#Joker is Joker do I really need to say anymore♡
im-a-chunky-potato · 9 months
I finally got the persona 5 games to try out and WOAHHH IM IN LOVE
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gok1bvri72 · 1 year
💛💫Voca/Utauloid Headcanons of Mine💫💛
Not proofread, too lazy😍😍
💫 Hatsune Miku 💫
I think Miku is a bit of a spoiled diva, but only a bit!
She is pretty generous despite the whole "World is Mine" thing, I like to think she uses her brand to get charities off the ground🤔
Miku gives me Pansexual and proud vibes
Her hair is a chore to take care of and takes hours to prepare for a concert! Loads of teal hair in the trash and clogging the shower drain.
She has an arsenal of scrunchies at the ready for her pigtails>:)
Miku doesn't like the coral colour. Yknow that reddish orange colour? She doesn't like wearing it.
Miku doesn't actually know how to do make-up, Luka always does it for her!
💫 Kagamine Rin 💫
Rin has ADHD me thinks🤔
She has a load of fidget spinners cuz she thinks they are cool✊
She has roller skates and she rides around town in the 24/7!
Her bow collection rivals Jojo Siwa's and is definitely more fashionable😩
Her notebook is filled with all sorts of goofy song ideas written in bright orange highlighter.
She has to cut her hair or it starts to grow out- like almost as long as Miku's! It grows fast so regular hair trims><
She love love LOVES little charms and accessories! Sanrio and Animal Crossing are some of her favourite things to collection stuff from!
💫 Kagamine Len 💫
I have the most to say about him cuz he is my favourite so strap in>:)
Len has a skateboard that has all sorts of stickers on it ranging from MLP G2 stickers from his sister to spiderman and undertale references!
Len forgets stuff easily, he isn't stupid just stuff slips his mind easily. So he carries a small pocket book to write stuff in if it's important!
He plays piano and guitar obvi but I totally see I'm sitting down after football season on the field after school and playing some melodies on an acoustic guitar with his homies.
Also has to trim his hair regularly JSKSJSKSJSK (Rapunzel Len😳😳???)
He snatches scrunchies from Miku's collections sometimes to put in his hair sometimes cuz he likes them.
100% a brony I refuse to believe otherwise♡♡♡
Can be a gentleman when he wants SoE wasn't 100% a lie💫
Fingerless gloves, T-shirts over white hoodies, naturally torn jeans, and bright sneakers or combats slay💅
Raging bisexual king
Had a crush on Fukase once. Immediately didn't anymore.
Possibly trans masc? Idk I feel like he isn't but he has that t-boy swag👁👁
Fangirls lowkey scare him, like yes he knows he has them and yes he is terrified of them. (Mention that Tei girl and he is outta there.)
Probably has a crush on random Utauloid girls cuz they aren't popular and he has a higher chance of wooing them💀
Does his make-up himself cuz Luka never adds enough eyeliner for his highness.
💫 Megurine Luka 💫
Mom friend
A bit of an air head and she always spends hours picking out her outfits because they needs to be perfect('□`)
She Miku dated at one point🤔
Make-up wizard~!!!
She does everybody's make-up except for Len's.
Really soft hands, like ethereal. If you hold them you will instantly feel self-conscious about yours if you're like me.
She sheds. Everywhere. It's like pink little worms everywhere. She sheds more than Miku. If the drain isn't clogged by a teal monster it's a pink one.
Paints everyone nails, yes even his highness Len. Luka just has really light handy-work! Super delicate and great for little details><
Luka likes to draw and paint pretty scenery!
She has an affinity for sun hats💛💛
Cottage core lesbian vibes
💫 Shion Kaito 💫
Kaito has an ice cream truck. He drives it around town while it plays a heavy metal version of the ice cream truck theme. Scares all the kids.
He and Len play smash bros as Joker and Pit 24/7 and have the most intense screaming battles!
He has a pusheen plush collection><
He has his room at like, 10 degrees colder than the rest of the mansion cuz mf likes his blankets and he is a.... Snowman.
Anyways he has a whole closet of just scarves and it's like walking through a car wash minus all the water and soap almost.
We all know he wears his scarves to the pool but did you know he also wears them in the shower?!?!?!😱😱😱😱
Kinda feels like an omni with a male lean.
💫 Sakine Meiko 💫
She has every single alcoholic drink at the local bar memorized....
She really likes heels! She has a whole bunch. Kinda like the Barbie of Vocaloid when it comes to them U_U💅
She and Luka are besties and they have that lesbian "besties" vibe going on JSKJSSKSJJSSJ
Mmmmm yiAS- And they were *best friends.*
Anyways Meiko is totally called Koko and Meimei around the house.
When she isn't chugging alcohol she is chugging some kind of apple cider.
I feel like if her mascot item wasn't sake it would be apples or lipstick🤔
She has a whole 3 drawers of just lipsticks btw
💫 Kasane Teto 💫
As we all know she is now a Synth. But in my heart I still call her an Utau even tho it's technically wrong- but it's also not harming anyone so who cares?
She and Miku went on a date once. Best day of her life😍/hj
She is a bread connoisseur and her current dream is to some day visit France😔✊
Her hair is such a pain to style in the morning- when she isn't going out she doesn't even bother and leaves it loose.
I headcanon she and Fukase are siblings and also Fukkatsu Kozuko's older siblings. They all have those red eyes... they must be related! (Kozuko just got the recessive hair genes obviously LSJSKJSAKJSKAS)
Totally has gamer rage and plays competitive games like League of Legends and the online Pokemon battles.
Totally a huge Pokemon nerd btw and her favourite game is Pokemon Y cuz it's based on France!
She beat Rin over the head with a baguette once....
Pansexual or Bisexual vibes... tbh whatever it is she isn't straight that's for sure I mean that girl definitely has a crush on Miku.
Speaking of which, she is a frequent donater to Miku's collection getting her more scrunchies every chance she gets 😔
💫 Oliver 💫
Oliver is great💛💛💛
When asked if he is a dog person or a cat person he confidently replies with "I'm a bird person>:D!!"
Luka was screaming about a spider in the snack cabinet once and he just grabbed it and ate it. I mean, it *was* in the snack cabinet. I wouldn't be surprised if he put it there....
He is kinda prone to getting sick easy.
He has asthma:(((
Len got him shoes and he never wears them.
Brush his hair for him, he will like it Q-Q *Holds Oliver gently*
💫 Fukase 💫
I don't like Fukase. But I also like him. Like I like that I can dislike him yknow? He is a radical dude and I think he is great we would just totally argue all the time and call eachother rude names then bro hug and fist bump and if anyone asks no we aren't friends we are broskenimes.
House hold name? Fuck ass.
He takes pride in that name.
He, Len, and Piko play minecraft together and take turns blowing up each other's houses.
Totally takes his little sister to meet ups with Len just to piss him off/freak him out.
He eats his toe nails.
Raging gay ass mf here
💫 Utatane Piko 💫
This trans mf
T-Boy swag is strong with this one
Also probably a gay but I also see him being an omni with a male lean
Dating Fukase 100%
They blow each other's house up in minecraft as a display of affection♡♡♡
He and Len are broskis forever and have friendship bracelets that are MLP themed
His favourite pony is Rarity or DJ Pony and yes he is a brony.
He also really likes TBHK and Genshin Impact
Uses all his money to get his husbandos
Cat person tbh
💫 Kamui Gakupo 💫
Omni with that male lean I mean look at those gay samurai from Japanese history he is totally one of those.
Totally in denial about his gayness.
Rhythm game king
He takes great pride in his hair and he doesn't actually shed that much like Miku and Luka!
Doesn't actually like eggplants he just got them stuck on him because of popipo and Dancing Samurai.
He prefers grapes😔
Wine enthusiast and actually more of an alcoholic than Meiko😳
Gave Len advice on how to get hot girls once and the advice wound up with the girl jumping into the pool fully dressed to avoid him.
100% not gay guys idk what you're talking about
💫 Megpoid Gumi 💫
I don't have many headcanons for her😭😭
She has a garden!
Did a Lumine from Genshin Impact cosplay once😳😳😳
Totally into Len at one point but Len was too dense to notice
Straight alliance(???)
Again not much here for her
Into Octonauts tho, Tweak is her favourite.
💫 VFlower 💫
She is totally Miku's crush 🥺🥺
Tbh, ace vibes
Another one of Len's broskis
She hates her new design
Slay queen tbh
I don't have much on her either but she is cool asf
I feel like she worked at a McDonald's once and idk why🤔
Currently works at a cafe
Huge P5 fan idk why
Also an artist! She is more into character design tho:)
Awesome fashion sense.
💫 Akita Neru 💫
Imma be honest with yall, I don't like her😰
I hate tsunderes so much they are so annoying and they make my skin boil.
Watching her be so mean to Len in the fics I read makes it really hard for me to like her cuz Len is my emotional support character so I don't have any headcanons for her.
But I don't wanna disappoint so I'll make a few on the spot!
She is a top streamer and has lots of male fans cuz she has that gremlin streamer that runs off of doritos and mountain dew vibes><
Has an Insta and uses Tumblr 24/7 in secret👀👀
She feels like a straight alliance to me
Anger issues
Maybe she is used to getting ignored and the only way she thinks she can get Len's attention is by bullying him?
💫 Fukkatsu Kozuko 💫
I made her so I obvi have a lot of headcanons but none of them are fact because I want her to be like all the other loids:)
One of them cursed Len simps
But she is tame about it and honestly a sweetheart soooo we gucci👌
She isn't stalking him like Tei and Mayu or beating him up like Neru. Just like, normal girl stuff.
Even then she doesn't get into cat fights over it cuz she doesn't have the confidence to.
Oh yeah! Low self-esteem cuz her VB is crappy and she has a lisp sometimes 😔😔
She feels like she might fall somewhere on the autism spectrum, but that might just be me self-protecting again🤔
Probably cries easily.
She really likes to decorate her room in cutesy pink stuff and she always wears these over the top soft girl outfits.
A huge fan of Miku! Really wants to be her friend but doesn't have the confidence to talk to her.
Rin, Len, Oliver, and Teto are her friends. (Teto doesn't have a choice cuz they are siblings/j)
Fukase insults her a lot but not in the mean way in the sibling way yknow yknow
Like "You're smelly"
Fukase let her play minecraft with him and his gang once and they all had cute cottages by the end of it. Fukase was >:[ing the whole time cuz he wanted her to be annoying to Len.
She is that friend who is too nervous to talk up so she just agrees and nods to everything and she is easily manipulated into things q-q
She is scared of Mayu, Tei, and Neru and they are mostly the reason she doesn't approach Len unless multiple people are around. She feels a lot safer when Fukase is there cuz Fukase is... Fukase is scary. No one wants to mess with Fukase. Mess with Fukase mess with some ancient eldritch horror or smth.
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