#Jaime Lewis x Samantha Lane
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You stretch on his bed together, cuddling tight together. Later, you lapse off to sleep side-by-side, as if this is the way it has always been. - Wishful Thinking, Chapter 14
A huge THANK YOU to @spacetravels for this absolutely adorable commission of Jaime and my MC, Samantha. I love it so much!
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Can’t Wait - Jaime x MC
Book: Wishful Thinking Genres: Fluff, Romance Rating: PG Pairings: Jaime Lewis x Samantha Lane Word Count: ~1200
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Samantha manages to wait until very nearly 8:00 a.m. before giving into the temptation to call Jaime the morning after their kiss. No, it was more than a kiss, she thinks to herself and in her bathroom mirror, she watches a blush color her cheeks as she remembers laying under the stars with Jaime the night before. No, definitely not just a kiss, that had been full-on making out complete with heavy petting and writhing against each other like they were teenagers again. Not that they’d ever done anything like that as teenagers. 
“Who knew Jaime could kiss like that?” she muses out loud dreamily to Jinx and Opie. Jinx blinks slowly at her from her spot on the windowsill and Sam hears the little calico think, Aren’t you supposed to be gone by now? I have a catnip heist that was supposed to start five minutes ago. Opie barks happily and his thoughts come through like bright sunshine into Sam’s mind - Kisses? Did you say kisses? I’ll give you kisses, Mommy! 
Sam giggles and ruffles Opie’s ears, bending to allow him give her a flurry of licks on her cheek. She straightens and presses call on Jaime’s number, flicking on the speakerphone, and setting the phone on the vanity as she fixes the makeup that Opie has smudged. 
“Good morning, Northbridge News Lead Anchor Samantha Lane,” Jaime picks up after just a couple rings. “To what do I owe the honor of this call?”
“Well, Carpenter/Electrician/All-Around Amazing Craftsman Jaime Lewis,” Sam teases back, “I am calling ask you some very probing questions about our...rendezvous last night.” 
“Oooh, rendezvous. Sounds way fancier than frenchin’ our way to first base.” 
“Oh god, Jaime, no, no, no,” Sam laughs and hears Jaime doing the same on the other end of the line.  
“You said you had some probing questions for me?” Jaime asks and in the background Sam hears a car door slam. He must be at work already. The thought reminds her that she really does need to get going and Sam picks her phone up and carries it with her as she packs up her oversized bag, tossing in her heels and her notes on the stories they’re working on today.
“I do, indeed, Mr. Lewis,” Sam wiggles her foot into her favorite sneakers for the walk to work. “Namely...when can we do that again? Because I have to tell you that was a damn good kiss and I’m not sure I can wait very long to lay another one on you.” 
“Funny you should mention that,” Jaime chuckles and a half second later there’s a musical series of knocks on her front door. Sam’s breath catches with excitement and she quickly hobbles with one shoe on to the door, yanking it open. 
“I couldn’t wait either,” Jaime gives Sam a flirtatious smile that sends sparks of electricity through her whole body. She’s always thought Jaime was handsome and wonderful, but she’d been unprepared for just how incredible it would be to be the focus of his romantic attention. He ducks his head as she goes up on her tiptoes and their lips meet in a soft kiss. It’s sweet and gentle, but Sam finds herself hungry for more than that and wraps her arms around Jaime’s shoulders and urges him closer. Jaime smiles a little against her lips deepens the kiss. Through a bit of a fog she hears him think, God, you’re incredible...even more than I imagined you would be. I can’t believe I’m finally kissing you. He wraps one arm around her waist pulls Sam flush against his body. She sighs happily when Jaime eventually slows down to lays a line of sweet kiss up her cheek and give her a tight hug. He starts to pull away, but Sam holds him tighter. 
“Oh, no, you have to hold me for a while. I always thought weak in the knees was a figure of speech, but damn if you didn’t just prove it’s real.” 
Jaime blushes a little, but there’s a proud glint in his eyes. Sam can just barely make out a thought that flits through his mind, Just you wait, Sam. I’m going to make more than your knees weak sometime... And then suddenly she’s the one blushing, ducking her head and fighting back a giddy smile. 
“If I don’t let you go for at least a second, how will I give you your coffee?” Jaime nods toward the table next to her front door, which is still hanging open, and Sam sees a drinks carrier with two iced coffees and a pastry bag. 
“You brought me coffee?” Sam gives him a quick peck on the cheek and then rushes over to pick up the pastry bag, peeking inside. “And a chocolate croissant from Le Fou’s? You are setting the bar very high for yourself, boyfriend....friend who is a boy....who is more than a friend....” 
Sam babbles and trails off. She swallows hard, focusing solely on the flaky pastry in the bag. She can’t believe she called him her boyfriend. What was she thinking? They’ve kissed twice now! She even didn’t know their first date was a date until halfway through it! Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.
“Sam, stop panicking,” Jaime tucks a finger under her chin and gently brings her face up to meet his eyes. They’re kind and warm just like always, but with a new tenderness in them.
“How do you know I’m panicking?” she chokes out. 
“I don’t need to read minds to know what you’re thinking,” he smiles gently. “After all these years, I can read you. And I would be incredibly happy to be your boyfriend, if that’s what you want.” 
“Is that what you want?” she asks nervously. Things are moving very fast, but she’s not scared, not exactly. She just doesn’t want to mistake a moment of passion for something if it’s not anything more than that...a moment. 
Jaime doesn’t answer out loud, but gently cradles her face in his work-roughened hands and closes his eyes as he leans his forehead down to rest against hers. She hears his thoughts clear as day with honesty shining in every word. 
I meant what I said last night. I love you, Samantha.
His emotions mingle with his thoughts and Sam gasps softly as they wash over her - affection, friendship, love, and lust all swirling together in a powerful wave that brings tears to her eyes. 
“Boyfriend, it is then,” she whispers and Jaime opens his eyes and smiles at her, giving her soft kiss. 
“You should get going,” he tells her, tucking a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear. “You don’t want to be late for your big day, Ms. Lane.” 
“Oh, shit,” Sam’s eyes widen and she frantically darts around the living room, pulling on her shoes and collecting her bag, her coffee, and her croissant. She hears Jaime laughing at her, but doesn��t let that slow her down. She shouts over her shoulder as she starts running out the door and down the stairs, “Could you take Opie out for a walk? I didn’t get a chance to! Oh, and lock up before you leave?” 
Sam almost stumbles in her hurry as she bursts out of her building and onto the sidewalk. 
She cranes her head to look up at her apartment window where Jaime is leaning out with a wide grin. 
“Dinner and date number two tonight?” he calls and she beams up at him. 
“Definitely! Can’t wait!” 
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Hold Me - Jaime x Samantha
Book: Wishful Thinking Genres: Fluff, Romance Rating: PG Pairings: Jaime x Samantha Word Count: ~700
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“Jaime...hold me.” 
Samantha takes a shaky step toward Jaime. She feels unsettled by what he’d found in the breaker box. She’s still adjusting to her new abilities, her superpowers as Jaime calls them, and now someone is sabotaging the show? It’s just one thing after another and she suddenly feels tired and edgy.
“Aw, c’mere, Sam,” Jaime envelops her in a hug. His hands feel warm through the fabric of her shirt as he rubs her back in comforting circles. 
“It’s going to be alright,” Jaime murmurs. “I know I don’t technically work here, but you can always call me, any time. I’ll be right there.” 
His words are a soothing balm. He’s always been so good at calming her down  when her mind races, when her anxiety gets the better of her. And he’s been there for her whenever she needs him. Her heart skips at that thought. Jaime has always been there for me, through everything. He’s always got my back. I’m so lucky to have you, she thinks both wishing he could hear her and grateful that he can’t.  
A familiar tingling starts in the back of her mind and then Jaime’s filter into her mind, deep and rumbling. It feels impossibly intimate as he holds her close and Sam shivers a little, grasping the back of his shirt tightly as she listens to him. 
I’m not going to let anything happen to you, Sam. You hear me?
“I hear you,” she whispers with a soft smile. “Thank you, Jaime.” 
Neither of them move to break their embrace and Sam lets her eyes slide closed while Jaime rests his cheek against her temple. His heartbeat is steady and soothing and Sam sighs contentedly, relaxing against him. She’s so relaxed that she almost thinks she imagines it, but then realizes that Jaime is indeed chuckling lowly. 
“What so funny, Lewis?” Sam tilts her head back, narrowing her eyes at him. 
“You,” he grins and then affects a high-pitched imitation of her voice, “‘Oh, Jaime, hold me. I’m so scared. Save me.’” 
“That’s not what it sounded like!” Sam gives him a quick jab in the ribs and it only makes Jaime laugh harder. 
“Oh, it totally was. You sounded just like Princess Elara.” 
“Princess Elara?” Sam’s brow furrows in confusion until memories of 16-year-old Samantha’s favorite books, The Desires of a Princess’s Heart, float up into her mind. “Oh my god! I forgot about those books! They were so cliche and just really, really bad. Why on earth do you remember that?” 
Jaime’s face grows red in the dim light of the basement. He rubs the back of his neck and turns his attention back to the breaker box without answering. Sam edges her way in front of him. She grins up him, enjoying the way he’s fidgeting nervously. 
“Jaime,” she sing-songs, “did you read The Desires of a Princess’s Heart? Because now that I think about it, I seem to remember Book 3 going missing for a couple weeks during junior year.”
“Well, you are a very absent-minded,” Jaime smirks, but still avoids her gaze. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you left it in the car or at the beach or something like that.” 
“Yeah, that’s probably it,” Sam sighs dramatically and moves away, stepping behind Jaime and resting her chin on his shoulder. 
He relaxes a bit and starts talking about whoever sabotaged the box risking fines and jail time and not wanting anyone like that anywhere near her. Sam’s heart warms at his concern and she wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back and sighing deeply as she realizes she’s going to have to tell Alec. They talk for a while, brainstorming how to tell her bad-tempered boss about the saboteur, but eventually Sam knows she needs to get back upstairs. 
She gives Jaime one last hug as he tells her to stay safe and she heads to the door. She steps over the threshold and then leans back into the basement utility room. 
“Oh! One more thing, do you think Elara should have ended up with the handsome prince or the hunky stableboy?”
“The stableboy, obviously. He knew the real Elara beyond the crown and her title. He’d loved her since they were kids and...” Jaime trails off and turns around slowly, a horrified look on his face. 
“I knew it!” 
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This was so frickin’ cute.
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I think I’m in love with you, Sam...and I always have been.
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