#June x heri
cozyunderworld · 7 months
I started this pretty late last night for Woman’s Day. Couldn’t finished it on time big sad.
Shelly 💜
Herí 💜
Yumi 💜
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I’m new to procreate so, I forgot about the paint bucket 😂💀. This would have been easier if I remembered the stupid paint bucket 👹💀💀💀
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vinny hong x jo!reader
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 9
part 8 | part 10
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pairing: vinny hong x reader
cw: fem!reader, jo!reader, second person's pov (you, you're, your), violence AGAIN, wb main story SPOILERS
Everyone looked at you with questioning looks. When you glared at Dom, he immediately folded and hid behind Jay.
Your hands were itching to tear the bandaid he has under his nose, hoping to rip the skin. Whatever, anything that'll hurt him will be fine. Why does he even wear a band-aid there? It’s so noticeable. You doubt there’s a wound under, because he’s wearing it for too long and the wound would’ve healed already, you’d be happy to give him one though. Perhaps a scar? Mustache?
“Oh, it's true you and Vinny do know each other beforehand?” Yuna wondered, completely oblivious to the fact that you shouldn’t know you and Vinny were being talked about behind your backs. You snickered. As you thought then, they would already be gossiping about you and Vinny. Whatever. You expected it, anyway.
You looked for an alibi to hide it. You got this, you’re a pro at lying, especially to your parents. But Vinny beat you to it.
“No.” Vinny quickly handed you your glasses, turned his back and went back to his bike. He gave a short answer, but you were glad nonetheless because he read the room how speculations about you two make you uncomfortable. You’re sure he feels the same way. 
Well, this is awkward.
“Sister-in-law, you’ll be going to school to pass your resignation letter as the Vice, right? Can you accompany Vinny to pass this waiver to the Principal too?” Shelly inquired.
“What?!” Vinny’s face crumpled when he heard what she said. Perhaps he wasn’t briefed about his task prior too.
“What?” Shelly snarkily raised her brows and clapped back to him as if asking if he had any problem with what she had just said, standing up to him.
“Tsk. Pick someone else to do it. I’ll be late for my part time job.” Vinny sneered at her.
“We all have tasks. June is taking Dom and I to Heri to get all of our bikes for gear double-checks and adjustments, Shelly and Jay are in charge of turning in Hummingbird’s registration paper to the League of Street application booth.” Minu joined the conversation from behind to second Shelly.
Vinny eyed them both, “My bike doesn’t need adjustments.”
“Besides, you two are going in the same direction, so why not let her accompany you? The guard doesn’t let outsiders in, but if you come in with her, they’ll let you in for sure.”
You were about to object too, when Jay interjected, “I’ll go with [Y/N]. Shelly and Vinny can go together to pass the registration form to the booth.”
Out of your line of vision, Vinny suspectingly squinted his eyes slightly at you and Jay after what he heard. Meanwhile, Shelly quietly called your name from the side and closed the distance. She holds your elbow, her lips inches from your ear while making sure no one else hears whatever she has to say.
“Please, go with Vinny. I want to spend time alone with Jay. Would you do me this favor, my great sister-in-law? I promise I’ll let him go home early and take care of him, I’d even walk him home to your house myself.” 
You really have mixed feelings about this girl. From how he clings to Jay, you don't know if she's just fooling around or she's genuine. You were fine around her, because she’s a lot of things but at the very least, she’s not fake. Still, you only speak to her when she speaks to you.
You sighed. “I need to know if Jay’s comfortable with that first–”
“Great! She said she’s fine going with Vinny!” Shelly chimed, turned to them, and once again found her place beside Jay, totally telling them the opposite of your answer. Wait, what? “Let’s go! Better hurry up! It’s getting late, the sun is already setting, the League of Street booth might close!”
When Shelly realized you and Vinny weren’t moving, she lightly pushed you two forward, away from them. Vinny avoided her hands, so he was forcefully kept away from his bike to avoid her touch. “I’ll bring your bike over to June and the others, Vinny. So don’t worry. Be safe, you two. Watch over each other!”
You stopped functioning for a while and stared at Shelly’s back from afar. You gave up and walked, you really need to pass this resignation letter today, or else your pending resignation would be discarded. Vinny stopped because of annoyance for a bit, too, so he caught up to your steps a bit later because he was contemplating whether to comply or not, but he was forced to follow and walk behind you, still keeping distance.
“Hey,” Out of your awareness, Minu nudged Jay, when they were out of your earshot, as multiple pairs of eyes including theirs, followed your and Vinny’s figures that were going further away. “My intuition keeps telling me those two already do know each other before. I mean, she lost her glasses and nobody guessed it was because Vinny has it the whole time.”
“Yeah! Just what activity did they do together that required her to take off her glasses? They’ve never even talked to each other—at least based on what we know. What do you think, Jay?” Dom also observed Jay’s reaction and was eager to know what your brother had to say about what they had just witnessed. “Did we make the right decision to make them go together? Shelly should’ve went with Vinny instead.”
Shelly rolled her eyes at Dom. While Jay didn’t reply and didn’t care. Well, truth be told, he does care. Because he too, was curious about you and Vinny’s unknown affiliation. He was being cautious because he knows any reaction from him could be held against you. He looked somewhere else like it’s trivial. After all, it’s none of their business if you two do know each other prior, so he has nothing to say. Even if he does, he wouldn’t expose anything about your personal life without permission.
He got back to minding his own business while Minu and the others could not believe he didn't have anything to say about it. Well, obviously, you weren’t one to disclose everything, and that’s something to keep in mind. So they assumed Jay just wasn’t informed and that’s why he wouldn’t say anything.
Meanwhile with you and Vinny, you can feel his stare on your back. You side-eyed him behind you, initiating a conversation. “Do you want to tell me something?” you asked him with a straight face.
Vinny got confused for seconds, his expression implicitly asking “what are you talking about?” and so he spouted the first thing that came to mind. “That text wasn’t me. That was–”
“I know.” there it is again, your cold treatment. Split personality? Vinny already expected this treatment from you, but at least you were passive about the text. Vinny shut his mouth and thought that was the end of the conversation. 
You looked around and ensured no one you knew was around before stopping your tracks until he catches up to your footsteps. You looked back at him. 
“You walk so slow. Walk beside me.” 
Vinny’s shoulder slightly hunched up and his upper body backed away a little from your direction, but his frown was still there, only getting bigger because your suddenness startled him. He didn't comply.
“You decided to join Hummingbird. Good for you.” you raised one side of your lip to grin when he caught up to where you stopped walking, you started walking beside him instead of leading in front.
He’s tall. You didn’t have to be reminded but you still were. You measured him with your eyes. This is the first time you walked alongside him. You were already tall yourself, but he was tall-tall.
“You’re moody.” he side-eyed you, acknowledging the sudden change in your demeanor.
“I’m self aware. How’s your experience with the crew?”
His brows furrowed, refusing to answer you. But you had more to say.
“They’re noisy aren’t they? I’d know. It irritates me too, I don’t like loud noises. But they’re not so bad as teammates. Some of them are bearable, at the very least.”
“Really. Like Jay?”
There was something underlying in the tone of his question, you couldn’t put a finger to what it was but it doesn’t matter. It’s true indeed that Jay is the most bearable because he’s actually sensitive enough to know when to shut up.
“Yeah, Jay’s indeed the most sufferable out of them. How’d you know?”
“I wanted to kill you when I found out you’re the one that got him suspended. Be thankful I didn’t.”
Oh. He thought. It’s only natural you do if his conclusion about you and Jay’s relationship were right. Who wouldn’t be protective over a lover?
“As I was saying, they’re good teammates without all the noisiness and nosiness. But teammates don’t always have to be friends. So it’s your choice whether you want them to stay as teammates or you want them to be friends. Don’t feel pressured.”
“Alright, I get it, okay?” He puts both his hands inside his pocket.
It was as if you were a different person. Gone was the reserved stance and cold tone. Now you're the sarcastic, snarky girl with somewhat a little bit of anger issues, again.
“My turn. Do you have another personality that magically switches off?” his lips twisted as he questioned. He was a little relieved even so, at least this proves once again that the one he spoke to in the emergency room wasn’t your evil twin.
“I might.” you sarcastically replied with a shrug. “Hey, walk faster, grouch. I need to pass this stupid resignation letter within today.”
Vinny looked somewhere else, completely ignoring you. Grouch. You looked at his face but your eyes went higher because his hair caught your attention more. It’s brushed up and disheveled, completely showing his forehead. You contained a laugh. He looks like he's been electrocuted. Vinny tried not to show how conscious he’s getting because of your stares and kept his eyes on the road, which is why he couldn’t avoid your hand unexpectedly flying on his hair.
“Why do you brush your hair up? You look like a thug even more than when it’s down. It looks good but only in certain looks.” 
You brushed his hair down with your fingers. It’s still soft. When you touched it, you noticed how it wasn’t even pushed back with gel or pomade. It just sits like that. That’s cool.
Vinny’s eyes widened like saucers and jolted from your touch, “Quit it!” swatting your hand away yet not in a force that would hurt your hand for real. His mouth scrunched, God, help me.
“Brush it down. It makes you look a lot better.” you put your hand down, leaving his own hands fixing his hair. “We’re here.” you entered the gates of Sunny High.
You spoke to the guard about your unauthorized company. Vinny waited outside and watched you talk to the guard, which thankfully didn’t take long because you gestured him to come inside not long after. The guard’s only condition was you should leave with him as you came in with him.
“Go, make it fast. The Principal’s office is down that hall. You go do what you need to do, introduce yourself to him before anything. After I pass my resignation letter downstairs, I’ll meet you back at the gate.”
Vinny wordlessly went to the hall you pointed and you went downstairs to the council office. The council adviser was nowhere to be found, so you just left the letter on his desk. You made your way outside the building and waited for Vinny, who you assume was done doing what he has to do, too. You crossed your arms while waiting.
“Who’s the young man you’re with, Miss Jo?” one of the guards queried from his spot. “Your friend?”
“Nope, a friend of Minu’s. They all had tasks and his’ was something to be done here. He’s unfamiliar with the school so I accompanied him. Everything is fine. You don’t have to tell my mom.” you answered without turning your head to him.
Now, where’s Vinny? You need to leave now before the guard assumes anything more and exposes you to your mother. She asked the guards here to keep a close eye on you. Besides, you still have to grab some takeout to eat for dinner. When you got a glimpse of red hair you waited until he was near you before bidding the nosy guard goodbye.
“Where ‘you going after?” You asked him while looking at the side of his face. It was easy staring at it because you were also tall.
“My part time job.” he has his hands in his pockets while walking.
“What about your bike?” 
“They texted me and told me they’ll bring it back to my house tomorrow morning.”
Vinny avoided looking at you but his own head betrayed him when he turned to you. “Are you following me?”
“Excuse you, thick-skull? I’m not following you, I’m going to find something to eat for dinner.” You scanned the streets. It’s really getting dark now a little more before the night sky. “Let’s take this shortcut over here.”
“You really like putting your life at risk in ominous alleys, don’t you?”
“Come on, let’s go through there.”
“No.” He continued walking in the common direction. “I don’t trust the decisions of that of someone with split-personalities.”
You gaped your mouth in disbelief. “Are you insulting me? Come on, let’s fight here right now, I can take you–” You almost bumped on his back when he stopped. You were about to kick the back of his leg to make him continue walking but a man’s voice interrupted you.
“Well, well, look who we have here. Want a rematch for the last time?” The man caught a glimpse of someone else behind Vinny so he tilted his head to look at you better. “And he’s brought reinforcement too!”
Agh. Not again.
“Who's the chick, Vinny? Someone you picked up from the streets?” Another man from behind you and Vinny approached you, he raised his hand to touch your face with his filthy hand.
You swatted his hand away before it could come in contact anywhere. “Get your hand off of me, moron.”
“Feisty.” he chuckled. “Hey, you look familiar.” he squinted to recall who you were, meanwhile Vinny who’s now beside you looked clueless. “You, you’re–!”
Before he can say anything, you palmed his chin with force, so he accidentally bit his own tongue. And then you heard a thud. Vinny also took down one of the guys, taking the way you snapped as a signal for him to act too. Before the guy in front of you can recover from how you palmed his face, you punched his nose. 
“Let’s go!” You and Vinny ran together in the same direction. They all ran to follow you, there were like five or six in number right now and they’re all after you and Vinny.
“Vinny! Vinny Hong!” You heard their rushed footsteps chasing after you and Vinny. 
“Why do I always end up in trouble whenever we meet? ‘You some kind of trouble magnet?!” your voice trembled talking while running.
“You’re one to talk!” Vinny retorted.
Until you realized you were doomed when you ran into a closed corner. Shit, dead end!
“Get them!” 
When he heard, Vinny instinctively put himself in front of you. 
“Hey, move! I can handle myself!” you held his arm. When the men dashed toward you two to attack, you pushed his arm away and ran toward the men too.
You both faced the men heads-on instead of trying to find an escape. In the corner of your eye, a man with a knife spawned behind Vinny with so you kicked him with force to lurch him away to the nearest wall to prevent him from being stabbed again.
“Didn’t mean to do that, he was about to stab you!” You cannot stitch him again if he gets stabbed again. Hell, you’d end up in jail if you do it the second time.
When you were done with the men, leaving some knocked unconscious and some running away for their lives, you and Vinny panted together. You had scratches and a long slit by the knife on your arm, but it’ll be easy to hide with a jacket. Vinny got a busted lip and scratches on his face. His bruises weren't showing yet but you were sure later on it will.
“Hope you didn’t get stabbed this time. I don’t have suturing tools with me.”
Vinny leered at you in the middle of panting and shook his head in disbelief. You looked at your bleeding arm. People on streets would stare at you if you and Vinny walked the streets looking like this.
“Do you have a first aid kit at your house?” You held your bleeding arm. Your legs were sore, damn did these guys go hard on your legs. 
Vinny got shook once again. “No. We’re not going to my house.”
“Okay.” as expected. You kicked one of your attackers one last time to see if they’re really unconscious, before you turned your back to Vinny and started limping your way toward the opening of the closed alley.
“Where are you going?” he followed your limping figure with his eyes. 
“I’m going home.” 
“With your arm bleeding like that?”
“Well, yeah. It’s just a scratch.”
Vinny didn’t talk for a few seconds, like he was thinking deeply about something. Then he also went out the opening of the alley and walked past you. You thought he was going to leave you like that but once again he opened his mouth.
“Come on. My mom has a first aid kit.”
Vinny cannot believe what he would just allow to happen. But he knows he can't just leave you be. Not like that.
You immediately got what he meant. When he started walking, you followed behind him, letting him lead the way to his house.
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2023 don't forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
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koiiiji · 4 months
NOW THAT U MENTIONED IT. Yes Yumi x Vinny is rlly cute but its so weird how a graduated ADULT who probably has/needs a job is dating a teenage boy, sure Vinny is 18 BUT STILL. They have a huge fanbase and i really cant express my dislike for that ship, not to mention June and her gf too (i forgot her name) like shes an adult with a job and shes dating a student, although im not sure about June’s age but im assuming 18-19.
June and Heri (if im not mistaken) is whole other story to talk about… girl literally been friends with Jay’s uncle… like she probably older then 26, and no, it’s not old - same as Yumi, bc i hate when people (literal kids) say that its old, no being in your 20s isn’t old - BUT DAMN WHY STUDENT GIRLS… i like Yumi and Heri alone, girl bosses and stuff why u need broken teenager by your side? leave him be and to girl his age
like both this couples are cute until you know their age… i can’t consider them as pedos, but i have questions… like simply what they chat about? how’s school been? how’s your homework? oh i payed taxes today, tax deduction has grown so much over the last 4 years… yeah, anyway, how preparation for exams goes?
as a teenager who been in relationship with 20 yo i can say its definitely questionable, like there are signs why they don’t hang out with people their age??
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