#Just have it as an actual split or have dark enchantress be white lily just changed
quibbs126 · 6 months
I was drawing some human Cookie Run characters, and I had this random idea of it being all imagined
Like, CRK (specifically since that’s what I’m thinking of) is actually a story made up by a kid with an overactive imagination (said kid being one of our protagonists, probably Gingerbrave), basing it off the people in the town they live in. It could also be someone making a story based off of the town they live in or lived in as a kid
To be honest, I can half see that being something Devsis would pull for an April Fools, like the one that year is “Cookie Run isn’t actually real, it’s just something made up by this kid”. I mean last year they had human characters with Romance Kingdom, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility
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thegreatcrowdragon · 7 months
Finally we’ve got a name for the au, it’s called False Flowers! Now for a bit of background.
For your sake (and mine) I’m going to refer to White Lily as White Lily, and Shadow Milk pretending to be White Lily as just Lily.
While the plot generally stays the same, there are key differences.
Healer cookie does not exist, therefore Black Rasin and Pure Vanilla have no connection.
Lily convinced Pure Vanilla that she had managed to break away and split off from Dark Enchantress. He’s just happy that they’re together.
White Lily has absolutely no idea what’s happening. She’s in Beast Yeast, doing… whatever it is she did there.
I never really came up for an explanation of Shadow Milk escaping from the tree. Maybe he used his shapeshifting abilities to wriggle out, I don’t know. Make your own interpretation I guess?
Lily actually did encourage all of the ancients meeting up. It’s easier to get all of the soul jams if they’re in one place, after all. She did not, however, expect Clotted Cream. She’s on the fence about his idea for using the soul jam, but is going along with it anyway.
There is almost no difference between the fake Lily and the real one. And even if there were, Pure Vanilla would pass it off as remnants of Dark Enchantress.
It’s not clear if Shadow Milk actually does love Pure Vanilla. He’s just a very possessive and jealous person in general. It’s no doubt that he does like him in some weird aspect, though.
You cannot “trick” Shadow Milk into revealing his true form. Even if he faced the real White Lily somehow, he’d manage to twist it into his favor. He is the embodiment of Deceit, after all.
Lily and Pure Vanilla are married.
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Im craving for more custard cookie iii content so I decide to make my own:
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Custard cookie iii being Pure vanilla cookie and White Lilly cookie !!!
Remember when White lily cookie and pure vanilla cookie tried to make cookies in episode 7 well after pure vanilla cookie come to the conclusion that the experiment was never going to work he tried to discourage White lily from trying but she was determined so she begged  to try one last thing and if it failed white lily cookie promised to stop, and that was to use some of their own magic and combine it with the dough (Since we really don’t know how cookie I wont write how they).
Pure vanilla cookie agreed but really didn’t expect to work and just agreed to get white lily to stop trying so imagine his and white Lily surprise that it actually worked and inside the cookie cutter there lied, sleeping peaceful was a baby cookie 
Both Pure vanilla and White lily cookie were shocked that it actually worked after the shock after the shock wore off they were in awe at this adorable baby cookie they created 
Time skip to right before the white lily cookie fell in the ultimate dough, I would like to mention that  almost no one knew that pure vanilla and white lily had a child only the ancient five knew and primer custard cookie their intentions was to keep custard hidden until he was at least 1 year old he was living mostly in the vanilla kingdom
Then the flour war happened :) 
Pure vanilla having no idea where pure Lilly cookie disappeared kept custard close and then dark enchantress cookie shows up in the vanilla kingdom to steal the soul gems 
Pure vanilla desperate to keep custard save puts him in his crib and place a shield around him that protect from all that harm him and also acts like a time capsule where time doesn’t move inside the shield 
And then BAM the ancient heroes disappeared and the kingdom fell 
But thankfully custard remains safe thanks to the shield but is stuck in time capsule for nearly 50 years
How did custard get out of the shield ?
As time went the shield grew weaker and weaker and around the time it was at it weakest custard cookie ii and custard “dad” were investigating the fallen kingdom why you may ask?  IDK they just were
Both of them were shocked to find a baby in the fallen city custard “dad” breaks the Shield to the baby out and take him back to their kingdom 
When they get back custard cookie ii looks at their father old records to see if the baby was related to anyone alive while this happens custard “dad” grows attached to the baby , and then custard cookie ii finds the records relating custard to pure vanilla cookie he immediately becomes power hungry because he thinks this tiny baby has great power was related to a great hero 
Custard “dad” not liking his brother way of thinking especially with the way he treats his adopted son, custard “dad” flees the republic with baby custard and raises him as his own never telling of custard his true origins  
Now where getting close to the actual timeline custard “dad” wrote a letter to a now 9 old custard that he told him to open either when he was much older or if he would ever to disappear 
Then one day custard “dad” went into the forest near their home and disappeared , and custard cookie iii not any better tries to find him and gets lost in said woods
He wanders around for months before he meets the rest of the gang
Now here the plot moves the same till the part where the gang splits, after ginger brave, wizard , and strawberry cookie leave and custard and chili remain in the kingdom 
Chili has always been somewhat curios about custard past because why was a kid just wandering  alone for months so she ask custard what his life like he meet them
Custard trust chili the most so he tells her everything including the part that he gave up trying to find his “dad” and doesn’t know how to return to his home.(Angst you know for flavor :D)
Chili becomes even more protective after that.
Custard later mentioned that he has the letter but hasn’t even opened it yet but wants to now chili Offers to be there with him but not read the letter he takes her up on the offer
y’all can guess what the letter contained :)
Custard was essentially having a break down by the time he finished reading the letter and chili was freaking the fuck out because she saw custard reaction and read the letter very quickly she had no idea what to do and eventually just decided to hug him and comfort till custard cried himself to sleep 
Chili then decide that she simply couldn’t tell the others what they found out until they come back or until custard himself is ready
Also custard looks a bit different in this au Ill post what I Thought he would look like 
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itsyamajesty · 13 days
Rising Charcoal AU Silent Salt Concept/Beta/Unfinished design (part of it anyway!)
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Sorry for bad quality, I took the photo when it was dark out so I had to adjust my typical setup for taking photos
Also it broke my silver sharpie and I think you can tell
Beta lore below (after some ranting)
Could be because Silent Salt is probably the least talked about Beasts, after Burning Spice was said to be next and me and the other Burning Spice fans came out, but I don't actually know what personality the community has agreed on for them yet. Mine is incredibly incorrect, but I wish to rant about it, because I'm too attached to drop it until proven otherwise.
One of the many reasons that Silent Salt is... Silent, is that, although courageous, they break under social pressure. Them trying to argue against White Lily would be a disaster.
"Hand over your soul ja- well it's technically mine- hand over my- um- your half of the- MY soul jam! Or I'll... I don't know... split the moon in half again? Just hand it over? Please?
Anyway lore because I don't actually have much to talk about here.
The sudden smell of lillies woke them, as they looked upon their body made of silver with a sword of stained prism. None were found in the ruins of the Faerie Kingdom, all that was were elaborate plans and maps around a strange laboratory, and some ultimate cookie. The only note directly to them was written hastily and scribbly:
“Please find it in your heart to fight with us, atleast to destroy Dark Enchantress.
Save Elder Faerie if I don't return.”
Silent Salt can hear the thoughts of cookies ring through dark halls, but especially his. Short, quiet, soft- short gasps of thought he managed to make within and unknown cage
He is far from alone.
Yet the only far from hopelessness.
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 2 months
the specific cover i have on loop rn -> https://youtu.be/UbpJUZxyNWA
i can legit just imagine challenging or being challenged to a fight with burning spice while listening to it, and that subsequently gives me ideas for a cookie run soulsborne but i'm no programmer or game dev sooo we're just gonna leave that alone for a while
but anyway on the topic of white lily actually, and continuing on my au shenanigans, y'know the split thing between white lily and dark enchantress? yeah no that's gonna be retconned in fresh dough
don't get me wrong i love white lily on her own but like, while i admit i genuinely don't care about it, the split thing is just, odd? it feels off- sooo fresh dough is having that story bit retconned and reworked, and dark enchantress, by the time she gets to beast yeast, will be getting a new name :]
Honestly for real! (I was hoping we have to fight Dark Enchantress and we get White Lily back it would’ve made more sense)
Also 👀👀👀👀👀
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timekeepertwister · 1 year
Case 0 Type P - File 4 - “Scattered Lilies of the Subconscious”
Location: White Lily Cookie’s Meadow (Lilywhite Space)
Timeline: [Undetermined] Lilywhite Space
Date of Record: January 20, 2021 (PET Relative Time); Actual Date in Lilywhite Space Unknown
Subjects Involved: C/E-925, C/E-22, C/E-73 (22), C/A-95
Employee(s) Responding: Croissant Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie
“WE’RE ALMOST THERE! I HOPE…! HANG ON JUST A LITTLE MORE!” The Timecraft zoomed through the time tunnel, its passengers screaming while Croissant Cookie was tirelessly trying to keep it under control at the helm until the exit rift manifested itself into an area with a grassy meadow lined with thousands of white lilies. Upon exiting the hyperspace warp channel, Croissant Cookie took a look around for a place to land before the craft lurched itself into the ground and crashed with a huff. “Where are we…?”
Roguefort Cookie replied, “I don’t know, but that Blue Cheese Watch was one of a kind in ANY timeline, and if it was ever mishandled or broken by any means besides normal use, time would twist in on itself and end our timeline as we know it. That’s what was written involving what the clockmaker said when they created the Watch for my ancestor several generations ago.”
That feeling of being lost in a place nobody was familiar with was the shared sentiment everyone had upon exiting the Timecraft before a grieving Cookie noticed the crashed machine and approached with uneasiness from the serenity of her seat by the tree within the middle of a meadow of white lilies. As she approached, an unusually calm feeling in the air began to form, as if to hide a whole dimension of nightmares, making it seem but a dream that one would never awaken from. Sunny… perhaps a quiet place to sleep. To grow a patch of Basil to turn into something new. But despite everything this field had to offer, this was not the place for amore… or references to Omori.
“W…who’s there?! Where did you come from? This place isn’t safe for you here!” The Cookie stared the quartet down in fear, for these were not the only ones to see her face within the last hour.
Croissant Cookie responded back in kind. “Well… it’s oddly calm here. Who are you, and what is this place? The Timecraft took us here on its own one way or another, and these coordinates aren’t listed in the Space-Time Atlas or the TBD Handbook.”
“So you’re wanderers too?”
“No, I’m Croissant Cookie of the Time Balance Department, and I was responding to a lead involving a relic once owned by Roguefort Cookie over there…” Croissant Cookie pointed right at Roguefort Cookie, all the while they were winking back while the attention was on them as if to charm or distract from the fluctuating nature of the situation. “…and that such a relic could altar time and transport the user with it to any time period they desired. Unfortunately, Dark Enchantress Cookie appeared and smashed it into pieces, which caused that other rift to open. If you know what this place is, we’d really appreciate the help.”
She stared away from the group and sighed. “I see. I figure that I shouldn’t hide the truth from you. My name is White Lily Cookie, and this place is the Lilywhite Space, otherwise known by wizards of the Blueberry Yogurt Academy as a dimension of unstable magic, restless spirits, and the subconscious mind that exists in between space and time. If my mind’s eye serves correctly, then you four must have come from the same universe as me. Unlike the rest of this place, this white lily meadow is the only place in this dimension where serenity truly exists. The rest of this world writhes with darkness, chaos, and despair… a feeling that once overwhelmed me within the Oven. When I split away from the Ultimate Dough, my mind had awakened to a new reality; one where the world wasn’t as peaceful as it once seemed. One where I had fathomed the truth… The Witches… and the reason they created us Cookies. I saw what Dark Enchantress Cookie did that night, but all I could do was cower in fear. This was not the way. With the help of two other Cookies, they knew what we had to do. Run away. Hide in another world… one where I could escape from my fate. From the darkness. My soul longs for peace, but it has shattered within me… inside and out. Across time and space… my soul’s fragments have scattered… and I am asking you for help in finding those pieces… and for my friends… I must ask them for forgiveness.”
“Forgiveness? For what?”
“…for being the one to cause the Dark Flour War in 1939.”
Croissant Cookie and others looked at each other, and then back at White Lily Cookie. The Dark Flour War was almost a century past, but for those of the Five Kingdoms and the Ancient Cookies themselves, it felt so close to home. Nobody knew how to respond without the situation collapsing into dissent quickly. And then Roguefort Cookie made themselves known and cleared their throat. “That’s quite the tall tale, to have caused the costliest conflict in Cookie history… *OOF* …unless you’re not joking.”
Walnut Cookie roughly elbowed Roguefort Cookie for that retort. Swiftly too, as if to get even for the past escapades they had put her through. “This isn’t the time for jokes, Roguefort Cookie. Everyone who’s gone through a decent history class or did their own research knows that the Dark Flour War saw a lot of bad things happen, and that’s not even counting the fact that this was indeed the most fatal war in the history of Earthbread. Every once in a while, I still get a call regarding one of countless cold cases from a long time ago, and plenty of those incidents had dated back to that era. The last call I got regarding an incident originating from that era was a cold case involving arson and the burning of what everyone called the Sacred Pomegranate Tree. The culprit was eventually identified as Dark Enchantress Cookie, who after failing to destroy the nearby village the first time, had later manipulated Pomegranate Cookie into burning the tree using a fire-starting crystal we’ve yet to identify. As of last recording, the village had recovered part of the tree and grew a new one elsewhere, where an odd natural-looking Cookie-shaped opening was found within the side of the tree.”
Croissant Cookie backed up Walnut Cookie on her stance. “Sorry, but she’s right. The Time Registry Division’s got plenty on the Dark Flour War, and a lot of that stuff’s not for the faint hearted. The Time Analysis Division still studies the event’s reflection and similarities to a similar war on Outer Earthbread that took place during the same timeframe. White Lily Cookie, we’ve just got one more question for you: What do you know about the Blue Cheese Watch?”
“The Blue Cheese Watch? Was not that YOUR responsibility, Roguefort Cookie?” Emerging through another time rift, Timekeeper Cookie entered the scene atop her Sonic Embroider.
Seeing the Director appear, Croissant Cookie turned her head to see where she came from. “Timekeeper Cookie!”
“Croissant Cookie. It is a bit unusual to see you here of all places, especially when I tasked you with responding to this lead as my most capable on-call employee during these holidays. Is it not?”
“Yeah, about that… Dark Enchantress Cookie smashed the watch.”
“That is quite amusing, to think that she would WHAT NOW?!” Timekeeper Cookie instantly lost her cool upon hearing this. “Do you know what that would do to you… no… EVERYONE HERE?! Not only does that mean she has a full run on the time-space continuum, but it also means that our timeline would twist and implode at any time, erasing EVERYTHING in it from existence. And not even I could reverse it. The two of you… do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Timekeeper Cookie!” Croissant Cookie was quick on the response. “We’ll fix this problem right away.”
“I guess so…” White Lily Cookie on the other hand was quite hesitant to respond, knowing full well that she would have to face her own worst enemy: herself. “What is your plan?”
Timekeeper Cookie unrolled a set of schematics detailing her company’s last resort plan in case of temporal immolation caused by a relic. “This is something that I call Operation: Time Twister, also known as the TBD’s last resort contingency plan. This plan has three phases:”
Find the Timeguard Keepers. They know the other timelines better than anyone else in the Primary Earthbread Timeline, especially so since they are parallel variations of Cookies from this timeline who joined the Time Balance Department in their timeline instead of Croissant Cookie here.
Track down the fragments of the Blue Cheese Watch… and White Lily Cookie’s soulstones too. Cookie Resources and representatives from other divisions will be partitioned to form a support team to aid in this operation and calculate which worlds and timelines these fragments landed in. Get them back by any means necessary. Other factions will plan to track them down before you do and use these fragments to achieve their own goals, and some notorious Cookies such as Twizzly Gummy Cookie will prove to be trouble.
A separation from an Ancient Cookie started this mess, and she will need to be there to finish it. That means you, White Lily Cookie. Find the other Ancient Heroes and have them finish this mess at the root. Take whoever you need to in order to find them. While you’re at it, try finding alternate variants of opposing factions like the Cookies of Darkness. They might prove useful in finding a weakness.
“Then that’s the plan…? I think I know where I can find the others.”
“You do, White Lily Cookie?” Walnut Cookie asked, perhaps trying to find leads to her own cold cases in the process.
“It’s the year 1945 on a midsummer’s night, all five of us are going to meet up in the Vanilla Castle during an assault mounted by Dark Enchantress Cookie to stop her. The attack is already underway. Civilians are escaping in droves by airship whilst covered by a joint rearguard of Wafflebots and Cookie Knights… some successfully escaped… others not so much. One was left behind in a cryobaking pod due to a piloting error. Cake Monsters have overwhelmed the castle’s defenses. This is our last stand to end the Dark Flour War.”
“Then what are we waiting for then?!” Almond Cookie asked, losing patience with a case like this opening up. “We need to get this Cookie back to that castle, ASAP.”
Timekeeper Cookie chuckled. “Oh, I can help with that since your Timecraft is utterly destroyed. As for your Ancient Cookie here, she needs to get ready, effective immediately.” With a snip of her Sonic Embroider, White Lily Cookie fell into a time rift that opened up beneath her while the others fell into another rift alongside the Timecraft’s wreckage.
“Here we go again…!” Walnut Cookie yelled as she fell into the rift.
Realizing the floor had been torn from under her alongside her Timecraft, Croissant Cookie’s cheer of a new adventure turned into a scream of terror in freefall. “Time travel! WooaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa…!”
[End of File 4] - [Next: File 5 - “The Lost City of Vanilla”] - [Previous: File 3.1 - “Crimson Starfall”] - [Return to Case Record]
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accidental-host · 2 years
This is worded so weirdly because it’s just me ranting, but I had to get it out
Some Thoughts: Clotted Cream is right
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DISCLAIMER: This is posted before the next part of the update, they have not arrived to the Republic yet at the time of me writing this. I do not care if this ages poorly.
The point:
Honestly, I did not think this was controversial before checking out the fandom’s reaction to the first days of the update. But since it is, I wanted to give my two cents because I have seen some takes I REALLY disagree with on here. This whole ramble is pretty much just my take on this whole moral dilemma.
YES, Clotted Cream was insensitive about the way he approached the Ancients about his proposition. YES, he went too far comparing Dark Cacao to Enchantress, YES he should not have been the one to break the news that White Lily was Dark Enchantress and he had no right to do that in such a setting. But this isn’t entirely about that.
Clotted Cream was ABSOLUTELY correct about his point of splitting the power of the Soul Jam / researching them to find a way to harness the power better for the good of everyone. I have seen A LOT of people calling him an idiot for even proposing it, saying he’s clearly evil, but I really don’t think that’s the case.
It IS weird that warriors are expected to die for the cause of fights between immortals battling over their power that the common solider will never be able to even fathom. It IS weird that this infinite incredible power is being held entirely by a select few, while mortals die whenever an Ancient isn’t there to swoop in. The ancients cannot be everywhere at once, they should understand that better than anybody.
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Madeleine’s perspective is from of a side of this war the Ancients do not see. This is the plight of mortals, expected to fight and die over power they themselves will never experience, they are fighting for the right of the Ancients. Clotted Cream himself is mortal, the Republic does not have an Ancient, they have come to a different conclusion about this fight than the Ancients have.
And Hollyberry and Dark Cacao acknowledge this very little.
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From what Clotted Cream himself knows, Dark Enchantress is one of the ancients that was corrupted by power. Mortals are dying in battles over a war that comes down to power they won’t ever hold. The remaining ancients are vehemently refusing to give up the same power that corrupted their friend.
With him knowing all of this, coming to the conclusion of the power being distributed more evenly is incredibly understandable and a reasonable thing to want. It is understandable for the Ancients to be skeptical, or even paranoid about what will come of their power. But I think a lot of this fandom has interpreted this so oddly and fail to acknowledge how nuanced the situation is.
Getting this out of the way:
I have not seen enough leaks to know the entire story of the update, and at this point I usually stay away from them and prefer to experience it firsthand.
I do believe the Republic has ulterior motives, this is not about that and I do not care if it ends up being that the Republic actually is evil and the Ancients were right. This is about Clotted Cream’s original point that he presented to the Ancients, and how it is incredibly reasonable and logical and born from a care for mortals who have lived and died unacknowledged in the war over Soul Jam.
Honestly, I will think it’s HORRIBLY wasted potential if Clotted Cream turns out to be a stereotypical twist villain, à la Hans Frozen. I will think that’s lame as hell and I really hope that isn’t how this update goes.
In conclusion:
Clotted Cream was right. And some of y’all are really letting your blind hatred of this character get in the way of understanding the complicated/nuanced situation of fantasy politics. No, I don’t dislike the Ancients and this post is not Ancients slander. They are flawed characters that are written very well, and how layered/interesting their characters are is exactly why it’s so fun to see them presented with moral dilemmas like this.
If this ages poorly, I will not change my stance. Clotted Cream’s original point is right and he is 100% justified in in.
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quibbs126 · 8 months
So spoilers as to what’s going on with Dark Enchantress Cookie and White Lily Cookie under the cut
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So it seems these two have a sort of Elktaur situation going on, in which they split off from the same person, but have become different people. Though they still both retain the memories of their old self before the split
Actually that’s not really much like Elktaur other than they split in two and remember their past life; both halves of him were still the same person they used to be, just in different bodies. But that’s what I’m using as comparison because I can’t think of anything else
And then the White Lily Cookie we see here is remnants of her dough from when she was rebaked, though her soul’s scattered within the remnants of her Soul Jam, rendering her basically comatose and an empty husk
Though if I’m being honest, I think I’d kind of like if she actually looked somewhat different because of that fact, maybe in a situation similar to Princess Bubblegum after she fell into that lake of acid (though then that might make Pure Vanilla/White Lily a bit odd). But ah well
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