#Joe young
yourmilwaukeebeers · 5 months
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orgazmo trading card set from the movie premiere (2/5)
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j4ckassbrigade · 1 year
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trey parker mullet era makes me
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weedburglar · 7 months
I actually get rock hard when I see anything from the dvda concert
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Like Matt’s big baggy shirt HELLO
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I’m gonna piss and shit everywhere
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treyisms · 1 year
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i need him biblically
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two-beers-in · 1 year
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Theres very little pics of my guy its blasphemous
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telekineticseance · 9 months
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kinktober day six: chastity
pairing: joe young x gn!reader
summary: the local missionary you have a crush on tells you about a dream he had
genre: smut
word count: 2854
cw: kind of a loss of virginity, sub!joe x softdom!reader dynamic kinda sorta, oral sex (m!receiving)
author's note: this was the first kinktober fic i wrote and now my friends think i have a mormon kink because of the stuff i looked up for this
There he was. Your face lit up when he walked through the cafe doors, his usual attire of a white button down shirt with a black tie and matching colored slacks. “Good Morning Joe!” Your voice chirped, handing him his usual drink, Chamomile tea that you’d specially make iced for him.
“Oh thank you.” He’d always respond before handing you the money for it, telling you to keep the change and then proceeding to sit in a corner, reading his book while he sipped. You didn’t know what it was about him, knowing he probably wouldn’t look at you the same way you looked at him only made you want him more for some reason.
You felt yourself get distracted as you started to pull shots of espresso from the machine. Thinking of the first day you saw him. His lip was cut and bleeding, he claimed to have gotten attacked by a group of guys after he tried to talk to them about the Book of Mormon. His cheeks were stained with tears, and his eyes were red.
You were getting off your shift so you offered to get him a drink, where he explained what he could and couldn’t drink so that’s where the iced Chamomile started.
He drank his tea as he sat across from you, telling you all about Mormonism because you kind of felt bad for what he experienced and after making him the drink, you offered to listen. The way his face and ears perked up, instantly made you suddenly not regret the offer.
And it continued to be like that, every day for the next couple of months. And if you didn’t have time after work to talk with him, he’d walk you back to your place, considering you only lived a block away and he made a joke once about being your own personal superhero, and then he would give you a promise to be back the next day.
Today he seemed off though, something different. Normally when he’d come in he’d flip through his book, reading through pages faster than you could comprehend but today, he stared at the cover, hardly sipping from his tea.
A few hours had passed and you noticed Joe had barely moved a muscle since he arrived as you clocked out and walked over to his table, loudly plopping into the chair across from him, causing him to jump up slightly, pulling his eyes away from his book to look at you.
“Hey.” You spoke softly to him, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Oh no you’re okay.” He mumbled, turning his gaze back to his book, flicking his fingers at the corner pages. You raised an eyebrow at him before leaning back into your chair slightly, “O..kay?”
He continued flicking at the pages before taking a deep breath. He opened his mouth to talk before quickly closing it and taking another sip from his almost empty cup. “Are you sure?” You asked, continuing to look for his gaze as he continued looking down at the book between the two of you.
“I…” He hesitated, letting out a small sigh, “I can’t talk about it.” He mumbled out.
“Is it about the church? Or what is it?” You asked. You didn’t want to pry but you also didn’t want to see him in whatever state this was. He continued to sit in silence for a moment before opening his mouth to speak again, “It’s just some….personal things.”
“Do you wanna talk about it at my place?” You asked, thinking the more private environment would help Joe with feeling more comfortable in telling you what was wrong. He thought for a moment before nodding as you both got up from the table, him collecting his trash and throwing it away before you two left the coffee shop behind.
You walked next to one another, the air feeling heavy as Joe kept quiet and kept his distance, missing the usual bumping of shoulders as you walked where every time Joe would give you a small apology with a grin.
When the two of you arrived at the apartment, you slowly opened the door, allowing him to walk past you before following him behind. Although he had often walked you home, he had never actually stepped foot inside. You watched as his eyes scanned around your apartment, looking at the movie posters on the walls to movies he probably had never seen and the furniture you hardly had sitting in the middle of your living room.
“Uh take a seat, I’ll get you a drink.” You offered, walking into the kitchen as he sat down on the couch, bouncing on it softly as he did, smiling softly to himself. You grabbed a couple cans of soda from the fridge before walking back to the living room, sitting on the opposite end of the couch before handing him the can.
He hesitated before you spoke up, “It’s caffeine free.” You told him. He nodded before cracking open the can and taking a sip, his eyes widened slightly as he let out a soft “Mmm,” before setting the can down on a coaster. You set your own drink down before turning your full attention to him.
“Okay now that we’re here. What’s the matter?” You asked, leaning towards him slightly. He bit his bottom lip lightly as he tapped his fingers on his knee, sitting up straight, and avoiding eye contact once more.
“I….” He paused, clearing his throat. “I…had a dream last night.”
Your eyes widened slightly before you continued, “And?”
“And well…” He paused once more before turning himself more towards you, “I think I need to give you some backstory.” You gave him a nod in response, letting him continue.
“Well, a couple days ago I was asked to be in a…pornographic movie.” He whispered the last part to you softly, almost as if others would’ve heard. Your eyes widened and you gave him a small nod. He went on to explain how he agreed to do it because he really needed the money and he wouldn’t have been doing the scenes anyways as there would be something called a ‘stunt cock’ to take his place.
You continued giving him nods as he explained himself, talking about how much he really disliked doing it and how it made him uncomfortable with the sinful acts that would happen in the movie, but he did talk about how he weirdly made friends in the process with the actors and some of the crew. When you saw his eyes brim with tears, you scooted closer to him, wrapping your arms around him as he looked at you, “I-I don’t think God would want me to-”
“Joe..it’s a hug. I think you need it.” You told him, completely embracing yourself around him, he followed behind, burying his head into your neck as he let out a few sniffles. “Is that all that’s been bothering you?” You asked him, stroking his hair gently as you caressed him.
He pulled away while shaking his head, “Uh…no.” He paused before scooting away, “But I don’t think I should talk about it.” He told you, looking down at the hands that rested in his lap.
“You can trust me. I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” You assured him before he let out a small sigh in response. He did the same thing where he would start to speak before pausing with his mouth hung open before he finally said it, “I’ve done something that was against God’s ways.”
You gave him a small nod, “And that is?”
“I had a dream…about someone in an inappropriate way. No I would never think of this person in this way normally of course. Not without a marriage beforehand but I was asleep and I couldn’t wake up from it so it wasn’t actually me doing it right?” He asked, as he looked at you. You felt your heart sink to your stomach when he told you he had a dream about someone else, especially one of those dreams.
“Who was it about? A cast member?” You asked, you couldn’t stop yourself from doing so but you wanted to know. Deep down inside you felt like you needed to know.
“...Promise you won’t get mad?” He asked. Your heart rate quickened, “No no of course not.”
“It was about…” He fiddled with his thumbs, “Well..ItWasAboutYou.” He spat the last part out that if you weren’t so interested you would’ve missed it.
“M-Me?” You asked, you didn’t know whether to be impressed or slightly turned on by the idea of him thinking of you in his dreams. He nodded in response, still looking down and fiddling with his thumbs.
You took a breath before starting to talk, “Hey..it’s okay. Trust me. It’s okay.” You tried reassuring him, not sure if telling him you’ve done the same would ease the tension or not. He looked at you, his blue eyes staring into yours.
“I-It’s not okay. I had impure thoughts about a woman. One I looked at as a friend.” He said as he continued looking into your eyes. You let out a small sigh before thinking of something to say.
“I’ve had dreams of you too.” You blurted out causing his eyes to widen as his mouth parted. “Oh….OH! Oh no no.” He started before you cut him off to speak, “Joe it’s okay. It’s natural to have thoughts of other people.”
As you spoke, you let your hand raise up to his cheek as he leaned against it, closing his eyes slightly before pulling away, “But it’s a sin.” He whispered loud enough for you to hear as he turned away from you.
You inched closer to him, taking his hand into yours, “Maybe God was the one to put the thoughts into your head. After all, it made us confess what we possibly feel for each other.” You suggested as his gaze returned back to you. “Maybe God wants us to possibly try something together. I mean God’s plan is ineffable.”
He paused for a moment, letting his eyes switch from your eyes to your lips, before returning back to your eyes. You let your hand caress his cheek as you took in the moment with him for just a while longer.
“Ineffable.” He whispered, barely able to make a sound as you slowly leaned in and pressed your lips to his. His returning kiss was hesitant at first before he slowly melted in, as if the two of you became one, letting your mouth take the lead as he followed behind.
His hands moved up and he rested them on your hips, pulling you slightly closer as he did so. He pulled away, looking into your eyes, his lips a darker shade of pink and slightly swollen from the kiss. “Golly.”
You let out a small laugh before continuing to let your thumb stroke his cheek before taking a moment, “Come with me.” You told him, rising from the couch. He slowly followed as you took his hand into yours and started walking to the bedroom.
“Where are we going?” He asked, looking around. When you arrived at the room his eyes widened slightly, “Oh gee um..” He paused.
“Joe. What do you want?” You asked him, looking up at him. He paused, his face showing a little bit of confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean. What do you want? You live your life from this book, which it’s great. You've found your way like that but what do you want?” You asked him, resting your hand on his chest, playing with the black tie that sat there.
He looked down at your hand, a small gulp escaping him as he watched your fingers run along the tie, reaching his collar. “I-I want…”
“Do you want me to help make your dream a reality?” You asked, moving your hand around the neck of his tie as you started pulling at it. He gave you a small, hesitant, nod, his breathing increasing with every touch. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“I…I want you.” He breathed out. You nodded before leading him to the bed, letting him sit on the edge before straddling his lap. You watched as his breathing continued to increase while you pulled the tie off of him, putting your lips to his again.
You felt his nervousness as you caressed his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb to try and ease him. The tension he held calmed ever so slightly. You started moving your hips, rubbing against his slowly growing length in his pants.
“O-Oh!” Joe’s voice exclaimed as he fluttered his lids, trying to keep his eyes open.
“What did we do in your dream?” You asked softly against his ear, running your hand against his torso, starting to slip his button down off his shoulders.
“You uh…” He struggled to form words as you continued rubbing against him.
“Use your words baby.”
“Oh gosh..” He took a breath. “Y-Your mouth was on my uh…my parts.”
“Is that all?” You asked, climbing off his lap as you started unbuckling his belt, pulling off the undershirt he wore before starting to tug at his pants.
He nodded, the veins in his neck grew more prominent with every touch you did to him. You let out a small hum as he covered his face with his hands, a whimper escaping from him as you lightly ran your fingers along the bulge in his shorts he wore.
Weirdly enough you did research on mormons and found out they wore a specific kind of underwear. So it didn’t take you by surprise when you took off his clothes to reveal the knee length, white shorts underneath.
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, hooking your finger into the elastic band of the shorts.
“No. Please.” He whined out.
That was all you needed to hear before you tugged off the shorts, seeing the way his cock slapped against his stomach as it sprung free from the constraint of the shorts.
Your mouth practically watered at the sight, letting your eyes stare at the dripping pink tip, slightly taken aback by the clean shaven presence in front of you.
It didn’t take you long before you puckered your lips above his length, letting a drop of spit fall onto the tip, watching it run down the side before wrapping your hand around the base, rubbing it up and down his cock,
Joe tensed up under your touch, his face still buried in his hands as he squirmed ever so slightly. “That feel good?”
“Mmhmm.” He hummed as he moved his hands to grip the sheets below him.
You bit your bottom lip, watching him before you leaned down, wrapping your lips around the tip, sucking as your hand continued stroking.
“O-Oh golly!” He gasped out, his breathing starting to shake.
You soon started bobbing your head, taking his dick into your mouth as much as you could as you swirled your tongue around.
The feeling of your mouth caused Joe to buck his hips up slightly, making his tip hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag against his length.
“Oh gosh I-I’m sorry.” Joe quickly apologized.
You pulled away continuing to stroke your hand, “It’s okay Joe just relax okay?”
He nodded, closing his eyes as his grip tightened on the sheets once more.
You started to take his cock into your mouth once more, taking time when you’d suck on the tip before sliding the length into your mouth, repeating the process occasionally.
Your eyes looked up through your lashes as you looked at Joe’s flushed face, his lips parted as he let out soft moans, his breathing increasing. The sight of him started to make you more turned on by the minute, but you wanted to focus on him, his pleasure.
He occasionally bucked his hips, always apologizing softly as he did.
“O-Oh.” He cried out, the grip on the sheets getting tighter as his legs stretched out sharply.
You pull your mouth away, a string of saliva pulling from your mouth to his cock before running your tongue along a vein, wrapping your lips around it once more. You hollow your cheeks as you sucked, feeling him pulse and twitch in your mouth.
The feeling of him and the look of his hands grip onto the sheets was a sign he was close but he wasn’t sure how to tell you he was.
“Ah…oh..” He bucked his hips one last time, bringing tears to your eyes as you gagged, before he released with a shaking moan, his body shuddering from under you.
You pulled away when he was finished, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you swallowed, looking up at him.
His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you through hooded eyes, his breathing shallow. Your hand moved up to his face, caressing his reddened cheek.
“How was it?”
“Better than I could’ve imagined.”
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orang3cat75 · 10 months
Matt and Trey in the orgazmo DVD stills
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uselesspasserby · 1 year
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insidereagan · 11 months
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joe young walked so elder poptarts could run
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direpunk · 9 months
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halloween themed orgazmo sticker designs :3
if enough people like them i’ll make them real stickers :]
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sweeetberries · 5 months
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Trey Parker Tuesday ❤️
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presidential--suite · 7 months
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Gift Guides for...
@mattandtrey-advent (M&T related, aesthetic gift guides, based on 🎀)
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yourmilwaukeebeers · 5 months
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orgazmo trading card set from the movie premiere (5/5)
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weedburglar · 7 months
Whenever I see Matt in this shirt I actually start going fucking feral
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I’m having several different feelings rn
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treyisms · 1 year
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orgazmo costuming department i love you so much
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conventcat · 2 months
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Wtf is this and who do I have to thank for it lmao
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