#Jodi Jetski
jaserp · 3 years
a new 1 800 pain song as a halloween present... thank u 1 800 pain
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
Fanfic trope: body swap
C-. I've read it done really well and in an interesting way -- YOU'VE written that, I believe, LOL -- and I've written it (tbh) in a way that I hope was thoughtful and interesting, but more often than not I feel like it's kind of... like. I want it to matter that they're in the other person's body and I want them to learn about both the other person AND about themselves, and I feel like that piece is often missing.
But I also FUCKING LOVE FREAKY FRIDAY, THE BOOK AND THE FIRST TWO MOVIES BUT NOT THE NEW ONE THAT'S A MUSICAL, so much. The book especially; if you haven't read the book of Freaky Friday, you should, it's amazing. And so '70s.
Not enough bodyswap fic has jetskiing in it considering the Jodie Foster version of Freaky Friday is like 78% jetskiing. Or windsurfing? Windsurfing.
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dixxymouri · 6 years
Dixxy Watches the Oscars
Looks like it’s Best Actor time! BEST ACTOR: Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour
Gary...wrap it up. Those of us on the East Coast would like to go to bed. Oh yeah you’re not earning that jetski infact I think you need to give Jimmy a jetski.
GOOD THEY DIDN’T LET CASEY AFFLECK ON THE STAGE. Jennifer Lawrence and Jodie Foster are MUCH better. 
BEST ACTRESS: Frances McDormand, Three Billboards
Frances MocDormand just won the whole damn show.
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buddhistanchovies · 11 months
Can someone direct me to a group of people who will headbang to shit like I MIGHT DIE, HURT ( by1-800-PAIN), spy? (WHOKILLEDXIX) and EXORCIST (by kxllswxtch) but also listen to The Weeknd and M.A.G.S.
I’m kinda tired of having my music taste laughed at or dismissed.
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