#Jewish cultire
harryshnat18 · 7 years
Still Week 7..
Later that day we arrived at the Tel Aviv Art Museum, were we spent the next four hours browsing various forms of art from new modern pieces to priceless renassaince pieces. Most impressively was the fauvism artwork which incorperates multiple small strokes to create a textural flow which brings a breath of life to each painting, contrasting heavily from the stagnant pieces that are standard within art galleries. It was also very exciting to see various famous art pieces in person, such as the works from Pablo Picaso, Vincent Van Gough, Reuven Ruben and many more. Being given a first hand view allowed me to understand more of the paintings and artists complexity.
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This weeks classes were intense as usual, the classes I take are: the history of the Jews, Jewish Literature, Hebrew, current events in the world, Arts & Cultire in Israel, Hadracha, Ethics of Speech in Judaism and the stability of the Middle East with stand with us. I have really been enjoying all of my classes and I definitely feel like I’m gaining a lot from each class, especially on my understanding of the conflict and of the different Jewish scripts.
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