story-timeteon ยท 6 years
Talking with Shadows
Jum'Ambo pulled out the axe from the fallen Kal'Dorei and looked around with cold dead eyes. The war-torn coast of Darkshore stretch out in front of him. Jum'Ambo was imperfect; he and his brother had dabbled with necromantic magic which resulted in both of their deaths and the rise of Jum'Ambo as a death knight. Nothing more than an empty husk with one single word etched in his mind: Loyalty.
The circumstances around who and how is a bit muddled but he managed to come to Orgrimmar and he was mistaken for one of the lich king's death knight that had broken free and they directed him towards Garrosh. Garrosh saw that this was no ordinary death knight and locked him into safekeeping during the siege of Orgrimmar.
Jum'Ambo's flesh is constantly rotting and infested by diseases but is kept together by a mix of boosted troll regeneration and necromantic magic. He was called plaguebearer by Garrosh.
During the safekeeping he heard a voice, sharp and commanding, with no way to fight back due to the stasis he was in. Shadowy tendrils with veins of fire filled his vision and mind as it whispered promises of death and conquest. Jum'Ambo was awaken suddenly by a pair of goblins that stared in horror as he stretched, grabbed his axe, and cut them down. Not a single sound only death. He roamed the dismantled underkeep of Orgrimmar, completely and utterly lost, trying to find his way out. The shadowy tendrils obscured his vision as the whisper tured into a crescendo. Jum'Ambo stalked around, killing anyone he could find and get his hands on as per the shadowy tendrils orders until one day.
Before she was crowned warchief Sylvanas came down to the underkeep and saw Jum'Ambo; as soon as Jum'Ambo saw Sylvanas the tendrils started screaming to him to kill her and bathe in her blood, and he charged.
The battle, if it could even be called that, was over in an instant. Sylvanas pinned him down with her arrows but instead of killing him she saw a mighty weapon, something she could use, and as she spoke to him the tendrils in his mind as well as the whispers slowly receded and disappeared. Jum'Ambo had found his master, Sylvanas, the one who could silence the screaming in his head and since then he would follow her and do her bidding, as long as she kept the voices at bay.
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