#Just a heads up: I've read Les Mis no less than 5 times by this point
syrupsyche · 5 months
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As newly-qualified solicitor Marius Pontmercy travels to Romania to help a Count with his purchase of a home, his fiancée Cosette Fauchelevent heads over to Cette with their friends to prepare for their wedding. However, when Marius’ host begins to reveal sinister secrets, the couple and their friends must work together to save themselves and avenge those they have lost. Or; A Dracula AU, where Marius is Jonathan Harker and Cosette is Mina Murray.
A gift fic (with some doodles!) for @feathraly ((I really hope this is the right tumblr account...)) for the Discorinthe discord anniversary exchange! Their lovely lovely prompt WRT Marisette being a gothic couple, Jehan giving a bit of gothic horror as a treat, and some supernatural crossovers naturally lent themselves to me writing a Dracula AU with Marisette of course being the quintessential gothic power couple: The Harkers!
I hope feathraly enjoyed this fic!! <3 and if anyone else likes vampires, angst, and the Power of Friendship, this fic will probably be up your alley too! But please mind the tags!
P.S. No prior knowledge of Dracula is needed to read this fic! But if you are already familiar with Dracula, there is a whole bunch of new content in there too 👀
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iantimony · 2 years
i was thinking about crossposting this to dreamwidth and THEN i remembered that ive been looking for an excuse to make. a neocities website. so. :3 i am going to make a neocities page for weekly roundup hehe
relatedly look at this bizarre captcha i got when i went to make an account. like. any of these fools could be robots.
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listening: not a lot of music this week but ive been listening to rangedtouch's just king things podcast! i'm listening in order from the beginning and im at about halfway through ep 8 (the dead zone). i really enjoyed their homestuck reread podcast so when that finished i was like. well. i want to listen to these clowns (appreciative) hang out more. time to peruse their back catalog. and ive been enjoying it so far! i wouldn't call myself a huge king-head, i've read carrie, salem's lot, the shining...pet sematary? cujo? a few other misc king stories. there's a short story about a cat that crawls its way down someone's throat i think was stephen king and that one lives in my head rent-free. so definitely a lot of books ive never even heard of in here, and i definitely haven't read the Big King books (the stand and dark tower, mainly) but it doesn't matter too much for podcasting :)
sidebar, i told my roommate about the podcast and she misunderstood the premise and thought it was like. audiobook style. like they were reading the books out loud. i was like babe the stand episode is less than 4 hours long. do you think it's on like 10x speed. lololol
music-wise, @delta-orionis has some DELICIOUS synthwave playlists that ive been working out and studying to. it's like 40 hours long. go nuts
reading: i went to the library with the intention of wandering the nonfiction section until i found something that looked fun but they're remodeling soon so a ton of the stacks aren't open for wandering rn...i can reserve stuff and pick it up but they're not accessible to the public :( the fiction section is though so i grabbed "the birthday of the world", a short story collection by ursula le guin! i thought short stories would be nice because of my lack of time to properly get engaged in a Book and i was right, it rules. i read the first three or so last weekend when i took myself to brunch at a new tea place on main street (3/5 for the brunch, the restaurant is brand new so there are definitely some things that went wrong - food took forever to come out, i was frequently forgotten, after i was seated i waited for like 10 minutes to be noticed by waitstaff, when i finally got my food the rice was crunchy, etc. i would go back to eat there but not any time soon, maybe in a few months after theyve been open for a while. the tea RULED though. their gimmick is like...travel? airplane? so all the staff introduce themselves as flight attendants, and their rewards card is formatted like a passport book where once you get a row of stamps for a certain continent you get a free tea, and once you fill out the whole book you get another free tea........it's so cute.......) actually now im not sure if it's the location the tea came from or the Type of tea? because that top column goes from japan to england which is not exactly a Region. eurasia????? idfk. still cute
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anyways. the short stories. i read the first three ("Coming of Age in Karhide", "The Matter of Seggri", and "Unchosen Love") and really enjoyed them! i never finished Left Hand of Darkness (i will return to her one day i promise) but it definitely wasn't required reading even though the first story was set on that same planet. the next story is "Mountain Ways" which is actually available online for those interested :)
watching: more evangelion, and my roommate put on "cunk on earth" for me and it rules it's so funny. obsessed with her.
making: embroidery progress! about halfway done filling in the headphone cord.
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as a self reminder, the task list for finishing this is:
fill in headphone cord
words along the side
fill stitch for hair
color in eyes
add misc hair flyaways
misc: quantum midterm thursday......it's open note so im not as frantic as last semester's exams but still. ah. ahhhh. :(
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forzalando · 3 years
goodbye kiss | s.r.
pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader word count: 1.2k warnings: mentions of anxiety (briefly), mentions of a head injury (briefly), cursing, mentions of food/eating a/n: this is a fluffy steve fic i've had finished for literally forever and i just never posted it bc i thought no one would read my marvel stuff hahahaha here it is. maybe there will be a part 2 to this....if anyone wants it :)
summary: Steve and Y/N are so clearly infatuated with one another, but oblivious as can be. One morning, Steve's shocking behavior may shift their relationship.
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“Good morning, Y/N,” Steve and Bucky called out in sync as they barreled through the doorway of your shared home.
Every morning was practically the same; wake up at 5:00am because Bucky couldn’t be quiet if his life depended on it, start breakfast at 7:00am right as Steve and Bucky get back from their run (and pretend like you just woke up), shower at 7:40am, and start heading to the compound at 8:30am.
The consistency helped with Bucky’s anxiety, as well as your memory issues from a head injury you had sustained a while back on a mission.
Steve was just Steve, and he ran a ship tighter than his ass and his workout shirts that you knew for a fact ripped after their third or fourth wear.
The three of you worked and lived together, mostly in tandem, but occasionally something would happen that derailed the balanced home life you all strived for. It was usually minor; ‘accidentally’ eating someone’s leftovers, leaving dirty dishes in the sink, playing music too loud at night, etc.
But sometimes…sometimes it was the way Steve looked at you across the dinner table that made you nervous around him for days. Sometimes it was the way your fingers found their way into his sandy blonde hair after a stressful week. Once, about a month ago, it was because he walked into the bathroom not knowing you were taking a bath. And most recently, it was the casual comment made by Bucky about how he was sick and tired of you and Steve dancing around your feelings for one another like “the fuckers in the Russian Ballet”.
Eventually, the awkward period would fade away and things would return to their normal, harmonious ways, with Bucky grumbling all the while about your cowardice.
“What do you have for us today, doll?” Bucky called out as he exited his bedroom.
“I think I have a cold so you and Steve are getting scrambled eggs and toast because it requires minimal effort. Also, we’re now out of eggs. And bread.”
“I just bought three cartons and a loaf two days ago,” Bucky groaned as he slumped against the counter.
“You and your buddy Steven consume a carton each so either eat less or shop more. Take your pick, Barnes.”
He walked behind you and snatched the spatula from your hand, scooping some eggs into his mouth with a cheeky grin.
“I choose to shop more.”
You quickly grabbed the spatula back and shooed him away before he turned your pristine kitchen into a crumb filled nightmare.
“Steve,” you shouted indignantly, “breakfast is ready and I do not have time for your slow ass today.”
Bucky grumbled something unintelligible under his breath, and immediately after, a loud crash echoed from across the house. Bucky shrugged his shoulders in response, pretending to be unaware of whatever could have caused Steve to wreak accidental havoc so early in the morning. It certainly was not his whispered comment, loud enough for only a super soldier’s ears, about how you surely had time for anything to do with Steve’s ass.
“Sorry, sorry,” Steve huffed as he shuffled out of his room.
“What the hell happened in there?”
“I, uh, mis-stepped and tripped over my bed frame, no big deal.”
You rolled your eyes playfully and graciously stepped away from the stove, accepting Steve’s good morning hug and forehead kiss with a dopey smile.
A strangled gag interrupted your precious moment, and you shot daggers at Bucky while he shoveled his breakfast into his mouth like he was starved.
“Sorry, egg must have went down the wrong pipe. Continue your love fest.”
“It’s not a love fest, Buck,” Steve mumbled as a heated blush crept up his neck.
“Then how come I don’t get tender hugs and forehead kisses every morning?”
“Because you don’t cook me breakfast and Y/N is much more kissable.”
Steve froze while Bucky, the cheeky bastard, chuckled into his perfectly buttered toast. You quickly composed yourself and patted Steve reassuringly on the back, laughing along with Bucky.
“I wouldn’t want to kiss Bucky’s ugly mug either, Rogers.”
The rest of breakfast was silent; the sounds of clinking forks and satisfied sighs seemed like exploding C4 and gusts of wind in the cozy kitchen. After finishing your breakfast of hot tea with lemon and honey, you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed. Before, you felt that it was just a little cold, but the longer you were upright and moving around, the more sick you felt.
“We don’t have anything important planned today, do we?” You asked while hobbling towards the couch.
“Not that I know of, are you alright, doll?” Steve inquired, concern evident in his eyes.
“It’s probably just a head cold but will you tell Stark I’m calling in sick today? I don’t even have the energy to send him a text right now. Plus, I don’t want to deal with him telling me this wouldn’t happen if I took his prototype horse pill, super food vitamins.”
“I’ll let him know,” Steve mumbled affectionately as he draped a blanket over your shivering frame.
In a matter of minutes, he and Bucky were headed out the door; Steve with his briefcase and Bucky with his reusable grocery bag he deemed secure enough for sensitive documents.
When the door shut, you closed your eyes, relishing in the quiet, empty space you would have to yourself for the next 9 hours, until a sharp ringtone pierced your eardrums and ignited a monstrous headache.
Steve’s phone buzzed upon the kitchen table and you groaned; his forgetfulness never ceased to amaze you. You dashed across the room, hoping and praying that he and Bucky hadn’t already driven away. After flinging open the door to your house, you crashed directly into what you knew to be Steve Rogers’s insanely muscular chest.
“I forgot my….” He trailed off, noticing that you had it in your hand while simultaneously taking note of the annoyed expression on your face.
“You’d forget your head if it wasn’t attached to your shoulders, Steven. I feel incredibly overworked and under appreciated looking after you.”
He threw his head back and laughed, the sound momentarily easing the pounding headache behind your eyes.
“You’re definitely not under appreciated doll,” Steve murmured as he took his phone from your outstretched hand. “Don’t forget to take some cold medicine, it’s in the hall bathroom cabinet behind Bucky’s aftershave. I’ll bring home some soup and a movie.”
Before you could thank him, he dipped his head and captured your lips in a delicate kiss. However, all too soon, he backed away with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
“Did you just…” you gasped.
“I’ll see you tonight, bye!” He shouted before taking off in a sprint and bounding down the front porch steps.
You watched him from the window as he awkwardly ran back to his car. Just before he opened the door, he turned around and locked eyes with you. You blew him a kiss, as dramatically as you could, and smiled as he laughed and ducked into the driver’s seat.
The sensation of vibrating pulled your attention away from Steve and you reached into your pocket for your phone, swiping across the new text message.
From: Bucky Barnes
I. Saw. Everything.
taglist: @gredmforge @vogueweasley @gcdricreads @nuttytani @kaye-lantern @barnesjamcs @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou @fallingforyou123 @phoenixes-and-wizards @gloryekaterina @hannahmeyer1999 @beautyschoo1dropout @loonylovegood13 @saara-sanders @le-weasley-simp @peachypotter @omghufflepuff @weelittleweasley (if your url has a strikethrough, I was unable to tag you! please let me know if you would like to be added to my marvel taglist and thank you for reading!!)
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I read something interesting (I forget where) that argued they modeled "I'll Just Wait Here Then" off of the song "On My Own". Was wondering if you had thoughts on this. I've watched a couple different versions of "On My Own" on youtube and there does appear to be at least superficial similarities (then again I might just be blinded by trench coat).
*erases the 1 on the sign that says “days gone without getting I’ll Just Wait Here Then stuck in my head”*
Is that an official comment or just some meta because I don’t remember anything from around the time commenting on where any of the songs really came from… 
Oh, wait, I had NO IDEA what you were talking about when I wrote all of that, assuming Youtube would explain once I got there, but now I’m here, but you know what, my BFF is so into musicals and loves Lea Salonga so much and so I actually HAVE made this exact comparison, myself, while sitting through this video for my BFF :P (I have a thing about musicals >.> Failed theatre kid over here >.>)
I don’t think I ever shared this thought because it was just a silly thing I thought once ages ago (and I dislike musicals a lot), but, I mean, yeah. Look at her.
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Yeah, the song is essentially whatserface from Les Mis who’s in sad unrequited love with… main young guy…? Was it Eddie Redmayne in the movie or do I just assume he’s in everything? And he’s just run off in love with whatserface the other young love interest girl, and she’s got his coat somehow, and it’s raining and she wanders down through the dark empty street sing-crying about how she’s all alone and will love him unrequitedly and knows it. I got the impression from the movie she was really stoic about it the rest of the time and this is her kind of cracking open for the audience and showing us what she’s been feeling if you missed that she was pining from the smaller details. 
I think to compare it to I’ll Just Wait Here Then, it’s probably tapping a similar mood, especially if Cas hasn’t sung all that much so far (if you crush the story down but you’re as far as season 5 he may have had like… 1 song for season 4 although I would hope 4x22 would be a super intense duet with Dean, and now despite my aversion to musicals I actually want to know what Cas’s intro number was like :P) - but anyway in season 5 we’re starting to get to know Cas better and to see more of all his underlying character stuff, since season 5 is really just an emotional arc for Cas, and he only helps along with the plot here and there. So his season 5 song would be one that shows us some underlying motivation and heart. And this IS a love song to Dean.
I think the sad unrequited part though, even though it sounds that way, is something that in 5x04 is answered with Dean’s reaction’s to Cas. I wouldn’t say Cas is rewarded for waiting all night and Dean being appreciative of him because that sounds kind of awful and like Dean’s got, idk, emotional currency tokens or that Cas is hanging on Dean for any he has to spare, but as I said about this song back after 10x05 aired, it’s such a random thing that they found one of the DeanCas moments that’s pretty much all comedic beats and there genuinely isn’t any romance subtext in the first conversation on the phone, but then Robbie turned it around and used that to lead into how Cas would be feeling after Dean hung up on him, and from there we get that incredible little love song about how Cas will always wait for Dean… In the actual episode we know that does get answered that Dean is ALSO genuinely fond of Cas, is given a strong wake up call about that with the events of Endverse, and at the end of the episode looks completely mushy over Cas. 
(The other week when I was having a mental block on everything pre-season 7 I made this post and got a pretty repeated answer of “the way Dean looks at Cas in 5x04″)
We don’t know if the musical answered it or left Cas unrequited until later depending on what story Marie was telling (and it’s easier to leave that hanging as it’s such a theme it was still relevant TO 10x05 so whatever the end of her play involved, it could set Cas up for the long game) but when you piece the song back into its place in 5x04 I think it would make Cas feel less terrible than whatserface from Les Mis because Dean was so happy to see him, and had genuine words of affection for him when Cas had rescued him, not just for the fact he did it, but he’d been through so much and disliked seeing the potential future version of Cas so much that he was sort of… appreciating everything about Cas there, not just his ability to make a well-timed rescue :P
But yeah in the wider context of season 10, writing a song about Cas unrequitedly pining for Dean goes riiight back to being relevant, because Dean’s essentially off the market the whole time he has the Mark, or later Amara bothering him, and Cas has to wait it all out. He’s the one carrying the Destiel arc in season 10, and I think thematically, mixing up these 2 songs to get more subtext out of the relatively cute and harmless I’ll Just Wait Here Then, really suits the flavour more of stuff like Cas’s speech in 10x22 about everyone Dean loves being dead except for him, and all that stuff where it got genuinely that painful and awful for Cas, and Dean seemed to reject him. I mean Cas WAS written as an unrequited love interest that year - the 10x14 deleted scene is the most obvious place for that, but it’s really telling us nothing we didn’t already know from the rest of the story so far that year.
(gosh and to think I thought I’d have nothing to say on this when I saw the ask was about songs and music and I was like, oh no, I don’t know ANYTHING about this sort of stuff :P)
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