gyankoshacademy · 1 year
Best JENPAS Coaching Institute in Kolkata for BSc Nursing Admission
To be eligible for the JENPAS exam, you must have a 12th-level in science stream physics chemistry and biology. In addition to this, you must have an aptitude for Bengali language. The applicant must also be a native speaker. Once you are admitted to JENPAS UG coaching in Kolkata, you will be trained in the various aspects of the nursing and paramedical profession. You will need to become a BSc nurse, and this is a prestigious job.
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Best JENPAS Coaching Center in Kolkata
In order to be eligible for the JENPAS-UG exam, you must have a passing grade in class 12 with PCB. To secure a good score, you must secure a minimum of 70 percent in the average of the subjects. Those who do not pass this exam will not be able to enter the BSc nursing course in West Bengal Govt colleges. Then you have another opportunity to take admission to BSc nursing private colleges through management quota.
The application form for the JENPAS-UG exam in West Bengal can available on the official website of WBJEE. After reading the form, you must carefully fill it out. Make sure to fill out all details in the application form.
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panorama2024aaaa · 1 year
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قالوا: سينسيك الزمان .. هواهم
‏ويجف من طول الفراق .. وداد
Kloý: Wagt hem seni ýatdan çykarar ...
Aýralyk týulundan gurady .. Wadad
Jenap wagt
.Adyna düşýär.
Wagtyň ussady .. we ýat
Heartürek höwesde.
Wagt geçdi
Ageaş ýeterlik däl .. we ulalýar
Bu endigiň ýüregi hemme zat
Forgetatdan çykarmakdan başga .. ol öwrenişmedi
‏مر الزمان .. وبات قلبي كلما
‏ذكروا .. يقول: هل الزمان يعاد!؟
‏مر الزمان .. وذكرياتي غضة
‏والقلب في أشواقه .. وقاد
‏مر الزمان .. وما تغير عهدنا
‏العمر ينقص .. والهوى يزداد
‏يعتاد قلبي كل شيء بعدهم
‏إلا على النسيان ..لا يعتاد
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insideazusapacific · 7 years
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Happy Thanksgiving! We received a whole week of break off this season; definitely seemed to come at the right and needed time! Amidst this season, there is so much to be thankful for and I love how the spirit of thankfulness seems like to brim over around this time every year.
Thanking Jesus a little extra today! For one, I am thankful for an incredible home team of people in my life- people that show me Christ, offering listening ears and encouraging words, teach me how fun life can really be, love me when I am feeling unloveable, and keep me grounded in my faith. These relationships and friendships carry the most value- I can thank APU for leading me to most of these people. Secondly, I am grateful for my education and for a place like APU that has made me feel so known and has Christ at its center and forefront in everything they do. I am thankful for a place that has been so transformative in my faith walk, and in my life as a whole. Lastly, I am grateful for rest. Break is so good for the soul, and for time to step back and regain perspective for these last three weeks!
Let us practice hearts of gratitude and spirits of thankfulness like this today, and everyday. What are you most grateful for this year? 
-Jena P.
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minininny · 4 years
whoop, i had a dream and i wanna record it because it genuinely bothered me
So some context is that in August, I’m gonna have a driving lesson with an instructor to work on parallel parking and then take the test at the DMV
So my dream is that I’m apparently at college but I’m living there with my father. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the driving instructor shows up and we’re like “oh��� and so all three of us go! for whatever reason
However, we stop at Sheetz/Wawa (it was definitely a Wawa in the dream but there aren’t Wawas near where I went to school) and I order a smoothie while the driving instructor leaves after buying something
But it’s the end of the shift for the Sheetz/Wawa employees and they’re closing down to do like, community training where members of the community join in and make their own food while also providing training to the employees so anyway after a bit I’m like “uh actually can i get my smoothie at a different time or a refund?” and they’re like “oh yeah”
so i head out and the instructor is like “we’ve wasted all our time” blah blah blah and i of course am like hurt and feel bad and we go back home, dad leaves while i stay and the instructor is like “which sounds better, i was kidnapped during or time or jenapped [???]” and in the dream i responded “uh what is the second one” and he gave me a snarky answer but he was like “oh i’m just drafting what i’ll write when i actually do get to charge you for the wasted lesson” 
so like that was pretty much the ending point of the dream and i woke up; the dream did have things that didn’t add up, but it was still convincing enough that I was disconcerted and confused to be in my own bed
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transpublikid · 4 years
PEMATANGSIANTAR | TRANSPUBLIK.co.id – Salam Metta we are One Community, Pematangsiantar pada hari Minggu (7/6/2020), memberi bantuan kepada beberapa keluarga Pra Sejahtera di daerah Tanjung Tongah, Kecamatan Siantar Martoba.
Bantuan sembako untuk beberapa keluarga pra sejahtera ini terdiri dari Beras, Mie instan, Gula, Minyak Makan, Sarden, Biscuit, Kaka Coconut dan uang tunai.
  Salam Metta We Are One Community Pematangsiantar Berikan Bantuan Sembako Kepada Keluarga Pra Sejahtera
  “Kami sangat berterima kasih atas bantuan sembako dari Salam Metta ini, karena sudah meringkan beban kami di tengah suasana covid-19 ini. Semoga Salam Metta di berkati dan di beri kesehatan,” ucap salah satu keluarga pra sejahtera yaitu nenek Jenap usia 86 tahun mengatakan kepada awak media Trans Publik .co.id.
Demikian juga keluarga Kamsiya seorang ibu yang menderita sakit gula, mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas bantuan sembako dari Salam Metta yang sudah memperhatikan kami keluarga pra sejahtera ini. Terima kasih, Salam Metta.
Bendahara Salam Metta Bapak Ahai/Wagimin/Michael mengatakan kepada awak media, bantuan sosial adalah rasa cinta akan sesama manusia tanpa pandang suku dan agama. Semoga tali kasih ini akan terus kita kerjakan.
Seorang pengurus Salam Metta Ibu Julia/ibu Mehwa/Risna Lien mengatakan kepada awak media Trans Publik. Kami seluruh pengurus mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada seluruh donatur dan rekan kami yang sudah berpartisipasi untuk mengeluarkan tenaga dan materi dalam menjalankanBansos Salam Metta ini. Semoga para donatur dan rekan kita yang bekerja ini diberi kesehatan dan rejeki yang berlimpah, Amin,” ucapnya.
Salam Metta We Are One Community Pematangsiantar Berikan Bantuan Sembako Kepada Keluarga Pra Sejahtera PEMATANGSIANTAR | TRANSPUBLIK.co.id - Salam Metta we are One Community, Pematangsiantar pada hari Minggu (7/6/2020), …
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insideazusapacific · 7 years
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Golden Moments 
Senior year is full of these sweet, sweet moments that I am learning to savor more than anything.
This past weekend, a handful of us hopped in the car, drove down the 57 freeway, grabbed some blankets and some tacos, and chased the sun beachside. Our friend, Kami, has an incredible knack behind a camera, so she snapped some pictures of us that are out of this world. The light was delicious; the hour was full golden. We indulged in good conversation about our lives, about our futures, about our hopes and our realities. For a second, we were at a complete sense of contentment with knowing that everything was going to be just fine.
I'm learning to hold relationships like this close. APU has gifted me with some of the sweetest friendships- those that are God-centered, supportive, life-breathing. Those are the most golden of them all.
-Jena P.
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insideazusapacific · 7 years
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Hello, all!
My name is Jena Postma, and I am back once again - excited to return as my last year of sharing stories, words, and experiences with you. I’m from the Pacific Northwest, you can find me in the mountains or near the ocean, I have a love for Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon, and I’m a Marketing major/ Graphic Design minor with a whole lot of dreams and questions of what to do with it post-grad. Being my senior year, I am in the home stretch of my last laps at APU; and what a sweet and wild ride it has been. I am eager to savor all of the last bits of what this season has to offer, and I’ll do my best to share that with you.
APU has gifted me some of the best times and friendships of my life. It is awesome to reflect over the past four years and see how God has had His hand over all of it. This final year, my heart and hands are open for all that God is trying to show me. Let us remain open, ready, eager, and faithful.
Cheers to new seasons (and in whatever season you are in),
-Jena P.
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insideazusapacific · 8 years
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Retreat to the Mountains
There is an office on campus called the Office of Discipleship Ministries, in which fosters Discipleship groups on campus (practically small groups) in which people can learn about the Lord and grow more in Him together alongside a firm community yearning to learn more about Christ. There is much worth in doing life aside one another. This office provided a retreat to Lake Arrowhead this weekend, a space in which cultivated rest and chance to get away. God's timing is impeccable because it seemed all the more needed at the right time.
There was a good friend that passed away from home this past week, and never has the definition of "community" reigned so true to me. Endless people have reached out, checked in, and cared for me in ways that were hopefully needed and much conversations were had with people I know and trust well that have helped process everything as well as offer a listening ear. It makes me ever so thankful the type of people APU holds amidst this specific situation.
Life is real and raw and doesn't make much sense, but I know the Lord does, and there is so much hope in that. Life's fragility is a harsh reality; I know there is stability in Christ. We are not alone; there are people there to walk along side us. The mountains this past weekend spoke of this.
-Jena P.
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insideazusapacific · 8 years
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One Year.
This past week marked the one year anniversary of studying abroad in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, just one of the many incredible opportunities through APU that allows you to spend a semester internationally. As this sacred annual reminder comes along, sweetness and goodness of that past season surfaces along with reflection on life since then. 
South Africa was one of the most transformative seasons of my life. Words cannot accurately depict how much I learned and grew there: about myself, about God, about loving others, about being a servant, about being kind, about seeing the world through the eyes of God, about growing up. God was everywhere. He was in the views, He was in the experiences, He was most definitely in the ocean (I think about those waters all the time). He was especially in the people. People that were full of the Lord and taught me kindness and gave so much away and showed me love.
Although I get immensely sad thinking about that time, I also am incredibly thankful that it happened. It is healthy to reflect back on meaningful seasons of our lives, remember God working through them, and applying what you gained from them. South Africa, I am thankful of you.
-Jena P. 
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insideazusapacific · 8 years
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As I have gotten older, I have learned that change is inevitable. Whether I like it or not, whether I feel like I have the ability to stop it or not, whether I feel like I am in control or not (most of these the latter), change happens and is an upfront reality. Change often causes fear of the future and fear of the unknown; it is a shift in what we know as comfortable and a difference in the flow of our normal. With this new semester approaching, change is a very real thing.
Change comes and goes with the different seasons. I have learned that change, adjusting, altering, difference can be hard. But I also learned that change can be such a good thing. 
My dear friend Lauren stated this well in the words of another: “You can endure change by pondering His permanence.”-Max Lucado. These words could not ring more truth into the conversation in the power they present; God is there through out all of your change. Change is good, change is needed. It is something to embrace rather than fear. It is something to hold on to. The most important thing to remember through it all, that our God is a loving God that never changes. That, is something to be brave in.
-Jena P. 
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insideazusapacific · 8 years
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Sacred Spaces
I am thankful for winter break where we are able to rejuvenate and rest our souls from a very long, very tiring, very full, very incredible semester. I am more thankful to call Kauai home for 10 days during the stretch of Christmas to New Years finding solace at my grandma’s house.
Ever since I was little, this place was forever mine to take refuge in and seek simplicity in every form. The days are slow, easy, the pace days should be going at. Time with family is vast and God is seen everywhere.
This place is forever sacred to my soul. I am thankful for my grandma and for ripe papayas and for the quilts she makes and for the simple mornings and for the sunrise walks and for the time spent in a place that is cherished. 
Seek out those sacred places that are yours, friends.
-Jena P.
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insideazusapacific · 7 years
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R I D E  F O R  W A T E R
People are important; clean water changes everything. There are millions internationally that do not have access to a basic necessity - clean water. We have decided to take action and do something about it.
I am one of the members of the 2018 Ride for Water team alongside 13 other tenacious college students from APU, following in the footsteps of 5 years of past teams that have gone the year before us and paved the way. This summer, we will ride our bikes 3,200 miles across the United States to raise money and awareness for the global water crisis. Today over 663 million people live without access to clean water, but through our partnership with charity : water, we hope to change that. This year, we aim to raise $100,000. Over the past five years, previous Ride for Water teams have raised over $240,000, bringing clean water to Malawi, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. Through just one Ride for Water campaign, 1,996 people were given access to clean water and we hope to increase that this year.
It sounds wild; it is. We are willing to do something crazy in advocating for something we are passionate about. Eager, thankful, and inspired, we are so appreciative of the support thus far and bringing Jesus into every step of our campaign. 
To find out more about the Ride or the Cause, read on here. Updates on the campaign coming soon!
-Jena P.
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insideazusapacific · 8 years
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Mind the Gap
Spring breaks seem to come at the perfect opportune time: right when you need rest and rejuvenation. My spring break felt like a really, really good dream. My friends and I found some extremely cheap tickets to London back in October and so we hopped on the chance.
We got to do all of the typical London sights and then some that weren’t so typical. We got to visit some friends that were studying abroad in the Oxford program, and seeing their spaces where they are thriving was unbelievable. A highlight of that day was getting to do the same walk that C.S. Lewis did when we was thinking, praying, processing, going through all of his great thoughts and as he was converting to Christianity. That was honestly a spiritual experience and there are no words.
London was out of this world. I am thankful for experiences through travel; I feel like you continually learn more about yourself, about others, and about God when you are exploring the world He has created. There is something about being in places that make you feel small that remind you that God is so big. I am grateful to times that I get to learn more about the world’s dimensions and its people, lessons that are only grasped through experiences traveling.
-Jena P.
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insideazusapacific · 8 years
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And on the 8th day, God created ice cream.
Life is full of goodness, I am a firm believer is maximizing that and yearning for that and attaining all that it has to offer. Harsh reality is, life is not good all the time. It really isn’t. This past week, there were a handful of people on my staff for residence life that are dealing with very real, very hard, very terrible things. During our staff meeting, a space was created in where the ones that needed to share, could share, and we were fully behind them ready to listen. Prayer was true and said, we were there as one body; in a sense it was this beautiful space of brokenness, but beautiful in the way that we were together and united through it. 
I think that is what community is for. It is for the easy time when it is feasible to be weird and fun and about happy, light things. But mostly it for these times: these times of trial, and realistic emotions, and times where it seems dark. It is through this that the divine definition of community comes to be. We are made to lift up one another and to help pick up the broken pieces. It is through this that we acknowledge: we will be just fine. 
I think it is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind: relationships with other humans.  We are right beside each other, right along with others in their walk. It is through these that we tangibly see the love of God, and it is through these that we remember God’s goodness. God’s people are steady reminders of this type of goodness. And that, deserves another scoop of ice-cream.
-Jena P. 
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