#Jesus Christ this was the absolute bane of my existence to edit
The amv is done
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so-writing · 3 years
Sugar, Honey, Ice and Tea - Matthew Tkachuk (10)
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I posted a different part 10 a few days ago and hated it so I got rid of it and started over. This feels better, minimal editing though because I suck but you knew that, Enjoy!
all parts in the master list
The surge of confidence that had you messaging Brady Tkachuk on Instagram failed to remember what the bio section of your instagram read.
Your name.
Flames over everything,
Calgary or bust.
Of course he didn’t respond to your message, of course he told Matthew about it and, of course you had to deal with the wrath of the oldest Tkachuk.
You allowed yourself to sleep in late on the first day off you’d had in a while. Fully waking up at close to noon felt great, until you unlocked your phone.
You hit up my little brother? My brother? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me
Wake up and take responsibility asshole
You’re a fucking piece of shit
It probably pretty stupid of you to message Brady, knowing that Matthew would eventually find out at some point but this was just a little bit too aggressive for doing something as innocent as sliding into a stranger’s dms.
Having dealt with Matthew’s bullshit for far too many days in a row, you decided to ignore his messages. You searched for Brady’s name and sent another message, purely to fuck with Matthew.
Big brother is mad, gonna have to start DMing you even harder now!
That message got a response only a few minutes later, he really dislikes you that much, huh? Whatever you’re doing, keep that shit up.
You chuckled at his response before dropping your phone on the bedside table and heading for the shower to get your day started. 
Grocery shopping was the absolute bane of your existence. Children running wild, people standing in the middle of the aisle as they debated their choice of cereal entirely too long and people not knowing how to use the self checkout were only a few of the reasons why you started getting your groceries delivered years ago but it wasn’t an option today. 
Today you were going to have to venture into one of your versions of hell because there was no immediate availability for delivery you and needed to replenish your refrigerator. It was still pretty early and the parking lot was looking sparse so you felt slightly confident that the trip wouldn’t be too bad as you made your way inside with your list and grabbed a basket. 
It was going to be a quick trip, you were only there to get the essentials that would you get you through the day and you would place your bigger order for delivery for tomorrow. 
As you made your way toward the fruit and vegetable outer aisle, you caught sight of red curls and when you confirmed your suspicion, your stomach jumped into your throat.
He was the last person you wanted to see on your day off, but here he was, fucking Matthew Tkachuk was at the same grocery store at the same damn time you were and clearly he was also there to get the same fucking fruit—strawberries—you wanted too. 
You watched him as his eyes surveyed the plastic cartons, occasionally he’d pick one up and examine it before putting it back with the rest, and fuck, he was taking forever. 
“Jesus Christ, they’re all basically the fucking same, just grab a box and go.” 
Surprise lit up his features until he looked in your direction and realized who was talking to him and that surprised look grew into annoyance. 
“Shut up.”
“Fine, I’m not in the mood to deal with you anyway.”
You hurried over and stood right beside him, making sure to elbow him in the arm as you grabbed a carton of strawberries and threw it in your basket.
“There’s a bunch of mold on those but enjoy that I guess.” 
He didn’t look at you, continuing his seemingly endless quest to find the perfect bunch of berries. 
Thoroughly annoyed, you checked the box yourself and realized that he was right, there was a decent amount of mold on the fruit in the bottom left corner of the box. 
You had no idea what came over you or why you did what you did.
But you did it.
“Whatever, I don’t need them anyway,” you spat as you chucked the carton at Matthew as hard as you could. 
He wasn’t facing you and it hit him in the shoulder and neck area but the flimsy plastic broke and the box opened, sending strawberries flying everywhere. Some hit the side of his face, but most of them landed on the floor and also broke open, making quite a mess. 
“Holy shit,” you whispered in shock at your own actions, “holy shit.” 
“What the fuck?! Where the fuck are you going?!” 
You dropped your basket on the ground and speed walked away from him, toward the exit, as quickly as you could. It felt like you didn’t take a breath until you were out of the grocery store and in your car, slowly turning on the ignition and backing out of your parking spot with nothing in hand. 
He looked fucking ridiculous and he knew it. 
She had fucking bolted after pelting a carton of strawberries at his face and now he was alone with a mess. People were avoiding eye contact and he was standing there like a stupid fucking idiot with strawberry juice dripping down his cheek. 
“Sir,” an employee approached him, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just,” he wiped his cheek, “i’m fine.”
“Some other customers reported it, and she was gone by the time we realized what happened. Your groceries are on us today, for the inconvenience.”
“Not your fault or your problem, I’m happy to pay for my stuff. I just kind of want to walk away from this,” he motioned to the mess around him.
“Of course, finish your shopping trip, we’ll clean this up.” 
“Thank you.” 
What the fuck just happened? It was supposed to be an easy day off. All he needed was a single carton of fucking strawberries.
Not cool, hated one. Wish I would’ve seen it, it was probably funny as hell
The text was from a number you didn’t realize but you had a feeling who the sender might be. 
It was, you responded, you probably shouldn’t be fraternizing with the enemy though, he’d hate that.
Who cares? This is highly entertaining and I’m not even there
I really just tried to enjoy my day off and there he fucking was. 
He’s good at popping up when no one wants it, it’s kind of his thing
You were settled into your couch, casually texting Brady, when someone began pounding at your door and, once again, you had a feeling who the sender—knocker in this case—might be. 
Looking through the peephole, you noticed that Matthew’s hair appeared to be wet, probably because you exploded a carton of strawberries on him but whatever, you hesitantly cracked the door. 
“It’s bullshit that Brady is finding my misery with your annoying ass so amusing,” he didn’t bother looking at you through the small crack, “he’s really fucking loving this.”
“I wasn’t really intending for him to get humor out of our messages,” you opened the door all the way, “but it still works I guess.”
“The strawberry thing was not cool,” he turned his irritatingly lovely blue eyes on yours, “at all.”
“I know.” 
“Messaging my brother on Instagram with shitty intentions wasn’t cool either.”
“I know,” you repeated and he rolled his eyes as he pushed off the wall next to your door and headed toward the elevator. 
“You’re so fucking hot and cold with me, I don’t know how to deal with it,” you shouted at his back. 
“Yeah,” he turned his head slightly and ran a hand through his curls, “I don’t know how to deal with it either.” 
Matthew didn’t look back at you as the elevator doors closed and took him back up to his apartment while you stood outside your front door feeling irritated and, once again, completely fucking confused by Matthew fucking Tkachuk and his fence sitting behavior.
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The bane of every mailman
I don’t often do rants about my job. At least not publicly.
But I want to share this for those that might have a seemingly slacking or slow mailman. Now, there is a good chance that your mailman is simply slow. But there is also a chance that he’s being bogged down by the bane of everyone in this profession.
Ads, and junkmail.
I mean it. This is the bane of us all. It slows us down and makes shit a lot harder. I can tell you, that if we didn’t have that shit, we could handle anything else just fine.
I cannot count on how many times I have had to stay on a extra shift, sometimes triple the extra shift (Thank you December) because of extra snow or sleat.
It is, a pain, and a bane of our existance. And I can tell you, that I think I speak for everyone in this profession that we hate it.
Especially when voting comes. Jesus H fucking christ with a fairy on top. We had 5-7 editions of different junkmail last week.
Tension was high, everyone was annoyed, and some snapped. Including me.
It’s tiring, it’s stressing. And all in all. Even if we get paid for it. We absolutely hate it.
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