#Jeeez those last 5 minutes were the longest 5 minutes of my life
ladydorian05 · 4 years
Fluff 4 and Angst 8 for Whiskey? From the sentence starters post?💓
Angst 8. “Is that blood?” “…No?”
Fluff 4. “Have you always been this beautiful?”
DArling!!! This became a monster of a fic, hope you like it, I struggled a bit with Whiskey, the mother fucker refused to do and say what I wanted him to, but at the end I got him to do it. (I’s probably a mess, but I’m proud of this mess)
The angst well there’s a bit of it but the fluff won over it. Tried to make it gender neutral AND THEN I failed so it’s F! Reader,there’s no Y/n (that I remember).
Give me something to write about from this list
Alright so here it is (excuse the title all my creativity went to the story):
Whiskey x f!reader
Warnings: Guns, mentions of death, some specific stuff but not really detailed or extremely gore like.
Word count: 2K and something
I apologise for any typo, I was too excited to post it to make any kind of proof read.
Small Edit: Okay I think a I fixed all the typos and filled in some things my tired brain thought it wrote but it actually didn’t. Plus Oloreaa’s suggestions.
His huntress 
It was supposed to be an easy mission, the easiest assignment the both of you had been send to complete ever since you were paired up with agent Whiskey. Get inside the base of a small terrorist group, terminate their operations, call for clean up and go back to HQ. Easy. Until it wasn’t.
The base wasn’t that big, but it was well hidden underground inside an old nuclear bunker, surrounded by a thick forest, they counted seven men patrolling the perimeter and only two guarding the entrance, no cameras according to the new Ginger. The men were silently taken care of with the modified glove-crossbow on your right wrist and Whiskey’s electric lasso. 9 down, 5 to go.
“Ginger, I’m moving in,” you said.
“Copy that, you’re going underground, there’s a chance we’ll lose contact once inside.” His voice came through your earpiece.
“Got it. Whiskey, cover me.” Out of the two, you were better at being stealthy.
“You got it sweetheart.” With him at the entrance, you proceeded to go down a flight of stairs to get inside the base. You found yourself in a long corridor, three doorways ahead, two on each side of the hall and a bigger one at the end, you went inside the closest one to your right.
The small room was used to store wooden crates, inspecting an open one you found it was full of assault rifles of an impressive variety, another box held some bullet proof vests, it seemed like you stumbled upon their armoury. Idiots, who leaves all of their resources right at the entrance.
You go back to the corridor to check the second room, this one slightly bigger than the first. Inside you found at least 6 cots arranged to leave just enough room to walk around. Two of them were currently being in use.
Checking that your crossbow was loaded and with the safety off you slowly made your way to the man closest to the door, while you prefer to operate with your, according to the man that carries a whip and a lasso at all times,  ‘weird’ choice of a weapon for it’s quiet characteristics, you can admit some times it wasn’t the most accurate choice, unless you were the one using it of course; still you couldn’t take any chances of missing.
Once you were happy with the distance, with a well-controlled move of a finger the metal arrow went flying, puncturing a hole into the side your target’s skull killing him instantly, you made quick work of the second one in much the same way.
You were about to retrace your steps when you heard the small noise of dirt scraping against the sole of shoes behind you. Discreetly grabbing one of the throwing knifes strapped to your torso in your hand, you waited for your would-be attacker to make their move.
Then you felt someone’s breath over your shoulder. Turning around you made an arc with your knife aiming to lodge it in the throat of whoever dared to sneak up on you.
However, your hand was stopped by a bigger hand wrapping round your wrist.
“How we doin’ darling?”
Oh, you’d recognise that accent anywhere.
“Whiskey! What the fuck are you doing here!?” You exclaimed in a hushed tone. The asshole had the nerve to throw a smug smirk at you, making his stupid dimple appear.
“Got bored waiting outside,” he said shrugging “besides I wanted to show you that I can actually be quiet.”
“Yeah, right I heard you coming. Come on, only three left and one more area to check.”
“Ladies first.”
Rolling your eyes, you made your way back to the hall. The last room seemed to be the biggest judging by the double doors keeping you out from it. Guns in hand, you flanked the left side while Whiskey took the right.
“So how do you want to do it? My way or your way?” You asked him.
“What’s the difference?”
“For starters, I don’t have much of a flare for dramatic entrances.”
“It was ONE time.” There was a moment of silence as you stared at each other. “Fine, your way.” He grumbled.
You slightly pushed your door to take a peek inside the room.
All of the intel given to the both of you before leaving HQ was on point, the location of the base, the number of people guarding the entrance, their lack of actual surveillance equipment, even the fact that they had a big arsenal. Everything was just as they were told it would be, all except that their base was bigger than they thought and they had more people than anticipated.
Either these guys were smarter than you gave them credit for keeping most of their members inside their base or the Statesman intelligence department needed an upgrade. Probably both. This just complicated your ‘easy’ mission.
But you can’t blame the new Ginger Ale, even if he was a genius, he was still pretty young and had to step in to fill some big shoes when their dear former Ginger made the jump to field agent.
In any case, the lack of that particular bit of information got you and your partner into quite the sticky situation.
“What?” Whiskey’s attention focused on your troubled expression. “Jäger, what’s wrong?” The use of your code name snapped you out of your inner turmoil.
Slowly you closed the door, returned your gun to its holster and took a step back from it.
“Ginger, do you copy?” Nothing.” Ginger?” Fuck, no signal.
“Sweetheart, you okay there?”
“Maybe we should go back to their armoury and check if they have some grenades we can use” You muttered biting your thumb.
“Hey, sugar, talk to me, please.” Whiskey said grabbing your shoulders with his hands, you could see the worry in his eyes. “What did you see in there?”
“There are more than 3 people inside that place, and it’s way bigger than the other rooms.” You answered with a sight.
“Fuck, how many?” He took off his black Stetson and ran a hand through his hair.
“I don’t know, I counted at least ten moving around that side of the room. They were going over some board with a map.”
“Ten, okay, we can work with ten, we’ve taken more than ten before. Piece of cake.”
“Whiskey, that was just one side, there’s probably more of them.”
“Hey, calm down sugar. I know you don’t like it when surprises like this happen, I don’t like it either. But we’ve been through worse with less.”
“You’re right. You’re right.” You said nodding you head slowly, a plan already forming in your head. “Okay, we’ll go back to the first room and see what we can find.” He gives you a quick nod before leading the way to the room.
You were in luck, you actually found a couple of smoke grenades inside a smaller crate along with gas masks, they would work just fine. Taking one of the grenades and an assault riffle for each of you, together you walked towards the door.
“Hey, Whiskey, ready for the rodeo? In the end we’re actually going to do it your way.”
“Only if you’re ready for the hunt, Jäger.” He answered with a dashing smile.
“Alright, put your mask on.” You nodded; mask already secure on your face “On three. One. Two.”  You pulled the pin of the smoke grenade.
“Three.” Whiskey kicked the doors open, giving you the chance to confirm that there were definitely more than ten people inside; and you threw the grenade inside. In seconds the whole place was filled with smoke, alarmed screams and the sound of people coughing.
“Hey sweetheart! Bet I can take more than you!”
“You wish”
At first it was fairly easy to pick on the men in the confusion of the surprise attack with the cover of the smoke. But it seemed the place had a better ventilation system than you thought. The smoke began to clear from the space and with the renewed visibility came the actual fight.
“Eight!” You heard Whiskey shout over all the noise
You ripped the mask from your face. Bullets began to fly, both from their guns and yours. You were lucky to find that they only had handguns on them, their heavy so all weapons were back at the first room. Discarding your now empty rifle you grabbed your handgun from its holster. One by one the men began to fall, some with bullets others with crossbow bolts. The ones that didn’t have guns had knifes on them, you made sure to take care of the ones with guns first, and the ones with knifes, well none could get close enough to actually make use of them.
“Twenty-five! How you doing over there, cowboy!” You shouted over your shoulder after falling another knife guy.
You turned completely when you got no answer from the boisterous man.
“Whiskey?” You called, only now noticing that you were the only one still standing inside the room. “Fuck.”
You swept the room with your eyes in search of your partner, finding only the dead bodies of your attackers. He wasn’t there.
“Whiskey! I swear if this is a fucking joke, I’m going to kill you myself!”
How was that possible? Only seconds ago, you could hear the distinct noise of his custom-made guns. Was he taken? Where you so engrossed on your stupid bet that you didn’t even notice if your partner needed help?
Fear began to creep up on you, you were about to retrace your steps back to the way you came. Then you felt slight breeze coming from the back of the room, soon after you heard the crack of a whip.
Without thinking you ran in that direction finding a short corridor with a single turn to the right, it led to a flight of stairs and an open door. Taking two steps at a time you soon found yourself outside surrounded by tall trees.
Scanning the place, you finally found what you were looking for. A good 6 feet away from you, leaning his back on a tree, right hand still holding his whip while the other was holding his side.
You made your way to him, breathing heavily, you don’t know if it was because of the fight or the near panic state the disappearance of your partner left in its wake. And you certainly didn’t care.
“There you are sugar. Was beginning to wonder if you’d find the little back door in there.” Taking notice of you, he slid to ground with a grunt. “You seemed be having too much fun back there.” He looked at you with a smirk on his face once you were almost at his side. “So, how many did you take down?”
“Is that blood?” Was the only answer he got.
“Really, then what is that red liquid stuff coming out from your side?”
“Would you believe me if I told you it’s ketchup?”
“Seriously Whiskey!?”
“It’s nothing, just a scratch. One of the assholes got lucky that’s all, but hey, I got him back for it.” He said nodding to his left were a few feet away laid the beheaded body of a man. Some times you forget that his whip is also electrified.
“Whiskey? Jägermaister? Do you copy?” Ginger’s voice in your ear interrupted the reprimand that was about to come out of your mouth.
“Jäger here, good to have you back, mission completed, call in the cleaning team. And send case evac, Whiskey got hit.” You said as you took out a small emergency kit from a bag strapped to your thigh, removing Whiskey’s hand from his wound to take a look at it.
“You got it. ETA to your location 5 min, I had them on hold when I lost communication with you guys.”
“Thank you Ginger, Jäger out.”
“Have you always been this beautiful? How lucky am I to have such a vision taking care of me?” Whiskey said letting his body relax a bit more against the tree. “Mmmm, getting’ handsy already I see.” You felt more than heard the way his already deep and rich voice turned husky when you tried to get his clothes out of the way to press some gauze pre prepared with some antibiotic liquid.
“Really Whiskey?” You let out a sigh, exasperated with the man you were trying to help so that he wouldn’t bleed out before actual help arrived.
“What? The mission’s over, we got them and we’re both alive.”
“We’re still out in the open on enemy territory, what if there’s more of them?”
“Don’t think so. And back up is on the way.”
“So, this time is going to be you, huh? You’re breaking character already? Not even going to wait until we’re on the road.”
After becoming a couple, the both of you figured out that this was only going to work if you separated, even if only in a small way, your work from your private life and so you agreed that on any kind of mission you were first and fore most partners covering each other’s back, keeping the easy friendship and banter from the first year of your partnership. Even if that meant having to put up with his old douchebag personality.
It wasn’t always easy, especially when one of you got hurt, it was mainly in those circumstances when the charade fell apart and both of you behaved like the couple you actually were behind closed doors. Champ didn’t mind as much, bless you boss for putting up with both yours and Jack’s shit, as long as it didn’t affect your jobs.
It even became a game between you, on who would break character first.
“Nope.” He chuckled for a bit before his face turned into a grimace. “Fuck that hurts. Besides, it’s probably because of the blood loss.”
“Dammit Jack, even more reason for you to let me check that wound.”
“Alright, you win. With one condition.”
“Let me use your lap as a pillow when you’re done.”
“If with that you’re going to let me work, then yes.” After that he stayed silent letting you work on his wound in peace. Once you finished applying a dry piece of gauze to help stop the bleeding, you patted his arm,” Come on hot stuff, get over here.” You watched as a big smile appeared on his handsome face.
Slowly you helped him get comfortable taking off his Stetson from his head, how he always manages to keep it on it’s beyond you, leaving it on your other side. “Hmmm yes. I’m feeling so much better already.”
“Just don’t get too comfy. We’re getting out of here soon.”
“Mmmhmm” You began to run your hands through his hair. “ ’M gonna fall asleep if you keep doing that.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Then stop.” There was a moment of peace between you two, just enjoying the fact that both of you made it out of another dangerous situation. “So, how many?”
“How many did you get?”
“Oh, 25.”
“Really!?” His eyes opened up in surprise.
“Damn baby. That’s my girl!” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“20. Got distracted running after the asshole that poked me. Can you believe it? He actually tried to run away! No sir, not after poking my gut with a knife.”
“You call that poking!? God, I don’t want to know what you consider an actual stab.”
“Oh, you really don’t want to know! So, you won, my gorgeous huntress, what shall you ask for as a prize?”
“First, I want you to get patched up, then I want to take a shower, after that I was thinking about going back home and sleep for the rest of the day. The mission report can wait.”
“Hmm that sounds nice love. How about you wait for them to release me and we change that shower for a bath with me once we’re back home.” He said wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“But I still want to sleep the rest of the day after that, so don’t get any ideas.”
“We’ll see.”
The sound of a bunch of trucks closing in on your location brought you out of your small moment with the man you love.
“Well, looks like we’re going home sweetheart.”
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