Thorace looked up as the door opened. Magnay apologized and asked if it was ok, or if she should look in later. He sat his cup on the desk shook his head and beckoned her in. Magnay walked up to the desk, he noticed the worried look, and that she was wringing her hands. “What is the matter Magnay?”. She looked around, as if she was afraid of being heard. “I think my ward is not doing well” she replied. Thorace pulled up the file on Magnay/Jeff and read the first few lines, “what seems to be the problem?” Magnay hesitated but started slowly “He spends many hours a day staring at his tablet, even when there is no learning material, every time I try to start a conversation, he looks up at me with a confused look upon his face and then asks simply `what?´” she then added hastily “When I continue talking, he seems impatient and only gives a curt answer, then continues staring at the tablet”
Thorace thought for a few seconds, his chin perched on his fingertips (to show that he was deep in thought). “Since when has this been happening?”. Magnay thought back (raising one hand to her chin and trying to look thoughtful as well, which wasn`t lost on Thorace), “Since the information packages came from his homeworld, I think. Or shortly thereafter”. Thorace lowered one hand, but scratched his chin thoughtfully, then turned to his monitor and checked the manifest, “Aahh” he said, “It seems there were some lengthy text packages for him”, he read through the list, “Something here about a boy wizard, as well as other works of fictional literature”. Thorace looked at her, “Do not worry, Magnay, from what I have been instructed, some Humans like to read made up stories about fantastic and unbelievable characters with special skills”, he paused, then added “I am sure it is only a phase, and when he has finished reading these information packages, he`ll gladly engage with you again. Maybe then you could ask him about this part of their culture”.
Magnay seemed relieved, and thanked him and turned to go, but then stopped to ask one more question, “But Sir, why read untrue stories, what does this bring?” Thorace looked at her and smiled (what would be considered a grandfatherly smile), “That, dear Magnay, is why we have invited them into our fold, to learn from them such things.”
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Jeff looked up as Magnay entered the room. Well, more like cubicle, as calling it a room seemed a bit far-fetched. It had four walls and a door, but no real ceiling, more like a thin cloth tarp covering the cubicle. Thorace had explained that it was more for his own comfort than for real privacy, as the Fold-Dwellers usually didn’t have anything like this on their cubicles. The Fold-Dwelling itself was built more like an Adobe dwelling from the southwestern parts of what used to be considered the “United States of America” on old Gaia/Earth. Built into the walls and cliffs of a humongous cave, itself part of an extensive network of natural and excavated cave dwellings here on Jal/LJ59-8.
Jeff had become relatively good at recognizing the facial expressions of the Jalians, and he deemed that Magnay seemed sad or worried, “what’s wrong Magnay?” he asked. Magnay gave a small jump as if she’d been caught doing or thinking something that she shouldn’t have. “Oh! Sorry, it wasn’t my intent to disturb you!” she replied with a slight quiver in her voice. Jeff shrugged his shoulder and was about to return reading, when Magnay then continued “.. but if I may…” and waited until Jeff looked at her again. “Of course,” he replied. “I was wondering what the texts you are studying are about” she said and stood with her hands folded. Jeff laid the tablet against his folded legs and thought for a second “Oh, these texts aren’t for studying, I mean for learning anything special, or a skill” he paused “They are more like when you guys sit together and sing your ‘songs-of-lore’”. “Yes, but” countered Magnay “’The songs-of-Lore’ are about actual events, so that they will be remembered for our future generations” she paused “But according to Thorace, these texts you are reading are not about real people or events, they are fictional. Please explain how they are similar!”
Jeff sensed that he’d touched a nerve, so he decided that he should be careful wording his response. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you” he started. “It’s true, that these are fictional, but what I meant, is that I - we, read stories like these to relax, and take our minds off of everyday happenings. Learning, chores, duties, and such.” He watched for a response, but then continued “Your ‘songs-of-Lore’ are recalling real events, but I’ve noticed you and others singing the separate songs or humming the melodies to yourselves sometimes. Usually when you’re more relaxed.” “Yes” replied Magnay thoughtfully, “No offence taken. But it is correct, some songs are more relaxing and enjoyable than others”, Jeff continued “See? So we Gaians don’t really have cultural or historical songs. We have historical documents, which can be really boring, so to ease and relax our minds, we listen to music, or read books, or play games.” Magnay seemed to be less tense but replied “I am sorry if I do not understand the sense behind it, but if you have games, we have these as well. Maybe we can exchange games and ideas sometime” Jeff smiled (remembering NOT to show his teeth). “I’d like that, really!” he put his tablet onto the table next to him and opened a small box next to his cot. “I have what we call cards, if you want, I could show you some games we play with them”, he hesitated, then added “but these games are also for fun, not necessarily for learning.” Magnay brightened a bit “I would really like that. Even we play sometimes ‘just-for-fun’ and not explicitly for education.” “Great!” Jeff replied, “Let’s start with Poker!”
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Although Jeff was glad to see Magnay and Thorace again, he did miss Axar. Magnay had come back to Hond-Fold five nights ago and had spent almost all the time with him and Axar walking around the Fold, and Frocking (trying at least). Axar had gone back to the Hitherto (apparently not fully understanding the term land-leave, and that the captain had fully expected his return on the way back through) and was happy that his distant cousin Flimna had also been allowed to join the program as a cadet and travel companion. This had only been two nights ago, but Jeff still missed him. He was simply more fun and less reserved than Magnay.
His Tablet hummed, and he saw that he had a summons to Thorace, so he dressed accordingly and went to Thoraces’ “office-nook”. He stopped outside and knocked on the door frame and entered as Thorace called. The first thing he noticed was Thorace and Magnay standing on one side of the desk, and on the front side stood a figure, apparently a Gaian wearing a long hooded cloak with the hood up. Thorace stretched out a hand “Ah, welcome Jeff. We have an announcement!” and motioned for him to be seated. As they all sat, he glanced sideways at the person sitting to his right. He saw that it must be a female Gaian with dark hair, but he really couldn’t see much more. “As you know my Brace-Arax (nephew of sorts) and Flimna have gone to the Ship Hitherto to further their knowledge. As Captain Jonathan explained, taking on a second Jalian could only be accomplished if we took on a second…… Gaian so as not to unbalance the calculations of his ship resources.” He paused “Although All-Mother was not exactly pleased, she relented, and so we have a new member to our program” he motioned to the person next to him, “May I introduce Mersey”. The woman looked at him and nodded “Hello, my name, is Mirsee, not Mersey, and I’m DaiGaian” she said and extended her hand in an archaic form of greeting. Jeff was somewhat surprised, but had completed his diplomatic training at the Academy with high notes, so he knew exactly what was required. He stood, bowed very slightly, extended his hand and into hers and gripped back as hard as she gripped his (sort of a medium grip, normal for a woman, his trainer would have said) and replied courteously “Welcome, my name is Jeff Spend from LGSS Phoenix II, I’m pleased to meet you.” She looked at him and raised an eyebrow “A shippy eh?” she replied, “Well, right then, I suppose you can show me my bunk, and we can get on with it!”. Thorace raised his brows a bit, and stated “yes, well… you share quarters with Jeff, and beginning tomorrow, he and Magnay can show you around”. Jeff stopped and looked at Mirsee and then Thorace, “um, excuse me Thorace, I do not want to question your judgment, but Mirsee is female, and I am male, are you sure that it’s ok with her?” Before Thorace could answer, Mirsee quipped “Ahhhh, don’t sweat it, I grew up with five brothers, I’ve seen everything before, and besides I used to have a boyfriend, so it’s all nothing new, unless it’s a problem for you?” she said with a smirk on her face. The Govhouse Jeff had grown up in, the apartments at the Academy or any of the ships he’d been on, had never really given any priority to the necessity of privacy for someone of his rank. In fact, He’d had to adjust to having no bunk mates in his cubicle. “No… no problem, but so far there’s only one bed in the room, so we’ll have to get one for you. Oh, and a rack for your stuff.” He said glancing at Thorace and Magnay. It was then that he realized that Magnay had stood stiff as a board with her hands clasped in typical “Magnay is worried” fashion. Thorace also turned to her and asked “Magnay, would you please help them and attend to this?” at which Magnay cocked her head up in agreement and said plainly “come with me.”
After a second bed and rack had been arranged and placed in the cubicle, Magnay excused herself and left the room. Jeff showed Mirsee where the nearest toilet, bath and dining areas were, and then went back into the room and sat down in a small chair he’d “acquired”. He had barely sat down and was wondering how inquisitive he should be, or if he should play it cool and let her start, when she caught him off guard. “A shippy huh? Whatsit like?” Jeff looked at her, then smiled and replied, “I don’t know how to answer that, I mean, the way you say that you must’ve grown up on a planet, right? What’s that like?” She finally threw back her hood and slipped out of the cloak, and eyed him a bit and asked, “And it’s nodda problem I’mma DaiGaian?”. Her Gaianglish was fast and a bit slurred, but with a with a pleasant slightly lilting accent. Jeff looked a bit perplexed, “I uh, I don’t see why it should be.” He paused “A problem, I mean, I’ve never met a DaiGaian before personally, but really, what’s the difference between you, me, or anyone else that’s grown up on any other ship, or station. Or Planet?” She sat at the edge of her bunk and looked around. She had slightly Earth-Asian features, but her skin was also darker than the Earth-Asians he’d met before. She appeared to be about his age and had slight crows-feet around her eyes. She had full lips, and a slight figure and as he was studying her, she spoke without looking at him “Don’tcha know it’s rude to stare?” Jeff laughed and answered “well, yes, but honestly, you’re the first Gaian I’ve met personally in over a year” She looked at him, smiled, and asked “and it really doesn’t bother you, I’m a girl?” He smiled “On the contrary”. “OK” she said, “just don’t get yer hopes up, I’m not easy-piece or anything”. “He cocked an eyebrow “easy piece?” she smiled and shook her head “well either you’re very polite, or very innocent”.
Magnay knocked by Thorace and entered. He looked up and she asked immediately “Sir, what is a DaiGaian?” Thorace sat back and folded his hands together and thought, then he leaned forward and sipped his tea and motioned to Magnay to sit. “ DaiGaians” he started slowly “are Gaians that were abducted from their home world long before, well actually almost right up to the time that the Gaians started their own self defined space exploration. Before they had created their space-folding techniques (Alcubierre Drives). Other space farers would occasionally kidnap a Gaian to study up close, and somehow others found out about them, and some of their physical natures, and decided that they would be good for, well other things.” “What…. Other things” Magnay asked. “Well….. firstly, some believed that they made good slaves or even cheap ship crewmen. They’re quick learners, as we’ve seen. They’re intelligent enough, good problem solvers, tenacious, they have rather fast healing properties, and they reproduce efficiently, if allowed, or made to.” Magnay looked shocked. “Oh, do not worry” Thorace added, “It has been assured that both Jeff and Mirsee cannot easily reproduce… something about reversible medical procedures that Gaians in the exchange programs participate in. Apparently, it is quite common that they mate with each other, without intent to reproduce” which made Magnay look even more distressed, Thorace laughed and went on “Oh dear Magnay, do not worry, what they do in their own time and in their own room is not part of our concern, well not directly.” Magnay raised her brows questioningly “As long as they get along without causing each other or ourselves problems, we let them be.” Magnay, looked at Thorace “Great-Teacher Thorace” Magnay stated “I may not be as innocent as you think, I Have participated in the learning-rituals of Mating-Hood, but the thought of abductions, and slavery seems very barbaric!” Thorace smiled, then looked serious. “Yes indeed, that is why after the Gaians started their space-faring, they were rather surprised to find other Gaians out among the stars, and moved quickly to stop those things, and severely punish any others that they found engaging in these practices…. In fact their ferocity in these matters were one of the reasons that our beloved All-Mother was reluctant to accept them into the Fold. It was only after she witnessed first-hand how aggressive they are against their foes, but caring to their friends, that most of the All-Mothers agreed to help with the program.” Magnay stared at him unbelievingly “Do not underestimate them Magnay, they may seem slight and vulnerable, but I have seen even our own dear Jeff in a battle situation, where he went up against a medium sized Thrax (Fierce Jalian omnivore like a mix between a jaguar and porcupine growing as large as a small Earth grizzly bear) armed with a Gaian fire-weapon and a knife. After he spent all of his ammunition on the Thrax, it jumped him, and he actually killed it in hand combat with his blade! A feat that you and I know that only our trained guards would usually be able to do.” “Gods!” she exclaimed “And was he not even injured?” “Of course” he replied “But even though injured and poisoned , he persevered. Afterwards he spent some time in the healing ward and then continued his duties and qualified for his spot here by us. In fact, that is exactly the reason I wanted him here, because, if a den-full of Thrax were to attack us, then I know he could help protect himself, and others. Something that unfortunately not all of our Fold-Kind can be said of.” Magnay was surprised and thought of Jeff a bit differently now. “And Mirsee?” she asked. “Mirsee….” He paused and looked thoughtfully “Mirsee was not regarded very well of on the Ship Hitherto. It seems she maimed a crewmember who she claimed touched her inappropriately, and she comes from the planet of Cho, which is known for its rough climate and civilization. It used to be a mining planet with DaiGaian slaves, full of dangerous creatures, like here outside of our own Folds. It seems that there she had a falling in with their penal system, and a Truth-Namer (Judge) said that either she must join and stay in the Academy, or be placed in a shab (jail cell, solitary confinement).” Magnay’s face was now mixed between horror and disbelief “A criminal? And you allow her here?” Thorace was a bit surprised as Magnay had always been the most intelligent, but also the most tame of his pupils, Magnay must have sensed his thoughts, because she bowed her head and replied meekly “My apologies Great-Teacher, I am sure you know the best course” Thorace smiled and said “now, now Magnay, fret not. Of course, I have spoken in depth with Captain Jonathan. It seems Mirsee has an affinity to other non-Gaian species, and only causes problems with other Gaians if they start causing her problems about her origins, or as said, attack her unprovoked. I hardly think that Jeff will do this. We have all sensed his Naff (vibes, intentions) and as Captain Jonathan has agreed, he is what the Gaians call a “perfect gentleman”, a true Banaff (has highly organized, tightly confined, good vibes).
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Mirsee waited until Jeff had left and she was alone with Magnay. “Magnay, how did you come to learn Gaianglish, and join the program?” Magnay sat back and thought before answering. “I was always inquisitive, and as the first Gaian, Grace is her name, went to live with the Gol-Fold, I was so fascinated with her, that I decided to try and understand what she was talking about, and what kind of creature, sorry, person she was, and yourself?” Mirsee looked up in thought “I was born on Cho, you know. We are DaiGaians, that means we spoke a mix of different old Earth languages and Csarcsic, the language of the beings that stole our ancestors from Earth and brought them to Cho to work their mines. The federation freed my Parents and set up stations there to help us Earthlings. They set up hospitals and schools, and then basically told us to go back to work in the mines, but at least gave us credits and taught us how to use them and so on.” She sat a few seconds in silence, but finally went on, “I only ever wanted to get off of Cho. I saw all the pictures of the suns, the moons, the stations, the ships, and of Earth, and everything always looked so peaceful and clean. What they don’t show in the pictures though is the cold. The cold of sterile plasteel walls and floors, the cold of the people that grow up in these cold rooms. And the cold of the officials when they decide who goes where and why.” Magnay watched her features and thought of the conversation with Thorace about Mirsee. “Anyways, I decided I wanted to travel, but didn’t want to be bound to the federation or the academy, so I learned Gianglish and basic navigation and hired on with a shipping company. But they were basically the same as the Csarcs, so I went home to my parents, where I had a bit of trouble. A court ordered me to either join the academy or go to jail. I figured at least the food and clothing in the Academy would be better.” Magnay sat still then finally spoke “Thorace told me you had had troubles on your world and on the Ship Hitherto, but not exactly what it was. I hope nothing too serious.” Mirsee smiled then looked Magnay in the eyes, “Well I can imagine that he told you a little, but basically, my boss where I was working constantly made sexual comments, which I ignored, but when he tried to corner me into the bar, and tried to grab my tits, I bashed his head in with his own beer glass. Didn’t kill him thank god, but put him in the hospital a few days….. the judge said self-defense, but knew that when he got out of the hospital, either he´d kill me, or me him.” Magnay looked surprised, “but if he knew it was self-defense, why punish you?” Mirsee looked away, “Because the barkeeper was the cousin of the Governor, and there was no way even a judge could punish him without hurting his self, yep, thems politics for ya.” They sat awhile before Mirsee went on, “Actually the Academy and being on the Hitherto was pretty cool, until one of the Lieutenants thought that she could try the same thing as my old boss. She tried to trap me in her cabin and tried to grab me, and I bashed her head against the bunk bed. At least the Academy has a fairly decent working legal system, and the Lieutenant got busted instead of me, but then all the officers hated me, as well as most of the other cadets, because she had been nice to everyone, except us “filthy DaiGaians”” she said making air-quotes with her fingers, changing her voice and wagging her head. Magnay laughed and asked what that was, so Mirsee tried to explain some Gaianglish grammar, quotation marks, and sarcasm.
When Jeff walked back in, he found them laughing and making air-quotes and funny remarks but they both stifled themselves as soon as they saw him. Jeff smiled “Cool, I see you two are getting along, don’t mind me, I just came to get my coat. Thorace has asked one of the scouting crews if I could join them top-side.” Magnay looked at him and her eyes got wide “You´re going top-side, in this weather?” Mirsee looked back and forth, “is there something I´m missing?” Magnay shook her head seeming more Gaian than Jalian, “the winter storm has just passed but it´s still freezing cold, and Bortans and Thabules will be awakening, hungry and hunting.” Jeff shrugged his coat on and replied “Exactly, that´s why they´re going out, to check the roof of the Fold, this is an opportunity that I don´t want to miss!” turned and left. Mirsee looked at Magnay, “Bortans? Thabules? I looked at most of the reports about Jal, but don´t remember those.” Magnay reached over and pulled up a tablet and pulled up pictures of the two creatures. “Nasty looking brutes” Mirsee commented. “Don´t you have some sort of electronic security?” Magnay shook her head, “we tried, but for some reason, they still got through, so the All-Mothers decided that the old ways are best, and reinstated outposts and guards.”
Jeff had been instructed how to act and react, and kept a watchful eye and his weapons ready. He was armed with an Academy issue 7.62 semi-automatic pistol and knife, but also a type of half-pike used by the Jalian guards. The head guard Parga didn’t seem very pleased at first, but relaxed when he saw that Jeff was acting quitter and more responsible than some of the younger guards. It was when two of the younger guards were teasing each other and not paying attention, that the Thabule reared up its head, let out a terrible roar and charged them. Parga was about 100 meters away and Jeff realized that he was closest, so he reacted automatically and charged the Thabule. The two young guards were scared stiff and looked at the Thabule charging them as Jeff ran past and as the Thabule jumped up, he went into a slide under the Thabule and cut along its belly. The Thabule roared and twisted around, but by then Parga was there and stabbed the Thabule in the back of its head, sending his half-pike directly into its brain. Parga looked back at the two young guards, one them had pissed himself, and barked an order. Both walked shakily up to Jeff and kneeled down to one knee. Jeff looked at Parga who just nodded slightly. Jeff reached down and lightly touched the two on the shoulder, making them start, then said auf Jalian, “raise, friends.” Parga and the two guards looked at him with wonder. Parga pulled out a communicator, and talked a few minutes, then handed it to Jeff, it was Thorace. Thorace was upset, if Jeff was ok, which he assured him that he was. A few minutes later another set of guards showed up excitedly, and as they heard the story turned and gaped at Jeff. Jabna the head guard of the new group asked in broken Gaianglish, “Why you treat younglings like friend? They cause you trouble, you help, now owe you debt, not friends, now servants until debt paid!” Jeff stood silent a few minutes thinking then said slowly “Here in Fold, I need friends, and help to understand custom. If they help me learn Jal ways, they pay debt.”. Jabna looked thoughtful then translated. They both then stood, and came took his backpack and half-pike and carried them home for him.
As soon as they were under the roof of the Fold again, they were met by Thorace, Magnay and Mirsee, Mirsee looking the least worried. After Jabna and Parga explained everything, Thorace still looked worried, but stated that what Jeff said and did was to be accepted because he didn’t know all the ways yet, besides, the All-Mother wished to see Jeff in the morning, then she could decide if everything was in Order or not. Thorace told the two guards to take Jeff’s things to his room, and go clean themselves and to stay home until the All-Mother called for them. They slunk away with their heads down. Jeff walked with Thorace back to his office, his hands still shaking a bit from the adrenaline. Thorace asked if everything was ok. Jeff replied “Yeah, I´m sorry if I caused them any problems or loss of honor.” Thorace smiled lightly, “No, they caused themselves loss of honor, in that the Thabule would have likely killed them, but an off-worlder saved them. If one of our own had saved them, then the shame would still be there, but maybe more acceptable.” He paused and asked Jeff to sit as he offered him a milky orange liquid “Naturally it was most honorable what you did, and many tales will be spun and it will undoubtedly be put into a ‘song-of-lore’, but as I understand, you did not wish to have them as servants, which would mean that they would not be able to pay off their debt of honor. That would be a greater shame for them.” Jeff looked at Thorace and raised his glass and said “Then we must find a way for them to serve me, that both of our customs can accept. To your health, and their honor.” Thorace raised his glass in the Gaian fashion (Jalians usually didn´t make toasts) and they drank. The Pal-juice burned its way down his throat and he coughed, to which Thorace laughed and said “Fights a Thabule without thought, but can´t handle a little liquor!”
The next day all four of them Jabna, Parga and the two younglings met at the door of the All-Mother´s office, and were ushered in. As the All-Mother sat on a low leather covered thrown all of them walked before her in single file and bowed (Jeff and Mirsee having been instructed in how to act). After all were lined up for her scrutiny, the All-Mother mumbled something behind her hand to a lady-in-waiting next to her, who quickly disappeared and came back with a bottle of the milky orange stuff that Thorace had given him yesterday. After everyone was given a glass full, the All-Mother said something in Jalian, then drank. Since everyone else drank, Jeff and Mirsee did too.  Afterwards The All-Mother had Jabna and Parga recount the happenings of yesterday, after which Thorace spoke a few lines. The All-Mother order a new round of the liquor, to which the second time all of them drank at the same time without word. The All-Mother beckoned Jeff forward and told him in pristine Gaianglish to kneel.  “So Mister Jeff, you are quite a surprise. And apparently surprised that I speak your language” she chortled. “Do not be surprised, I also went to the Academy to learn, but do not tell many people about it, until it deems helpful, such as now.” She paused and looked him in the eyes, “Honored Gaian-Jeff, you tried to saved two younglings, to which Hond-Fold are grateful, therefore, we grant you full freedom to go where you will and do as you wish. If you are accepting, we would adopt you as an honored brother into the Fold, and naturally expand the exchange program for a small group of more Gaians. Oh and a large supply of Pal-Juice, Damned fine stuff this year too!” Jeff was flabbergasted, “Grand-All-Mother” he started, but she waved him off and said “Call me Fallni.” To which all the Jalians gasped. “Honored Jal-Fallni, I accept this all as a great honor, but am still puzzled as how Jufno and Bargha (having learned their names from Thorace this morning) can pay their debt, as I have no need for servants. I have no work here, but my studies.” All-Mother Fallni looked thoughtful and asked, “then how about I purchase their debt, and they work for me? How much do you ask?” Jeff still kneeling turned and looked over his shoulder at the others. “Please give me until tomorrow this same time, and I will have an idea” All-Mother Fallni nodded then rose and walked out, meaning the meeting was over.
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Mirsee was bored. And hungry. And tired. But mostly bored. She had taken to teaching any Jalians Gaianglish that wanted to learn it, and it seems that not only were there a lot, but they were all very good at it. The problem being, was that her Gaianglish was about at a conversational level, but in her own opinion certainly not good enough to be teaching others. Thorace had waved off her concerns and asked her to do it if possible anyways, (she had the feeling, just to keep her busy) so she had set up a time every day when she set up a classroom not far from Thoraces´ office and just started teaching it as best she could. She had just finished a class and was thinking about lunch and taking a nap when someone knocked at the door and a woman about her age, with long dark wavy hair poked her head in and said “Surprise, I finally made it… oh!” she said as she saw Mirsee sitting alone. Mirsee was a bit shocked at first, then recognized her to be Grace from over at the Gol-Fold. “Oh Hi!” she replied and stood up. Grace strode in and even more shockingly walked over and gave Mirsee a quick little hug, before she could even react. “My god, so you´re Mirsee, in the flesh!” she said still holding her hands on her shoulders, “So nice to finally meet you, where´s Jeff, I told him I’d try to come this week, but of course couldn´t say when. I had to get a jumper from the Academy, but now that the program is being expanded, they´re being a lot more generous…” She stopped to look at her, “Oh my god, so sorry, I´m just so excited to finally meet you guys, such a shame we couldn’t arrange it earlier, and now I´m still rattling on aren’t I.” Mirsee finally collected herself, “Yeah, notta problem, Jeff is up-side with his new friends, onda roof over the fold. But he should be back right quick-like I think!” Grace beamed at her, “God, I love your accent! So cool! I read your dossier, fucking right what you did to that bitch on the Hitherto, so what`s it like on Cho, is this your first “Other-world”?” Mirsee thinking that she could barely get a word in edgewise, just said “Cho sucks, that´s why I got off it, but actually I`ve been on six other planets. Did a stint with some shippers ya know, should´ve also been in my dossier?” Grace grinned, “Oh… oh no, only what´s happened since you joined the Academy.” They both stood a moment awkwardly, until Mirsee, piped up “C´mon, let me show ya around!” and led her out of the room. Magnay was walking towards them as they came out and bowed with a flourish that was usually only used for exalted Jalians such as All-Mothers “Great Gaian-Grace, I am so extremely pleased to meet you…” “MAGNAY, so cool!” Grace exclaimed. “So fun to see you again, Jeff and Thorace have told me about all the good things you´ve been up to!” Mirsee noticed that upon hearing this, Magnay looked a bit sheepish but pleased. They led Grace to a dining area, meaning to get a snack and some drinks, when Magnay´s tablet beeped. She looked down and looked puzzled and started towards the door, “please come with me” she said flatly and turned towards the direction of the passageway towards the roof. “Has Jeff shivved´mself another Thabule?” asked Mirsee, to which Grace looked at her puzzled, so as they walked, Mirsee gave her a quick run-down of the past few days’ happenings. Grace was astounded that Jeff had become an honorary Fold-Kind, and was basically on first name basis with an All-Mother, without as much as mentioning it even once during the last vidchat, but that seemed to be typical Jeff. Magnay didn´t seem to listen, but hurried on down the corridor with the two walking hurriedly after her. After some time, they passed by the corridor that led to the stairs leading up to the roof which puzzled Mirsee, and she was even more puzzled as they came to a room, chock full of electronic equipment and Jalians bustling around. “Gods, what´s all this?” Mirsee asked, but Magnay and Grace just looked at her like she was daft. “This is the main communications room, that your federation set up for us, and trained us how to use.” Magnay stated matter-of-factly, Grace continued “Yeah, after we `discovered each other´, the federation basically broke the `Prime directive´ which is an old fashioned sci-fi bullshit anyways, and gave each Fold a full set-up of Com-units, with training.” Mirsee looked incredulous, “But that means all these guys speak Gaianglish?” “Of course!... how else do you think we can get your ships up and down, and how we started the exchange program, why you even heard that the All-Mother speaks Gaianglish!” Magnay replied shaking her head in Gaian fashion. Mirsee felt a bit foolish, but asked “Yeah, as for that, I mean, so far I haven’t seen you guys ever use much technology, how´d yáll an´da Feds even get to know each other?” Just as Thorace and Jeff walked in, and while Jeff and Grace were greeting each other, Thorace heard this and replied “well, that would be because of the crew of the Ship McNalien, who landed here not knowing that we existed.” Mirsee looked around questioningly “Waddýa mean, not know yáll was here?” Jeff shrugged, “Well funny enough, we can radio across the galaxy instantaneously using AIEQER (Artificial Intelligence Enhanced Quantum Entanglement Radio), but unlike the old sci-fi films, we don’t have a reliable way to scan a planet for life forms. So when we get to one, we watch it awhile, and when it seems empty, we land and scout.” He paused, then Thorace continued “Yes, we saw them land, and watched them back, but since we were mostly hidden in our Folds, they did not see us, until we had figured that we must introduce ourselves.” At this Grace perked up and looked at Jeff, “The captain of the McNalien was my grandfather! He pulled some strings to get me here!” at which Jeff just raised an eyebrow but said nothing. “Yes, speaking of which,” spoke Thorace “This is the reason we are gathered here, it seems the McNalien has returned for you.”
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Jeff was homesick, again, increasingly often the past few days. He’d known that it was basically a one-way ticket coming here, but since he’d grown up in a Govhouse as a pioneer orphan, he had de-facto no family. All had been spread across the galaxy during the Bio-diaspora, and in the Govhouse he’d rarely made friends. Exactly one to be honest, but Jannod had elected to stay behind and become a teacher. On the other side of Jal was a woman, about five years older than he, whom he vidchatted with on a weekly basis, but he could hardly call Grace his friend, as he had never met her in person or chatted with her on anything but official business. What vexed him was the fact that he could even become homesick for the Govhouse, because it in itself was just a space station hung in an Earth/Moon Lagrange, and he’d never been physically able to visit Earth. 
He walked alone through the Corridor-streets of the Hond-Fold in which he lived, passing Jalians who looked at him mildly amused, ever friendly, but always keeping their distance. Magnay was visiting a different Fold with Thorace and his other pupils, to see if they could convince anyone else to accept another Gaian, but many were still in the “let’s wait and see what happens with the strangers” phase, and the Grand-All-Mother of Hond-Fold had definitely declared that she would only allow one Gaian or other off-worlder into the fold at a time, until they saw that it was either detrimental to keep them alone, or that they could understand and adapt to fold law and culture. Since only a few Jalians spoke Gaianglish, and he still spoke only rudimentary Jalian, he was surprised when he heard someone call his name. He looked around and saw a rather tall and gangly Jalian wave and walk towards him. “Good Day honored Gaian-Jeff!” he called from a distance, other Jalians looked around in surprise. As he approached, he even did the unimaginable and held out his fist to make an old-fashioned fist-bump. As surprised as he was, Jeff had never been the squeamish type, so he held up his fist at about the same height, and the strange Jalian fist-bumped him and gave him a grin, actually bearing his teeth, which was even stranger and would have been a open affront to another Jalian. In fact, Jeff noticed a couple of Jalians passing by, who quickly changed directions, expecting a fight to break out at any second! “Honored Gaian-Jeff!” he exclaimed enthusiastically “I am named Axar, and I am so excited and pleased to finally make your acquaintance!”
Jeff looked at him, and said “Honored Jal-Axar, thank you for your introduction, if I may ask, your business and how you speak Gaianglish so well?” Axar looked highly pleased but offered the usual range of polite but exaggerated humbleness, “Honored Gaian-Jeff, please, you flatter me unnecessarily! My language skills are most un-notable. I have just returned from space-faring on the Gaian ship Hitherto and was contacted by the Great-Teacher Thorace, who requested that I accompany you, and continue to show you more of the fold” he paused waiting for Jeff’s reaction, but carried on after a second, “Also, Great-Teacher Thorace has great confidence in you to carry yourself respectfully within the Fold, but has had heard some rumors about some of our Fold-Kind, who are not altogether pleased about the acceptance of Off-Worlders into the Fold, and may try to taunt you or coerce you into making a mistake.” Jeff looked around, then back to him “Oh, well then if Thorace deems it better, then of course I accept his wisdom, and of course your honored company, but please, call me simply Jeff!” Axar looked rather pleased and nodded his head vigorously (which was also quite un-Jalian) “Please Jeff, then I request that you simply call me Axar”.
“So, tell me Axar, what was your duty and length of stay on the Hitherto?” Axar, still looking quite pleased like an overzealous schoolperson answered “I was also as a cultural exchange, much as yourself, but instead of being on a station or planet, I was accepted onto the Gaian ship Hitherto, explicitly to learn, and later teach our Fold-Kind about space-faring. My duty was learning about navigation as a potential cadet of the Gaian Space Academy. It was planned that I stay three Gaian years, but alas, I wished to leave the ship for a season after only one Gaian year, as I found it most difficult living without any other Fold-Kind to converse and friendship with”, his face falling somewhat with the explanation. Jeff considered this and replied “I understand, as I was also just thinking about the situation, that I also have no other Gaians around” and explained about Grace and the thoughts and concerns of the other Folds. Axar listened intently and nodded his head again. “I hope that the Gaian ship Captain Jonathan is willing to accept me back onboard when they pass again in ten nights”, (Jalians counted in Jal night times which were roughly 14 Earth days) “That is if the Grand-All-Mother allows me to leave again, and possibly take a companion. She is still negotiating with the Gaian Space Academy.”
They walked along in silence awhile, until they heard a clicking and clacking and shouting in the distance “Oh!” exclaimed Axar “A game of Frok!”, speeding up his pace. Jeff hurried after him until they came to a group of Jalians standing around a type of amphitheater. Down below, were six Jalians standing around a shallow basin, and in regular intervals and varying levels around the walls of the basin, were indentations. The Jalians were taking turns rolling balls looking to be around the size and weight of Gaian bowling balls (still a popular pastime on Gaian stations and planets) into the basin, and trying to either knock their teams balls into, or the other teams balls out of the indentations. Up close, it was amazing how loud the collisions of the balls, and even more surprisingly, how loud the usually reserved Jalians themselves were! He saw Jalians passing “leaves” (Jalian money) and yelling what Jeff recognized as obscenities back and forth, as the players looked very concentrated. He was amazed as one player rolled a ball with a flip if it’s wrist down into the basin, hitting one of the other teams balls, which ran up the basin wall, and knocked a ball the same color as his from one indentation, into a higher one. The crowd went crazy, yelling and gesticulating at the player, who turned around in a circle, with his arms raised and bearing his teeth, which naturally made some of the spectators go even wilder. Jeff looked around and saw Axar passing leaves, and talking with another Jalian, but when he noticed Jeff watching him, he looked sheepishly back, and came back to his side. “Oh, please forgive me honored Gaian-Jeff, but it has been so long since I have watched a good Frok, and even longer since I’ve seen a player make such a spectacular play like that!” Jeff smiled lightly, and said “Please Axar, I am happy to see that Jalains play sports and wager like this. I guess it’s something universal!” Axar nodded vigorously, and exclaimed enthusiastically “Come Jeff, when the game is over, then I will take you to a dining-room and explain the rules, maybe tomorrow, we can find a Frok-bowl to try our hands in it together!”
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textfromtheboyjohndoe · 6 months
Ricardo ii
The McNalien, Grace explained, was basically a free enterprise research ship, leased by the Federation, and used a mix of civilian, federation, and academy crew members, and was usually not due back through this area of space to head back to earth for another three to five years. She and a few other Gaians had stayed on Jal to study the planet and Jalians, and should be changed out every few years, depending on progress, but also on personal wishes. The other Gaians were on a small uninhabited island, even farther around the planet as the Gol-Fold, which is why Jeff had had hardly any contact with them, basically always using Grace as a relay if he needed anything. Now that the Jalians were becoming more accepting, and also more forthcoming about their own role of “being discovered”, he was sure that “the Feds” as Mirsee always called them, would invest in satellites and jumpers, maybe even fly in, or build a station in orbit. But that was all still quite a bit into the future depending on the resources the Federation wanted or needed, and what the Jalians would bargain for. Captain Riccardo McNalien III of the Ship McNalien made a stately figure as he stepped off the ramp of the jumper. “Great Jal-Thorace!” he boomed as he walked across the landing pad, they greeted each other with the normal Gaian-Jalean greetings and much bowing and clasping of arms, then he turned to Grace and boomed “Grace dear! Granddaughter! How good it is to see you!” then finally turned to Mirsee and Jeff. Jeff saluted although he was in his normal clothes and Jalian long coat, “Captain McNalien, an honor…. Captain OD Jeff Spend of the Third Squadron Federation Marines.” Which brought quite a few surprised faces to turn to him. Captain McNalien saluted back, “Captain Spend, also my honor and pleasure to finally meet you.” Thorace looked around, then claimed “Gods it´s still cold, let us go inside to my office, shall we?” All the way to Thoraces´ office, Jeff could feel Magnay and Mirsee giving him sideway glances. Almost there, Captain McNalien turned while walking, and looked at Mirsee with a slight smirk on his face “And you must be Mrs. Mirsee of Cho, first year cadet?” Mirsee blushed, remembering that she´d forgotten to introduce herself as was normal protocol. “Yess´r sorry Capn, I forgot to salute and intraduce m´self” and gave a quick salute while walking. The captain grinned slightly, and replied “Don´t sweat it young Lady, neither myself nor the Academy are military, so if you don´t say anything, neither will I” and winked at her, then turned and while walking asked Grace about her time in Jal.
After they had reached Thoraces´ office and deemed it too small, they walked over to the nearest dining area and had just entered, when the Lady-in-Waiting from the All-Mother ran in and barked something to Thorace, then ran back out. A few minutes later she returned with the All-Mother Fallni at her arm. As soon as she walked in, Captain McNalien boomed “Great-All-Mother Jal-Fallni, what a wonderful surprise!” The All-Mother waved and boomed back much louder than any of the other Gaians would have thought her able to, “Great-Captain-Gaian-Riccaaaaardoo!” and almost fell into his arms and they hugged each other, to EVERYONES surprise!
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