kekaki-cupcakes · 1 year
Yoooooo still curious and excited anon here!
Could I please request for a Jason Grace meeting and falling in love at first sight with a “bad girl/punk” demigod at camp half blood?
Bad girl in the sense of like rebellious, chaotic, the kind with motorcycles and black leather jackets and so if it explains the vibes better?
Idk it would be like fun ‘cause Jason is kinda the good boy of the group.
And idk he reminds me of a golden retriever.
Idk I tend to associate animals to ppl for no real reason.
If u were an animal which one would u be?
Sorry for the long ask!
Bye! Have a great day!
First time writing Jason so he might be a bit OOC but I went with a very oblivious lovesick golden retriever energy haha. Tiny bit of angst in there because you know, its Camp Half-Blood.
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Big Brothers big sisters Best Friend
»»————- ★ ————-««
Finding Thalia couldn’t be that hard, right? It wasn’t like she was the leader of The Hunters of Artemis, who were visiting camp, meaning she would be off beating the Ares cabin at games, or recruiting even more hunters with talk of immortality, toasting marshmallows every night, and Hawkeye merch.
Jason strolled through camp, dodging the spears being thrown as the Hermes kids ran past to the arena,  grass crunching underfoot and sun shining brightly. When the Hunters showed up, it was like an unofficial holiday for Camp Half-Blood, Jason’s orange shirt standing out in the sea of casual clothing and silver jackets. The [usually] strictly followed timetable for the day was more of a mere suggestion at this point, everyone preparing for an intense game of capture the flag, and a general prank war.
“Move along you little fuck nugget!”
There she was.
“Thalia!” Jason called, feeling the scar on his lips stretch as a grin broke across his face. His sister was yelling at a group of Iris kids, who ran off giggling a moment later. She sat back down behind the fold out table with a deep frown, which pulled on her eyebrow piercings. 
It quickly disappeared when she spotted Jason jogging over. “Little brother!”  
Thalia vaulted over the table, scattering leaflets into the wind as she picked Jason up in a hug, spinning him around until he was dizzy. “Woah, okay you can put me down now before I puke.”
She threw her arms up, cropped silver jacket catching the sun and nearly blinding him. He re adjusted his glasses and blinked a few times while she wheeled him back over to the fold out table, which was now a mess of papers, pens, and arrows. “Listen up fuckwits, this is Jason, my little brother, no maiming him in capture the flag or I slit your throats in your sleep, deal?”
Two hunters with undercuts and summer dresses didn’t bother looking up from the quiver they were adjusting on a daughter of Aphrodite. The girl at the table did though, after screwing up a sheet of paper and tossing it over her shoulder. 
Jason’s heart stopped.
Not literally, of course, but he would happily let the girl stab him with the knife strapped to her back, over the top of her leather jacket. He caught a glimpse of painted musical notes in a messy neon pink decorating the dark leather, and then realized he was staring. “Sorry, what?” 
“I was just saying imma maim you in capture the flag,” Thalia explained with a wicked grin.
Jason blinked, “weren’t you just saying-”
“Irrelevant,” Thalia cut him off, throwing an arm over his shoulder and yelling something to a boy with green hair a few meters away. Jason took the opportunity to take another peek at the girl, who was now popping a bubble of purple gum as she watched Thalia brandish a blood stained arrow at the crying kid. 
His eyes skipped from a crown tattoo around her arm to the chunky doc martens poking from underneath the table, then to her eyes, which were on him. Shit. Jason looked away with warmth in his cheeks, hoping the girl hadn’t realized he was blatantly staring at her. How could someone look that scary and still be so attractive at the same time?
Hot people should be approachable, so he didn’t have to hide behind his sister with wide blue eyes, like he was now. Thalia ran a hand through her spiky dark hair, blue streaks flicking around, and Jason finally remembered why he was actually here, apart from wanting to stare at the girl who’d slipped white headphones over her head and gone back to the clipboard. 
“Thal’s, Chiron wanted to talk to you, something about knives?”
“Shit,” Thalia grumbled, folding her arms. She glanced up at the big house and then back at the girlTM. Then a smirk spread across her face, probably clocking the pink dusting Jason’s face. She was just so…nice looking. Jason could stare at her forever.
“Her mum’s teaching her to ride a motorbike, she wants a doberman, and she graffiti's.” Thalia said, clapping Jason on the shoulder with a cocky wink. “lLso a swiftie, don’t tell her i told you though. Good luck!”
“Huh?” Jason whimpered, his shoulders falling as his sister left him in the sign up area with a bawling green haired child and a lot of scary teenage girls. “Wait, no come back-”
He stood there for a minute, glaring at Thalia’s retreating figure, who was hiding knives underneath rocks as she went. He tapped his fingers on the table, trying to look casual as his brain drooled over the lip piercing the girl had. WHY DID SOMEONE GET TO LOOK THAT ATTRACTIVE?
She pulled her headphones down around her neck and looked up at Jason with a brow raised. She had sharp eyeliner and a low voice. “So like, you gonna sign up, or…”
“But… I’m a guy?”
“I don’t assume,” she shrugged, eyes lidded, and popped another bubble of purple gum. 
Jason felt his heart drop through his stomach and land in the grass when he realized what the girl would be doing here. He hoped his voice wasn’t wobbly as he spoke. “You’re a hunter?”
“Nah,” she grinned, leaning back on the fold out chair and propping her chunky shoes on the table, dirt smearing on the sign up sheet. “My mum’s Tyche, Thalia asked me to stand here and increase the chances people will sign up.”
Jason thought for a moment, trying to remember who Tyche was. His brain still thought of everything the roman way, figuring out who deities were was a headache. She blew another bubble, and it popped on her face, which she pulled off and stuck on the bottom of the table without a second thought. “Fortuna for you, goddess of chance, dispenser of good and ill fortune.”
“You know I’m roman?” Jason may have focused on the wrong part of the conversation. All he got in return was a smirk and a shrug. SHE KNEW HIM?
She watched him for a moment, probably wondering if he was sunburnt, and then got to her feet. Jason realized he was way too far gone once he found out she was taller than him. “I’m teaching arts and crafts next, wanna help?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Jason had been tricked. How it only occurred to him once he was standing in the middle of the arts and crafts supply closet, arms full of stolen spray paint, he didn’t know. 
One minute he’d been helping this really cool girl, and the next minute Malcom Pace was opening the door with wide gray eyes. “You’re the one stealing all the cans?”
“There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this,” Jason started, hoping it would give him enough time to think of a perfectly reasonable explanation. Nothing came to mind, so he called on his roman roots and lifted his head high, hoping he didn’t look like a deer in headlights with a spinal problem. 
“I’m stopping the thief.”
Malcolm just stared at him, moving out of the way as Jason sidled past him into the room filled with ares kids and glitter bombs. “If whoever’s stealing all the paint doesn’t know where it is, then they can’t take it. Chiron asked me to take it all to the big house until he figures out who’s stealing it.”
“It’s totally the Stoll’s, who else would be drawing penises on my cabin?” 
Jason blinked. He had not come prepared enough for the spray cans stealing expedition, but to be fair he had no idea he was stealing until he saw the sign saying ‘ask permission from Butch or Malcom to use. “Well yes, but are you gonna dob them in?”
Totally something that would happen at Camp Jupiter, if somebody was stupid enough to steal the paint in the first place, but Camp Half-Blood was a little different. Malcolm snorted. “No, it’s hilarious. But if you see Connor, tell him to do the Ares cabin, Clarrise stepped in my waffles this morning.”
“Will do,” Jason managed to mutter, and then strolled through the arts and crafts center like he was supposed to be there. He nodded at one of the Athena kids who was sculpting a statue of an anime character, and then ducked his head as he left. 
When he made his way around the back, he saw the girl who’d tricked him, without even thinking that he could get in trouble. “Hi!”
She just blinked in shock, her jaw dropped. SHE HAD A TONGUE PIERCING. Jason grinned as he dumped the armful of multicolored spray paint canisters in her arms. “I got them!”
“You- that was a trick you tiny punk!” She laughed, and Jason felt his face heat up as he noticed the sparkle in her eyes. “How did you pull that off?”
He ducked his head and shrugged. “I dunno, I guess people just assume I’m doing stuff I’m supposed to do?” 
Jason had to look away when she bit her lip, teeth clicking with the silver metal ring looped through the right side of her bottom lip. “I like you.”
“Thanks.” His voice cracked.
“You’re mine now.” She stuffed the spray paint cans into a satchel jingling with pins of various bands and slogans, then looped her arm through his, yanking him along as they made their way to the horseshoe shape of cabins. 
Jason grinned as he followed happily, looking up at her smug expression. She stopped outside the silver cabin, and Jason faltered when he saw that one wall had been painted over with a dull shade of gray, then overlapped with a beautiful mural of the night sky. Constellations glittered as if painted with stardust themselves, and drip lines ran down the arrows the girls in the painting were holding. 
The tallest girl had a serious expression, long thick hair tied back in a plait that flowed over her shoulder. The brightest set of stars were wrapped around her shoulders. One arm was gripping the shoulder of a girl Jason recognised.                                                                    
He had never known her, but he recognised the small smile and the slope of her nose, the color of her hair, he recognised her because he was friends with her little brother. “Is that-”
“Zoe and Bianca.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Thalia stomped her foot in the dirt and scanned the muddy clearing again. Where was he? 
A battle cry echoed through the woods, and there was the familiar screech of the monster, but then she heard Clarrise yelling, so they had it under control. Her blue flag, which was safely protected by Phoebe and a new recruit, was about to be joined by its friend, the red flag, securing the hunters win and furthering their streak.
“Jason?” She called. He was on the hunters team, only because cabins weren’t really supposed to split up, and like hell Thalia was fighting her hunters. 
Naomi stomped up, her quiver empty, and someone was screaming in the distance. “Have you seen that Tyche girl who’s supposed to be giving us a bigger chance of winning? Where is she?”
“Yo, guys! That blond jock’s getting the life snogged out of him behind Zeus’s fist!” Another new recruit fell out of a tree, binoculars in her hands as she grinned. 
Thalia smirked. “Dad will love that.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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