#Jaiden keep your head up king
Roier: What if Cucurucho asks us to kill someone in exchange for Bobby's life?
Jaiden: I'd do it
Roier: What?
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bebepac · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday 4.04.21
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Original Post: 4/4/21 at 7:20AM EST.  
Back again with a very beautiful gif to commemorate another Six sentence Sunday.  
In case you didn’t get the tags, here’s what I have posted in the last week.
I Am The Earthquake (Just The Way You Are) Liam x Riley  / Hayden x Kai
Chubby Bunny (Mia’s 🌎 World)  Mia x Jaiden / Chris x Emily
I honestly haven’t had as much time to write as I would have liked to the past few weeks between let’s face it guys.   I made it to season 5 of Lucifer now  and that’s how i’ve been decompressing after work has been a dumpster fire.  Talk about the countdown to my vacation in May.  13 days off from work are coming.  
Here’s what I’ve been working on in case you were wondering:  
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If You Lived
Special:  Just The Way You Are
The Book:  TRR x Perfect Match
Pairing for this episode only:  Riley x Nico ( usually Liam x Riley / Hayden x Kai) 
Status:  Still in the Writing Process
Nico kissed her lips when he walked through the door.
“How was your day?”
“I got my new assignment.”  
“Where did they place you?”
“Hartfeld Hospice House.  I’m nervous about it Nico.”
He pulled her into his arms in a soothing hug, gently rubbing her back. Riley immediately started to feel better.
“I can only imagine, caring for the dying can’t be easy.  But think about it this way,  They will be old people  that have lived their lives Ri.  You will be there to help them transition to the next.  Just know, you have to keep an emotional wall up between them and you, otherwise it will be really tough.”
“You’re exactly right.”  
“Can I get that on recording the next time we have an argument? So I can play it back for you?”
Riley laughed playfully hitting Nico.  
Nico was half right.  
The first time she saw him was when he walked through the door.  He looked like he was visiting someone.  He was wearing street clothes.  He was definitely someone’s grandson she thought.  
After she met with her advisor, she put on her white coat and walked into the room.   He was staring out the window and the bed was empty.  
“Hello. I’m sorry, I’ll come back in a little bit when the resident gets back.”
Riley glanced down at her clipboard.  “This is Mr. William Ryerson's room right?”  
“He’s here.  I’m the resident.  I go by Liam.  You must be my new doctor.”  
“I’m a PA….. physician assistant.  My name is Riley. Riley Brooks.”
“Not who you were expecting. I get that a lot.   Today’s a good day though.”
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The Book: TRR
The Life of Riley Book Two
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Status:  Still in the writing process
Liam sat on the dais next to Regina and to her right sat Constantine.  
“You have quite an assortment of suitors Liam.  Some from every walk of life.  Is there one above the most that strikes your interest most as of yet? We have arranged for some very poised and noble women to be here for you to choose from.”  
At that moment Lady Riley was announced into the ballroom.  She was dressed in a floor length powder blue ball gown, a silver and white masquerade  mask, and atop her head was a silver crown.  Riley looked like a princess.  Her confident stride proclaimed it too.
Liam’s body language completely changed, a soft smile creeping across his lips as she walked in on Maxwell’s arm.  
“Of course it’s that one.  The nerve of her walking in here with a crown on her head, when there’s not a drop of royal blood in her body. Did she follow you back here like a stray looking for a handout?”
Liam felt anger rising up in him.  But he had learned to control it in public as it was his duty to always present a united front of the people, with the rest of the royal family.
“No father she didn’t.  I invited her here.  She is the suitor for House Beaumont.  They see something special in her.  As do I.”  
“I think it's a rather bold move, Constantine.  She’s definitely stuck out in your mind now, didn’t she?  I think that was her idea. She’s very intelligent.”
King Constantine scoffed at the two of them.  Liam’s attention focused on Riley.
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And Then... There Were Two
The Meet Chapter 1 (Prequel to Greek Meat) 
The Book: TRR
Pairing:  All the characters are single
Status: Still in the writing process
When Bebe woke he was almost completely dressed.
"Good morning," Bryce smiled at her.
"I tried not to wake you."
"Oh." Bebe commented leaving her face as emotionless as possible.
"No, not like that, I wasn't planning on sneaking out on you."
There was a knock to the door.
"I thought we could have breakfast before I have to leave."
Bebe didn't mean to smile. Bryce noticed.
"Not the player you portray yourself to be… I know me either."  She saw his cheeks redden a bit.
Bryce was really sweet. They talked and ate breakfast together.
After breakfast Bryce continued to pack. Bebe took it as her cue to prepare for her walk of shame in her bridesmaid dress.
"Do you have somewhere to be?"
"Checkout isn't until 11, so enjoy this place, at least someone should get my money's worth, and one of us should get to sleep in a bit after we kept each other up all night.”
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Tagging the Comments!
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 1 - “Holding Reward At Gunpoint” Jonathan (Part 1)
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see. the thing is. I thought the prospect of having 26 people was going to make it a lit season with mess galore but this is too much. i dont know who these people are and im too lazy to go read all their bios so can we fast forward to merge when everyone h8s me and im begging for people to take me back so that I don't have to pretend to care about the early boots? ok tho I got really lucky my first 2 times playing to not be eliminated pre-merge or at double digits so im 99.9% sure my luck is going to run out this time..... just as long as I beat Jaiden, I'm good.
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*ring ring* What is this telephone doing in the DR? Hello? OH hey Bodhi, no Matt's actually not here but I was just leaving a message for him, is there anything you'd like to say? http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9lmmjz1D01r5govf.gif HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hi fakes! Sucks you can't join me.....if only you hadn't turned poor lil Crow into a raging bitter bitch in Great Lakes with that goddamn rock!
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I'll do a cast assessment later but lemme just say that I am completely shook that Andrew and Pippa and Isaac are here??? God they're so ugly but it makes me so happy that my fellow premerge flops are here to kick some ass. 
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First off.... You people must really hate me don't you? Gosh jeez Connor I thought we were friends! I feel I need to take a bit of a moment to chuckle because, and again, I don't know these people that well, but I know for damn sure I'm one of the biggest villains in this cast, and I couldn't be MORE excited I am so "nice" that I'm placed on the heroes tribe. Tbh most of what i say in my confessional is just so people can laugh at what I said after the season is over, but I HATE talking to people, especially fucking TWENTY FIVE of them, and not only that, but can we take a look at the elephant in the room. The only people who know how I REALLY play and how I REALLY run my confessionals and gameplay are Steffen, Andrew, Pippa and Isaac because they hosted me. WHY IN THE GODAMN SAINT NICK'S ASSHOLE DID YOU PUT ALL FOUR OF THEM ON MY TRIBE LIKE OH MY GOD I THINK I'M GOING TO JUMP OFF OF A CLIFF BRB. In all honesty, I love all four of them. They're like my tumblr parents, but I need to find a way to get them all to individually want me than all of the others, and I hate having to plea my case to any of them as to why I should be trustworthy, because that's not how games work, but the fighting argument for me to be on this tribe is that i'm extremely loyal, and I'm thrilled that I get to play my loyal card and not have to be on the villain tribe, where people feel the need to play like villains. I think I'm going to be more of a villain than a hero this season, but I'll have to make it deep enough for those colors to truly show, and I'm hoping I can make it deep enough. I am right now going to look to make relationships with Kendall, Trace and Drew, in hopes that I can use those bonds early in the game, and maybe make a really tight deal with Kendall and Trace because they both seem like great people, leaving my soloman family as an afterthought for now, considering there's a good chance they'll get targeted. My plan for now: Seem like a starry eyed kid heading into the big times and see how it works out. :)
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WELL... After watching all the videos, I first have to say WTF is Jonathan doing... I can't tell if he's being serious or not. Sorry not sorry. Linus' video made me choke and then I see we've got two shitty Great Lakes people in this game, one from my tribe and one from theirs. I can honestly hope that someone just doesn't get around as much as I do, and this way they'll be a target first and not me. I am REALLY liking Trace already because he's a frat boy just like me, and never in a million years did I think that I'd find another frat boy in this community, but here he is, so I hope that him and I can do some damage this season in a very non obvious way. I think the other person I really need to connect with is Andrew because I think he's a really smart player, and I really want to work with him (and Steffen) and especially push away Isaac and Pippa because they seem like weak links on the chain, and I know all of them being here is not going to be good for my game because they're just going to target Steffen or Andrew, so hopefully I can keep those two here. As for the Villains tribe, Tommy has been talking to me all night, and I legitimately feel closer to him than anyone else from my tribe. Same with Linus, who played in Soloman, but we never ever connected, so this is good that he's here, so I can hope to branch a bond with him. I'm also talking to Jaiden, who I have past game experience with, and then Crow and I have known each other for years, so if it comes to that, hopefully we can be secret enough to make moves with each other. Those four villains are ins that I'm going to try to have for awhile in the game, and if it ends up working out, it can put me in a really good position. My night one seems to be over as I'm fucking EXHAUSTED and need to go to bed. My plan for tomorrow is solidify something more with Kendall, and maybe even get a "ride or die" type offer out there since I think she's a really good player, and I know she knows I'm good too, and I think we're both loyal, which is great. I want to take a work on Mist and Alex C tomorrow, in hopes that outside the night one craziness, they can focus on building a bond with me. I need to take a backseat strategically, but a social frontrunner because if I'm being included in things, and minimally strategically contributing, it will take me a far way, and that's what I'm hoping for at this point. With 26 people, it's going to be hard to not write a million confessionals, but let the good times roll and we'll see what comes out of this game. :)
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Time for my cast assessment. As I'm doing this, I'm re-watching the cast videos. A lot of this will be based off of first impressions because there are some people I’ve never met before, and others I’ve only briefly talked to in group chats or games I got out early in… Lol. We'll start with the Heroes. HEROES: Alex: Eyeroll. Alex is honestly way too hyped. He is so arrogant and the few games I’ve played with him, he just came off so smug and full of himself that it made me actually want to punch him in the face. Sorry Alex, India was not a fun game for either of us and you made it miserable! He probably hates me because I broke his 80-odd day streak of never receiving a vote for or against him in Tumblr Survivor, or maybe because I knew about ***** being a catfish half the season. Anyways, I hope one of us gets out early or we never swap onto the same tribe. Alex is super close with Kendall and I know Kendall is close with Sarah, so those three are gonna work together well simply because they did it in India. Andrew: My Uncharted baby!!! I love Andrew. We played together in UI with Pippa and later Storybook All Stars so I’m SO happy for him getting cast for the season he’s wanted to play for so long. I don’t think Andrew and I can work together because both of us had difficulty working together in Panem, so… We’ll see. Love him tho. Ashton: I LOVE ASHTON. He’s so adorable, he literally doesn’t even know that this is Heroes vs Villains 3. I’m rooting for him simply because he was a first boot and he came off really kind-hearted in his introduction video. Someone needs to protect this kid, because he CANNOT get premerge again – it would be a travesty. I’ll talk to him at some point tomorrow I guess. Dom: I’ve heard of Dom a couple times before, didn’t know much about him though. I think it’s pretty cool that he’s married to someone who was in the community in the past, he seems like a nice person. I see why he is on the heroes tribe. I want to get to know him a little bit better. Drew: Drew…. Ugh. Another person I didn’t wanna see this season. I don’t know what it is about Drew, but this guy is like a virus. I don’t enjoy playing games with him because he infects everybody else with this ugly ass disease and then he wipes everybody out. Like I’ll give him credit where credit is due, he’s a great player, but at some point in your life I think it’s time to know that you’re not going to do much better than what you’ve done. He can only win so many times and I hope this isn’t the main season he wins against me. Isaac: I like Isaac. I think his self-deprecating humor is very fun and he comes off as very honest about himself. However, I don’t think Isaac likes me. He’s very close with people like Pippa and Andrew and that’s going to be dangerous for my game because there isn’t a lot I can do to convince Isaac that I’m going to be on his side this season. With that being said, I won’t actively pursue a working relationship with Isaac, but I want to rebuild our relationship because I could need him down the road and I want to prove to him especially that I have changed. Johnny: GINGER KING. He’s cool. I aligned with him in his very first Tumblr game and we got along well but I was constantly trying to backstab his ass and ended up quitting that game fhdaskhjk. He deserved it tho because he was super fucking messy. I don’t know how he’s going to play this season and I’m kinda surprised that he’s on the heroes tribe??? I hope I can work with him this season because I like him a lot. Kendall: I can appreciate Kendall. My issue with her is that she is so hard to work with because she only trusts the people she’s been with the longest. So I know her loyalty will always lie with her heroes and Alex and Sarah. Kendall has got to go sooner rather than later and I won’t have an issue getting her out if a swap happens. Sorry, Kendall. Mist: LOVE Mist. I was rooting for them (idk their pronouns btw) in Maldives and then they got removed so it’s messy. I’m actually kinda surprised that Mist is on the heroes but I guess it’s more of a creative decision to have them there. I don’t know where we stand so I’ll try to talk to Mist more tomorrow. Pippa: AHHHH another Uncharted queen! Pippa is so messy and I love it. She’s definite fodder for the premerge so hopefully she lasts just long enough for us to end up together and I can take her out. :’) She hates me and that’s okay because I think I hate her too? Whatevs. Nothing special about Pippa, she’s just typical avocado-hating fashionist Pippa. Ruthie: A lot of people love Ruthie and she does extremely well in Big Brother games, but I don’t think that her popularity there is gonna translate well over to this season. I will keep an eye out for her because I know she’s got a spectacular social game and could easily go far this season. Her placement on the Heroes tribe is no surprise in the slightest. Steffen: I don’t like Steffen. Trace: Total wildcard. Never heard of Trace before and his video was the blandest of the Heroes, unfortunately. He was the first revealed in the cast reveal too so that was kinda cool, I guess. VILLAINS: Alex: He’s cool. I talked to him quite a bit today but he hasn’t messaged me back. I want to get to know him better. I’ve been talking about previous games to let him know the kind of person I am in hopes that he trusts me or wants to work with me, I suppose. Ashley: We have history from India and we didn’t get along around the time I went home. We never spoke much following that and I never thought we’d play together again, but here we are. I think she’s on this tribe because she flipped on the majority in India and it cost her the game at final four. She got what she deserved, tbh! Sorry to say. She is a nice girl, I’m willing to bury the hatchet, but who knows if the bridge between us has been burnt beyond repair. I don’t know if she will trust me or not. Brian: He’s cool, I guess. I haven’t talked to him and supposedly he’s fake as fuck. We’ll see what happens with him. Crow: Love Crow. Like secretly Crow could be my showmance. I just get him more than I get other people in this community. I want to work with Crow so bad, and I think he’s got a better game than he lets on at times. I hope that he can help me mend fences with key players like Sarah and through him, I can develop stronger bonds with people from Cutthroat, too. Jonathan: I barely know him LOL. He reminds me of Justin Timberlake. Junior: Junior can literally go fuck himself, but if you think I’m going to hold that animosity towards him this season… you’re absolutely correct. Junior is going to come after me because he’s a dumb cunt and I truly want nothing more than to send his ass out first tribal council we go to. Realistically, that’s not going to happen because he’s got so many fucking friends here, but as soon as the opportunity presents itself, I will go full chaos Jaiden and throw his dirty ass into the ocean. If you’re reading this and you got me before I got you, Junior, good on you. I don’t forgive and I don’t forget. Kage: Kage is a MESS and a half. I like it. No clue where we stand because I attacked him once and he like, briefly left the community but it is what it is. We’ll see. Linus: LINUS! Not surprised to see him here, but he’s not someone I would’ve predicted to be on the cast either. I’ve talked to him a lot today and he is also pretty cool, and I went overboard telling him tons of things about myself so he knows exactly what he’s getting into with me. I actually want to work with Linus because he seems scrappy, yet loyal as hell and I definitely need bigger threats surrounding me at all times like him. Who knows who this guy’s friends with, though. Patrick: No offense but who is he LOL Richie: Yikes, again who is he? I don’t know anything about him except that he won a season. Sarah: I said this pre-season, I’ll say it again now. Sarah is a very dirty player. I absolutely expect her to lowkey screenshot my conversations, use her magic to record my calls or something, and use everything against me. It is no secret that she’s done these tactics in the past and she is definitely the queen of making pre-game alliances, too. However, this season I want to approach Sarah with as much respect as possible. While using her strategies to get far in games is not admirable, I will admit that it works well for her and I don’t need to be on her bad side already. I’ll let Sarah use me the first couple of rounds so she can trust me, who knows. I just don’t want to turn on her too soon this season. Tommy: In Cutthroat, I basically said that I hated Tommy despite not knowing him, and I have to say that he’s the one person who completely had my feelings about them change during that season. He impressed the hell out of me with just how nice he was? We talked on call for HOURS in Cutthroat and I really appreciate that because he kept the conversation going, too. He’s really cool and I definitely want to work with him this season, possibly with the other Cutthroat players or something. Tommy is a top favorite of mine right now. So there you have it. My cast assessment. We’ll see how this changes as time goes on, hopefully I have a good read on these people.
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Umm, not much has happened so far. Tommy and Ashley seem nice. I had an instant connection with Alex, Sarah, and Crow just from past games and yeah that's about it. The start of Survivor is kinda like a first date. If you don't make a good first impression, you likely won't make the merge (if ya know what I mean). With that said, I think my intro video was ok. I got a few people say it was funny. I fucking hate Jaiden so much. Jaiden can go rot in fucking flaming hell for all i care. You might ask why I hate Jaiden. It's because he doesn't seem like someone who deserves to be alive. Wow, that got dark
Currently the only thing I'm mad about other than Jaiden is the fact I'm not on ashtons tribe. I so badly want to Francesca him
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How many puppies do I need to kill in order to get through you people's head that I am EVIL????????????????
6 the answer is 6.
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I can't believe I haven't made one of these yet!  Life is CRAZY for me right now so I've been super MIA and I just hope that I don't get targeted for it whenever we go to tribal or whatever. I'm glad that we get a reward challenge and that the weekend is coming up so WHEW.  I'm sure then I'll have time to talk to more people and make more connections.  I have to like... not flop at this reward so that my tribe thinks they need me. :o) 
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This weird squishy cat is my best friend now
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So I'm on day two and feeling a little wary because I really haven't been able to speak to the people I've wanted to speak to, and most importantly I haven't been able to build any GAME relationships, except with Trace, but that was last night. I talked to Ashton a bit, and I'm thinking about bringing him on as a potential ride or die goat, and not necessarily a first boot material person, which a good move for me I believe. I started talking to Ruthie, as well as Steffen, who I knew already, but I really want to have one of the strongest connections with him because I think he's a REALLY strong player, so hopefully that can go in my favor. I've also been talking to Tommy literally nonstop, and he's actually a really cool dude, except I'm being a little wary, but I'm hoping he's got a man crush on me and he'll want to help me out a little bit down the line. I still don't understand the idol system, and I'm going to need someone to explain it to me because I legitimately don't get it. I think it's like a normal search, but instead, someone just says where they want to seearch to the hosts, and then the hosts exploit that location, so I think i'll go for it sometime tomorrow since it's once a round and I'm keen to wait for the reward before I go deep digging into an idol search, especially because I might get that clue, and if I do, I can really use it to my advantage. Such a shame I haven't been able to talk to Kendall today, because her and Steffen, along with Trace, are the people I'm most keen to work with, along with Ashton, so we'll see how this goes for now, but farewell for the night. i'm gonna go drop some cats into some boxes! As for now, it's time to do what I do best and beast out this reward challenge
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Sushi Cat is the tru MVP. Anyways, I'm back to being cracked. I keep searching on the blog pages for idols because somehow I think the idol is gonna be hidden on there. Of course, I'm wrong, but there are just so many things that COULD be the idol hidden somewhere... I just don't know. I want an idol for some reason this season??? Probably to avoid going home idk. 
Anyways,,, Look What You Made Me Do is the OG villain song and it applies well to me and my Tumblr Survivor experience I don't like your little games Don't like your tilted stage The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie You said the gun was mine Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh!) But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I've got a list of names and yours is in red underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh! Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do I don't like your kingdom keys They once belonged to me You ask me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast (what?) The world goes on, another day, another drama, drama But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I've got a list of names and yours is in red underlined I check it once, then I check it twice Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actor, starring in your bad dreams I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actor, starring in your bad dreams I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actor, starring in your bad dreams I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actor, starring in your bad dreams (Look what you made me do) (Look what you made me do) "I'm sorry, the old Jaiden can't come to the phone right now." "Why?" "Oh 'cause he's dead!" Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do Look what you just made me do Look what you just made me do
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Aight My Day 3 assessment of everyone in this cast: HEROES Mist: I didn't talk to him too much. But he seems pretty cool so far. Nice guy. Idk why but i like his pfp which makes me like him more. Alex C: I would go gay for Alex. He's great. Also he likes calling and calling is fun so there's another plus. I probably like him because he's the most like people I hang out with outside the game. Andrew: Another person I really like and definitely wanna work with. On call Andrew, Alex, (An)Drew and I jokingly formed an "A"lliance which honestly un gonna try and make real since those 3 are all great. Dom: I haven't talked to him yet but fuck he's good at sushi cat. Drew: Drew is one of the people the few people that I know from past games. He's just as nice as ever this time. Hopefully I can work with him. Isaac: Hmmm Isaac is the one of the people that I had a tough time having a conversation with. I'll try to talk to him more but I feel like he's just gonna be someone i don't click with. Johnny: I fucking love Johnny. Hes nice and easy to talk to and he says he's really good at challenges. So i'd love to work with him. Kendall: Her intro video was top notch and overall I think she's a top notch gal. Another one of my faves so far. Pippa: Pippa was the first person to message me after I got out of GL and tell me about everything in this community so she always has a special place in my heart. I haven't talked to her much this time, but I hope we can work together. Ruthie: Haven't talked to her yet either. She snapchatted me tho and I forgot to reply so I kinda feel like she. Steffen: Steffen hosted me before so I'll be wary that he kind of knows how I play. I haven't talked too much with him yet either. Trace: Super nice guy. That's all i can describe him as he's just a cool guy. One of my top picks for someone to work with long term. VILLAINS Other Alex: Idk him Brian: I've played with Brian before and he fucked me over hard so i'm obviously wary of him. I think he's the type of player that will flip on anyone so if i do work with him trust will be short. Kage: Im 90% sure the only reason I was cast was to counteract Kage but Tbh I think I'll probably work with Kage. The Great Lakers are all pretty close so I'd love to work with all of them. Crow: Another Great Lakean but I hardly know him so i'm not sure. Jaiden: Jaiden doesn't have a picture and it annoys me immensely. That is all. Jonathon: Idk him Junior: I liked his intro video but other than that I don't have much to say about him. Linus: Idk Pat: Idk him Richie: The love of my life. Please swap us together. Sarah: She's like Half Great Lakean. I've talked to her quite a bit over the first two days so I think she's someone i'll probably work with. Tommy: Had a fun convo with him so good first impression. Was disappointed when I saw he was a villain. Ashley: Idk her Overall my gameplan this season is to just connect with everyone in these first stages without talking too much strategy. Nobody is gonna target me first cuz they'll feel bad sending me out again and I'm honestly just a very very small target. So I have plenty of time to form bonds and let other people battle it out. CrowI'm such a legend when it comes to starting convos, replying once or twice, and then completely forget about them. Truly, honestly, I'm a social game god. I bet everyone either a) ignores my existence b) loves me in a way that like "haha you would be so fun to talk to but you still need to go....like now" c) doesn't know who I am People have said I'm charming but idk.....I don't see it? I'm awkward and socially inept? like, I'm no threat to anyone socially......so they should take me far....ya know....if they want? =) but anyways..... Obviously I know Kage - he was in my first season where he tried to pull a fast one on me and got himself eliminated and then Sarah, who was the hosting intern late into the season who cheered for me......and then Tommy and Jaiden from Cutthroat. I made a bold move to try and save Tommy and stuck by Jaiden even in his chaotic downfall, so if either of those hoes comes after me, they're fake and rude. Right now though I'm just being social with everyone and NOT talking game with people.....cuz with 13 people on a tribe, trying to form alliances will do much more bad than good, but hey, not to say I'd decline invites into alliances...:D
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tbh I feel I’m not socializing as much as I should be, or people just aren’t talking that much, either or, I am just going to chill for now and hope I’m included in whatever I need to be included in for tribal council. I'm definitely just going to pray that I can get into something, and it's the real reason I REALLY need to talk to Kendall, because I know she's going to be the hitch to make something happen, and I want to be a part of that! I hope there aren't alliances made already, but if there are then fuck. It's not my fault I don't know these people as well as I should. Maybe I'll take initiative with a small group and see where it gets me... Perhaps Kendall, Trace, Ashton and Drew? Only time will tell. Maybe I'll take this time to take more notes on people's past gameplay like I've been doing for the past three days :)
jk Drew voted Kendall out of Malaysia. Abort mission. Abort Mission
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My first confessional.  Yay.  Much excitement. So I'mma be quite blunt.  I hate hate talking to these people.  I'm not some social butterfly myself, but loorrdddyyy... I know a few of these people from before, and I do not like most of the people I already knew.  We just do not mesh in games.  So now, here, in my 3rd chance at the Sole Survivor title, I have to let these people control my fate?  Nu uh.  Ain't happenin'.  I have to do what I couldn't the first two times and W I N. I'll do a cast assessment later !! xoxo brain
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Okay so this game is going pretty well so far. So far I heckin love Alex (the one on my tribe), we act like we have known each other for much longer than 2 days and I could see myself working really well with him. Kage is also pretty cool, and happened to tell me where not to look for the idol? Even though I never asked them to? Idk if that is a sign of trust or not, but if it is that's awesome and I love it. 13 people on a tribe is pretty hectic, but hopefully with this many people it will be easy to blend into the background for a bit before I start having to make tough calls. Also we won the first reward! And I must say, I have never relate more to a game than I did with Sushi Cat... anyways. We got a firemaking kit, not sure what it contains but we shall see. I usually have nothing to do with the flag making challenges so hopefully someone will just take charge and make a flag, then if we lose maybe they can be blamed? who knows. hopefully it goes okay though. 
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I'm glad that someone else can take charge with this whole flag making thing because honestly?  While I'm kind of artsy by hand if I fail I don't want all the blame placed on me and whoever showed off how well they can make flags IS really good at it, the heroes are totally going to win! Also it sucks that we lost the reward challenge but at least people see that I'm a team player since I had one of the higher scores. I wish we did better though, it's frustrating! 
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So we lost reward.... No thanks to Kendall for being excused, and Mist for getting a strike. Between Mist getting a strike, Kendall taking an excused, Dom being particularly non communicative because he's on vacation, Ashton sucking at TS and Alex ballsing up to do the immunity challenge for us, it's safe to say there are a good amount of names to throw up there for potentially being voted out first that isn't mine. However, I'm REALLY digging the flag that Alex is working on, and regardless if we win or lose, I hope he gets accolades for doing this because he did an amazing job and it looks really good! I hope tonight is the night that communication starts to flow and I can start making some deals if we lose immunity, especially the one with Kendall that I'm still fishing for. I have a good feeling that Ashton and Trace trust me, but unfortunately that's it for now, and I really just need to solidify something in the form of a vote to show that I can be an asset to people's games because I'm struggling to get my footing in this season compared to where I was in Soloman, so we'll see. I think Pippa and Isaac are more keen to work with me than Andrew and Steffen are, which is too bad because I want to get something with Steffen going early on, and we'll see where that takes me.
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New Plan: I'm tired of waiting for Kendall. Steffen, you're up!
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I'M BACK YA SHITS! Okay yeah I know it's only been 5 seasons because Hosts but point being, HvV 3 is something I had been dying to get into since I entered this community. Would I be a hero or a villain? Well, hero I guess. But listen - I don't intend on keeping this hero game up. In fact I think I have a better chance as a hero seeing as people might expect more "morally correct" or whatever the fuck you wanna call it shit outta me. So that means I can show the villainous side™ when they don't expect it. Because honestly? I think my app and mixed hero/villain reputation in general leaves me to be flexible with whichever direction I wanna go. So these assholes better get ready hehe Anyway this is day after reward was due (which we lost by a small margin but whatever) so I have a lot to discuss. Initial thoughts on the heroes? Fuck I wanna die. First of all, Connor and co. didn't realize until I pointed it out that they not only cast the entirety of the Solomon hosting team in Isaac, Pippa, Steffen, and I - he also put all of us on the same tribe. Which... Steffen hero? Unlikely content. Isaac and Pippa heroes? Yeah. Me? I still dunno. I mean this could be both good and bad because on the one hand I have numbers but on the other hand I could be fucked in the ass for having all these people I know. Not to mention Drew and Kendall are here and I'm also very close friends with those 2. Although, Isaac could be the one that's slightly more fucked connection-wise just because he not only has the Solomon hosting team but there's also a big fucking Malaysia bloc consisting of himself, Kendall, Drew, and Alex Crooks. Which I guess Crooks said he'll try to keep the MaGAYsians safe but whom'st've knows? Speaking of Crooks... Him and Pippa are gon' fuck. Like. I'm just saying. They vomited about theater on group call for 20 minutes and I'm pretty sure he's one of like the 5 (five) or so guys who actually likes Tits And Vajengas around here so I mean there's a chance... that could happen... I mean he's cool if we're on the subject of him now. He's definitely a more outspoken player and could be a threat? But also myself, him, Drew, and Ashton were on a group call the other night and all got along really well. Speaking of Ashton he's pretty chill actually? And seems down to Earth enough. I mean I still dunno if that Trump pic was a joke or not because he used the word meme but eh. If he's my number he's my number idgaf. I've talked to Trace, Mist, and Ruthie a bit too and I still need to talk to Dom. Which I should probably do today because gotta keep that social game up. And then there's Johnny who seems super excited to play with his hosts and I love him BUT! I know he can be insane. And I wouldn't put it past him to be like "lmao imagine if I vote out my hosts hehe." Not on my watch dot gif! In terms of villains... Holy shit. First of all, y'all cast Brian. Who hates me. I just don't play well with the guy like. He makes everything about him and has this self-righteous attitude but is also a snake so none of that clicks or makes sense and it's just like okay you dunno what you're doing huh. He doesn't like me from the Pacific Islands series after I've killed him twice, so there's that. Him and Isaac have bad blood too from that series so I can tell Brian is going to strictly be an enemy if I ever end up on a tribe with him. Same with Jaiden maybe? Idk the fact that Jaiden's here has me screaming because we just never end up working together. He's one of the biggest wild cards to play with in this community and we may be close friends but I'll vote him out in a heartbeat. And that honestly goes for any of these people. I've also talked to Sarah because she initiated convo with me and she seems fine but I know she's a messy player. I do need to work on connections though with some of the villains. I can probably try other Alex, Ashley, and Linus. Just because I have some prior slight experiences with them. I wanna definitely try getting to know Richie, Jonathan, and Pat just because I have never talked to them before. And like I said, connections with the villains could be very good. In Generations I didn't utilize the One World at all, so people wanted me out just for really not having that strategic connection to them. I don't wanna make that mistake this time. Anyway I guess last little tidbit of info uuuuuuuuh... I got a MOTHER FOOKIN IDOL YA'LL FUCK! I literally DRTYTFUYGIUHOIJPO god I was the first to search for the heroes and I dunno if the villains searched either but first fucking spot I find the hero's idol. Even Connor was shook LIKE YGIUHOIJPI I CANNOT BELIEVE!!! So now I have this and Isaac knows because like I gotta keep him close for now. And not only do I have this idol - but it can combine with the villain idol PROBABLY for a super idol. So we'll see where that goes. And oh yeah Steffen has an extra vote according to Isaac but it reveals who you vote for or something. Snake ass. Anyway wish me luck ya fakes :~)
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So the move for me was to stop waiting and start acting! I couldn't do it too much, but I had to make a minor jump in the right direction since so many people were leaving me hanging. I really wanted to work with Steffen when I found out he was on my tribe, so I went to him with a ride or die deal. I am loyal to a fault, and there is no chance I'm going to turn on him with the deal I just made. He's going to be my Jacob, except, no offense to Jacob, but I have more confidence in Steffen to lead me into the right direction, opposed to Jacob, who was kinda loosely tagging behind me last season. Let's play ball, and if we lose this immunity, hopefully it's Steffen and I making power moves and not someone making a move on us, especially with the amount of people who've stood out early on as potential targets.
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So I've tried being my weird self to as many as people as frequently as possible and in the process I made an alliance with Alex. Not necessarily because he's the one I love the most, but because he seems like he'll be one of the stronger influences in our tribe and in these early votes, I would like to just go with the flow.... Beyond that, I'm just trying to not flop at all this small talk crap by insulting everyone and hoping they take it as a joke because that's how I communicate... Tommy and I seem to be working together but we haven't said anything yet and there might be low-key tension between Jaiden and I, I can't tell.... I confided a bit in Alex so if I hear it come back around, I'll know he isn't to be trusted (I mean, nobody is to be trusted fully, we're the villains but I need faithful allies in these early days) Right now I'm playing myself down and trying to evaluate how these players are going to play based on their personalities because as of now, I do not feel safe whatsoever. I felt safer on my tribe of 4 in Cutthroat Island than this tribe of 13. here's to hoping that Crow doesn't get 26th *cheers*
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 https://youtu.be/PLpY4ZXJQD4 I absolutley adore crow, alex, kendall, the other alex, drew linus and junior...god i love everyone..am i really on the villains tribe wtf djdbkdbd
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notesonnotes · 4 years
Notes on When I Say Jump
Hey all! We’re taking a look at When I Say Jump. They are an Emo and post-hardcore inspired band from Columbia, SC. Their lyrics are heavy, and full of truth. The music hooks you, and you may find yourself moving your head in time with the bass and drums. 
I’m going to get a little personal in this intro, and say that they are a band I would have had on repeat in high school. I would have listened to them every morning before school. Hearing them brought me back to where I started in finding what I liked, and what spoke to me musically. If you grew up listening to MCR; Fall Out Boy, or Paramore, take a few and check them out. 
Brennan, from the band,  took some time to answer some questions for us. So, take a few and check out When I Say Jump. 
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NON: How did you all meet? What drove you to start the band?
WISJ:  Jordan (drum twin), Jarrod (bass twin), and John (scream queen) are the founding members of the band. They met through working in another project together and they left that project to start their own band, When I Say Jump, because their chemistry was so strong. Brennen (that's me, I play guitar and sing!) came in later as I had been a close online friend with John for a few years and helped the band out in a few little ways over the years.
From there we began our re-branding, writing our new debut album (Separation Anxiety, which is out now everywhere online) and laying the groundwork for the new shape of the band. Lucas (guitarist with the the cool facial hair) came in shortly after the release of that first album by responding to an online ad searching for a second guitarist. I thought he would fit in perfectly so I asked him to come try out and it all worked out.
NON: What's the story behind your name?
WISJ:  When I Say Jump, at the heart of it, is about trusting yourself to find your way on your feet (and your support system if it is available to you) when leaping into the unknown for the betterment of yourself. We strongly believe in mindfulness and continuous growth as people. That's what our music is all about. The most disgusting parts of ourselves that we force ourselves to shed on the journey to becoming healthy and non-toxic individuals.   The band name also represents the friendship we all share. This whole experience as a band requires that we have faith in each other to keep our brainchild chugging along. It refers to trust exercises, such as the trustfall where you let go and fall back into someone's arms when they say jump.
NON: Who are some of your inspirations?
WISJ:  I can go ahead and speak to our inspirations as a whole a little bit but if I get everyone's individual answer this will take years, haha. These are our influences but not all of them are necessarily what I would say we sound like. I would say we are most influenced right now by My Chemical Romance, Underoath, At The Drive-In, Black Sabbath, Slipknot, Modest Mouse, Oliver Tree, Fall Out Boy... It's a little bit of everything because we all have very different tastes.
NON: How would you describe your style to someone who hadn't heard it before?
WISJ:  I would definitely say our music suits fans of My Chemical Romance, Underoath, Every Time I Die, At The Drive-In, From First To Last, Alesana (our new song, King Of Thessaly, was produced by Jamie King who produced some of Alesana's early work!), AFI, and Bring Me The Horizon. It's certainly the bastard child of all of those bands and despite how odd the mix, I hope you'll agree that it all works quite well.
NON: How do you handle nerves/stress before a performance?
WISJ:  Ha! We're still figuring this out. For me, I take a shot. I don't get drunk, mind you. I hate being drunk. But I find a shot loosens me up and effects me less than anxiety medication or anything else. So I take a shot when I get to the venue and before that, while I'm driving there, I slowly warm up my voice via pitch matching exercises for 15 minutes so that I don't embarrass myself by singing out of key and blowing out my voice before the set. In the future I'd like to work in some jumping jacks! Also, definitely play through the hardest songs in the set on guitar a few times.
NON: What is your dream venue?
WISJ:  Any arena! I want to make that fantasy happen some day!
NON: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
WISJ:  We see ourselves operating effectively with an entire crew of skilled people that will help us reach and be invested in our vision. We see ourselves with the best fans around, no matter how big or small our crowds may ever be. We know that the important thing is having QUALITY and SUPPORTIVE fans (LIKE WE DO NOW!) , over quantity. We will continue to foster that relationship with the people that help make our dreams come true. We see that relationship turning this band into a sustainable career for us.
Shout outs
Big shouts out to Jaiden Frost (@mrjaidenfrost) for his directing and film production skills, Matthew Jacques (@anuva95) for being an awesome member of our team and helping us understand the ins and outs of operating a band from a career perspective, Keith Browning for being an excellent graphic artist and the cool mysterious friend, Jamie King for being a hell of a music producer, and Logan Lawson of @grime_photography for taking some kick ass photos of us.
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survivorjordanpines · 6 years
Episode 4: Bless me father, for I have sinned - Adam
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Okay, I really hope my tribe isn’t full of slow dumbasses who take forever on this challenge. Because if my (script-assisted) challenge time of ~3 minutes doesn’t end up winning me immunity, I am going to T H R O W H A N D S
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So, that vote was a cluster fuck. Can you believe LA didn't tell me that the vote was on Kage and not Regan? i'm same. I can't wait to stab her in the back later on in this game just for the hell of it. I'm thinking I'll play nice for now and then when she least expects it, shove her into the proverbial waters and let her drag herself down. True friendship. This challenge has ruined my life so many times in the past. I.. actually did pretty good? 9 minutes, 21 seconds.. I think. I don't think I could have done it faster. I'm happy with my time. Can you imagine a world where I, the biggest flop, actually win an immunity? I mean, I won't, because we'll probably lose when half the tribe throws the fucking competition to try to win the immunity for themselves. I hate these people. I honestly only like Adam and Rafael right now because those kids didn't lie to me!!!
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Bless me father, for I have sinned. It has been three tribals since my last confessional. I went to the isle and climbed the third tree, the last one that should've had something since kage told me there was nothing in the second, and jess said there was definitely one in one of the trees, but since mine was empty, someone lied. Probably Kage. He's nice he always says good morning to me. But turns out him and Jaiden were liars. They used my name to try and get Regan out. Saying I said she was an easy vote. Which is awkward because I did say that but not to them. Doesn't matter because Jaiden came clean and cleared my name. But these bitches can't be trusted. Sad I wasted my time on the isle, shoulda gone north but I wanted to rule out the trees. Oh well, hopefully I get to go back. Could really use some of them advantages. Oh well, glad I didn't have to go to this tribal cuz I didn't do shit for the music video challenge. Jordan just can't come up with a challenge that's not lame or cliche. Like flag making? Music video? Come up with something original 
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Kage going was a major blindside. I think Charlotte and I were the only ones not part of it. So I need to maneuver through this game with her carefully. I am at the bottom of this tribe which means I need to a) up my social game and b) advertise myself as a free vote for anyone who wants it. Hopefully, I can make it through as I do not want to go against Kage in redemption island.
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So i'm super excited its the Steps because I have an opportunity to redeem myself after being booted because of the steps in Easter and Great Lakes! Anyways theirs like a glitch with skype where if you go on airplane mode and then write all the messages then go off airplane mode they will all send within like a minute. It's a cute look and I want that immunity so I don't have to deal with having to send someone home I like. I'll return to the ashes of my tribe and figure out whats happening lmao 
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I'm tired of these people already when can we tribe swap??
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I think I managed to get Gage's trust. Our conversation today was a real heart-to-heart game-wise. He told me, willingly, about the Kage vote and we managed to agree that Kage was playing too hard, too fast. I think I have deflected a vote against me from him. I know I didn't win individual, but I think I secured a spot as the worst maybe? Karen is gunning for me all because of previous bad blood. I'm frustrated that my life in the game depends on her attitude. All I need is five votes in this next tribal council and I better go fishing now. Right now I feel like I have Gage and Charlotte only. They seem to be the ones who trust me like I trust them.
Well I have Gage's and Jaiden's vote for tribal. I don't know exactly who but I'm all ears for anyone that comes by. I was really hoping that Charlotte wouldn't go since I kind of needed her vote. If she stayed, I would have had four votes right there. Karen is heavily against me and I don't know who is on her side. It'll certainly be one hell of a vote, that's for sure.
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[2017-11-24, 11:08:24 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): my first legitimate effort earned immunity [2017-11-24, 11:08:30 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): mastermind i don’t count bc thats partly luck [2017-11-24, 11:08:34 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): shooketh [2017-11-24, 11:08:43 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): regan with 47 hours is a fucking look [2017-11-24, 11:08:54 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): she pissed i’m going based on what i saw before i got kicked out lmao [2017-11-24, 11:09:09 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): i  hate people who sabotage their tribe for personal gain so i hope they vote her ass OuT
Can you believe your girl found an idol?
Apparently I'm the queen of finding idols if Jordan isn't in the damn game. I found one in Forbidden Forest, and one in Kuang Si. I mean, okay, technically I stole one from Ian in KS but I'm still counting that as a win for me. All my walking paid off and I searched the right tree to find an idol. It's not a cool idol or anything, Jordan just called it a hidden immunity idol and I GOT NO PICTURE, but still... it means I'm guaranteed safety whenever someone tries to vote my ass out so that's something. Let's see them try to come @ me with an idol in my pocket.   Is that a granola bar in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? NAH BITCH, that's an idol and I'm voting your ass OUT.
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okay damn here's the sitch we got this weird six-person alliance going with me/ryan/jess and ruthie/emma/andreas, the last three of whom are presumably very close, and apparently jess/ryan/cole/casey also have a chat, and as a result i'm feeling more than a little left out of things. especially because both ryan and jess are unable to vote tonight (rats) so it's basically me and everyone else that i don't trust. BUT i had a good talk with casey last night and decided i would much rather work with her & cole and ryan/jess than the other three, especially cos emma's like literally not ever around and i dont see the point in keeping her here over someone who would talk to me. so what i'm thinking right now is, i vote with casey and cole for emma, the other three vote whomever, then there's a 3-3 and jess gets to vote on the revote so we can get it done. of course, this assumes that i can trust anyone, which - as previously stated - i can't. but i don't have time to worry about it so i'm gonna go with my gut. i'll write more later but i have to go make pita bread so ttfn
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So my strategy in this challenge totally failed! Miserably. Anyways, so we have tribal and I really didn't wanna have to vote because I think this is where things shall get messy. I wanna stay in the background but Ari is really smooth and I can see they're like trying to paint this as my idea to send Cole him when it's kind of an unspoken thing that Cole should be the next to go. And then, part of me also wants to gather Cole and Casey and we vote Jess. Then plus her self-vote, she'd go home. I feel that it would be an iconic MOVE but its way too early to turn half my tribe against me and then I'd still be in a 4-3 minority. So honestly who knows what will happen tonight.
So, when i was chatting with Ari I knew they were making the convo seem a certain way and yet here I am now having Ari throw me under the bus to Cole. I had a good relationship with Cole and Ari just completely screwed me. I thought Ari was smart, but they're causing a lot of distrust. The only, ONLY way I see how this makes sense in their head is if I'm going to be the one going home. And that pisses me off. How do I know this is happening ? Because Cole confronted me about comments I made and guess what, the only person I've chatted with is Ari. I'm very frustrated, this move makes no sense for Ari, and now Ari is trying to throw Casey under the bus. I'm just overly very frustrated right now and this moves makes no sense for Ari. None at all. 
What a day. So I got all that sorted out with Cole, and I know Ari told him so I don't trust Ari anymore. What I thought we had is GONE. Now Casey is probably going which I'm not here for. AT ALL. But, I need to make sure Cole stays around so he still trusts me. I also think that Ari/Jess/RTP are setting me up to go home if we lost again, so I'm hoping for a swap so I can make some good relationships. One thing I have going for me is that I know a fair bit of people in this game and I can def use that to my advantage. Plus im the redemption island king so people don't wanna fuck me over for that. Part of me wants to just vote Jessica to get back at Ari, so honestly who even knows at this point. I'm a rather vindictive person and I think that ends up fucking me up in games, so I'm trying to think with my head but its hard when people are blatantly trying to pull the wool over my eyes.
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASSSE make it so that Emma and I are on the same tribe, she's the only one that I think is 100% real to me.  Also I think Ari might be a rat, she told Cole that me, Emma and Andreas were voting for him and I???? I would never vote Cole. I would vote out some of my alliance members before I would vote out him. Maybe. 
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The people that have come up to me about anything game-related are Regan, Gage, and Jaiden. Gage seems to honestly want to work with me along with Jaiden. Then there is Regan who just told about why the vote went as it did which I already knew about. Finally, I was talking with David and that was just friendly conversation. The only way to actually live through this tribal is to up my social game and basically follow wherever the majority is. That's the plan, but I still feel like I'll either get some votes or be voted out. The latter seems most likely.
So it looks like the majority is falling on Jaiden and I'm depressed. Jaiden is the one of the only people on this tribe that has my back. Losing him is losing a vote that will be with me for the rest of this tribe's existence. Now I just hope he wins redemption and isn't too pissed about me voting him out. Please let this work in my favor gods of Survivor!
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Hey first confession here~ First tribal my tribe is full of sketchy people first pippa made a voting confessional i was throwing her name around well that was everybody and this vote i wanted to go vote off casey but ari decided to be messy and throw andreas name out i wanted  to be loyal to them for once instead of voting them off but noooo now jessicas name is being thrown out and aris name and caseys names because of me and etc.... Ruthie is my number 1 so yeah
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Anyway I think we're blindsiding Adam, it'll be 4-2-2 so like 4 would be David Regan la and gage, 2 would be me and jaiden and 2 would be Adam and raf, assuming that Adam is voting with raf and not against him. Tbh if this works out then it'll look like I'm on the outs of the alliance so 🤷🏽‍♀️ It could work bc it might get me info on ppl who think I could swing their way instead. Also I'm considering actually working with jaiden, he seems trustworthy so far and he said he would vote for me so
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that was a mess and a half!
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bebepac · 4 years
The Pink Lady
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles prompt# 42 “Let’s be honest with ourselves, we knew this was going to happen” will appear in bold
Liam, Riley, Hana, and Maxwell all belong to Pixelberry.  All other characters are my own creation to support our story.  
This is the 7th Chapter of Fast Forward To catch up on Liam and Riley’s future Life please click 
Fast Forward
I wasn’t kidding when I said this story keeps taking turns on me, and it did yet another one.  I really can’t control this one.  There are some mentions of some things if you are not following  the Life of Riley  or  some of my wacky drabbles or one shots.  Mentioned in this fic:  Riley’s horrible driving, The Pink Lady Guitar, and Riley’s Accident.  To get more back ground on them check out Ride with Me (my very first fic i posted)  and Ghost Girl from the life of Riley, and January 18th  Links are :  
Ride With Me
Ghost Girl
January 18th
Song inspiration for this chapter:  When I Was your Man by Bruno Mars.  
I don’t own rights to any of the music or lyrics displayed.  
Summary:  Von stays at the palace per Riley’s request.   Riley spends the day at the private beach with friends with Von.  Von attends his first courtly event, as Riley’s guest and gives her a very special gift from her past.
Warnings:  Profanity, depression, sadness, domestic violence,  Angry Liam.... becomes Evil Liam.  This just went dark.  Sorry guys not my intent.
Word count: 2733
Tagging:  @queenjilian @dcbbw @burnsoslow @loveellamae @lovemychoices @bbrandy2002 @nomadics-stuff @kimmiedoo5 @cordonianroyalty @cordonia-gothqueen @lodberg @aestheticartwriting @glaimtruelovealways @custaroonie @texaskitten30 @janezillow @atha68 @my0123456789universe @kaitycole @indiacater @losingbraincellseveryday @yukinagato2012 @furiousherringoperatortoad @marietrinmimi @hopefulmoonobject @sevenfuckslefttogive @ac27dj @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @mrsdrakewalkerblog @islandcrow @xpandabeardontcarex  @axwalker @sanchita012 @queenwalton @flutistbyday2020 @gabesmommie1130  @mom2000aggie @queenaaliyah @jared2612​
"Maybe you can fool her with that you are on vacation bullshit. Cut the crap. I saw your little interview. What do you really think you can accomplish by coming here now Donovan?"
"I think the real question is, why are you so insecure with your relationship, that you are coming at me like this bro?"
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"Because I feel something from you; the only reason you have come here is to try to take My Queen back with you. You do realize we have a family together right? Riley loves me and our children, and I love my wife."
"Then why is she not your equal?  The way you overrule her and talk over her.  I have seen you do it millions of times in press conferences.  You even did it to her today.  I asked Riley was she pregnant. I didn't ask you.  You answered for her, like she was incapable of answering for herself.  No wonder I've been hearing from her so much lately.  I feel like all you want is a pretty faced, pretty shaped Queen to give you heirs. Riley is more than that. She is not a trophy. You treat her like she's property. Probably the only reason you want another baby is to show someone that she's yours."
"SHE IS MINE! You are sadly mistaken if you think you are gonna swoop in and …."
"Look who's up?" Riley walked back into the room holding Jaiden bouncing him on her hip. He rubbed his eyes. Liam gave him a kiss on the forehead. "My baby boy."  Ellie and Adam followed behind her, looking inquisitively at the stranger standing before them. 
Von gave them a tiny wave. Adam waved. Ellie looked right at her father. Von could have sworn he saw Liam slightly shake his head "No." Ellie did not wave back. 
"Von, I'd like you to meet our children. Ellie, and Adam say hello."
Both children holding close to Riley's hips peer around her but only Adam said hello. 
"Ellie where are your manners? Say hello to Mommy's friend."
Ellie said nothing but ran across the room to Liam. 
He picked her up holding her in his arms. 
"I'm sorry Von, she's usually not shy. I don't know what's gotten into her."
"No it's okay."  He looked at Ellie. Of course he was training her to be just like him. She was the crown princess.  They both had the same look in their eyes, staring at Von, anger. 
"And this is Jaiden."  
Von remembered everything Riley had ever told him about  Jaiden. When Riley's memories came back she had told him about what happened with him that day during the accident.
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"He would be so happy you named one of your sons after him."
"I think so too." Von softly touched Jaiden's cheek and  he giggled.  He grabbed Von's fingers holding them. 
These two were definitely Riley's children, that Riley had the primary influence over them.  Not Crown Princess A-hole that was looking down at him sneering just like her father. 
"Von do you have a place to stay? We have plenty of room you could stay with us. We could get…"
Liam cut her off  yet again. "I'm sure Donovan has made his own arrangements Riley, we shouldn't interfere.  He said he is in fact on vacation, he probably has a plan."
Riley laughed out loud. 
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"Actually Liam not really. Riley, you know me so well. One of the things that is my fatal flaw that Riley loathed was my lack of planning. However, bucket list item #13 stay in a palace, so there you go!"
"We can get someone to bring in your stuff. I assume you rented a vehicle?" 
"I did, my stuff is in the car. 
"We can do something fun but low-key tomorrow because I'll have the kids. You don't mind that do you Von?"
"No not at all, it will be nice to get to know your kids."
"We will have a great time, I could even drive."
"NO!" Both Liam and Von screamed in unison. 
"So she's never been able to drive, these are not recent events from just not driving much?"
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"And I was there when she took driver's ed….three times."
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Liam laughed, shaking his head at Riley.  "You're lucky, you're beautiful and charming."
"VON!!!! You gonna tell my business out on the street like that?"
"Mommy says snitches get stitches," Adam chimed in loudly.
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"That's right, baby and Mommy's always right."
Von laughed out loud, "The New Yorker is strong in this one."
Von knew right then, if Riley ever left Liam, and he got another chance with Riley, he wouldn't have a problem loving adorable Jaiden and Adam as if they were his own kids. Liam would never let Riley take Ellie. She was too important to him. She was him.
Servants helped bring his items in but one box he wouldn't let out of his sight.  He held it carefully.  "It's a surprise," he said.
"Tomorrow we are having a small get together here in the ballroom.  Please say you will attend as my guest."
He nodded to Riley.  
The next morning after breakfast Riley security team took them to the beach. He noticed right away the way Riley's guard Nico was staring at her in her bathing suit. That's why Liam wanted another child. He's staking his claim on Riley. Liam was so transparent, at least in Von's eyes. 
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But how did Riley truly feel? he wondered.
“Oh my God, I’m so glad you recommended this.  I’ve never been so relaxed in my life.   Who knew the thing I was missing from my life was a private beach.”  
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Riley laughed.  “I feel the same way when I come here.   I think about all the times we went to the Island to go to the beach.  Do you remember?!? Shoulder to shoulder with people.”  
Inviting her friends also built in babysitters so that he could talk to Riley.  He had already noticed some things he was worried about.
He decided to just jump into it.
“Riley, is something bothering you?”
“I’m just fine.”  She said smiling.  A smile he saw didn’t reach Riley’s eyes.  He saw sadness.  He’d seen that type of sadness in her eyes before.  Riley. Was. Not. Fine.
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He watched Riley when she didn’t think she was being watched.   She took a sip of her water and put it down.  He noticed her hands were shaking.  
Riley looked deep in thought.  
**** 10 months ago *** “We’ve tried multiple times to turn the baby, but it’s just not working.  The baby is still breech. Being so close to your due date Your Majesty. I think a C-section would be best.  
“Both Ellie and Adam I had naturally.  “Will there be scars?”  
“We’ll do our best to make them as minimal as possible.”
“And there’s no chance the baby will turn so Riley can deliver naturally?”
“There’s always a chance King Liam, but it looks highly unlikely at this point.  A C-section is the safest option for both mom and baby.”
Liam gently rubbed Riley’s large rounded stomach.  “Yes, we want them both to be safe.  Is there anything else Dr. Ramirez?”  
“That’s all I can think of, we’ll have you back next week, as we’re going to start weekly visits from here on out.”  
“I just had one more thing, Go ahead Liam  I’ll be out in one second.”
He walked out the door. Riley waited until he closed it behind him.  
She chuckled at Riley, “You would think it’s your first baby how nervous you look.”  
“Well,” Riley tried to make her voice sound as nonchalant as possible,”  Since we’re doing a c-section would it be possible to perform a tubal ligation while i’m open already?”
“Queen Riley, you have plenty of child bearing years left, if we do the procedure and you change your mind, we might not be able to reverse it.”
“I won’t be changing my mind, I want the procedure.”
“King Liam hasn’t mentioned anything of the sort.”
“It’s not King Liam’s body, It’s mine.”
Dr. Ramirez gave her a knowing look.  “Is it though?  I don’t feel comfortable performing such a procedure on the Queen of Cordonia without the King’s consent or knowledge. Is there anything else?”
“No, That about covers it,” Riley commented with a stiff smile, walking out the door.  
He watched Riley looking down at herself.  Her hand still shaking touched her stomach for  a moment.  
There were sad tears in Riley’s eyes.   He remembered yesterday when he asked Riley was she pregnant and the mortified look that crossed her face for a second, that Liam didn��t even notice.
Realization hit Von like a ton of bricks.
“Riley. Two things.. First…. Why haven’t you told Liam you’re pregnant, and Second, why aren’t you happy about it?  
"It wasn't always like this. I really think somewhere he loves me. He is a good father Von, but not so great a husband. Sometimes he's sweet, but Sometimes I feel like he forgets we're supposed to be ruling together and makes decisions for all of us like I don't matter. Ellie matters more to him than I do. He wanted more children, so I've given him more children.  I've done and given him everything he asks of me, and at the end of the day, he doesn't take me seriously. I'm not enough. He's the ruling monarch with royal blood. No matter how much I give him it's never enough Von."
"You're enough for the right person Riley. You're enough for me."
Von took her hand in his. She quickly pulled away.
"Please stop. I can't take any more complications than I have right now."
On the way back they stopped with Maxwell to get Von a nice suit. Von saw immediately that Riley was his best friend by the way they talked. He liked Maxwell right away too. He reminded him a little of Daniel.
He sat at the dinner with Maxwell and Hana, they both were her best friends . They talked and laughed with him like they were old friends. He noticed Riley watching them from her dais as she sat next to Liam in their matching thrones.
She made her way over to him "Are you guys having fun?"
"Lots of fun Little Blossom, can we keep him?"
Von chuckled, "Maxwell you're hilarious. And how many stories does this guy have about peacocks?"
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Riley let out a deep belly laugh, "He has millions. I've yet to hear the same peacock story twice."
"So Liam wanted me to ask you something, would you be willing to do a song for us, to open up the social part of the evening? I know you're on vacation."
Was this dude really this stupid? He was about to light a fire in this place, and in Riley.
"I'll do it for you, but I need to get something first."
He came back shortly with the same box he had been so protective over. He whispered something to Hana and she nodded.  Riley introduced him when he was ready.
He stood up. "Thank you for that lovely welcome Queen Riley. We grew up together in New York.  And she doesn't know that I spent the last 3 years looking for this, and just found it two weeks ago. This was part of the reason I'm here is to return it to its rightful owner. He opened the box revealing Riley's pink lady guitar. He walked closer so she could see it.
She jumped up out of her throne, gasping. Liam grabbed her arm. She slowly sat back down into her throne.
"I know what you're thinking. When I went to my fans to help me find it, I left one detail about The Pink Lady off the information.  After a few false alarms, Someone messaged me about this one. I just asked them one simple question, was there anything unique about it? They told me yes, on the back there initials engraved in the wood RB and DJ."  
Liam looked at the tears in her eyes in confusion.
"My Dad bought me that guitar. You know I lost almost everything I owned after the accident.  I could never find it, I looked for it, every chance I got."
When he handed it over to her she quickly checked the back.  She remembered her and Von engraving their initials after she played her first song she had ever written for him. She closed her eyes, also remembering walking around the store with her Dad, finding it for the first time.  She opened her eyes again looking at Von.
He smiled. "You'll never guess where it was.  In California. Thirty minutes from where I live."
"Hana if you would."
Hana sat at the piano playing for him. When he started the second verse, of the song,  Von's eyes met Riley's, and they never left hers.
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, oh And it haunts me every time I close my eyes
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh Mm, too young, too dumb to realize That I should have bought you flowers And held your hand Should have gave you all my hours When I had the chance Take you to every party 'cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing But she's dancing with another man
Although it hurts I'll be the first to say that I was wrong Oh, I know I'm probably much too late To try and apologize for my mistakes But I just want you to know
I hope he buys you flowers I hope he holds your hand Give you all his hours When he has the chance Take you to every party 'Cause I remember how much you loved to dance Do all the things I should have done When I was your man Do all the things I should have done When I was your man
The crowd roared in applause.  
"Riley, play something for your people."
"That won't be necessary," Liam interjected.
Riley ignored him and had gotten up putting the strap over her shoulder.  
"I'm a little rusty, so hopefully it will sound okay.  This has always been my favorite song since the first time I heard it."
When Riley played the first few chords,  Von knew what she was playing.  She was playing their song. Playing it for him.
Liam recognized it right away too.  She could feel Liam's anger  radiating off him.
When the song was over everyone was cheering for Riley.  Liam excused them. Von saw how he gripped Riley's arm as they walked out the ballroom, and he didn't like it.  He followed them. As he got closer to the door. He heard Liam's voice full of anger. "HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME LIKE THAT!"
Then he heard an unmistakable sound. He slapped  Riley.
Von pushed the door open seeing Riley in tears holding her face.
"Von please go," Riley pleaded. "You'll  just make it worse."
"Riley you don't have to take this from him. Is this how you treat the mother of your children?!?!?"
"I will treat her however I please."
He yanked the guitar from Riley grip, holding it in the air.
"Please don't Liam. Please, I'm sorry Liam. PLEASE DON'T!!!!"
Liam ignored her. He slammed it hard to the ground, shattering it.
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Riley fell to her knees bursting into tears. "This wasn't about him Liam, My father gave me this, and YOU RUINED IT!!!!!!! WHY?????"
"Maybe now you will think twice about sharing looks of lust for another man so blatantly in front of your King and His People."
He stood  towering over them. Von's grip tightened around Riley as to protect her.
"Let's be honest with ourselves, we knew this was going to happen."
He stared down at Riley on the floor crying, shaking. Von held her in his arms, her back against his chest. Von was staring at Liam in pure disgust.
"I'm sure you know you're not welcome in the royal chambers tonight, unless you're ready to do whatever your King desires you to do for you to be forgiven. Otherwise, find alternate sleeping arrangements."
Liam walked out the room, the door slamming behind him.
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bebepac · 4 years
WIP 07.29.2020
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That time Life imitated art so you decided to use it for your benefit.   Yesterday I had call my bank to get a new debit card issued, as I accidentally ran over the previous one.   I know... I wish i were kidding.  I modified the story slightly.   I was coming out the grocery store.  Mia was getting gas.  There are creepy men in both that decided to see would a woman crawl under a car in a dress instead of help.  Both Mia and myself decided not to show our goodies to the world so we are ordering new cards instead.  We regret nothing.  told you i would totally use it @burnsoslow​
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First Fight
Pop’s Place  Chapter 8
Mia turned on her car.  Great… she had to stop for gas.
She went to Sheetz to fill up her tank. 
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 Looking in her wallet, she didn’t see her debit card.
“Shit.”  When she went to Old Navy with Daniel the other day she remembered putting her debit card in her pocket.  She fished through her wallet.  Pops had made her a user for his credit card  only for emergencies.  She filled up the tank. As she walked back to her car, she stumbled, sending her  card flying under her car.  
She couldn’t see it under her car.  When she glanced up, she saw some guys watching her laughing.  
She was not about to crawl under her car, in her dress.  She thought the best thing to do was move her car.  She moved her car enough to see her credit card.
Mia cheered…. Until she turned her card over seeing all the scuff marks on it where her tire had pushed the card into the asphalt.
“How the hell did you run over your credit card MIA?!?!?!?!?” Pops yelled at her.
Mia burst into tears.
“Could you please not yell at me right now, I’m having a really shitty day.”  
“And apparently you forgot where you were, because you would know you don’t use that type of language in my house.”  
The doorbell rang.  “And who the hell is this?”
Mia smirked at Pops.
“I bought this house so I can use whatever language in it I want.”
“Who the hell are you?” Pops said when he flung the door open.
Leo didn’t miss a beat.  
“Leo Rys sir, I was at Mrs. Jones’s birthday party.”  
“Mia it’s one of your little boyfriends.  I can’t keep track of this anymore.”
“Liam’s not with me, before you ask.”
“Why are you here Leo?”
“I feel like some of this is my fault Mia.  I should have stayed out of it.   I think you green lighted Liam too soon because of what I told you. And I’m sorry for that.”
“Drake claims he wasn’t on the beach with her. He said it was raining almost the whole trip.”
“And I didn’t see the pictures. They were gone when I looked.  Mollie is not going to tell the truth.  Liam might.”  
“I don’t think I can trust either of them right now.”  
“Then don’t.  Take some time to figure out what you want to do.  As long as you hang out with me.  I am sure I could get Hana, and Jaiden, and Daniel and Penny and we could all have a good time together. No Drake or Liam.  Just us cool kids, and you’re gonna drink damnit!”
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* next up *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
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The Crown Visits the South
University Student Ellie Chapter 2
While Riley was in the stall she heard a woman crying.
Riley came out of the stall and washed her hands.  
"Are you alright?" Riley asked.
"I told myself I wasn't going to cry today,  and this is the fifth time already.  We just dropped our son off at his dorm. He's on the football team. It feels like just yesterday, he was a baby. Now he's taller and bigger than I am."
"My daughter will be coming here next month.  We're trying to help set up stuff for her."
"This early?"
"We're from out of the country. My husband is from Cordonia."
"I have heard of it, famous for its apples."
"We are. Hi I'm Riley Rys."
"Emily Powell. Nice to meet you."
"I'm sure I will be in your shoes shortly, it still isn't sinking in, my baby girl is going to be going to college."
It was as if saying it made it real for Riley.
Both women burst into tears.
They walked arm in arm to their husband's that were laughing and talking . Both men jumped up running to their prospective wives.
"What on earth happened?" Liam looked at Riley in concern.
"Our baby is going to college."
Both husbands consoled their wives. After Riley and Emily were calm they all made formal introductions. Riley and Liam of course omitted they were King and Queen.
Liam and Riley hit it off with  the Powell’s so much that they planned on having dinner with them that evening.  They recommended a great steak house.   As every time Riley came to the states she always wanted  a great steak.  
They had a few hours before dinner, after they had left the electronics store, to authorize purchase from some items they knew they wanted for Ellie’s room.  50 inch flat screen tv.  New laptop and stereo system.  Things she had at home that they wanted to make sure she did not feel without at school.  
Finally they were able to go back to the hotel for a little bit.  
When Riley came out of the bathroom, She was completely shocked at Liam.  Liam had stripped completely naked and was standing in front of the air conditioning unit with his arms stretched out.  
“Liam..... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?”
“Riley.”  Liam said in his serious Kingly voice. “My balls have been hot since 8:30AM this morning, and they need to breathe.”
“And you playing the song blowing in the wind, is for irony?”  
“It soothes me.  Besides, it kind of is right now.”
Riley burst out laughing.  “And people think I’m the one that’s over the top.  It’s really, you Liam Rys.” 
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* next up *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
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The Crown’s First Gender Reveal
Fast Forward Chapter 13
Later that day as Riley was heading down the hall she heard screaming coming from Nico's room. She turned the door knob, being unlocked, she walked in. She heard Nicolai's loud cries. Nico was holding a crying Nicolai in his arms trying to soothe him.
"He has nightmares. He was in the car with her.. when she…."
"Want me to try?" Riley asked softly.
Nico nodded his eyes full of tears. "I don't know how…It hurts seeing him like this."
She traded positions with Nico, pulling Nic into her arms.  Nic clung tight to her, Riley's voice was soft and soothing and reassuring.  Nic started to calm almost immediately.  Riley ran her fingers through his hair and gently kissed his forehead.  “It’s ok Nic, we’re here. It was just a bad dream. You’re here, and you’re safe.  His little body was still shaking.  “You’re safe, I promise. Close your eyes." She whispered.
She began to sing to him the lullaby that Liam had taught her that she always sang to their children, rocking him in her arms.  She felt Nicolai's tense little body start to relax in her arms. Riley's voice changed to a soft hum. Just before she felt his body go limp, he said "I missed you Mommy."
She gently laid Nic back into his bed pulling the covers up on him.  Both walked out of the room in silence, as both had heard what Nic said.
“I know Riley… I know.”  
*^*^*^*^*^*^* end of chapter teasers *^*^*^*^*
Still in the pipleine: Beach Vacation episode of Life of Riley and  At long Last.   Just as of today I haven’t written anything new on them to post a snippet for your reading enjoyment:
Thanks @losingbraincellseveryday​  for the tag  for WIPS this morning! 
Tagging fellow writers to see what they are up to this week, and people that might want to see what’s coming for next episodes.  No, I decided not to post  the Mia, Drake, and Liam argument.  You will have to wait for that for episode reveal. 
@queenjilian​ @dcbbw​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @katedrakeohd​ @loveellamae​ @kingliam2019​ @kimmiedoo5​ @sanchita012​ @mom2000aggie​  @indiacater​@lovablegranny​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @jared2612​ @batgirlassociationofgothamcity​ @texaskitten30​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @queenwalton​ @blueaster-blog1​  @bebepac​
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bebepac · 4 years
Ghost Girl
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This is the 10th chapter of The Life of Riley.  To catch up on what’s been gong on, please click 
Riley Brooks and the Royal Family (via newscast) belong to Pixelberry.  Jason, Ren, and Jaiden Brooks are my own characters, along with Mrs. Raven, Tucker Adams and Mr. and Mrs Adams.  
We’re doing another age jump.  Riley starts this chapter as 7, but ends the chapter age 13.  Hence why this is a longer chapter,  most happens as she’s younger.  
Ok this one hits a little close to home for me, because there is a heavy bullying theme in this chapter. I was bullied a lot growing up.  I moved from the North (Long Island, NY)  to the South,  (North Carolina) so I was picked on for my accent being different from the southerners.  I wasn’t skinny so that was a picking point, and I was a nerdy, and  made really good grades, and on top of that I developed early and got my bra strap popped by a boy so hard one time, it broke. I even used a line that one of my bullies said to me here.  This was in grade school  and i won’t say my age, but I still remember it clear as day.  I asked him.  “Why do you hate me?”   His response was “Because you exist.”   This one was a tough one you guys.  
Word Count: 3325
Summary: Riley has show and tell at school, Riley is bullied by one of her classmates.  
Warnings:  Profanity, bullying, blood, broken nose, funeral of a character.  Oh and if you’re weirded out about the supernatural aspect of Jaiden being around I guess that’s worth a mention.  
Tagging: @queenjilian @dcbbw @loveellamae @bbrandy2002 @nomadics-stuff
@kimmiedoo5 @kingliam2019 @cordonianroyalty @lodberg @aestheticartwriting @glaimtruelovealways @custaroonie @janezillow  @annekebbphotography @queencordonia @cordonia-gothqueen @atha68 @lovemychoices @my0123456789universe @indiacater @losingbraincellseveryday @yukinagato2012 @furiousherringoperatortoad @marietrinmimi @sevenfuckslefttogive @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @flutistbyday2020 @mrsdrakewalkerblog @xpandabeardontcarex @acanthisorbis @axwalker @texaskitten30​
Then Riley heard her own voice in a way that she’d never heard it before.  Her voice was heavy, incredibly full of panic and pain.  Her heart raced in her chest.  
“Poor kid…her life will never be the same, if she ever wakes up..” She heard him say.  She felt a pin prick to her arm, and all the voices faded away.
Riley always knew she was different from her parents.  From an early age, she had always noticed some insensitive looks when she called her Mom “Mommy or her Dad, Daddy,” out in public.  It shouldn’t have been that way… but it was.  
Riley had light brown skin when her parents well…. didn’t.  Riley’s sweet smile would brighten the darkest night.  Ren had braided her hair tight round the crown of her head, and had adorable  ringlet curls falling  down her back.  Even though Ren didn’t know much about Riley’s hair type at first, her mom made sure she was an expert on it, as Riley aged.  
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Riley hopped off the bus, and leaped into the arms of her mother.
“My Jumping Jelly Bean!” Ren exclaimed, pulling Riley close, kissing her on both cheeks blowing raspberries. Riley’s high pitched giggle was so infectious her mother found herself chuckling too. She put her back down and took her hand.  Riley walked with her mom swinging their arms.  
Riley was at the breakfast nook working on homework when her dad walked in wearing his police officer  uniform.  Ren  busied herself chopping vegetables next to her.
“Is that for me?!?!?!?!” Riley exclaimed happily as she saw her dad standing in the doorway, with a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a plush teddy bear in the other.  She jumped up and down finding it hard to contain her excitement.  
“It sure is!!!!”  He instead held out the bouquet of flowers to Riley.  “Here you go Jelly Bean.”
Ren giggled.  “For the most beautiful princess in the whole wide world.”
Disappointment filled in Riley’s eyes, as she glanced at the teddy bear in her dad’s right hand.
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“Jelly Bean,” he had a huge smile on his face, as he put the plush toy on the counter, “One day when you think you are all grown up, you will start liking boys.”
Riley made an ugly face, and said “Ewwwwwwwwww!” Sticking out her tongue.  Her father doubled over in laughter.   “Please stay exactly like this forever.  But if a boy you like one day does not bring you flowers for no reason, he doesn't deserve your heart.  You are my beautiful princess Riley, but the one who captures your heart, he should be a King, to make you his Queen.  You deserve nothing less than that, my darling beautiful girl.”
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Her father handed her the stuffed animal that she quickly took and hugged it tightly to her chest.  Before he gave the flowers to Ren though, he gently pulled out one of the roses from the bouquet and handed it to her.
Every time from that day on, if Riley’s dad brought her mom flowers, Riley got flowers as well.   Ren decided to get her a vase to keep all the perfectly dried flowers in.  
Riley’s mom helped her put on her pajamas and climb into bed.  
“Time to dream,” she said softly tucking her in and giving her eskimo kisses.  Riley giggled.
“We love you to the moon and back again, Jelly Bean.”  Jason gently stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.  
Riley snuggled down into the covers feeling loved and fell quickly asleep.
Riley had trouble making friends.  Jason never understood why.  Riley was so sweet and kind and playful.  He would find out though that next day.  
The next morning Jason had to get Riley ready for school.  He waited at the bus stop holding Riley’s hand until the bus came.  Jason noticed when Riley got on the bus, instead of sitting with someone she grabbed a seat by herself.  
Riley opened her back pack and quickly got her book  out to read, so no one would bother her, keeping to herself.
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“What?”  She remarked looking at him.  She wasn’t even on the bus a minute when he started bothering her.  Tucker Adams liked to bother her every day.  “Who was that you were with?”
“My Dad.”  Riley commented not looking up from her book.
“He is  not.”  
“He is so.”
“Then the lady you’re usually with isn’t your Mom.”
“She is too!!”  Riley exclaimed slamming her book down.  
“Riley you’re Black.”
“So what?”  
You can’t be you and have White parents..  Riley’s ADOPTED!”
“I AM NOT!!!”  She didn’t know what it meant, but he made it sound like it was a bad thing. As everyone was now laughing at her.
“You’re so stupid Riley.  You don’t even know what it means.  Being adopted means your real parents didn’t want you, and the people you were living with couldn’t have their own kids, so they were nice enough to keep you instead.”
“It doesn’t matter, my parents love me.” She screamed at them, turning towards the window.  She wouldn’t let them see her cry.  She quickly wiped her tears away.
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Every day was like this on the bus.  Every day Jaiden had to watch Riley cry, and get bullied by those idiots.  
Jaiden scooted a little closer to her.  Too close because Riley jumped.  Riley felt an ice cold wave hit her shoulder, and the only time she had ever felt that… she gasped.  
She looked right at him but couldn’t see him.  “Is that you Jaiden?” she whispered.
“Who are you talking to? There’s no one sitting with you Riley.  You’re so weird.”  
“Maybe she’s talking to an imaginary friend.”
“She doesn’t have any friends.  Even her imaginary ones won’t talk to her.”
"Why do you hate me?" Riley asked wondering what she did wrong to have to put up with this every day.
"Because you exist." Tucker laughed and all the others laughed with him.
“Just leave me alone.” Riley’s voice broke as she said it, her eyes filling with tears.  
As soon as the bus pulled to a stop at school,  Riley was the first one off the bus, running to her class.  
He would be there too. But at least she could be alone for a few minutes before he got there.  
Riley liked Miss Raven’s class.   Especially on Tuesdays they had Show and Tell.  Riley pulled out the framed sonogram pictures of Jaiden.
When Miss Raven asked for volunteers on who wanted to go first, Riley’s hand shot up into the air.  
“Riley you can go first.”  
Riley held up the picture so everyone could see.
“This is my brother Jaiden.  He doesn’t look like this anymore.  That’s how he looked when he was a baby.  He’s older than me."
“I didn’t know you had an older brother Riley. What grade is he in?”
She shook her head.  "This date is the date he went back to Heaven.  But then he came back!  We used to talk all the time.  He was my friend.  Then he had to go away again.  But I think he’s back!"
“Riley’s brother is a ghost!”
“Tucker! Don’t be mean!”  Miss Raven pointed to Tucker.
“Riley storytime is on Fridays.”  
“But it’s not a story, it's true Miss Raven it is.”
“You can take your seat now Riley.”  
Riley walked back to her desk, as she passed by Tucker, he said “GHOST GIRL!!!”
The whole class laughed at her.  
Her next two classes she sat there and didn’t say a word.  
Recess was one of her favorite things.  She could play on most of the equipment by herself and keep herself busy.  Riley’s favorite thing was the monkey bars.  Since she worked out with her Dad a lot Riley was strong and could pull herself up easy, and liked doing pullups on  the monkey bars.  She was next in line, and just when she was about to grab the equipment, she was pushed out of the way.
Riley fell to the ground. 
“Hey!  It was my turn.”  Riley got up off the ground and dusted off her clothes.
“Sorry I didn’t see you Ghost Girl.”   Tucker laughed at her.
“That’s not funny.”  
“What are you going to do about it, Ghost Girl?”
Riley balled up her fists.  Tears filled her eyes.  Her breathing quickened.
“Are you going to cry Ghost Girl?”  
Other people started saying it too.    They were laughing at her yet again.
As he started stepping close to her, it looked like he was tripped, and he fell flat in front of her.  She took a few steps back so he wouldn’t fall on her.  
Riley smiled. It had to be Jaiden. It had to be.
He jumped up looking around.  “What was that?”  Did your stupid big Ghost Brother just trip me, Ghost Girl?”  
"Hell yeah I did!"  Jaiden exclaimed. He was surprised it happened. But how did I do it? He wondered.  
“Don't push me down again, and he's not stupid!!!!!”  Riley screamed, taking her boxing stance her Dad had taught her and punched Tucker smack in his face, in the nose and he hit the ground, blood gushing everywhere.
"Ow!!! Riley you freak!”
The kids on the playground looked shocked at Riley.
Jaiden looked at Riley impressed.  “That’s it, defend yourself little sister.”
Riley wound up in the principal’s office.  
Jason showed up a little bit later along with Tucker’s Mother and Father.    Before he met with the parents he wanted to speak to Riley alone first.  
When she walked in the room, he knew something was wrong with her.  
“What’s wrong Jelly Bean?”  
Riley burst into tears.  “He picks on me every day. He calls me names.  Stupid and Adopted,  and Ghost Girl.  And he pushed me, So I hit him."  
The only words that stuck out in Riley’s rant was that he pushed her, adopted could wait until they were home.  They never told her,  but they were going to eventually talk about it.  
“Wait, he put his hands on you?”  
Riley nodded.  “He pushed me down.  I fell on the ground.”
“Riley how did he touch you?”  
She demonstrated how he pushed her down.
Jason was almost seized in anger.  
He was ready to meet with POS parents now.
"Sorry my wife could not be here."
“We’re going to send you his medical bills.”  
“Nope, not going to pay them.  Self defense for your piece of crap son pushing my daughter to the ground.”
“Piece of crap son?”  Mrs Adams remarked.
“Yes, piece of crap son.  What kind of example are you setting for your son Mr. Adams, that he thinks it’s perfectly okay to put his hands on a girl?”
“Are you accusing me of something Brooks?”
“If the shoe fits.  I’m glad she knocked the shit out of him.  You people here have been sitting idly by and letting her get bullied by him for months.  Finally my child has the courage to stand up for herself, and you come down on the person getting terrorized?"
"Mr. Brooks!"
"You're lucky we don't press charges on your son. I think it's ridiculous, Riley is getting suspended for 5 days for defending herself, which i taught her to do, and he gets a slap on the wrist."
"Three days suspension is not a slap on the wrist Mr. Brooks. Riley drew blood."
"You think the only pain is physical pain?  My child burst into tears the moment I saw her.  I'm done here."
He walked out of the office. Slamming the door behind him. He looked at Tucker Adams sitting on one side of the waiting room chairs, Riley was on the opposite side.   He walks up to him. "You put your hands on my daughter or bother her again, I will lock you up under the jail, and I'm a police officer, so I can do it."
Tucker’s eyes widened,  "Yes sir!"
Jason had never been happier to be wearing his police uniform. He glanced at Riley winking. Riley had a huge smile on her face. He held out his hand.
"Let's go Jelly Bean."
Riley took her dad's hand walking away with him.
Jason was driving his police cruiser.  He didn't want to put her in back so he put her in the passenger seat. "I thought I would be heading back to work. Now we have to go back to switch cars. It's okay though."
"Are you mad at me Daddy?"
He looked at Riley, and her lower lip was trembling.
"No Jelly Bean, I'm not.  I will never be mad at you for defending yourself when someone puts their hands on you.   No one should ever touch you without you telling them it is okay to. But you should have told us he was bothering you when it started."
"I thought he would just leave me alone."
"Next time come to us."
Riley nodded.
"After we drop by the station,  how about we stop for ice cream on the way home. Get some mint chocolate chip? Your favorite?"
"Before eating lunch?" Riley was flabbergasted.  
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"Don't tell mommy."
Jason drew a zipper across his lips, locked it, and threw away the key.  He started mumbling at Riley.
She giggled at him. He pointed to her lips. Riley did the same motions he had, and they spent the next 10 minutes mumbling at each other.
That afternoon Ren and Jason sat down with her and explained about her adoption. They showed her the hospital wrist band.  
"Why doesn't it say my name?"
"Because when your real  mom and dad brought you in they hadn't named you yet.  When they don't know the names of babies in the hospital they name them  Baby Girl Doe, or Baby Boy Doe."
"But mine says Baby Girl Doe 2?"
"That means there was another baby girl that didn't have a name either I guess. We never thought about it."
"Even though you didn't grow in Mommy's tummy, you grew in our hearts. We are still your parents."
"I know you love me." Ren and Jason hugged Riley tightly.
"That is just so sad,"  Ren commented watching the screen.  Riley walked over to the television as well.
"What is it mama?"
"The funeral for the Queen of Cordonia is today."
Riley sat next to her mom listening to the newscast.   "Cordonian flags fly at half-staff today as a country mourns the death of their beloved Queen Eleanor. We go earlier taped footage of the funeral procession."
Her casket was covered with brilliant beautiful flowers. Trailing behind the casket a man and two boys.  It was King Constantine to his right Crown Prince Leo, and Prince Liam.  Following them looked like a security detail. As the procession stopped for a second the camera panned to their faces. The last face they rested on was Prince Liam's. He was trying his hardest to look stoic during this sad event, but his eyes told the story of his hurt.
Tears pooled in his sky blue eyes. Riley burst into tears looking at him. "He looks so sad mama." Ren hugged her but Riley couldn't pull herself away from staring at Prince Liam's face.  He closed his eyes and tears fell in rivers down his face, causing Riley to cry harder.  “It’s like i can feel his sad and it hurts.” 
"Calm down Jelly Bean... I'm sure he is sad. He lost his mom. She wiped Riley's eyes. But he'll be fine. He has his Daddy, and his big brother to be there for him."
“Jason…. Maybe we should take Riley to see a professional.  She still believes that Jaiden is here.  She doesn’t have any friends, and she just burst into tears watching a little boy halfway across the world on television that she doesn’t even know, because he looked sad to her.”
“Riley is fine,  she doesn’t need a counselor.  There’s nothing wrong with being a loner.  Let me tuck her in tonight, I’ll talk to her. She’s had a very emotional day.   But no counselors Ren, she doesn’t need one.”
That night Jason tucked Riley in, he wanted to because he had also received a call from Miss Raven about show and tell.
"Miss Raven told me about Show and Tell Riley, about Jaiden."
"Daddy he's back. I know he is!"
"Can you see him?"
"No, but I can feel him, and he tripped Tucker after he pushed me. It had to be him."
Jason smiled.  "He's protecting you. Maybe he's your guardian angel Riley."
"That would be cool!"
"Riley, Mrs. Raven told me something else. She says you don't have any friends."
"I don't because I don't need them. Everyone thinks I'm weird anyway. And when I tell them about Jaiden, they leave. A real friend believes.  You're my only friend Daddy."
Jason's eyes teared up. "I believe you Jelly Bean."
"I know."
Riley liked activities that she could do alone. So over the years  that's what Jason got her involved in. She still liked to work out with him, and he had introduced her to some new fighting styles. She seemed to really pick up the bo staff which he liked too.  They practiced in the lawn in their back yard a lot. 
They tried horseback riding but he could tell Riley didn't really enjoy it. Riley didn't seem to mind track as long as they were individual activities.  Riley liked to compete with herself .  And then there was music. Riley had this innate ability to sing and play music. So much so that Jason took her to a Music and arts store for her to pick out an instrument, that he would get her lessons.
Riley tinkered along the aisles touching the instruments.  She stopped in front of a guitar.  She put the band over her shoulder.  The clerk ran over to her. "You're not going to be able to play that one."
"Why not?"
"You're a southpaw right?"
Riley nodded.
"Well that makes you’re special like me, and there are left handed and right handed guitars.  Here's how you tell which guitars you can play. Hold the guitar up facing you like this. Now you try."
Riley imitated how he held the guitar.
"Now look at your strings. The thickest string will be on the right or the left.  If it is on the left, that guitar is made for a right handed person. If it is on the right it's for a left handed person. Which kind is this….uh…"
"Riley, her name is Riley."
"Riley, she's already got a Rockstar name. Okay Rockin’ Riley, which kind of guitar is this?"
"It's a right handed guitar.”
"Give me some skin, half pint!" Riley looked at him confused.
“High five?”  Riley jumped to high five the clerk.
"We have a couple of leftys over here but they're more expensive.  Most people are right handed."
"Go pick one Riley," Jason nudged her.  
"Pick it up, try it out, you don't pick the guitar,  it picks you."
Riley's eyes were drawn to a pink fender acoustic guitar.
"Ahhhh, so the pink lady has caught your eye. Try her out."
He placed Riley’s  hands on the strings.
"Watch my hands Riley and move them just like mine.”
He picked up another guitar and strummed the chord.
Riley mimicked his hand motion and produced a nearly flawless chord.
Jason flipped the price tag and winced.
The clerk noticed, and called out, "It's a custom job that was never picked up."
"But is there really a high demand for left handed hot pink acoustic guitars right now? She's also gonna need a teacher. We could pay for that steady revenue stream."
"Half price and lessons for 6 months?"
"Yeah I could swing it."
Are we in a timewarp?  Jason thought to himself.  It didn’t matter.  Riley was beaming, and happy and that’s all that ever mattered to Jason.  He was dad of the year and Riley’s smile proved it.  
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By the time Riley was 13 she was playing guitar on her own, composing her own songs she had written in a small notebook. She was still running track, individual events only, and working out with Jason daily, and Riley was super strong.
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Jason knew it was only a matter of time before boys invaded the mix, and finally one did. Donovan Jacobs.
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