#Julie is reading fanfics since Luke is asleep on her and she's not quite ready to doze off yet
legolasghosty Β· 2 years
Hello again!!!
4. and 12. (and maybe 13.) for Willex please πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
Hello my love!!!!!!! Yes of course!!!
Alex could have sworn he only closed his eyes for a second, but suddenly the movie credits were rolling across the big TV in the Molinas' living room. How long had he been asleep?
The room was dark, but he could just make out Luke curled up on the couch with his head in Julie's lap. He was snoring softly. Flynn and Carrie have vanished, probably over in the kitchen raiding the soda stash or something. Reggie and Bobby were now firmly settled in Ray's giant recliner, twisted together and chatting softly. No one seemed to be moving to turn on the next movie, so Alex figured they were all done for the night. Fine by him, he was happy to just go back to sleep here on the loveseat.
He shifted a bit to pull the big, fuzzy blanket further over his shoulders, but then someone groaned in protest. Alex suddenly realized that at some point while he'd been asleep, he'd ended up leaning against a dozing Willie's side.
Not that there was a problem with that. It just caught him off guard is all. It wasn't like he sometimes humored little daydreams of curling up against Willie's back to sleep. Or of randomly pulling him into his lap in the lunchroom. Nope, definitely nothing like that was going on.
Alex rolled his eyes. No one was fooled by that. And they were already dating, he was allowed to want physical contact with his partner. It was just... hard to initiate.
Willie was great at initiating it, at catching Alex's hand as they walked through the halls and pulling him into sweet kisses when they were alone.
Alex was trying to get better at it, but that little voice screaming at him whenever he placed an arm around Willie's shoulders refused to leave him alone. Thank goodness Willie was so understanding about the whole thing.
As if the thought had roused them, a low chuckle filled Alex's ears.
"How come you always end up under my blanket?" Willie mumbled, grinning sleepily up at Alex.
Alex glanced down, realizing that they were in fact under the same blanket. It was huge and blue and soft. It was also the one Willie always claimed for movie nights. And this was like the third time in a row that Alex had ended up at least partially under it by the time everyone passed out in Julie's living room.
"Sorry?" he offered. "It wasn't intentional. I can go back to mine if you want."
"Nah, you're too warm for that," Willie decided, cuddling into his side. "Moving is not allowed."
"You just moved," Alex pointed out.
"Not the point, sir," Willie retorted, poking him in the thigh under the blanket.
"You just moved again," Alex chuckled, adjusting his own position to get more comfortable. "If you're allowed to move then I should be too."
Willie let out a dramatic sigh. "Must you be so difficult?" they teased,
"Yes," Alex chuckled.
"So high maintenance," Willie joked. "It really is hard having a boyfriend who's so smart and funny and pretty and talented." Alex could feel his cheeks flushing at Willie's words.
"You know, I really do a lot of hard work here," Willie continued. Then he gave Alex a mischievous glance. "I really do deserve a kiss. As payment. For.... services rendered or whatever the term is."
A laugh escaped Alex's lips before he could stop it. "You do a lot though," he responded. "You sure one kiss is gonna cover my tab?"
Willie hummed thoughtfully. His eyes were still half closed and his smile was wide and easy. Alex wanted to brush the loose strands of hair off their cheek. And maybe let his hand linger there. And maybe use his hand on their jaw to guide them a bit closer...
"You falling asleep on me?" Willie asked, cutting off Alex's train of thought.
"Huh, no, I'm good," Alex said quickly. "You're just..." He trailed off uncertainly, but Willie nodded for him to continue. "You're unbelievably cute when you're tired," Alex confessed.
He could just see Willie's cheeks darken in the dim light from the windows and the TV. "Dang, I feel like I owe you a kiss now," Willie chuckled after a quiet moment.
Alex glanced around the room. All of their friends were either asleep or occupied. And none of them would mind. So maybe...
"Split the bill and call it even?" Alex suggested, his voice barely above a whisper. He hesitantly lifted a hand and brushed those strands of hair back behind Willie's ear.
"Works for me," Willie breathed, leaning into Alex's touch and placing a hand on his shoulder.
They met in the middle, their mouths fitting together easily in a gentle, familiar kiss. Willie's lips were soft and warm and a bit dry against Alex's. They separated after a moment. Alex took in a shaky breath of Willie's coconut shampoo and the soda they'd all been drinking earlier.
He wanted to kiss Willie again. So he did.
Willie met him happily, hands sliding up to catch the back of Alex's neck. Alex wrapped his free arm around Willie's waist to pull him closer. They both shifted a little bit as they kissed, settling into a more comfortable position. It was slow and lazy and sleepy and perfect.
After a minute, they parted again. Alex focused on slowing his breathing to match the even rise and fall of Willie's chest.
"We should probably go to sleep," he sighed.
"Yeah..." Willie agreed reluctantly. "Don't go anywhere though. You're comfy."
Alex chuckled and they laid down across the couch, snuggled tightly together. "Good night, Willie," Alex mumbled, his eyelids already heavy.
"Good night, Alex," Willie responded.
Alex was glad they didn't mind sharing their blanket with him.
Hehehehhehe hope you enjoyed it!
(Prompts from this list!)
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