relaying a bit of news. “We got the papers in the mail today,” he said alluding to the divorce Colin had granted her. 
“I’m a single woman,” she mused stroking Violet’s cheek. Jack pulled away and she wondered if her joke had hit a nerve.
“Not if I can help it,” Jack said with a smirk. He sat up, fishing a small, velvet box from his pocket. Scarlett’s eyes grew wide as he popped it open to reveal the biggest diamond she’d ever seen. 
“Couldn’t wait another minute to give you this, doll. I know you said you didn’t want something big and showy, but I couldn’t stiff the mother of my children. I’ve waited ten years to be able to give you this. You’re the love of my life Scarlett and I want the whole world to know you’re mine. Please say you’ll be my wife,” he said looking at her adoringly.
Speechless after hearing Jack’s beautiful words, Scarlett nodded rapidly. She leaned over her sleeping daughter carefully for a passionate kiss as tears trickled down her cheeks. Jack placed the ring on her finger gently, holding her hand out to admire the sight of his promise becoming a reality. 
Jack held out his arms for his child and Scarlett cradled the baby’s head as Jack received her. He rocked his baby girl, heart feeling as if it might burst.
“Put her in her cot and we’ll celebrate properly,” Scarlett whispered seductively, unlacing her nightgown. 
Jack shook his head with a smug grin playing on his lips, “Still an insatiable little harlot after all these years.”
Tag list: @retromafia, @peakyswritings, @evita-shelby, @theshelbyslimited, @flysafepapi, @tommydoesntpayforsuits, @shelbydelrey, @alanadetigy, @wandawiccan60, @easilyobessedbutflighty, @severewobblerlightdragon, @lovemissyhoneybee, @kittycatcait219, @peakyrogers, @christinasyellowflowers, @celticmelody, @kpopgirlbtssvt, @peaky-cillian, @look-at-the-soul, @theshelbyclan, @the-makingsofgreatness
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zablife · 2 years
Little Harlot (Part 8)
Jack Nelson x Scarlett Shelby (OC)
Summary: John’s twin sister is a battle-hardened WWI field nurse who shares her brothers’ philosophy that every day back home is extra. In a bid to curb her disastrous thrill-seeking, Tommy sends her to Boston to keep her out of trouble and handle legitimate business. Tommy’s plan backfires when she meets rival gangster, Jack Nelson.
Author’s Note: The story is told with flashbacks, which I’ve listed with dates. 
Warnings: language, pregnancy
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Little Harlot Masterlist (Parts 1-7)
Birmingham, March 1926
“Scarlett, come out!” Ada shouted through the locked door.
Scarlett let out a strangled cry, “Go away, Ada, please,” she pleaded. Ada was worried about her older sister. She had been ill for weeks now, but kept refusing Ada’s insistent demands to call a doctor. 
“Scarlett, this can’t go on. I’m going to…I’m going to tell Tommy!” Ada threatened her sister with the only thing left she could think of. 
The door slowly opened and Ada gasped as she saw her sister on the floor, pale and clammy. 
“Scarlett, I know you’re sick. Please let me help you,” Ada implored.
Scarlett sat up wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. She pulled her knees into her chest making herself small in the corner before admitting, “I’m not sick, Ada, I’m fucking pregnant.”
“You, what?” Ada asked unsure she had heard her sister correctly.
“I met a man in Boston and he got me pregnant,” Scarlett said with tears gathering in her eyes.
“Well, you could send him a telegram and tell him and he’ll come for you,” Ada said naively.
Scarlett began to cry, ashamed to tell her younger sibling the truth. Finally she decided she had nothing else to lose and confided, “He’s married, Ada. Besides, I told him I never wanted to see him again….he wouldn’t come.” Then she broke down in wracking sobs.
Ada dropped to her knees and embraced her sister.  “It’s alright, Scarlett,” she murmured into her dark hair. “You’ll think of something. You have me, you know,” she assured her sister stroking her back gently. Scarlett just nodded into Ada's shoulder too overcome to reply properly. 
London, 1933
"A Mr. Jack Nelson is downstairs, Lady Becker. He says he has an appointment, but it’s not in your diary, ma’am,” Scarlett’s maid informed her. 
“Take him to the drawing room, I’ll be down shortly,” Scarlett replied, turning to fix her hair in the mirror.
She descended the grand staircase with trepidation, heart pounding in her chest at the thought of being alone with Jack again. After seeing him at the ball, all she could think of was how he had retained his good looks despite the years that had passed since she knew him in Boston. 
“Good afternoon, Jack,” Scarlett said attempting to sound casual.
“Hello, Scarlett. I’m sorry I had to lie about having an appointment, but I had to see ya again,” Jack said, calculating whether she was going to be upset at the intrusion. 
“That’s alright, Jack. I was thinking of you as well after our discussion at the ball,” Scarlett answered honestly letting her guard down. Jack noted how she had softened since their time together. 
“Is that so? You know, Scarlett you’re not a woman who misses much,” Jack said hurtfully. “I just thought you’d moved on without a second thought.” He allowed himself the opportunity to show his vulnerability with that admission, but it wounded Scarlett to be thought of as heartless.
“I had my reasons, Jack,” Scarlett said sauntering up to him until she was so close Jack could smell her lilac perfume and feel her body heat. He tried to calm his nerves as she reached a fingertip to touch the jagged scar she had given him so many years ago.
“I see this little souvenir healed nicely,” Scarlett said an unmistakeable chemistry igniting between them once more.
“I still got it though. Won’t fade,” Jack said matter-of-factly. Scarlett hummed to herself, tracing a line slowly from his scar down to his chin. God, she was bewitching, Jack thought.
Giving into every desire he had tried to supress, Jack caught her arm suddenly, leaning forward to place his mouth at the shell of her ear. “I want you, Scarlett,” he admitted a voice low and dark with lust. 
At that moment, the door opened and Jack and Scarlett parted instantly, seeking shelter on opposite ends of the room. As Jack smoothed his suit front, a sandy haired boy with bright eyes ran inside, bouncing with energy. “Mum, may I please go riding today?”
Scarlett bent down to take the boys cheeks in her hands lovingly. “Yes, but be sure you’ve finished all your work with the tutor, alright, love?”
“Thanks, mum,” he replied.
When the boy realized another person was in the room, he walked up to Jack and extended his hand politely. In a loud clear voice he announced, “My name is John. What’s yours?”
Jack locked eyes with the boy, a feeling of familiarity creeping over him, before he replied, “I’m Jack. Nice to meet you.”
The boy gave a firm handshake as Jack asked, “How old are you, John?”
“I’m seven, sir,” he answered before asking to be excused. Scarlett nodded her permission and John left the drawing room as quickly as he had arrived.
Jack stared out the door for a moment, thinking of the boy’s strange eye color, a rare mix of light green irises that mingled with bright blue around the pupils. It was identical to his own. Jack looked at Scarlett in disbelief.
“Scarlett, the kid says he’s seven years old,” Jack prodded hoping she would admit it before he questioned her. Scarlett simply nodded.
Jack continued despite Scarlett’s avoidance. “When were you gonna tell me, he’s my son?” Jack said indignantly. 
“Keep your voice down please,” Scarlett asked, crossing the room to shut the door.
When she returned she noticed Jack had taken a seat on the sofa, rubbing his hands together in a state of anxiety she hadn’t witnessed before. She sat next to him hesitantly, unsure how to continue.
Jack asked, “Why are you raising him here with another man’s surname?” He was sick at the thought, the weight of Scarlett's betrayal bearing down on him.
“What was I supposed to do with a child on my own?” Scarlett asked, tears springing to her eyes. She didn’t appreciate having to defend herself when she had endured so much already. 
“Scarlett, you left me, remember?” Jack said bitterly.
“Yes, because you had a wife, Jack!” Scarlett snapped before allowing her tears to fall.
Jack softened seeing her lay bear her emotions in a way she rarely had when they were together. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and extended it gently to a weeping Scarlett.
“Look, I don’t want to fight. I just want to know the truth, angel,” Jack said tenderly.
“The truth is I didn't know I was pregnant when I left Boston. I came home to see my brother John, the one our son is named after, but he died,” Scarlett said glossing over the harsh reality.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Jack said earnestly.
Scarlett continued, “Tommy arranged a marriage once he found out about the baby. A lord in need of a family to conceal his lifestyle, a woman in need of protection from a ruined reputation….it all came together rather quickly before I had time to protest,” she said looking down at her hands. After a moment she added, “Colin has been a good father to John though. He’s all John has ever known.” 
“You don’t love Colin, Scarlett. Leave him, come back to Boston with me,” Jack found himself pleading with her. He wasn’t above begging for the family he so badly desired. 
“It’s not that simple, Jack,” Scarlett sighed unsure if she should mention anymore today. He had already had a shock.
“Look, I know John has been raised here, but he’d love Boston. You said Colin has his own life, why can’t you go live yours?” Jack attempted to reason with her.
“You don’t understand, Jack. It’s more than just a matter of location. John doesn’t know who you are,” Scarlett explained.
“Well, can't we tell him?” Jack shouted in his urgency. Scarlett placed her hand over Jack’s to calm him and he looked at her with desperation. She shook her head slowly, knowing she couldn’t explain everything she was involved in.
The grandfather clock struck four and the chimes rang out, filling the moment of silence. Scarlett stood and proclaimed, “Colin will be home soon, Jack. You have to go now, please.”
“You can’t leave it like this, Scarlett,” Jack implored.
Scarlett took a moment to think before proposing, “Meet me tomorrow at my sister’s house. The maid will give you the address. We’ll talk more then.”
Jack nodded knowing her mind was set. He only hoped he could convince her to come with him when he saw her again. 
London, September 1926
“How is the child?” Tommy asked, plucking a cigarette from his case.
“Don’t smoke. And his name is John,” Scarlett said folding her hands on her lap. 
“That’s a nice tribute, Scarlett,” Tommy said placing the cigarette case back in his coat pocket slowly. 
“Now that you’re both being provided for, are you going to tell me who his father is?” 
Scarlett inhaled deeply and turned her head away, silently conveying her unwillingness to comply. Although Ada knew her child’s father lived in Boston, no one knew the name of the man. Scarlett intended on keeping that part of her life a secret. 
“Right, well…you going to offer me a drink at least?” he asked, eyebrow raised in a questioning look.
“We don’t keep alcohol in the house,” Scarlett said matter-of-factly, pursing her lips. She had turned away from drugs and alcohol when she was carrying her son and kept her distance from temptation now. She wanted to be a good mother more than anything. 
“Why are you here, Tom?” Scarlett said looking around the drawing room she had only recently seen herself. 
She had been married to Colin for four months, two of which were spent at Colin’s country home getting to know one another. They had recently returned for the birth and Scarlett could hardly believe the opulent estate she now called home. It was cold comfort, however, thinking of how she would have preferred a home with Jack.
She snapped back to reality as Tommy cleared his throat. “Will your husband be joining us soon?” Tommy said looking around anxiously, fidgeting in his seat without the distraction of his cigarettes and whiskey. 
“I’m well aware you’ve yet to collect your reward for saving my honor so don’t act as though this were a social call,” Scarlett said harshly. 
“You behave as though your husband gained nothing for his trouble, love. Try to remember that we’ve all got something we wanted in the end,” Tommy stated coldly.
Scarlett cut him a threatening glare, “You’ll have your OBE and your introductions in Parliament. He’s not like you, he keeps all his promises.”
Tommy nodded, “Good, good….because I would hate to see him lose all favor if his people were to learn about his…indiscretions, shall we call them?” 
Continue reading Part 9
Tag list: @retromafia, @violaobanion, @shelbydelrey, @kittycatcait219, @theshelbyslimited, @theshelbyclan, @flysafepapi, @severewobblerlightdragon, @julyzaa, @tommydoesntpayforsuits, @alanadetigy, @wandawiccan60, @lovemissyhoneybee
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