#Joad Exarion
thewizardingtoad · 6 months
Time, Chess, and the Tower of Magic
(novel: 29-35)
(manhwa: 44-45)
I just reread the scene in the novel, and I'm kind of obsessed with it, but also am in awe of how well it established the dynamic between Desir and Zod, something that I feel like the manhwa didn't really do, so, I'm doing a bit of comparing under the cut.
Also, if you like these characters in the manhwa, then you should 100% read at least these few chapters, because, as I said before, they are amazing.
So the manhwa starts us off with how Zod is an "odd fellow", he's always been that, and how he lead civilization into a new era of magic, he's achievements are endless, and is Desir's irreplaceable friend.
Now, in the novel, Desir says that Zod accepted his request because he was intrigued by it. (True) He says that Zod single-handedly renewed interest in magic.
(Also, fun-fact: someone wrote a book about all of his accomplishments, and it's thicker than most encyclopedias.)
(Also also, in the manhwa he looks like 40, in the novel that's 30)
The next scene plays out almost the same, except that we learn, in the novel, that Zod has an 'archaic feeling to his words'.
While in the manhwa he's all nice, and smiley etc. novel!Desir points out that until the North Sea's rules are mentioned, Zod's so impatient to get on with the match that it can almost be heard in his tone, which for this old man is VERY impatient.
And then of course Desir drops the bomb, that yeah, he wants to play the Rule set that originates from Zod's homeland and n!Desir immediately points out how much more relaxed Zod gets from hearing that.
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The chess match starts, and in both mediums Zod's like, this kid is pretty good, but he's still just a kid, and "[He's] too hasty with [his] moves"
Desir, when he's on the verge of losing, makes the bet. It goes in the novel as it goes in the manhwa, except that a) Zod's like, 'I know that everything you did so far was to make this wager, and I hope you see how suspicious you are.' and b) At this Desir's just like, 'Wow, you're very interested, huh? Then I won't tell you until I win.'
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And then the whole 'you play like a whole different person' thing happens in the manhwa, 'oh, well, I played against him in the future so of course I know how he plays', 'I've been the same person this entire time' etc. etc.
So. That does not happen in the novel.
What happens instead is we get the explanation as to why is Desir losing:
He's been playing with Zod for 6 years, yes,
However, this Zod plays differently than other Zod
In the future, his play style is more aggressive
Now he focuses on counter-play and he's more reserved
And Desir deduced this in the first few steps in their game, and been sacrificing pieces since then to analyze Zod's play style.
And also, yes, Desir did figure the greatest mage of all time out in what? 20 minutes?
And Desir might be losing, but because of the time limit Zod's going to make some stupid moves, which Desir deducted will happen, then he makes even worse moves, and the next thing Zod knows is that he got ripped to shreds in 3 minutes.
In the novel, Desir mentions that in the last minutes of the match, Zod's straight up panicking over how bad the situation has gotten for him.
Then, when Desir mentions the trade, Zod tries to calmly explain to him why that's not possible "You're asking to exchange a bar of gold for a peanut"
Desir of course doesn't budge and after a bit of "bartering" it's clear just how fed up with this "boy"'s bs Zod is and reading this scene after the manhwa is kind of shocking
Zod expressed disdain at the boy's choice. "I expected you to choose more wisely. You've rejected my offer, and I can't accept your deal. With that, the negotiations are over." The man rose to get up from his seat.
"So you think this is a fair deal." The Tower Master was audibly upset by Desir's words.
And I'm very sad that this scene in this form didn't make it to the manhwa, because while we see Zod being dismissive and uninterested in Desir's idea before he sees it to himself, we don't see him being, well, like this.
Prideful, kind of cocky, and straight up offended that a mere student would even dare to suggest that his idea worth as much as support from the Tower of Magic, upset to the point that Desir has to actively put out 'fires' during the conversation so that it can progress.
Which is a beautiful way of showing us how, yes, Desir does know this guy, he knows why he's upset he knows what to say to get him to calm down enough to listen and also how to say it.
What in the manhwa is essentially just 'Well if I show you that my idea is worth it then it will be fine, right? Let me show you then.' in the novel is Desir going on first about how of course what he's saying is outrageous, and Zod is right to be upset, but shouldn't Zod know that impossible things are sometimes real? And then he starts explaining how 20 years old Zod Exarion becoming the Tower Master was an impossible feat, or maybe, perhaps, even more impossible, a student defeating him in chess! Which happened just now, and That is when Zod tells him to show him his idea.
This scene alone reaffirms to the reader, that Desir doesn't just know Zod as a tactician, but as a person, he knows how to talk to him, he knows how to talk sense into him, and that Desir did this enough in the past that this comes like second nature to him.
Zod being stone headed and stuck to his ways until Desir reminds him that he's been just like this boy in the past is also one of the most Old Person Thing TM Zod does in the entire novel, showing and not just telling us that the G is not just for show in that GILF he is actually old.
After that the "reveal" scene plays out pretty similarly except that Zod gets a bit more info out of Desir, one of them is that he didn't necessarily discover the technic but he "knows of it", and Desir lets the reader know that the person who discovered it was in fact Zod, just 3 years into the labyrinth, and as he starts explaining the theory Zod catches up extremely quickly, actually taking over Desir's explanation of how resonance is better than the enchant method.
When Desir mentions that he has more ideas like this, Zod tells his secretary to cancel every plan he has until he says otherwise, which is a very entertaining turn of events in my opinion.
So to wrap it up, while I love how the manhwa did this scene, (this is probably my favorite two chapters from it) I'm kind of sad that most of the little tidbits of building up the relationship between Zod and Desir, that would be important later got lost in adaptation.
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thewizardingtoad · 6 months
They didn't have to go so hard with the volume 5 cover but damn they sure did
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Like??? Just look at him!!! Look at this man!!
Also, let's be honest someone really REALLY loves him, him getting new clothes every single time we see him considered (i'm not complaining I'm So Not complaining)
But like, also, you just know that there must be at least one gossip magazine in universe solely dedicated to 'And this is what The Tower Master was wearing today folks!'
And can you blame them????
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thewizardingtoad · 11 months
I'm trying with digital drawing again, so here's a Zod.
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thewizardingtoad · 11 months
Hi! The next stop of this journey (going through every chapter that has Zod in it) is here! SPOILERS UP UNTIL CHAPTER 232!
Chapter 44:
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So, this chapter and the next are my absolute favorites, especially because of these two pictures.
First of all: this outfit, hell yes this outfit !!! | love it so much, it looks kind of comfy idk?? And the little gloves :3 Anyway, I just really like this pic, our first look at Zod (this world's at least) he looks confident, proud, but also not too threatening. And also keep in mind that this is how Desir sees him.
He's Now officially more than a looming shadow!! Interesting detail that the light shines at one half of his glasses, making it so that we can't see both of his eyes, which often represent characters hiding secrets. In this case, that Zod thinks Desir is with the Outers.
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| love how on these panels he is clearly closed off, he puts a "barrier" between him and Desir the chess board, however he opens up a bit when Desir mentions the North Sea's rules. However, there is also the "You don't look like you're from that area", he probably suspected from the start that the chess was just a trap.
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THIS. This is the face of a man who thinks you are a terrorist, I'm sorry I'm not making the rules.
chapter 1 | chapter 40 | chapter 44
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thewizardingtoad · 11 months
Hi! Welcome to insanity, where I go through this one amazing manhwa "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special" and make a post every time Zod Exarion appears, just because. Please be aware that these posts can have spoilers up to chapter 232, so you might want to read that before these :)
Chapter 40:
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Alright, so this is our first "official" look at this world's Zod, which is pretty exciting.
This picture is 100% him, this is his expression in at least half the Manhwa, so,,, good job? This is his very essence, staring at magic items intensely, probably a slightly crazed look in his eyes, knowledge and chaos shining though them. :'D
When l first saw this panel I honestly thought : wow this person must be very smart and powerful, but also a) what the fuck is up with him and b) I would like to not be in the same city as him ever thank you very much. In fact, I would appreciate at least one country between us at all times if that's possible :D
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And then the villain vibes, who let this man have the villain vibes??? I don't think l even realized until my third reread that this was Zod. Why are you standing in a black room next to a big chair in front of a big ass window creepy lighting and all like some overrated eccentric super villain ready to take over the world??
Then I realized that in chapter 1 we saw Zod through the eyes of Desir, just like how we see him every time after this. This might be the only time when we see him how everyone, who haven't spent the last 6 years getting their ass kicked by him in chess, sees him. The very serious, looming figure with unimaginable power and knowledge. Someone who's pulling the threads in the shadows.
There's a very big contrast between these panels and every other appearance of his. While everyone sees the expressionless almost godlike genius, who's capable of anything and everything, Desir sees his friend, the very human, very real person, who he spent the last 6 years trying to keep sane by playing chess with him, and the person who did the same for him in return.
I might as well could say that in this picture we see "The Sage of Wisdom", the person everyone relies on, and everywhere else we see Zod Exarion, who, at least Desir knows, also needs to rely on someone.
Honestly, the more I stare at the last picture, the more I think him "breaking down" after finding Helena's ring(???) was coming for a long time. I mean, how long was he tower master for at this point? 71 years?? Jfc.
chapter 1 | chapter 40 | chapter 44 |
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thewizardingtoad · 11 months
Yes, Hi, So I decided to become very not normal about the Returner's Magic manhwa/novel, but especially Zod Exarion, which currently means that I'm rereading the story and writing down every chapter that he appears in. This is a very satisfying experience, but also a very lonely one, so I decided to go ahead and comment on every single one of those appearances and share it with people, because why not.
As I'm writing this, chapter 232 of the manhwa just released, and if you haven't read it yet, these posts will contain A LOT OF SPOILERS. SO. SPOILERS UP UNTIL CHAPTER 232! BEWARE!
Chapter 1
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Amazing, beautiful, 10/10, just look at this beaver of a man isn't he wonderful???
Anyway, I love how his introduction was pretty much just, weird man does quick math, stares intensely at main character, and knows A LOT.
I love the little details, like how his glasses are broken. Also, his outfit is the same color as his hair and eyes, which is neat :3. BUT also, also, let's be honest here for a second,,, Zod peaked as a crazy old wizard with this look! (Especially in the last 2 pictures). The little shine next to him in the last one is just,,, perfect.
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THIS SCENE. This scene broke me, this is 10 years of suffering, sacrifice, loss, coming to an end thanks to the inescapable grasp of death. After they all believed that they will survive!!
Coming back to this scene I was surprised how un-Zod-like this was, to pull his hood in front of his eyes, unwilling to face his final moments, but, also,,, not??
He is the Tower Master, he knows that his duty is to protect everyone, but still, here they are 6 people out of 150 million and as someone whose last words were asking if he managed to save everyone, he must have taken every single death in the Labyrinth as his own failure.
It must have been crushing to realize that in the end there's nothing they could have done, and even if he managed to save everyone, they would have all died at the end anyway.
It's also interesting to note, that in chapter 1 Zod doesn't just wear a hood constantly, but he also has a hairstyle that somewhat hides his face. (In shame? In fear? Both?)
So, in conclusion, Chapter 1 Zod is wonderful and amazing, and I love him and want to hug him, but also want to yell at him.
PS: A beaver?? Why a beaver??
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chapter 1 | chapter 40 | chapter 44 |
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thewizardingtoad · 6 months
did they just...
the chess scene(TM)?
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thewizardingtoad · 11 months
Hi! Bit of self promo, I didn't do the 'going thru the manhwa and looking for Zod thingy because i was procastinating on it by *checks notes* wiriting a fanfic.
After the Shadow Labyrinth, The Outers, Priscilla, and a well deserved break, Desir finally comes to work at the magic tower, except nobody told him, that crossing the Tower Master has unfortunate consequences. He and the so-called Tower Master also forgot to mention some key information.
5 times Desir gets away with what some might call criminal offense + 1 time people realize why
It's Zod / Desir, because of course it is, and it deals with canon by not dealing with it :D
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