#Jerry's wip gallery
jerrythebug · 4 months
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It's WIP Thursday on a Sunday babes!!
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eternalravendreamer · 7 years
Lance Totally Brought His Cellphone to Space, so Here’s Him Showing His Space Family Photos of His Family Family (WIP, OC-heavy)
Lance gave a whoop of excitement, plopping onto the couch between the two Alteans and opening the picture gallery on his precious cell phone.
“Alright, get ready to meet the McClains!” first he pulled up a photo of himself and a cheerful older woman. She shared his skin color, with only slightly darker hair. He was taking a selfie with her and showing off his Garrison acceptance letter. Both of them had tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces.
“That’s my mom, Florina. Don’t let the fact that she’s tiny and seemingly delicate fool you – she’s stronger than an ox, and twice as tenacious! She was so proud of me for getting into the Garrison…” Lance trailed off, staring into the image of his mother’s face. Allura put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sure that she’ll be just as proud when she finds out you’ve been defending the universe.” Lance smiled at her and switched to a photo of an older man with an impressive mustache relaxing on the water, held afloat by an oversized inner-tube in the shape of a pink flamingo. Coran gasped in delight.
“I know, right?! That’s the first thing I thought when I met you! That’s my dad, Clyde. He used to be a boring, ordinary office worker, but then he found out he had heart failure and only had about four months to live and took a trip to Cuba, which is how he met my mom, and they fell in love! Oh, and uh then he got a new heart, so don’t worry. He’s all good now, and a stay at home dad and grandpa.”
The next photo he brought up was of a young man who looked almost the exact same as Lance, with slightly rounder facial features. He was wearing a doctor’s coat and had a stethoscope around his neck, and was standing with crossed arms and a barely concealed smile in front of a colorful building with a “GRAND OPENING” banner strung across it.
“That’s my oldest brother, Gerardo. We call him Jerry. He hates it. He’s a doctor, and that’s the community clinic he opened in the poorer section of town with some of his friends from med school. He’s the golden child of the family, which you’d think would make him a stuck-up brat.”
“But nothing, he’s got the longest freakin’ stick up his ass, and it’s hilarious. Whenever anyone gets sick he freaks out and goes into doctor mode. His husband Camilo is the only reason he hasn’t keeled over from stress yet.”
Swiping left, Lance brought up a selfie of a muscular woman who, again, looked like Lance but slightly different, flexing to show off her muscles. Shiro and Allura almost choked, while Matt enthusiastically yelled “I WOULD PAY THAT LADY TO KICK MY ASS!”
“Oh my god, no. That’s my oldest sister, Mónica. She’s in the construction business, and the family fix-it expert. When she and her girlfriend and datemate – she’s in a poly relationship, it’s really cute actually – anyways, when they couldn’t find a bed big enough for all three of them plus their two giant dogs, Mónica just built them one herself. I’m convinced he could bench-press Shiro.”
“That’s hot.”
“That’s my sister.”
“Still hot.”
Rolling his eyes at Matt, Lance pulled up a photo of yet another look-alike, but with longer hair and wearing flawless makeup. He was wearing a fancy blue suit and posing dramatically for the camera.
“This beautiful asshole is my brother Dimas. He started out as a makeup artist but eventually his boss begged him to become a model. He agreed, but on the condition that he could still do makeup. He taught me everything I know about beauty and cosmetics!”
“He’s hot.”
“You just said that about my sister! Also, he’s ace. I don’t know if he’s aro, but he’s ace.”
“…still hot.”
The next picture showed a woman who yet again looked vaguely like Lance, but this one had long hair tied up in a bun, and glasses on her face. She was smiling with a little girl who looked somewhere around ten years old, give or take a year or two. The little girl liked strikingly like the woman, but enough like someone else to not look like Lance.
“That’s my sister Sarina and her daughter, Paloma, who is my youngest niece. She also has two sets of twin boys, and on top of that she’s a second grade teacher.”
“That’s…a lot of kids.”
“Well, she is the token straight of the family. Gerardo and his husband have a set of triplets they adopted, though, and Mónica is considering getting married to one of her partners so that they can cheese the system and legally adopt. Only problem is that she doesn’t want to make whoever isn’t part of the marriage feel left out.”
“My god, why are there so many kids?!”
“Pidge, we’re Catholic.”
“Ooooh, yeah.”
“I don’t get it.”
“It’s a stereotype, Keith. Don’t worry about it.”
Leaving Keith to remain confused (while Shiro tried not to die of laughter beside him), Lance pulled up a photo of another look-alike, but this one had vitiligo and bore an almost rose-shaped mark over their right eye, which was also a slightly different color. They were squatting and drinking a child-size juice box next to a large marble sign that read “CUBAN ACADAMY OF LAW” in English, with Spanish underneath that presumably said the same thing.
“This living meme is my enby sib, Indigo. I sometimes call them Indy or Inigo Montoya. Y’know, for pop culture references. Anyway, they’re in law school. They’re gonna be a super cool, badass lawyer and debate the shit out of some people.”
“Alright, this is the last one for now,” Lance pulled up the final photo and the room became silent in awe. The picture was of a slightly younger Lance, hair gelled and wearing a fancy (if a little old and very obviously a hand-me-down) tuxedo, standing beside a sister who might as well have been his clone. She had long, curled hair, and was wearing an elegant ball gown the same color as her and Lance’s eyes. They were in front of a podium, and she was holding a large trophy.
“That’s Linnette. She’s only older than me by a year and a couple days, so we’ve always been close. She’s a professional ballroom dancer, and her partner is her fiancé now. This picture was from before they were paired, when I would sometimes be her partner. Mom couldn’t afford to send me to pre-school and send Linnie to dance class at the same time, so I went to the studio with her. I’m not nearly as good as her or her partner, Valero, but I think I can still dance a pretty sick waltz.”
“You won a trophy together.”
“Forget that, you have six siblings?! You’re the youngest of SEVEN kids?! I can barely handle Pidge!” Matt gasped dramatically, earning him a swift (but light-hearted) bunch in the side from said sibling.
“Yeah, the joke is that I was born because my mom couldn’t stand having an uneven girl-to-boy ratio. To be fair, though, my mom is the middle child of thirteen. Big old farming family, so lots of kids.” Everyone gawked at Lance’s nonchalant response. Coran even spat out his Nunvil.
“Okay, it’s technically twelve. Uncle Lance died when she was a teenager.”
“So you’re named for him, I’m guessing?”
“Mm-hmm. Mom says he was the bravest person she had ever met. I always wondered why she saved the name for me instead of just giving it to her first son, or even second, but she said it just didn’t feel right for any of them.”
“Well it’s certainly a fitting name. Though…my goodness, your family is certainly quite large. Alteans rarely have more than one child at any time, so families are typically quite small.”
“Man, no wonder you’re so homesick.”
“Wow, Keith, don’t pull any punches.”
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Painting live at the gallery. New work in progress: Jerry Garcia, original acrylic painting by Blake Goode, 19 x 24 on wood panel. $2995. #wip #jerrygarciaart #mauifineart #gratefuldeadartwork #acrylicportraitpainting (at DeRubeis Fine Art of Metal Maui) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2X1AT_n0xJ/?igshid=1th6nq15yeafl
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