#Jennette cuz her writing is so much weaker. Ijekiel because- well yeah his writing is shallower and he has waaaay less scenes
ultramarine-spirit · 5 months
That reminds me of something that I've been thinking about for a long time and is that I don't know if you've ever seen people say that the reason why spoon changed the manhwa of the novel is because of the plagiarism accusations, but, honestly, how much of that is true? Spoon really said that? That was the reason why the story changed? Because there are many manhwas that have changed the story of the novel and do not have any kind of accusation.
I feel like people say it mostly because they assume it's the most "obvious" reason, but I feel like what everyone assumes is obvious isn't really that obvious...
It just bothers me that they put words in the someone's mouth who never said that, if spoon really said that was the reason then that's fine but I feel like everyone is just assuming.
They also say that the reason why Jennette's character changed so much is because she was Spoon's favorite character or that she did more athykiel scenes is because she is team ijekiel. But is that true or are they just assuming?
Spoon hasn't said that, in fact, as far as I know, the changes to the plot were made before the plagiarism accusations (we see changes as early as the debutante chapters). The Courts already sentenced that the manhwa isn't plagiarizing anything, we've been over this.
Spoon has said many times that her favorite character is Claude, and to be honest, that's very obvious to me. Jennette suffers way more in the manhwa, if anything, but she has a happier ending (her ending in the novel wasn't that sad though). I do think she tried to make people like her more, as she was a pretty divisive character in the novel. To various degrees of success.
As for the athykiel scenes, there are actually less in the manhwa too. I think Spoon just wanted to keep the family focus. If you want a crazy conspiracy theory, I would also say the harassment from shippers might have turned her off from writing romance. Idk.
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