#Jessica Walker MUA
ammamama · 8 years
My First Photoshoot of the Year with iN11VIEWS
My First Photoshoot of the Year with iN11VIEWS
Happy Thursday!!!
I had the pleasure of shooting with photographer Tenneal of in11Views.
Below is the tea on in11Views.
Journaling dope women in action + in view.
A natural light, portrait-focused photography company, based in Maryland (Washington DC area), chronicling women I admire and those on which I seek to shine a light.  I capture special moments, including home and family life,…
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
After 'RHOP' Star Monique Samuels Caught Second-Degree Assault Charge From Fight With Candiace Dillard, Things Get Messier
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Remember when Candiace basically begged a pregnant Monique to drag her last season on "Real Housewives of Potomac"?  Well, it looks like no-longer-pregnant Monique did just that while the cast was filming the upcoming fifth season.  Now, the fallout is extra messy.  Deets inside.
"Drag me, Monique!"  Candiace Dillard wrote a check her hands couldn't cash.  It seems she caught Monique Samuels' hands though.
In a lawsuit filed just before the weekend, Candiace, 32, is accusing her castmate and (now former) good friend Monique, 36, of attacking her during filming.  Now, Monique has been charged with alleged second-degree assault from the District Court of Montgomery County in Maryland.
According to reports, Candiace says Monique grabbed her hair and pulled her down while they were at a dinner party on October 16th, with the Bravo cameras rolling.  People magazine spoke to Candiace's attorney, who said in a statement that they "pray Monique gets some help" and they "hope everyone prays for Candiace and her family."
Dillard’s personal attorney James L. Walker, Jr. provided PEOPLE with this exclusive statement. “At this time, we do not want to say too much and just allow the criminal process to play out. We only ask everyone to pray for our client Candiace and her family,” Walker said.
“The physical assault, humiliation and emotional distress have all been very painful and difficult for Candiace, as it would be for anyone attacked so viciously,” he continued.
“We also pray that Monique will get some help,” said Walker. “The summons to court charge of Second Degree Assault is just one step below first-degree assault and must be taken very seriously. This behavior has no place in our society.”
Walker ended his statement by asking that “everyone respect the privacy of the parties and allow the Montgomery County District Court to exercise its duty here to protect victims like Candiace.”
Monique's attorney says it's one-sided B.S. and she was simply defending herself.
Samuels’ attorney, A. Scott Bolden, tells PEOPLE that Dillard’s claims are “completely one-sided, inaccurate and unwarranted,” adding, “Ms. Dillard has a public reputation for aggressive, belligerent and threatening behavior that has played out repeatedly on the Housewives of Potomac for millions of viewers to see for themselves.”
Bolden adds, “To be sure, my client did nothing but defend herself in the face of more very aggressive behavior by Ms. Dillard. If this event occurred during taping of the show, I am confident that the video will bear all of this out. My client has every right to file for a counter criminal summons, as well, and will consider doing so, while fully defending herself in this action that has been filed with the Court. Either way, I am confident that she will prevail on this matter. Going forward, we hope that Ms. Dillard seeks the help she needs to avoid creating these kinds of unsafe and unfortunate circumstances in and outside of the workplace.”
Now if you watch "RHOP," Monique's side isn't hard to believe. 
We've been hearing rumors for weeks about this fight, before formal charges were filed.  Unconfirmed rumors also say that Candiace allegedly threw a drink on Monique first, which could explain why Monique claims she was defending herself and why she could file her own complaint against Candiace.
  This also explains why Monique recently posted to her IG Stories that only castmate Ashley Darby came to her event she spoke at, and revealed that the other ladies wouldn't film with her.  Interesting.
  Ever since news of the charges became public, RHOP fans have been taking sides.  Unfortunately for Candiace, #IStandWithMonique started trending with people verbally dragging her for possibly provoking Monique based on her history of verbal altercations on the show. 
Sorry, we’ll take Monique over Candiace. #RHOP #IStandWithMonique pic.twitter.com/7jUAEvduul
— bri (@_____bat) November 10, 2019
So wait, Candiace threw a drink at Monique & gets dragged, but Monique’s the only one getting charged? Candiace was acting all tough & sh*t, yet she went running to the popo for being dragged in a fight she started, WTF? #IStandWithMonique #RHOP https://t.co/zLbhSYEE1b
— ligi leterizi (@islandgirl9417) November 10, 2019
Candiace has been asking to get her ass served for a whole season and when Monique finally knocks her one Candiace gets the law involved? Lmao pathetic. Proceed with caution hunni because we all stand with Mo #IStandWithMonique #RHOP pic.twitter.com/h00JV2OWNE
— Housewife Maniac (@HousewifeManiac) November 10, 2019
I don’t normally condone violence, but Candace needed a good ole-fashioned butt-whoopin’....especially when she invited it last season. Don’t write a check your ass can’t cash. #rhop #istandwithmonique
— Jessica (@Jessica34429232) November 10, 2019
Whew the internet is DRAGGING Candiace... Sis didn’t plan this out right. LMAO #IStandWithMonique #RHOP pic.twitter.com/3y9HD3iQ5O
— Cousin Faith (@DukeOfShade) November 9, 2019
But, Candiace had a little support too. 
Why when Porsha dragged Kenya everyone turned on her and said she was violent and wanted her fired etc etc but when Monique dragged Candice everyone HAILS her as some sort of god and having this #Istandwithmonique bullshit..I’m really not about the double standard #RHOP #RHOA pic.twitter.com/K8uiOcBWji
— Real Housewife Polls (@RHOPolls) November 10, 2019
She posted Sunday:
  Hold your praise, folks. Hold your praise.
— Candiace Dillard Bassett (@candeegal) November 10, 2019
Monique then posted a quote referencing "damaged people," which is obviously a slight to Candiace who often talks about trying to fix her emotional scars stemming from her volatile relationship with her mother:
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Monique is due in court Dec. 23rd, just before Christmas Eve.  Her second degree assault charge comes with potential jail time if found guilty, and the judge could have her arrested on the spot at her court hearing if he or she finds probable cause.
In case you forgot how all this "dragging" got started between Candiace and Monique:
  How tragic.  It was all good just a little over a year ago:
        View this post on Instagram
                  This beauty is a married woman!!!! @candeegal09 and I were on Fox this morning spilling reunion tea! Congrats to the beautiful bride! MUA @makeup_machine Hair @natalieslove4hair #rhop #gooddaydc #pregnant #babybump #newlywed #marriage #realhousewivesofpotomac #moniquesamuels #cbasswithdill
A post shared by Monique Samuels (@mrsmoniquesamuels) on Aug 13, 2018 at 9:44am PDT
    Photos: Instagram
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/11/11/after-rhop-star-candiace-dillards-assault-lawsuit-against-co-sar-monique-samuels-surfaces
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cynthiadshaw · 5 years
Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds
Throughout our journey with Voyage, the one thing we have learned over and over is that hidden within every challenge is a blessing or opportunity. It’s up to us to determine whether a challenge we face will be a step back or the catalyst for a step forward.
We had the honor of connecting with some of the city’s brightest female leaders and role models and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
Below, you’ll find their advice and links and other info so you can learn more about them, their work and how to connect with them. We’ll be interviewing many of these amazing women in the coming weeks, stay tuned.
Tameshia Rudd-Ridge | Digital Nomad and Founder + Lead Designer at Cool & Collected Africa
Tameshia Rudd-Ridge
Just Keep Swimming” as Dory from Finding Nemo says. By that I mean…breathe, be as gentle with yourself as you would be to a dear friend, acknowledge that the challenge is hard however figureoutable. After that, I’d encourage them to imagine what could happen if everything went right?
meshiacherie.com instagram.com/meshiacherie.com instagram.com/coolcollectedafrica coolandcollectedafrica.com
Brandy Lucas, Dallas Salon Owner & Hair Stylist
The best advice I can offer to someone who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable, is to take some time and think about all the things they’ve overcome in the past. Even your small wins are proof that you are far more capable, then you give yourself credit for. Tap into your faith & remind yourself that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains!
iambrandylucas.com @brandylucastxshorthair 
Rheannon Business Owner, Dallas Native
I handmake jewelry and started my store 6 months ago today on Etsy. I also have a huge passion for beauty, which I really dove into during a dark time of depression and it turned into a beautiful hobby that has opened several doors. I wasn’t happy with my job after 8 years, I made very good money but I was at such a low place I knew I had to change something, so I walked away, into the unknown but I’m better for it. I would tell anyone who is struggling to find something that makes you happy, that focuses your mind at the task at hand, rather that is a hobby or a potential career opportunity you make for yourself. When I started my Etsy I had no idea what I was doing but I taught myself and constantly look for ways to improve and for a 6 month old shop I’ve been pretty successful. If you are feeling defeated or that things are too hard that is life, nothing is easy. we all have our struggles, highs and lows and that we have to do our best to enjoy and take advantage of the highs so that we can navigate ourselves through the lows because they will happen. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and how quick you get there depends on how determined you are to succeed. What we put into the world is what we get out of it.
etsy.com/shop/SouthernRheas  @rheannonfae
Glam By Veronica – Makeup Artist
If ever in doubt, it is okay, we are human, keep pushing forward and don’t ever let anyone make you think any less. Stay positive, set goals and conquer the world!
Marlene Perez – Realtor & Luxury Apartment Locator
What can you do today to get closer? Do your best, try your best again the next day and the day after and keep doing so until you over come it.. continuously asking oneself how can I grow and learn from this and do differently next time.
Sallie Holder, Business Coach & Speaker
My best advice for someone who feels their challenge is insurmountable is to examine the facts vs. the feelings.  Ask yourself if you simply “feel” that way or if it is a “fact” that the challenge is insurmountable.  Can you say that it is 100% true that the challenge is insurmountable.  I can assure you that 99% of the time that is not true.  We simply feel that way & we tend to allow how we feel about the circumstances dictate our decisions.  We feel like the road ahead will be hard, filled with mountains, and very unclear.  However, the fact is that we only feel that way because the path ahead is new to us.  The fact is that it’s not insurmountable, and that the only thing we need to do is take the NEXT STEP in front of us. The path will appear as you keep taking those next steps. Trust the facts vs. your feelings!
sallieholder.com @sallieholdercoachandspeaker calendly.com/sallieholder/consult
Kara Adams – Love & Life Clarity Coach
Think back to another time you had an impossible goal— a really large challenge that someway, somehow you made it through. Thinking back to other tough times will encourage your spirit to know that you can press through and will be able to stand withstand the challenge you’re facing now.
thefabkara.com @thefabkara facebook.com/thefabkara twitter.com/thefabkara pinterest.com/thefabkara @singleminglemonday facebook.com/singleminglemonday
Eleasha Samuel- Fashion Blogger and Influencer
Remember to always have faith and speak positively even though the situation may look bleak.  Know that we all go through different phases in our life, and the rain days are just as much beneficial to us as the sunny days.
instagram.com/thehautechristian facebook.com/thehautechristian twitter.com/christian_haute thehautechristian.com
Bekka – Mom to an awesome little lady named Hazel, Traveling Make up artist in the DFW
Take it on by bit by, day by day. Once you break down a big problem into little ones things get a little less overwhelming, at least in my experience.
Simone – Traveling make-up artist out of Dallas, Texas
I never thought I’d see myself here doing what I love and creating happiness for other by the touch of a brush… Walk by faith not by sight.
Paige Walker-photographer and blogger Jeni Mourton-blogger
We all can feel that way from time to time! We have both openly shared our struggles with anxiety, motherhood and business. Our best advice is not to be afraid to reach out for help, whether that’s seeking counsel from friends or family, a trusted industry peer or even speaking to a counselor or doctor. Try and break down the challenge into much smaller manageable tasks or steps and know that this too shall pass!
styledyplicated.com @styleduplicated 
Cristyahna Selders- Aesthetician & Lash Tech
Don’t procrastinate or live in fear just take the situation head on a press to be great.
@SlaynByCris @Cris.tyahna
Roxanne Carne – Personal Stylist & Shopper
The best advice I have for someone who’s facing a challenge that feels insurmountable is to talk to someone they trust and respect about the situation.  Never underestimate the value of someone else’s insights and experience to help you put things into perspective.  And know that nothing is ever really insurmountable – you just have to rationally figure out how to navigate through it!
roxannecarne.com rc-style.com @roxannecarne_stylist facebook.com/roxannecarnepersonalstylist
Alexis Cavo – Brand Ambassador/ Masters Student
I think that it’s important to realize and we aware that we are going to go through challenges throughout life, and some are going to be bigger than others. It’s something we have to learn how to accept. Life isn’t supposed to be a straight paved road w/ no obstacles. Every bump in the road is there to reach a lesson and to help us grow as humans. So when facing a challenge we feel is to big for us, think about the end results! Regardless of how it goes, it was placed in our life for a reason. So don’t give up!
instagram.com/queencavo youtu.be/CGLqdrmccko youtube.com/CavoOnCamera
Nefertiti Beal—Dallas Entrepreneur & Upcoming MUA
I would tell that individual first and foremost that nothing is insurmountable. If you keep limiting yourself & emitting vibes that say this challenge is insurmountable— then it most definitely will be! The more emphasis the universe will put on what you can not accomplish. You will be standing in your own way at that point. Change up your mindset. Change up your habits. If you have to go back to the drawing board a thousand times. Who cares?! Do it! The goal is to progress further than where you were before. The little successes add up to the biggest triumphs. So go hard or go home!
Jennifer Hiller Professional Makeup Artist
Malarie Hall Photography
The best advice I would give to someone who is facing a challenge that is insurmountable, is to turn to their loved ones. When I’m struggling with anything, I turn to family, friends, and my spouse. Being a mom of two young children, running a business and doing all of my mom/wife duties, gets to be overwhelming at times. I’ve learned that no matter how well you plan, and how well you execute your plan, you will always have setbacks. I take these setbacks as learning lessons and always ask for help if I need it. Always remind yourself that nothing will last forever, no matter how bad things may seem! Be confident, Stay Positive, remember to laugh, give hugs and PRAY! This has always helped me get through my crazy days and keep life less stressful and fun!
Jessica Acy – Content Creator & Stay-at-home Mom
My father always taught us to “be the river”. My interpretation of that continues to evolve but I do know a river doesn’t stop running because a stone, or even a mountain, gets in its way. It either finds a way around or creates an entirely new path by withering down the obstacle with its persistency. When a storm comes, it uses the downpour as fuel to push harder. Even a drought doesn’t last always – the river is patient and waits to be replenished by the source that feeds it. Stay the course, be the river.
The post Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/05/28/perspective-advice-facing-insurmountable-odds-2/
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Repost from @zedrockphotog Glo Pop #editorial in the COLOR Issue featuring bold lip shades by @glogirlcosmetics 💋 magcloud.com/browse/issue/1333586 #Model Alanna Doll @alannadoll #CreativeDirector Jessica Fogle @shutterproofphotography #MUA Ashley Alyse Butler @ashlyse.esylia #HairStylist Scarlett Walker @walkerscarlett #Photographer Randy Lefebvre @zedrockphotog #Foundation and eyes @smashboxcosmetics #Lips @glogirlcosmetics in #smokin and #janky (ombre)💄 · · · · · · · #thealchemistmagazine #fashioneditorial #fashionphotography #fashionphotographer #hmua #modellife #smashbox #glogirlcosmetics #loveglogirl #beautymakeup #beautyshoot #beautyphotography #beautyeditorial #makeupaddict #makeuplover #makeupmafia #lipstick #lipstickjunkie #lipstickaddict #beautyblogger #alchemistmagazine #cincinnati
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cynthiadshaw · 5 years
Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds
Throughout our journey with Voyage, the one thing we have learned over and over is that hidden within every challenge is a blessing or opportunity. It’s up to us to determine whether a challenge we face will be a step back or the catalyst for a step forward.
We had the honor of connecting with some of the city’s brightest female leaders and role models and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
Below, you’ll find their advice and links and other info so you can learn more about them, their work and how to connect with them. We’ll be interviewing many of these amazing women in the coming weeks, stay tuned.
Tameshia Rudd-Ridge | Digital Nomad and Founder + Lead Designer at Cool & Collected Africa
Tameshia Rudd-Ridge
Just Keep Swimming” as Dory from Finding Nemo says. By that I mean…breathe, be as gentle with yourself as you would be to a dear friend, acknowledge that the challenge is hard however figureoutable. After that, I’d encourage them to imagine what could happen if everything went right?
meshiacherie.com instagram.com/meshiacherie.com instagram.com/coolcollectedafrica coolandcollectedafrica.com
Brandy Lucas, Dallas Salon Owner & Hair Stylist
The best advice I can offer to someone who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable, is to take some time and think about all the things they’ve overcome in the past. Even your small wins are proof that you are far more capable, then you give yourself credit for. Tap into your faith & remind yourself that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains!
iambrandylucas.com @brandylucastxshorthair 
Rheannon Business Owner, Dallas Native
I handmake jewelry and started my store 6 months ago today on Etsy. I also have a huge passion for beauty, which I really dove into during a dark time of depression and it turned into a beautiful hobby that has opened several doors. I wasn’t happy with my job after 8 years, I made very good money but I was at such a low place I knew I had to change something, so I walked away, into the unknown but I’m better for it. I would tell anyone who is struggling to find something that makes you happy, that focuses your mind at the task at hand, rather that is a hobby or a potential career opportunity you make for yourself. When I started my Etsy I had no idea what I was doing but I taught myself and constantly look for ways to improve and for a 6 month old shop I’ve been pretty successful. If you are feeling defeated or that things are too hard that is life, nothing is easy. we all have our struggles, highs and lows and that we have to do our best to enjoy and take advantage of the highs so that we can navigate ourselves through the lows because they will happen. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and how quick you get there depends on how determined you are to succeed. What we put into the world is what we get out of it.
etsy.com/shop/SouthernRheas  @rheannonfae
Glam By Veronica – Makeup Artist
If ever in doubt, it is okay, we are human, keep pushing forward and don’t ever let anyone make you think any less. Stay positive, set goals and conquer the world!
Marlene Perez – Realtor & Luxury Apartment Locator
What can you do today to get closer? Do your best, try your best again the next day and the day after and keep doing so until you over come it.. continuously asking oneself how can I grow and learn from this and do differently next time.
Sallie Holder, Business Coach & Speaker
My best advice for someone who feels their challenge is insurmountable is to examine the facts vs. the feelings.  Ask yourself if you simply “feel” that way or if it is a “fact” that the challenge is insurmountable.  Can you say that it is 100% true that the challenge is insurmountable.  I can assure you that 99% of the time that is not true.  We simply feel that way & we tend to allow how we feel about the circumstances dictate our decisions.  We feel like the road ahead will be hard, filled with mountains, and very unclear.  However, the fact is that we only feel that way because the path ahead is new to us.  The fact is that it’s not insurmountable, and that the only thing we need to do is take the NEXT STEP in front of us. The path will appear as you keep taking those next steps. Trust the facts vs. your feelings!
sallieholder.com @sallieholdercoachandspeaker calendly.com/sallieholder/consult
Kara Adams – Love & Life Clarity Coach
Think back to another time you had an impossible goal— a really large challenge that someway, somehow you made it through. Thinking back to other tough times will encourage your spirit to know that you can press through and will be able to stand withstand the challenge you’re facing now.
thefabkara.com @thefabkara facebook.com/thefabkara twitter.com/thefabkara pinterest.com/thefabkara @singleminglemonday facebook.com/singleminglemonday
Eleasha Samuel- Fashion Blogger and Influencer
Remember to always have faith and speak positively even though the situation may look bleak.  Know that we all go through different phases in our life, and the rain days are just as much beneficial to us as the sunny days.
instagram.com/thehautechristian facebook.com/thehautechristian twitter.com/christian_haute thehautechristian.com
Bekka – Mom to an awesome little lady named Hazel, Traveling Make up artist in the DFW
Take it on by bit by, day by day. Once you break down a big problem into little ones things get a little less overwhelming, at least in my experience.
Simone – Traveling make-up artist out of Dallas, Texas
I never thought I’d see myself here doing what I love and creating happiness for other by the touch of a brush… Walk by faith not by sight.
Paige Walker-photographer and blogger Jeni Mourton-blogger
We all can feel that way from time to time! We have both openly shared our struggles with anxiety, motherhood and business. Our best advice is not to be afraid to reach out for help, whether that’s seeking counsel from friends or family, a trusted industry peer or even speaking to a counselor or doctor. Try and break down the challenge into much smaller manageable tasks or steps and know that this too shall pass!
styledyplicated.com @styleduplicated 
Cristyahna Selders- Aesthetician & Lash Tech
Don’t procrastinate or live in fear just take the situation head on a press to be great.
@SlaynByCris @Cris.tyahna
Roxanne Carne – Personal Stylist & Shopper
The best advice I have for someone who’s facing a challenge that feels insurmountable is to talk to someone they trust and respect about the situation.  Never underestimate the value of someone else’s insights and experience to help you put things into perspective.  And know that nothing is ever really insurmountable – you just have to rationally figure out how to navigate through it!
roxannecarne.com rc-style.com @roxannecarne_stylist facebook.com/roxannecarnepersonalstylist
Alexis Cavo – Brand Ambassador/ Masters Student
I think that it’s important to realize and we aware that we are going to go through challenges throughout life, and some are going to be bigger than others. It’s something we have to learn how to accept. Life isn’t supposed to be a straight paved road w/ no obstacles. Every bump in the road is there to reach a lesson and to help us grow as humans. So when facing a challenge we feel is to big for us, think about the end results! Regardless of how it goes, it was placed in our life for a reason. So don’t give up!
instagram.com/queencavo youtu.be/CGLqdrmccko youtube.com/CavoOnCamera
Nefertiti Beal—Dallas Entrepreneur & Upcoming MUA
I would tell that individual first and foremost that nothing is insurmountable. If you keep limiting yourself & emitting vibes that say this challenge is insurmountable— then it most definitely will be! The more emphasis the universe will put on what you can not accomplish. You will be standing in your own way at that point. Change up your mindset. Change up your habits. If you have to go back to the drawing board a thousand times. Who cares?! Do it! The goal is to progress further than where you were before. The little successes add up to the biggest triumphs. So go hard or go home!
Jennifer Hiller Professional Makeup Artist
Malarie Hall Photography
The best advice I would give to someone who is facing a challenge that is insurmountable, is to turn to their loved ones. When I’m struggling with anything, I turn to family, friends, and my spouse. Being a mom of two young children, running a business and doing all of my mom/wife duties, gets to be overwhelming at times. I’ve learned that no matter how well you plan, and how well you execute your plan, you will always have setbacks. I take these setbacks as learning lessons and always ask for help if I need it. Always remind yourself that nothing will last forever, no matter how bad things may seem! Be confident, Stay Positive, remember to laugh, give hugs and PRAY! This has always helped me get through my crazy days and keep life less stressful and fun!
Jessica Acy – Content Creator & Stay-at-home Mom
My father always taught us to “be the river”. My interpretation of that continues to evolve but I do know a river doesn’t stop running because a stone, or even a mountain, gets in its way. It either finds a way around or creates an entirely new path by withering down the obstacle with its persistency. When a storm comes, it uses the downpour as fuel to push harder. Even a drought doesn’t last always – the river is patient and waits to be replenished by the source that feeds it. Stay the course, be the river.
The post Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/05/28/perspective-advice-facing-insurmountable-odds-2/
0 notes
cynthiadshaw · 5 years
Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds
Throughout our journey with Voyage, the one thing we have learned over and over is that hidden within every challenge is a blessing or opportunity. It’s up to us to determine whether a challenge we face will be a step back or the catalyst for a step forward.
We had the honor of connecting with some of the city’s brightest female leaders and role models and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
Below, you’ll find their advice and links and other info so you can learn more about them, their work and how to connect with them. We’ll be interviewing many of these amazing women in the coming weeks, stay tuned.
Brandy Lucas, Dallas Salon Owner & Hair Stylist
The best advice I can offer to someone who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable, is to take some time and think about all the things they’ve overcome in the past. Even your small wins are proof that you are far more capable, then you give yourself credit for. Tap into your faith & remind yourself that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains!
iambrandylucas.com @brandylucastxshorthair 
Rheannon Business Owner, Dallas Native
I handmake jewelry and started my store 6 months ago today on Etsy. I also have a huge passion for beauty, which I really dove into during a dark time of depression and it turned into a beautiful hobby that has opened several doors. I wasn’t happy with my job after 8 years, I made very good money but I was at such a low place I knew I had to change something, so I walked away, into the unknown but I’m better for it. I would tell anyone who is struggling to find something that makes you happy, that focuses your mind at the task at hand, rather that is a hobby or a potential career opportunity you make for yourself. When I started my Etsy I had no idea what I was doing but I taught myself and constantly look for ways to improve and for a 6 month old shop I’ve been pretty successful. If you are feeling defeated or that things are too hard that is life, nothing is easy. we all have our struggles, highs and lows and that we have to do our best to enjoy and take advantage of the highs so that we can navigate ourselves through the lows because they will happen. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and how quick you get there depends on how determined you are to succeed. What we put into the world is what we get out of it.
etsy.com/shop/SouthernRheas  @rheannonfae
Glam By Veronica – Makeup Artist
If ever in doubt, it is okay, we are human, keep pushing forward and don’t ever let anyone make you think any less. Stay positive, set goals and conquer the world!
Marlene Perez – Realtor & Luxury Apartment Locator
What can you do today to get closer? Do your best, try your best again the next day and the day after and keep doing so until you over come it.. continuously asking oneself how can I grow and learn from this and do differently next time.
Sallie Holder, Business Coach & Speaker
My best advice for someone who feels their challenge is insurmountable is to examine the facts vs. the feelings.  Ask yourself if you simply “feel” that way or if it is a “fact” that the challenge is insurmountable.  Can you say that it is 100% true that the challenge is insurmountable.  I can assure you that 99% of the time that is not true.  We simply feel that way & we tend to allow how we feel about the circumstances dictate our decisions.  We feel like the road ahead will be hard, filled with mountains, and very unclear.  However, the fact is that we only feel that way because the path ahead is new to us.  The fact is that it’s not insurmountable, and that the only thing we need to do is take the NEXT STEP in front of us. The path will appear as you keep taking those next steps. Trust the facts vs. your feelings!
sallieholder.com @sallieholdercoachandspeaker calendly.com/sallieholder/consult
Kara Adams – Love & Life Clarity Coach
Think back to another time you had an impossible goal— a really large challenge that someway, somehow you made it through. Thinking back to other tough times will encourage your spirit to know that you can press through and will be able to stand withstand the challenge you’re facing now.
thefabkara.com @thefabkara facebook.com/thefabkara twitter.com/thefabkara pinterest.com/thefabkara @singleminglemonday facebook.com/singleminglemonday
Eleasha Samuel- Fashion Blogger and Influencer
Remember to always have faith and speak positively even though the situation may look bleak.  Know that we all go through different phases in our life, and the rain days are just as much beneficial to us as the sunny days.
instagram.com/thehautechristian facebook.com/thehautechristian twitter.com/christian_haute thehautechristian.com
Bekka – Mom to an awesome little lady named Hazel, Traveling Make up artist in the DFW
Take it on by bit by, day by day. Once you break down a big problem into little ones things get a little less overwhelming, at least in my experience.
Simone – Traveling make-up artist out of Dallas, Texas
I never thought I’d see myself here doing what I love and creating happiness for other by the touch of a brush… Walk by faith not by sight.
Paige Walker-photographer and blogger Jeni Mourton-blogger
We all can feel that way from time to time! We have both openly shared our struggles with anxiety, motherhood and business. Our best advice is not to be afraid to reach out for help, whether that’s seeking counsel from friends or family, a trusted industry peer or even speaking to a counselor or doctor. Try and break down the challenge into much smaller manageable tasks or steps and know that this too shall pass!
styledyplicated.com @styleduplicated 
Cristyahna Selders- Aesthetician & Lash Tech
Don’t procrastinate or live in fear just take the situation head on a press to be great.
@SlaynByCris @Cris.tyahna
Roxanne Carne – Personal Stylist & Shopper
The best advice I have for someone who’s facing a challenge that feels insurmountable is to talk to someone they trust and respect about the situation.  Never underestimate the value of someone else’s insights and experience to help you put things into perspective.  And know that nothing is ever really insurmountable – you just have to rationally figure out how to navigate through it!
roxannecarne.com rc-style.com @roxannecarne_stylist facebook.com/roxannecarnepersonalstylist
Alexis Cavo – Brand Ambassador/ Masters Student
I think that it’s important to realize and we aware that we are going to go through challenges throughout life, and some are going to be bigger than others. It’s something we have to learn how to accept. Life isn’t supposed to be a straight paved road w/ no obstacles. Every bump in the road is there to reach a lesson and to help us grow as humans. So when facing a challenge we feel is to big for us, think about the end results! Regardless of how it goes, it was placed in our life for a reason. So don’t give up!
instagram.com/queencavo youtu.be/CGLqdrmccko youtube.com/CavoOnCamera
Nefertiti Beal—Dallas Entrepreneur & Upcoming MUA
I would tell that individual first and foremost that nothing is insurmountable. If you keep limiting yourself & emitting vibes that say this challenge is insurmountable— then it most definitely will be! The more emphasis the universe will put on what you can not accomplish. You will be standing in your own way at that point. Change up your mindset. Change up your habits. If you have to go back to the drawing board a thousand times. Who cares?! Do it! The goal is to progress further than where you were before. The little successes add up to the biggest triumphs. So go hard or go home!
Jennifer Hiller Professional Makeup Artist
Malarie Hall Photography
The best advice I would give to someone who is facing a challenge that is insurmountable, is to turn to their loved ones. When I’m struggling with anything, I turn to family, friends, and my spouse. Being a mom of two young children, running a business and doing all of my mom/wife duties, gets to be overwhelming at times. I’ve learned that no matter how well you plan, and how well you execute your plan, you will always have setbacks. I take these setbacks as learning lessons and always ask for help if I need it. Always remind yourself that nothing will last forever, no matter how bad things may seem! Be confident, Stay Positive, remember to laugh, give hugs and PRAY! This has always helped me get through my crazy days and keep life less stressful and fun!
Jessica Acy – Content Creator & Stay-at-home Mom
My father always taught us to “be the river”. My interpretation of that continues to evolve but I do know a river doesn’t stop running because a stone, or even a mountain, gets in its way. It either finds a way around or creates an entirely new path by withering down the obstacle with its persistency. When a storm comes, it uses the downpour as fuel to push harder. Even a drought doesn’t last always – the river is patient and waits to be replenished by the source that feeds it. Stay the course, be the river.
The post Perspective & Advice for Those Facing Insurmountable Odds appeared first on Voyage Dallas Magazine | Dallas City Guide.
source http://voyagedallas.com/2019/04/23/perspective-advice-facing-insurmountable-odds-2/
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Repost from @zedrockphotog · Glo Pop #editorial in the COLOR Issue featuring bold lip shades by @glogirlcosmeticsmagcloud.com/browse/issue/1333586 #CreativeDirector Jessica Fogle @shutterproofphotography #MUA Ashley Alyse Butler @ashlyse.esylia #HairStylist Scarlett Walker @walkerscarlett #Models Rebekah Davidson @beckyscrazyworld with @heymantalentagency · #Photographer Randy Lefebvre @zedrockphotog #Foundation @smashboxcosmetics #EyeShadow @bhcosmetics #Lips @glogirlcosmetics in 💄💄#bluemagic 💄💄 #thealchemistmagazine #fashioneditorial #fashionphotography #fashionphotographer #hmua #lipstick #glogirl #bhcosmetics #smashbox #glogirlcosmetics #loveglogirl #beautymakeup #beautyshoot #makeupjunkie #beautyphotography #beautyeditorial #makeupaddict #makeuplover #makeupmafia #beautyblogger #bblogger #alchemistmagazine
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Check us out in this months @alchemistmagazine ! ********************** Repost from @zedrockphotog It’s always nice to see our hard work in print · · Glo Pop #editorial in the @alchemistmagazine COLOR Issue featuring bold lip shades by @glogirlcosmetics · http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1333586 #Models Alanna Doll @alannadoll and Rebekah Davidson @beckyscrazyworld with @heymantalentagency · #CreativeDirector Jessica Fogle @shutterproofphotography #MUA Ashley Alyse Butler @ashlyse.esylia #HairStylist Scarlett Walker @walkerscarlett #Photographer Randy Lefebvre @zedrockphotog Top right cover in the background includes @sydneykinhalt and @smarkesbery . . . . . · #thealchemistmagazine #fashioneditorial #fashionphotography #fashionphotographer #hmua #lipstick #bhcosmetics #smashbox #glogirlcosmetics #loveglogirl #beautymakeup #beautyshoot #makeupjunkie #beautyphotography #beautyeditorial #makeupaddict #makeuplover #makeupmafia #beautyblogger #bblogger #alchemistmagazine
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Repost from @alchemistmagazine Glo Pop #editorial in the COLOR Issue featuring bold lip shades by 🌟@glogirlcosmetics 💋 magcloud.com/browse/issue/1333586 #Photographer Randy Lefebvre @zedrockphotog #CreativeDirector Jessica Fogle @shutterproofphotography #MUA Ashley Alyse Butler @ashlyse.esylia #HairStylist Scarlett Walker @walkerscarlett #Model Alanna Doll @alannadoll #Foundation @smashboxcosmetics #Lips @glogirlcosmetics in 💄Blue Ballz & Kinky Pinky💄
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Repost from @alchemistmagazine Glo Pop #editorial in the COLOR Issue featuring bold lip shades by @glogirlcosmetics magcloud.com/browse/issue/1333586 #Photographer Randy Lefebvre @zedrockphotog #CreativeDirector Jessica Fogle @shutterproofphotography #MUA Ashley Alyse Butler @ashlyse.esylia #HairStylist Scarlett Walker @walkerscarlett #Models Rebekah Davidson @beckyscrazyworld with @heymantalentagency #Foundation @smashboxcosmetics #EyeShadow @bhcosmetics #Lips 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟@glogirlcosmetics in 💄💄#fakebreezy 💄💄
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@alchemistmagazine doing their thang with #blueballz and #kinkypinky lipstick. Catch'em on sale now with code: sexysummer30 see link in bio! ********************** Repost from @alchemistmagazine Glo Pop #editorial in the COLOR Issue featuring bold lip shades by @glogirlcosmetics magcloud.com/browse/issue/1333586 #Photographer Randy Lefebvre @zedrockphotog #CreativeDirector Jessica Fogle @shutterproofphotography #MUA Ashley Alyse Butler @ashlyse.esylia #HairStylist Scarlett Walker @walkerscarlett #Models Alanna Doll @alannadoll and Rebekah Davidson @beckyscrazyworld with @heymantalentagency #Foundation @smashboxcosmetics Studio Skin #EyeShadow @bhcosmetics #Lips @glogirlcosmetics in 🌟Blue Ballz🌟 (left) and 🌟Kinky Pinky🌟(right)
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