#Julien: All you sinners stand up sing hallelujah || Ipod
wileyfoxwrites · 3 years
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Julien André Oslin-Rasmussen || 25 || Prince of Sweden
Name Pronunciation: Joo-lee-uhn Family: Jesse Strömberg-Rasmussen (Older Step-Brother), Esme Oslin-Rasmussen (Older Twin Sister) Hometown: Versailles Birthday: April 4th Age: 25 Sexuality: Bisexual Preferred Pronouns: He/Him Aliases, if any: Jules Nationality: French, he will not claim Sweden Religion, if applicable: He’s not religious Parents’ names: Father - Johan Rasmussen, Mother - Coralie Oslin, Stepmother - Maja  Strömberg Current relationship status: Betrothed to Emilia Adley but in his mind he’s single Previous relationships: TBD
Under the cut there are mentions of parental abandonment, heavy drug use, and violence. 
Height: 6′0 Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Blue Glasses/contacts: None Tattoos: He doesn’t have any yet (which really is kind of a shock) but he wants them. Piercings: None Typical clothing style: Whatever is clean, really. He likes his t-shirts and jeans, anything comfortable where he can do his crazy antics with ease.  Distinguishing features (scars, birthmarks, freckles, etc): He’s done some crazy things throughout his life that has resulted in a lot of injuries but his most noticeable scar is a large one on his right bicep from a fight he got into while visiting France at eighteen. The other guy cut him with a broken beer bottle. Dominant hand: Left
Health issues or illnesses, if any: He has overdosed once but thankfully it didn’t cause any long term health issues. Allergies, if any: None Exercise habits: Sex is exercise, right? If so he’s as healthy as an ox. Dietary habits: He likes snacks, what stoner doesn’t? Other than that, he’s kind of picky when it comes to what he eats. It’s a texture thing with most foods though and he’s able to force himself to eat some things if he has to.
Accent: His accent is a weird mix these days. The French accent comes through most of the time but there’s a hint of a Swedish one mixed with it. Speech style: He’s high most of the time so he speaks slowly. It’s not hard to tell when he’s halfway gone. Most used word or phrase: “You want a hit?” He’s also adopted the word ‘dude’ from old American movies he’s seen. Do they curse?: Quite often Any secrets? Not really, Julien is kind of an open book.  Top priority/ies: To get out of the royal life and be normal, live the way that he truly wants to. And to bring his sister along so that she can be a fashion designer and live the way she wants as well. Mostly he just wants to get out from under his father’s thumb but he’s not sure how to survive without the man’s money. Most treasured possession: His sketchbooks are pretty important to him because they keep him sane. Addictions, if any: He’s addicted to drugs. Anything he can get his hands on he’ll take to stay blitzed out of his mind and if he ever tried to stop the withdrawals would be very unpleasant if not dangerous. Phobias: He really doesn’t think he’s fit to run a country and terrified of getting married to someone he doesn’t even know. It’s why he’s so pissed off at Emilia even when she did nothing wrong. Zodiac Sign: Aries
Education level: High school diploma, a few art classes here and there. Languages spoken: He speaks French, Swedish, and English fluently. Hobbies: Sketching, Painting, anything to do with art.
Julien’s father has been disappointing him since before he was even born. After finding out their mother was pregnant, the man sent her away to live in France when he realized children were not part of the life that he really wanted which is why he and Esme were born and raised in Versailles, France instead of Sweden. Even with this hurtful action, Julien still gave his father more chances than his sister ever did but by the time he was ten he’d given up completely on the man. Even at that age you know when somebody doesn’t care about you in the least, and this fact has always made Julien bitter and resentful towards him.
Which is why he felt so betrayed a few years later when his mother allowed their father to take the twins back to Sweden just to portray the perfect family image for his new political campaign. Julien already knew their father could care less so using the twins the way he was became an extra slap in the face, one that hurt twice as much as he felt it from his mother this time as well. It became his goal to ruin whatever image the older man was trying to put out, slowly at first, but he gradually became the problem child as the years went on. It started with ruined photo opportunities and blowing off familial events and as he got older it turned into heavy partying and being seen out with a different person every night, pda very much included. This wasn’t who Julien really was, underneath it all he was a caring, sweet boy who loved being around people, but it was who his father was turning him into.
Things only got worse when political aspirations quickly turned into a takeover of the throne of Sweden. Julien knew his father was a piece of work but swooping in to overthrow the king of their country after the man had lost his daughter was low. Even more scrutiny was being sent his and Esme’s way now and once he became a prince it was clear that there were royals out there who thought he was just as bad as his father. His partying became worse, tabloids spreading his face all over their cover pages as he became wilder, and designer drugs became his weapon of choice to battle the insanity his life had become. Everything he’s dabbled in is a way for him to distance himself from the man he despises, and he has no plans of stopping anytime soon.
Esme seems to be the only constant in Julien’s life and the only one he feels comfortable confiding in aside from his two best friends. He cares a lot for his twin which is evident whenever you meet him. Even if most think he couldn’t care less about anything in life they know he adores Esme. His stepsibling on the other hand is just one more person he doesn’t want to be around. Jesse, despite trying very hard to get in his and Esme’s good graces, is enemy number one in Thailand. Julien sees him as a bit of a kiss ass and doesn’t want anything to do with the older man. The only thing he feels the prince is good for is his claim to the throne after their father steps down.
He found comfort in art when he was a kid. Anytime his father missed another call or canceled any plans that were rarely made Julien’s family could find him in his room working on another painting. Sketch books started to become a go to for his birthday presents and canvas quickly started to take up the living room as the boy honed his skill. He became quite good at a young age and has kept up with the skill throughout his life when he’s not busy destroying his body with the garbage he puts into it. He’s even found a new way of bonding with Esme by helping with some of her fashion designs.
Art school had been one of his dreams, but the plan was vetoed by his father. He wanted Julien to do something more practical with his life, to train for being a royal, but instead he opted to not go to school at all. He blows off any training or tutoring his father throws his way and refuses to take any courses on anything that could be used for political gain. Even though he couldn’t attend art school Julien did manage to find a few classes he could take at local colleges around Sweden, his father never knowing that he snuck out constantly to attend these courses.
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