sisters-of-sin-blog · 7 years
Drunk Chocobro HC’s
Brought to you today by SayaSin.
My sister and I wondered what the hell the guys would be like drunk off their pretty little asses and well, that put a fire under my booty to let the world know!
Noctis: [The Loud One]
First and foremost, Noct is terrible at holding his liquor so things get pretty interesting pretty quickly - holy hell this kid. You know the kind of people who drink to look cool but need to make sure you see and hear them do it? Meet Noctis; the epitome of “Listen to me, I’m fucking cool!” For some reason if he can’t hear himself he believes you can’t hear him. Trying to hold a conversation? Negative. You’ll end up with the chopped and screwed version of whatever topic you where trying to elaborate on because he cuts in every 5 seconds with slurred responses about 10 octaves above normal human decibels. Trying to hold a conversation with someone else? Negative. He’ll be across the room singing the song of his people just to make sure you and everyone else remembers his princely ass. This usually ends with either one of the boys cupping a hand over his mouth for the rest of the night to shut him up. Goes missing quite often. Can usually found passed out on the couch nearest the bathroom or in a corner with a sign on his back reading "If found, return to Ignis"
Bonus: Prone to alcohol sickness – Intensive cuddles needed.
Ignis: [The Talkative One]
Tends to pass up drinks when out for a night of debauchery since he likes to keep an eye on everyone (mom does what mom wants) HOWEVER when he does give in to peer pressure from his wonderful friends, prepare your ears because the ever so stoic Ignis goes off on tangents when he’s submerged into the depths of the bottle! His conversation is completely intellectual and enlightening. Or at least it would be if you could understand a single word the man is saying. Ignis is fluent in drunken gibberish. In his mind, it comes out clear as day, but to unsuspecting victims, “Pardon?” and “What the fuck is he saying” are significant responses you’ll become pro at in no time! Not out with the guys? Get ready for a slew of drunken texts. It’s true what they say about alcohol being the ‘Truth serum’ but the texts are just half the fun. It’s the look on his face after you ask him about them that really rustles his jimmies and has you desperately trying to hold in laughter.
“I…I never should have indulged in Ifrit’s nectar.” Let the intense blushing commence!
Bonus: A very flustered Ignis.
Prompto: [The Overconfident One]
He can hold his own, that is, until he can’t. As the night progresses the show begins! Here we see our sweet, energetic and ever so shy ball of sunshine casually sipping away.. –record scratch- WRONG.  Sure his sweet demeanor (if that’s what you wanna call it) and energetic mannerisms remain but that shyness gets an instant boot out the door! When the liquor flows, his confidence grows. Literally. He floats around to everyone. Will dance with anyone. Will have a drink with anyone. Want him to do shots? He’s the first to to ask “From a glass or my belly button?” Want him to strip? Hope the bar top is scuff proof! Prompto is also VERY persuasive in this state. He’ll make you want to have that last drink with him. He’ll turn on a few sultry words you didn’t know he had the brainpower to pronounce let alone use in the correct context! One minute you’re telling everyone your goodbyes for the evening, the next you’re out on the dance floor for ‘One last dance’, hips gyrating in ways you never thought possible against the blue-eyed tyrant.
Bonus: He gets VERY touchy.
Gladio: [The Emotional/Dramatic One]
It takes a while for him to get to this point but ho boy, lucky you! Out with the guys having a grand ole time, only to be interrupted by a toast to you 4 at the table. Okay cool, no big deal. Gladio says a few words of praise for his fellow companions. All is well in the kingdom. NOT.  After a couple more bottles, the big guy does another…and another…before eventually you find your shoulder has turned into the man’s tissue.  This is a routine and there’s no end to it until the big teddy bear blacks out.  The “I love you guys!” or “You guys are the greatest. I’m so fucking lucky” declarations come out in waves and yes, he ugly cries, holy six. First time this happened, you couldn’t believe your eyes.  This stone wall of a man turns to jelly right in front of you and no one says a thing as if the most normal bout of behavior ever! Following the episodes of tears comes the overdramatic reactions to any and everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Spilled your drink? “OMG okay DON’T panic, I’ll get you another!” Someone bumps into you by mistake? “WHO THE FUCK DID IT?!” Ignis says it’s time to head out “4AM IS NOT LATE. DAMN YOU’RE ALWAYS RUININ’ THE FUN” (followed by angrily storming out, also followed by Ignis rolling his eyes so hard he can see the new recipe he came up with earlier that day) Yup, some weird big brother/toddler trope that leaves you shaking your head by the end of the night.
Bonus: Has a thing for kissing you four on the cheek.
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