#Junpei still falling like a pail of bricks for her
ran-orimoto · 2 years
Why are you the Junzumi CEO in this era but you’re also so negative about it happening in canon? Am I the only one who has no doubt they’d eventually get together? In the new drama Junpei understands she can’t understand when people go after her like the boy who gave her the belly belt. Isn’t it the hugest ray of hope for a Junzumi shipper when in the train drama she told him he should speak clearly to her? Can’t it be a connection?
Oh Anon, I’m laughing so much🤣🤣🤣. “Junzumi CEO but at the same time she will always specify there is no way for it to ever happen”. Ops, what a peculiar shipper I am🤣💕. And what a confident CEO🤣, most of all!
I know, I know, I know I’m made like that but I promise it’s not only about Junzumi. I’m like this in general.
From my point of view, Junzumi has always had 0 chances in the writers’ plans, even if they did accidentally turn it in the most meaningful relationship of the series (crucify me). The reason why I believe this is that Junpei isn’t just a character the writers care about. He’s the comical relief, despite him originally being a more serious character in the drafts, apparently. He’s the dude who had to embody the stereotype of “the fat boy hopelessly falling for the main girl but she goes for the thin, hot, amazing, cool mc”. And the writers also stated it: Izumi would exchange his feelings only if he got thinner, which is **** ********.
Yet, you know what, Anon?
I admit I’ve eventually revalued that drama after having talked about it so many times and I can actually suppose a little, veeeeery little change of mentality MIGHT have happened, after all, not only in myself.
Passing to your observation more specifically, I hadn’t honestly connected the dots because I read the recent drama once and, yes, I did laugh at Izumi being dense but I hadn’t taken it in consideration that much🤣. I kinda like that side of hers though? The main girl who was so straight forward when she was 10……Actually can’t understand boys’ feelings if they aren’t highlighted directly in front of her face? Like, you have to tell her you want to date her or she will just go ???????? She reminds me of Ash from Pokemon ( but he wouldn’t probably understand it in that way either ahahha).
I highly doubt there’s a connection between the two dramas in general, though, since they are also contradictions of each other smh (the Digimon can’t go to the real world; so how did they arrive there in the 2018 drama????? New technologies?). However, rereading them, I can really see what you want to underline, and wow, Anon? What can I say? It fits, I adore it.
What I can tell about the kind of character they have attempted to turn drama Izumi into is one who’s got a very childish (in a positive sense) and carefree attitude. I believe she’s not into love stuff yet and only cares about friendship, maybe also because that’s what she cares about the most after having developed social skills thanks to DW. Junpei…I can say my impression about him is that he has always tried going way too forward, and it doesn’t really depend on the fact he’s the oldest. I mean, as a kid, he already dreamed about marriage and children🤣. In that drama he seemed to be organizing an imaginary honeymoon ngl🤣: who would travel around the whole Italy in a normal holiday trip? So, I like seeing their relationship having developed in this funny way: her being the airhead (surprisingly), the one who wants to have fun as much as she can, the one who gets excited about presents (“Grazie! What do you want to give me????”), the one who doesn’t care about her future at all; him being the one who has already estabilished his future and just thinks about the way he wants to build it: in middle school he already knew he wanted to be an opera singer (God bless you, Junpei), in elementary school he already knew who he wanted to spend his life with (and I wish for the realizations of any dreams of yours, baby).
Listening to it again makes me see their whole writing under a new light and since the drama has got hope in its title, I just…Can’t help feeling like it gave a little hope to Junzumi, as weird as it may sound. If Junpei can wait for the right time to come, I’m not that against believing he actually could pull it off anymore. He should just slowen his pace, for God’s sake🤣🤣. He frankly reminds me of a former crush of mine who was so aimed at the future he could only talk with future tense, no joking.
So, my conclusion?
“If you want to say something, say it clearly!” can be perfectly matched with middle school Junpei himself noticing she can’t understand this kind of stuff if you don’t speak to her clearly, directly. So, Anon, my answer is No, you’re not the only one believing in this age they might actually have a chance🤣💕.
Thank you for the ask💕!
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