#Joly is a sweet cheerful lying little weirdo freak wrapped in good tailoring and proper mannerisms. to me.
pilferingapples · 7 months
Joly + 18, 22, & 12 for the ask game!
Nonny that was so fast omg
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? All of the Amis keep some secrets from their parents but Joly just. Lies constantly. So So So Much Lying. He's honest about his illnesses and his problems with studies but everything else is just shameless prevarication all the way down. it's not that he thinks his folks would be mad about anything , although something ah hahaha yyyyeah they would , but mostly he just know they'd fuss. They'd Worry. They'd have So Much Advice. It's just so much easier to lie! He is not a writer but he's made up more stories than Prouvaire and with a more complex interconnected backstory. At this point his friends also enjoy hearing about what Hypothetical Joly is getting up to.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? I like most of the people he actually has a relationship with in canon so let's go with Mother Hucheloup: I think he's her favorite of the group, because he's mostly well behaved--for a Parisian college student-- and he Actually Pays For Things,but more than that he's just kind her favorite--not like a kid she might have had but like a favorite nephew, maybe, not that she's had a nephew, but she can guess. And his jokes make sense, not like those two friends of his. Hmph.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like? I like it when people make him cheerfully Very Weird :D He's Eccentric! quite a loaded term for his era! Nearly any Harmless Weirdness works for me with his character, especially if can be health focused-- syncing sleep to moon phases? Environmental Sound Sculpting? Dying his hair for Color Therapy? Sure! Anything! Although there's a special place in my heart for Joly looking utterly normal/bourgie and only upon entering conversation revealing that he's a complete freak (extremely affectionate <3)
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