#Jose Limon
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Choreographers Merce Cunningham, Erick Hawkins, Paul Taylor, Twyla Tharp, Martha Graham, Jose Limon, Ivonne Rainer and Don Redlich, on the terrace of Martha Graham's home in Manhattan, New York, 1968. Photography by Jack Mitchell
[Danza Libre]
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“Under the influence not I know of the hardest cider but of his own inner joy at life for a moment as it should be, as it was meant to be in his nature, Phineas recaptured that magic gift for existing primarily in space, one foot conceding briefly to gravity its rights before spinning him off again into the air. It was his wildest demonstration of himself, of himself in the kind of world he loved; it was his choreography of peace.”
― John Knowles, A Separate Peace
When I first began choreographing, I never thought of it as choreography but as expressing feelings. Though every piece is different, they are all trying to get at certain things that are difficult to put into words. In the work, everything belongs to everything else - the music, the set, the movement and whatever is said.
-Pina Bausch
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broadcastarchive-umd · 9 months
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#PBSwednesday The climax of "The Moor's Pavane," one of the highlights of National Educational Television's "The Dance Theater of Jose Limon," shown in 1966 as part of NET's "Festival of the Arts." The black-robed Othello was portrayed by Limon himself. Betty Jones played the tragic heroine Desdemona.
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saresmusings · 1 year
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These icons! An incredible bunch of talented people in this great photo taken by Jack Mitchell in 1968! Modern dance choreographers photographed in the patio-garden of Martha Graham's East Side Manhattan studio for the New York Times/ @nytimes!
In the foreground, Twyla Tharp/ @twylatharp, Martha Graham/ @marthagrahamdance, and José Limón/ @limondance and in the back row, Merce Cunningham/ @mercetrust, Erick Hawkins/ @erickhawkinsdance, Paul Taylor/ @paultaylordancecompany, Yvonne Rainer and Don Redlich
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dance-world · 1 year
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Gary Flannery - photo by Roy Blakey for After Dark magazine
Gary Flannery is a professional performer who toured the world as Shirley MacLaine’s partner; was a Principal Dancer on many TV Shows and Hollywood movies; and was a lead dancer on Broadway in Pippin and Dancin', and in the movie All That Jazz (Bob Fosse called Gary “The Bull” for the sheer non-stop energy). Gary has studied with teachers including Antony Tudor, Martha Graham, Jose Limon, Stanley Williams, Alexandra Danilova, Anton Dolan, Lucas Hoving, Fred Benjamin, Chuck Davis, and Jaime Rogers. He received full scholarships to the School of American Ballet and Juilliard.  Gary continues to teach master classes, lectures, and seminars at universities, dance schools and colleges around the world.
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dingcervantes-blog · 10 months
It would seem that the prophesied Chastisement for the “end times” will not happen in one fell swoop, although some episodes will occur in shorter times, such as the so-called “three days of darkness.”
Will the chastisements cover 20 years? Consider the following messages from the Blessed Mother.
On Oct. 17, 1985, Francesca Pajer was told in answer to her question:
“Yes, it is a full and total failure of materialism, yet human pride will never admit it. It will be swept away and reduced to ashes, and these words are to be understood in a literal sense. It will be the time of purification to sweep away the filthiness of it and even its remembrance. Within 20 years no one will speak of materialism again.”
On March 3, 1982, Fr. Estafano Gobbi received the following message:
“Behold this great crisis which started in the past and today has reached its highest level. It will soon be totally erased from the face of the earth and after 20 years, even its remembrance will disappear.”
The latter message, however, could mean that after the entire world has been altered through the chastisements, survivors would start anew  without the trappings of current  modernity and would be so busy as to shelve in 20 years even the thought of the destroyed world they used to live in.
One thing is clear: the world as we know it will vanish. Even the great cities will be gone.
Meanwhile, St. Michael the Archangel has another message through third-degree Augustinian stigmatist Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 13, 2023. It is as follows:
“As Prince of the Heavenly Legions, I am sent to bring you the Divine Will and the intercession of Our Queen and Mother.
“Beloved of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: The times are urgent!
“I call you to prayer with the heart and to pray with faith, with charity, with humility and hope, confident in Divine Love for each one of you and confident in the Divine Protection of Our Queen and Mother of the End Times. 
“Live in total gratitude to the Most Holy Trinity, to your Guardian Angels, to the Saints to whom you have a devotion and to Our Queen and Mother of the End Times.
“Be fraternal, so that when it is necessary, you would receive the necessary assistance.
“Children of the Most Holy Trinity, at this time evil is pouring all its wickedness upon the whole of humanity, due to the Devil’s vengefulness towards the children of the ‘Woman clothed with the sun’. Humanity should therefore meditate on the greatness of the Gift of life and should meditate on what Divine Protection really is and even more so on the most precious gift that the creature possesses: the Holy Eucharist.
“Those who keep their personal faith nourished are fraternal, sharing with everyone the knowledge that they possess; part of the way to the Heavenly Banquet is won by works and deeds.
‘Not forgetting our beloved angel of peace, I call you on this date especially to offer a prayer for the angel of peae, knowing that it is he who will come to give an example of true faith, hope and harity by which most of you will be revived.
“Nature continues on its way; you have seen how some volcanoes have become active and other volcanoes will become active in sequence.
“Water is causing sudden havoc in various countries, as you have experienced and seen up until now.
“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for the United States: the weather is no longer the same and this nation will suffer from a strong earthquake affecting part of Canada.
“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for Mexico: this nation will suffer greatly, its soil will be shaken, causing great pain to its inhabitants.
“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for Central America; Nicaragua will suffer due to the earthquake: Rivas, Carazo, Granada and Managua will be affected.
“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, Costa Rica will suffer because of the earthquake: San Jose will be the place most affected, Alajuela, Cartago and Limon will suffer great grief; the whole country will be moved by force.
“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, Panama will suffer because of the earthquake: Bocas del Toro, Chiriqui and Los Santos will suffer the consequences of the earthquake.
“Pray, children of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for Colombia, Ecuador and Peru: they will be shaken, the beaches of Brazil will be reduced, Chile will suffer because of the earthquake; Uruguay and Argentina will be surprised by the movement of the earth.
“Children of the Most Holy Trinity and of Our Queen and Mother, none of you should be troubled: Remain at peace. Peace is necessary in times of chaos and faith is the kay that tells you where to go without falling into despair.
“Prepare youselves for serious events, not forgetting that the owner of the vine goes before each one of you, and take our Mother’s hand.
“Continue without discouragement, without fear, trusting in Divine Mercy and repenting of your sins.
“Who is like God? There is nobody like God.” (End of quote.)
Other messages from the Blessed Mother were also recently conveyed through mystic Pedro Regis.
On June 8, 2023:
“Dear children, trust in Jesus, for in Him alone is your true deliverance and salvation. Difficult days will come for the Church. The traitors to the faith will spread everywhere, and there will be great confusion. 
“Do not forget: in your hands the Holy Rosary and the Holy Scripture; in your hearts, love for the truth. My Jesus expects much from you. Always seek Him in the Eucharist, and you will be great in faith. Hunger will be present in the House of God. A hungry multitude will search for the Precious Food and will find it in few places. 
“I suffer because of what is coming for you. Love and defend the truth. Alongside the good shepherds, fight for the Church of my Jesus. Heaven will be your reward. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.”
On June 6, 2023:
“Dear children, I am your Mother and I have come from heaven to lead you to my Son Jesus. Be meek and humble of heart, for only in this way can you understand God’s plans for your lives. My Lord loves you and awaits you with open arms. Do not stay mired in sin.
“ This is the opportune time for your great return. The Church is heading for a great spiritual shipwreck. Great truths will be abandoned, and false ideologies will take pride of place. Do not forget the lessons of the past. In God there is no half-truth. 
“Pray. Seek strength in the Words of my Jesus and in the Eucharist. Whatever happens, remain faithful to the teachings of the true Magisterium of the Church of my Jesus. This is the message that I give you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for having allowed me to gather you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.”
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your top 5 top 5!
Random assortment from the depths of my notesapp:
Recurrent Wikipedia Holes: bog bodies, spectral black dogs, mine disasters, shipwrecks, theatre fires
Comestible Textures: marzipan, gnocchi, fruit leather, canned mandarin oranges, pumpkin pie
Poems: for example- mary oliver, high treason- jose emilio pacheco, exultation is the going- emily dickinson, lies about sea creatures- ada limon, any common desolation- ellen bass
Child Ballads I Know Off By Heart: suffolk miracle, clyde water, matty groves, twa corbies, willie o' winsbury
Crafts I'd Like To Learn: paper-marbling, stained-glass, book-binding, wood-working, copper-enameling,
[Top 5 askbox thingy]
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xwolfsoulx · 1 year
Extrano mi barrio.
Pienso en las noches que volvia temprano de trabajar en el bar, cruzaba la avenida 22 de Febrero (toushe) y rezaba para que no hubiera ningun vato castroso drogandose en el callejon, solo queria llegar a casa tranquila. Cuando me daban buena propina pasaba antes por el expendio de pan y compraba una concha, una dona o un bolillo para cenar, a veces me encontraba en pijama a alguna vecina de las que fueron conmigo a la secundaria. El senor del expendio siempre sereno y amable, sorprendente y tranquilizante tener al menos un personaje asi en el barrio.
Paseaba a Alika un par de calles y respiraba la brisna nocturna, ibamos esquivando perros callejeros y algunas veces borrachos del rumbo. Otras veces los llegue a perseguir yo.
Mis dias mas grises los acompane con gorditas de la 22. Cualquier tipica manana de resaca horrible, nulas ganas de vivir, cero esperanza de algun dia tener calidad de vida, nulas aspiraciones de mejorar cualquier aspecto de mi existencia: las gorditas estaban ahi para mi. De papa, frijol o mezcladas y una sangria bien fria, su salsita verde y harto limon, cebolla y cilantro, Dios bendiga tan preciado desayuno/comida/almuerzo, porque era buena costumbre despertar al medio dia y asi ahorrarme una comida.
Los viernes que tenia tiempo y dinero dandome un capricho de ir a encargar quesadillas a la senora de Matias Romero, esperar sentada mirando la novela del 7 mientras ella y su ayudante hacen magia con aceite reutilizado, masa fresca y champinones con epazote. O los antojitos de Lerdo, otro suculento manjar de fin de semana donde las senoras eran bastante carismaticas.
Me acuerdo la temporada entre 2014 y 2015 que abrieron un par de negocios de miches los fines de semana, chulada llegar del trabajo recien cobrando y gastarme merecidos 70 pesos en un vaso azul de litro de Corona, relleno de Leon o Vicky con su respectivo limoncito, sal y escarche de Miguelito de mora azul o de sandia. Un dia casual yendo en pijama a comprar a la Comer de Plaza Azcapo encontrarme justo entrar a Brother Culture, eminencia del Roots, traido al barrio por el vecino Booba, musico y organizador de eventos de reggae en Mexico.
Como no voy a querer a mi barrio si habia tremendos personajes, si albergo importantes suceso en la historia de Mexico y el arte. Cuna de Jose Jose, el primer evento de Sonido la Changa, parada importante de los aztecas antes de formar Tenochtitlan, reinado poderosisimo la bella Azcapotzalco, sede de la ultima batalla por la Independencia.
En fin, dejare para una segunda parte lo que extrano de mi barrio, aparte de las fritangas, la brisa nocturna y los encuentros inesperados.
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calmseas · 2 years
the mortal sun has risen and set a thousand thousand times, and GALENE is yet bound to the earthly realm, the reincarnation loop continues. this time their mortal coil has taken the shape of Jan Luis Castellanos, a human born on the 1st of June, 1996, a Gemini and named DIEGO FUENTES.
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who is galene ?
Galene is the personification and Goddess of Calm Seas.  She is the daughter of Nereus, the God of Bountiful Seas, and Doris, the Goddess of Brine Fishing. Thus, Galene is one of the fifty nymphs known collectively as The Nereids. Most notable of her many siblings is Amphitrite, the Goddess Queen of the Seas. 
In her former life, Galene attracted the attention of Polyphemus. The cyclops attempted to woo the Goddess, but she rejected his advances as her heart belonged to Akis, a mortal son of Pan. In a blinding rage, Polyphemus crushed Akis beneath a massive boulder.
Pitying the mortal and his bereaved Goddess, the Gods turned Akis into a minor Potamoi. His stream, the Akis, flowed down from the Mediterranean into the slops of Mount Etna near the town of Akion. 
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who is diego ?
Diego Ostin Fuentes is a twenty-six year old tour guide and professional diver from Paraíso in the Dominican Republic. Growing up on the coasts of Hispaniola made the seas an integral part of Diego’s day to day life. From an early age he became an avid fan of freediving, a form of underwater diving that relies on breath-holding rather than the use of gear. 
Given that there wasn’t much of a profitable market for the niche sport in his hometown, Diego put his skills and radiant charisma to work entertaining the throngs of tourist that flocked to his home. He was hired as scuba diving guide, not only for his aptitude, but also due to the strange fact more ‘high ticket’ sea creatures tended to come out on his tours. Sea turtles and dolphins were his most common draws, but he once led a tour that featured a remarkably up-close-and-personal encounter with a migrating humpback whale.
In 2018, Diego decided to try his hand at an international diving competition. Hosted in the Bahamas, Diego booked the short flight and, much to everyone’s surprise, the first timer set the world record by diving, self propelled, 160 meter (524 feet) on a single breath. Following this massive moment in the freediving community, Diego became something of a very-specific celebrity. Four years later, he was invited to give a speech at the grand opening of a freediving school launching in Perth, Australia. 
After a few fun filled days down under, Diego kept hearing rumors that he needed to check out a shipwreck off the coast before heading back home. Eager for a new diving experience, he made his way to Poseidon’s Wrath. For reasons beyond his understanding, Diego couldn’t get enough for the remote island. Something, everything, seemed to be pulling him further and further into the clutches of the enchanting island. On the off chance they may have an opening, Diego stopped by Delphinus Tours and left with a job. Six months on and Diego has finally started to feel as though he has found his footing in his new home. 
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some basics ! 
🌊 birthday :: june 1, 1996
🌊 identity :: homosexual
🌊 home :: white poplar 
🌊 career :: tour guide at delphinus tours
🌊 hobbies :: freediving, aquariums, day drinking
🌊 pets :: 2 starfish (Limon, Lima) and 3 seahorse (Jorge, Juan, Jose)
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some power !
:: full power :: As a marine nymph, Galene’s primary home is beneath the waves. This provides her an amphibious biology able to exist as comfortably in the seas as on land. As a Nereid, Galene’s power includes an innate mastery of sea life in most forms, the main exceptions being mythical beasts such as Scylla. As the Goddess of Calm Seas, it goes without saying that Galene’s main function is to quell the raging seas. Unlike her nephew Triton who utilizes his conch horn, Galene executes her power through force of will alone. Even the most violent of naturally occurring tempest cannot withstand the might of her tranquility.
:: unlocked :: Diego has shown an affinity for holding his breath for record-breaking lengths of time and proved himself capable of withstanding the pressures of deep water diving sans gear. While not totally unmarred, his vision is far more clear underwater than a typical mortal should expect it to be. Though he cannot explain it, creatures of the deep tend to be far more willing to interact with him than they are most individuals. 
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (20/n)
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Author’s Notes: Traveling home after being somewhere (or with someone) you love is always hard. I know I’ve felt some hard feels leaving Denver and other places to go back home. AJ’s got some big decisions to make.
Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC (AJ)
Word Count: 3660
Warnings: language. Lonely feelings. I’m pretty sure that’s it this time around.
Need Chapter 19? Here you go! https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/693990316680904704/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-19n
The drive back from St. Louis is brutal. I-70 in Missouri is the worst, with slow speed limits and stretches of nothing. At least when you hit the Kansas border and get through Kansas City, the road vastly improves and the speed limit goes up. But once you’ve gotten to Salina… it is slim pickings until you hit Denver. Hays, Colby, Goodland, Burlington, Limon… and it’s flat… so very flat. But once those mountain tops start peeking over the horizon, and you can see the air traffic flying in and out of DIA, you know you’ve hit civilization again. 
But all the traffic in the world, which it feels like most of it is on I-70 and I-25 in Denver, couldn’t make AJ feel any less lonely. Her better half was a good third of the country away. And she really wasn’t LONELY - Jess, Nate, and other friends on the team clearly were still there. No offense to any of them, but they couldn’t replace that Tyson shaped piece missing in her heart.
About a third of the way through AJ’s drive back to Denver, she ended up talking to Tyson on speaker during what should have been afternoon skate - the Wild were playing San Jose that night. But erring on the side of caution, Tyson was going to sit out that game. 
So much for Tyson being one of the few players that would have an odd “83 Games Played” in their stats for a season. But AJ would much rather have Tyson be healthy than injured and potentially get worse but have a fun stat.
“So where are you at now?”
AJ looked around the windows. She’d made this trip a few times, usually from her hometown to Denver. But having driven between home to St. Louis a few times, the surroundings were still familiar.
“I’m just west of Topeka, nearing my old hometown. I should have hit I-35 north at Kansas City instead… I’d be to St. Paul in about 6-7 hours from there. But I’ve got about seven hours just about to Denver. If I had another day off I’d stop in and say hey to some friends. But I’m ready to just be back in my own bed, curled up with Maple.” AJ sighed. “Fuck I don’t want to work tomorrow. Things are always worse when you’ve been gone a few days. Gotta get back in the swing of things.”
“I’m not 100% sure I can relate. I don’t know how you do it, babe, the 8 to 5. You know, you don’t have to… if you didn’t want to. You could have whatever job you wanted. Do your own thing. Part time even. I’d take care of you, of us.”
“Tyson, I… could never do that to you. That’s hardly fair. And not to be a negative Nancy, contract money isn’t a forever thing. I’ve worked contract before, and it terrifies me.”
He understood where she was coming from. The NHL was never a sure thing. Injuries. Not playing to the level they expect. More players upcoming that could play to that level (or higher). Being sent back to the minors. The only difference though is that he already was making millions of dollars, and that is a lot different than AJ’s salary. Thankfully his financial advisors were extremely helpful in his making decisions. And having grown up with far less money than that, he was a man of typically simple needs. Hell, the biggest thing he bought with his contract money was his Grand Cherokee, and it wasn’t even top of the line. 
It certainly wasn’t Nate’s G-Wagon, or Burky’s Lambo. But it got him around comfortably. 
But his words were true. If he were smart with his money, and could get a couple more seasons, he could easily provide a comfortable life for AJ and himself. And for his mom - he’d mentioned previously that he’d love to get her a nicer home when he retires. He wanted to help his grandparents. Tyson wanted to give back to those that helped him get to where he was.
And that included AJ, even in this short amount of time.
“How about we talk about that more later, yeah? I just want you to keep it in the back of your mind though - you know that I’m always here for you, and if you need help making that jump out here, I’ve got your back, babe. Just say the word, and we’ll make it happen. Speaking of that, the Jeep is getting picked up Tuesday, and I should have it by the end of the week. No more having to go over and start it for me to make sure it’s still working. Do you think you could put a few things in it for me? Fuck I can’t wait to have my vehicle again. I hate bumming rides and ubering everywhere.”
“I don’t know how you’ve done it this long. You know how attached I am to my car - it literally is one of the few things keeping me sane, being able to drive places. It gets me to you.”
Tyson could hear the smile on AJ’s face as she said that.
The two continued to talk for another couple of hours, until AJ had to stop to get gas in Hays, and he was having to get ready for the game, even if he wasn’t playing. Five more hours to go, and she’d be back home.
Home. The more she thought about it, the less that home was a place. Sure, all of her stuff was at her house in Lakewood, but just like when she went to Tyson’s old place to pack things… it didn’t feel homey. Something was missing. Home was a feeling. It was hitting that she felt more at home in St. Louis for a few hours with Tyson in her presence. Looking at the tiny bag on the passenger seat that a pineapple gummy ring was sealed in… the gummy ring felt like home. Hearing Tyson’s voice on the phone felt like home. 
Tyson was what made someplace feel like home.
And her pillow. That’s why she always traveled with it. But she could replace those with new ones from Target.
One thing about driving this far, is that you have a lot of time to think about things. Sure, you have to keep your eyes on the road, you have to make sure your road snacks actually make it into your mouth, and that you have the correct balance of energy drinks so that the highway patrol is not going to pull you over for keeping your foot on the gas pedal while vibrating like a hummingbird. The perfect playlist rolls on, and there is much singing.
But the vast openness of Western Kansas/Eastern Colorado is utterly boring. AJ sang along to some Jimi Hendrix as she passed the exit for Grinnell. And her thoughts shifted to the ring in that little ziploc bag on the seat next to her. It was frustrating because it finally was feeling like she had her place in Denver. And now things were completely up in the air. Should she move to Minny? And if Tyson’s contract with the Wild ends, and he doesn’t get re-signed, where would he land after that? There were so many what-ifs. Overthinking started again.
Could/should I drop everything again and move? 
Can I just up and leave Jess? Nate? At least Nate probably could understand. Maybe I should talk to Mel. Maybe some of the other gals, since Landy hasn't been traded before. 
Is this crazy? 
AJ was frazzled by the time she hit Limon. She had to call Jess, but also couldn't say the reason behind why Tyson wanted her to move so badly. Going against her better judgment, especially knowing she had a secret to keep, but still had to focus on the road, AJ made the call.
It was more than she had bargained for, as Nate was having dinner with Jess that night, so two perspectives were being presented. And while Jess was adamant about AJ leaving, she should be in Minnesota to support Tyson if AJ felt like their relationship was continuing to progress, Nate had similar views but something he said stood out. 
"I wouldn't move unless he proposes."
"What do you mean?" AJ was panicking that Tyson spilled the beans again and told Nate. 
"I'm just saying that I've seen women leave with guys and then they break up when they get there. Not that I think Tyson would ever do that to you. I just want you to be careful. Really think about it before you just jump in. I don't want you getting hurt, you deserve all the good in your life."
AJ could hear Jess' "aww that's really sweet!" in the background. 
Realizing they were getting ready to eat, AJ thanked them for the input, as she had a lot to think about. 
Tyson texted from the arena. 
Tyson: almost home?
AJ: About an hour. Talked to Jess and Nate a bit. 
Tyson: How are they doing? Are they trying to be the power couple we were there before lol
AJ: They have big shoes to fill, we're pretty awesome. I'm starting to hit traffic. Text when I'm at the house. Love you
Tyson: love you too babe
After getting around traffic, and picking up some In-n-Out on the way to her house, AJ unlocked the door, tossed her backpack onto the sofa, and collapsed with her Double Double and fries, animal style. She snapped a photo and sent it to Tyson. 
Tyson: damn I miss that place. 
It didn't occur to AJ that she would miss out on it if she moved up north. Granted, they do have Culver's in Minnesota. However, it’s just not the same, but it would be something to look forward to. She devoured her dinner, and tried to stay awake for updates on the game. 
At the same time, AJ started looking around the room, and realizing what little she really had in the house. The big stuff could be sold. Most of the little stuff could be packed up and moved (again). And as she set the alarm on her phone for work the next morning, an idea washed over her, one that was impulsive. 
"I'm going to do it."
With that thought, a weight felt like it had been lifted. One last text of the night was sent before AJ fell asleep with a smile.
AJ: can't stay awake, tired from the drive. But thinking about you, and the future. Our future. 
AJ woke up early for work, even before her daily Good Morning from Tyson. She spent a few minutes looking up info for travel, and promptly shot an email off for work. And instead of waiting for Tyson’s message, she called him instead. 
“Hey, is everything okay?” Tyson’s voice was laced with concern.
“Yeah, I woke up early, thought I’d call you this morning. Flying to Montreal this afternoon?”
“We are, but taking the day off again.Team doc wants me to rest it a bit more, probably won’t play. Wish I could show you around though, some cool stuff up there.”
It drove AJ nuts hearing that Tyson wasn’t getting to play. She knew how much he lived for it. But as long as he was progressing towards getting to play again, that was all she could hope for. And also she would love to have Tyson as a tour guide in all of these cities. 
The call would have to be cut short though, she was needing to leave for work in a few minutes. It was going to be a brand new ballgame at work for her. The two wished each other good days, and of course Tyson’s favorite line of “text you when I get there.” was used.
There was a definite pep in her step as AJ worked through her day. Tyson sent along the list of things he wanted packed into the Grand Cherokee for when it was being picked up the next day. After work, she headed over, and packed a few things carefully into a bin, and tucked away a few extra post-its in spots.(And yes, Tyson was still finding more notes in pockets, in socks, and various places in the clothes that Laura picked up from Denver and brought to him.)
The two opted to eat “together” that night, having dinner while facetiming. There was something different about AJ that Tyson just couldn’t figure out, but he was happy she was in a good mood, especially after a Monday that she was dreading to be at work at. They even watched an episode of Game of Thrones together before Tyson headed off to sleep, in the hopes he might play the next day.
Sadly, he had the night off again, as well as one more game after that back home. 
AJ was getting a little nervous, because she was plotting and scheming, and needed a healthy Tyson for her plan. She was also nervous otherwise, because it involved doing something that was a little outside of her comfort zone.
Somehow through everything, the work week was flying by. And Tyson was back to playing by the end of the week. Jess and AJ hit up another home Avs game, and she broke the news of her plan. It was right up both of their alleys - they were all about plotting, scheming, and SHENANIGANS. Tyson had one last away game in Nashville, and was back home for the rest of the regular season. It was taking everything within her to not tell him the plan. She made Jess also not give any hints that anything was out of the ordinary.
And finally the day came. April 27th. 
There were cupcakes in the office for AJ’s last day working in the IT department.
The morning of the 28th, AJ got up ridiculously early (again) - 2:30AM to be exact. And she felt awful, she had to fib to Tyson about where she was that day, and decline his morning call, saying she had bad reception where she was. And actually that’s not entirely untrue… she was driving to St. Paul to surprise Tyson. 
In fact, AJ was kicking herself - St. Paul was actually only 30 minutes further away by car than St. Louis. Although, St. Louis was pushing her limit on driving solo in a day - the sheer power of love (and caffeine) was going to get her through that extra half hour. It’s a good thing she had a bunch of playlists saved on her phone, along with a few of Tyson’s. The couple had very differing tastes in music, but occasionally AJ would find one of Tyson’s Spotify playlists that were okay. Of course it helped that they made her think of him too. One of the things she missed the most would be the two of them just being in each other’s company, sprawled out on the sofa together, reading, or playing a game on their phones, with someone’s playlist subtly playing in the background. It always warmed her heart to get to his place and hear one of her chill jazz playlists while he was cooking dinner.
After nearly THIRTEEN AND A HALF HOURS on the road (she had to stop to get gas a couple times, and took an extra long break to walk around a bit and wake up, and especially tired from driving through the rain most of the trip), AJ found herself in St. Paul, checking in to the extended stay hotel that Tyson had been living at for a month and a half at this point. She didn’t want to spoil the surprise yet, and just went straight to her room. Looking out the window, her heart skipped a beat - the valet actually parked her car next to a Grand Cherokee with Colorado plates. She knew it was Tyson’s.
Taking a few minutes to unpack, and just lounge on the sofa fighting off sleep, AJ got up and looked out the window again and saw Tyson’s vehicle was gone. Made sense, late afternoon, maybe he was snagging dinner or something. Seeing as how playing it cool was not her strong suit, she texted Tyson.
AJ: I think I’m done for the day. Exhausted.  What are you up to, babe?
It would be quite a while for a response to come back.
Tyson: Running a few errands. Almost home though. What is the plan for tonight? You wanna know something weird? I swore I saw your Soul this afternoon. Black, has a dent by the front right wheel. Made me think of you.
Panic set in. Did he really recognize her car? 
AJ: Wow, that’s… really weird. I mean there are a lot of black Kia Souls out there. Not sure what the plan is for tonight yet. I’m exhausted, that’s for sure.
Looking around her small studio hotel room, she saw a lot of things that looked familiar from facetiming with Tyson. The sofa that butted up against the kitchen island, the tiny fridge and stove. Peeking in her bathroom, she saw the shower that looked just like Tyson’s. But the difference was that he didn’t have the studio, he had an actual bedroom suite. Turning back to the window though, her timing was perfect, catching the Grand Cherokee pulling into the lot, stopping by the back door to the lobby. It was pouring down rain outside, so no wonder he was stopping near the door.
Except… there was someone in the front passenger seat getting out. Trying to get a better view, AJ ran to the bedroom window, feeling the blood drain from her face. The someone getting out of the passenger seat was a woman.
AJ’s heart sank into her feet. She thought she was going to throw up. She could barely keep her phone still enough to text again.
AJ: … what the FUCK THERE IS A WOMAN IN HIS CAR. I don’t even know what to do.
She couldn’t stop watching, needing to know who this person was getting out of the passenger seat. It seemed excruciatingly slow, especially with the wave of panic, nausea, sadness and fear that were causing the heart in AJ’s chest to race.
A petite brunette got out of the car and shut the door, running to the back door quickly avoiding the rain.
And with that, AJ sighed the biggest sigh of relief she’d had… probably since that first kiss with Tyson and not knowing if it was bad or good.
AJ wasn’t even paying attention to her phone, she threw on her shoes and hit the elevator as fast as she could. Heart still pounding in her chest, the elevator ride down to the first floor took FOREVER. But as soon as the door opened, she turned to the right and her heart straight up stopped.
Standing right there, with arms full of luggage, stood a beanie-clad Tyson, mouth agape. 
AJ’s phone was buzzing like crazy in her pocket, but it didn’t matter at that moment in time. All that was happening was Tyson was staring at AJ, and AJ smiling back. There were so many thoughts going through his mind. She finally broke out of the trance and waved at Laura, standing behind Tyson.
“What… AJ… what.. Wha I…” Tyson wasn’t able to come up with a coherent statement. His eyes were filled with tears. 
AJ was in a similar state. Laura was just smiling, leaning up against the wall in the hallway across from the elevators.
Tyson gently put the suitcases down and just wrapped his arms around AJ, tears streaming down his face. At first she thought it was just the rain on his hat and face, but it was definitely tears coming from his eyes. She’d never seen him break down like this before, and it caused her to get teary-eyed as well. Of course being exhausted from the drive didn’t help either. Tyson kissed the top of AJ’s head, and whispered in her ear softly.
“I missed you so much, Eggo. These last two weeks have been so hard without you. I can’t believe you or mom didn’t say anything.”
AJ leaned into the warmth of Tyson, as it was a little damp and chilly in the lobby. “She didn’t know either babe. I… probably should have actually planned this out a little more. But I don’t want to take away from mom time.”
Tyson laughed and finally broke the hug. AJ made a beeline to Laura and hugged her tight, apologizing for intruding on their time. She assured AJ it was fine, and that she was excited that they were both there. Offering to help carry stuff upstairs, AJ took a suitcase from Laura and the three took the elevator back upstairs. Tyson’s home was on the opposite end of the hallway from her’s.
Clearly the tears had subsided, and now Tyson was just full of questions, like:
“How long had you been planning this?”
“Why didn’t you tell me? Or mom?”
“Am I dreaming? I still can’t believe this. Are you really here?”
“You’ve been taking a lot of time off from work, is your boss okay with this?”
AJ had to stop him at this point though, as there was something pretty important she needed to tell Tyson. Both Laura and Tyson stopped unpacking things, and Laura offered to give them the room. AJ insisted it was okay, nothing THAT personal, but she did have a bit of an info bomb to drop.
AJ tried to come up with something clever, but really couldn’t.
“So yeah, about the boss… I don’t really have one anymore.”
Chapter 21 is at https://at.tumblr.com/brainrattlers/695263081501196288/h7rygttx06ji
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oraclesofnorway · 2 years
Microsoft Mesh from jeff han on Vimeo.
Microsoft Mesh enables presence and shared experiences from anywhere – on any device – through mixed reality applications. 
Mesh allows for connections with new depth and dimension. As digital intelligence comes to the real world, we’re now able to see, share, and collaborate on content that persists. This common understanding ignites ideas, sparks creativity, and forms powerful bonds.
Client: Microsoft
Creative Directors: David Wolf, John Nguyen Concept Artist: Dave Carleson ____________________________________________________________________________
LIVE ACTION Production Company: Sanctuary Founder/Executive Producer: Preston Lee Director: Mindcastle Director of Photography: Pat Scola Live Action Producer: Noah Thomason Production Designer: Melisa Myers Stylist: Ashley Chako
____________________________________________________________________________ VFX VFX Studio: a52 VFX Supervisor: Jesse Monsour, Urs Furrer Art Director / CG Supervisor: Kirk Shintani Flame Artists: Richard Hirst, Andrew McKenna, Matt Sousa, Steven Wolf, John Valle, Michael Vaglienty, Enid Dalkoff 3D Artists: Dustin Mellum, Ariana Ziae Mohseni, Aemilia Widodo, Weiyo Sha, Bryan Cox, Josh Dyer, Jose Limon, Jade Smrz, Joe Paniagua, Mike Di Nocco, Derek Friesenborg, Joseph Chiechi, Mike Bettinardi, Christoffer Bjerre, Haram Jung, Lusine Arakelyan Design Art Director: Jeff Han Designer: Carlo Sa, Christoffer Bjerre Online Editor: John Valle Sr Producer: Niki Love Goodwin Production Coordinator: Sara Dotson Head of Production: Stacy Kessler-Aungst Head of CG Production: Michael Steinmann Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent & Kim Christensen Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall ____________________________________________________________________________ COLOR Color Studio: Primary Colorist: Daniel De Vue Color Assistant: Corey Martinez Color Producer: Jenny Bright Executive Producer: Thatcher Peterson _________________________________________________________________________ EDITORIAL Editorial Company: Rock Paper Scissors Editor: Ted Guard Assistant Editor: Michael Shugarman Producer: Sasha Grubor Executive Producer: Shada Shariatzadeh Head of Production: Dre Krichevsky Managing Director: Eve Kornblum ____________________________________________________________________________ SOUND Music Company: Future Perfect Partner: Maxwell Gosling Composer / Partner: John Connolly Producer: Nathalie Córdoba
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sailermoon · 1 year
MARIANA I THINK I MIGHT KNOW WHAT POEM YOURE TALKING ABOUT, i feel like i read one that was super similar by jose olivarez in one of the poems in citizen illegal i think!!! that or ada limon !!! or in her body and other parts by carmen maria machado 🎀
omg lili I think ur right!! I wanna say it was ada limon but I’m not sure oof 😭 girlies we got a mystery to solve 🫡
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Seed, P. (2008). José Limón and La Malinche: The Dancer and the Dance. New York, USA: University of Texas Press. A book that talks about Jose Limon's ballet of La Malinche, but with a collection of Mexican history that shows its artistic and historical context.
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mybookof-you · 1 month
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Jose Limon rehearsing with Pauline Koner
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tonin-terets · 3 months
Simply “Say Yes to Simple” from YETI PICTURES on Vimeo.
We are excited to share a nice juicy project for Simply along with our favourite Elastic.tv team. We were glad to be a part of so many talented artists and a huge thanks goes to the CD Duncan Elms and Producer Michael Ross, for inviting Yeti into this project.
Client: Simply Agency: Cartwright Alex Hoffman – Producer Lydia Dunay – Creative Director Chelsea Ceasor – Art Director Meghan Lai – Copywriter Corey Mack- Account Supervisor Kyla Kirshner – Account Manager ____________________________________________________________________________
LIVE ACTION Production Company: Her Studio Director: Rikky Fernandes Creative Director: Duncan Elms Director of Photography: Daniel Rothman Live Action Producer: Lucia Tran Prop Master: Billy Wesley Food Stylist: Laura Kinsey, Danielle Marin Production Manager: Brook Turner ____________________________________________________________________________
Post Production Design Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Duncan Elms Editor: Javier Gonzalez, Rachel Fowler 3D Designers: Tony Zagoraios, Vaso Evangelopoulou, Elena Izanami, Renato Marques, Lee Buckley, David Hyatt, Min Shi 3D Animators: Lee Buckley, Alex Silver, Marios Tsaousis, Pantelis Tsiachri, Argyris Nochos Character Animation: Bryan Cox Dynamics: Miguel Salek, Jun Kim, Phi Pinyosophon Modeling: Joe Panigua, Jose Limon Color Pipeline TD: Andrew Young Sr. Producer: Michael Ross Production Coordinator: Angela Shin Head of Production: Paul Makowski Executive Producer: Kate Berry Managing Director: Eve Kornblum
------- VFX VFX Studio: a52 VFX Supervisor: Andy Wilkoff CG Supervisor: Lee Buckley Lead Flame Artist: Stefan Gaillot Flame Artists: Michael Vaglienty, Rod Basham Online Artists: Matthew Monteleone, John Valle, Chris Riley Tracking: Mike Bettinardi, Joe Chiechi Producer: Michael Ross Head of Production: Drew Rissman Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent & Kim Christensen Managing Director: Eve Kornblum ____________________________________________________________________________ COLOR Color Studio: Primary Colorist: Ale Amato Color Assistant: David Oh Color Producer: Alex Zhao Executive Producer: Christina Roldan
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boycalledric · 5 months
Lawmen Bass Reeves - Main Title Sequence from Duncan Elms on Vimeo.
Client: 101 Studios
Design & Animation Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Duncan Elms
Designers: Pete Sickbert-Bennett, Sky Bird Animators: Savva Tsekmes, Steven Do, Evan Larimore, Andrew Young Modeling: Mike DuPree, Jose Limon Editor: Rachel Fowler Senior Producer: Kevin Daly, Michael Ross Production Coordinator: Zak Micciche Executive Producer: Kate Berry Head of Production: Paul Makowski Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall
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krystalstuff · 6 months
American Express Platinum Portal “Airport Lounges” from Elastic on Vimeo.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Producer: Alexis Coulter ECD: Keith Anderson   ECD: Alison Gragnano   CD: Mark Sikes  CD: Nick Sonderup   CD/Design: Lucas Camargo  
Elastic Director:  Andy Hall Producers:  Sarah Gamazo, Kate Berry Designers:  Paul Kim, Jeff Han, Henry DeLeon Head of Production:  Carol Collins Executive Producer:  Jennifer Sofio Hall Managing Director:  Linda Carlson
CG Supervisor:  Kirk Shintani CG Lead:  Andy Wilkoff, Andrew Romatz 2D VFX Artists:  Shahana Khan, Maciek Sokalski, Daniel  Raschko, Krystal Chinn 2D Artist(s:  Lucy Kim, Andrew Soria, EJ Kang, Richard “Trix” Taylor 3D Artist(s):  Ian Ruhfass, Caleb Ollivant, Ariana Ziae Mohseni, Josephine Kahng, Adam Newman, Miguel Salek, Jun Kim, Phiphat Pinyonsophon, Joe Paniagua, Jessica Hurst, Jose Limon, Christian Sanchez, Katie Schiffer, Ken Bishop, Lindsey Butterworth, Mike DuPree, Mike Kash, Patrick Vidal, Paulo deAlamada, Rie Ito, Stephanie Russell, Wendy Klein, Tim Kadowaki, Bryan Cox, Chad Fehmie, Christopher Janney, Dustin Mellum, Jon Balcome, Dark Hoffman, Marc Samson, Marco Lozzi, Adam Carter, Cristina Grunauer. Online Artists:  Dan Ellis, Gabe Sanchez
Colorist:  Paul Yacono Color Assistant:  Christopher Riley Color Producer:  Jenny Bright
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