#Jaxon Banks my beloved
Y’all are F A S T my goodness-
We’ll start off with my pride and joy then<3
Here is my S/O answering the same asks, all of our ocs exist in the same universe and same magical system
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Name: Jaxon
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay (Homoflexible?? Bi with a 98% preference for guys??? He’s very confused sometimes)
General aesthetic: Loverboy with a large serving of sunshine x raincloud and heavy dose of people pleasuring trauma
Became a vegetarian when he was 7 after learning where chicken nuggets come from and he cried for 2 hours
Absolute Mean Girls fanatic. He religiously celebrates October third, his dogs name is Regina
Dating the absolute K i n g of grumpy raincloud and they are V E R Y in love PLS go ask my S/O to talk about him. They get married and have a little girl called Addison 🥺
His dad looks like Tom cruise so Tom cruise cannonically doesn’t exist in our universe-
Type 1 diabetic, he is at a constant rate of hypo or low blood sugar because his energy is absolutely through the roof, his boyfriend is very worried- he wears those adorable Dexcom pattern patches💫
Cries when he sees roadkill
Used to eat strawberry chapstick religiously- now he ~sometimes~ buys strawberry flavoured condoms-
One of his ex boyfriends poisoned him with rat poison. Probably for the best they broke up- -
Afraid of fireworks
Still has a little corner of his childhood blankie he keeps in his pocket
When he goes outside animals are just attracted to him, Rlly bad sometimes cause he fell asleep in a field and woke up covered in ants and worms- they were just chillin on him, the joys of being a teenage wizard
He is absolutely addicted to making friendship brackets, he owns over 1000, adores making friends with younger years. One time him and His lovely lesbian friend calculated the length of all his friendship bracelets combined and they got from the top of the tower all the way down and up the next tower
Think Jackson from Sex education and James potter and you’ve got your guy
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