#KOLTC realizations that are wow
cecebookworm07 · 1 year
Edit: Rereading this now you can so tell that I’m half asleep. I type like I’m ten when I’m half asleep. I’ll just edit this in the morning when I can actually understand what I’m typing and thinking. :)
What I learned from my most recent rereading and annotations of the first KOLTC book in no particular order:
- Fitz and Sophie’s first encounter is so much funnier than I remember OH MY GOD
- Dex and Sophie are really adorable together in the “two silly best friends” kind of way in the beginning
- Dex pissed me off when there fight happens. Like bro, she’s losing the people who she was CONVINCED we’re going to be adopting her but noooooo focus on the fact that she might be adopted by the Vackers just cus you don’t like them. Believe me, after Flashback I haven’t been a fan and if I was an elf in that world I would hate them too, but STILL. You keep that to yourself in that instance.
- This whole book I just kept thinking about the fact that Sophie is midway through an adoption and Rayni has already been abandoned and forgotten. Yikes.
- The first time we’re introduced to Oralie I wrote, “First mother daughter meeting.” on the top of the page.
- I realized after being forced to basically highlight 75% of the pages that this book is 100% pure set up.
- Honestly underrated. I perfer the more recent books but MY GOD if Grady and Edaline didn’t have my heart in this book (there my next point)
- I skim read this book for fan fic reasons a lot and I tend to skip over the whole adoption debacle on one hand because it likely won’t play a part in the fan fic but also because I don’t have the emotional strength to read that. I literally started balling my eyes out midway through chapter 39 even though I knew everything would be okay in the end.
- Grady and Edaline. Just them being tragic and compelling af in this book. Like honestly there relationship and relation to Sophie in this book are SO well written. Criticize this series all you want, but some of these platonic relationships hit like truck.
- My dumb dumb brain never put together the significance behind the three original councilors to meet her. Brontë: Suspected dad for a book, later close mentor. Kenric: Honsstk idk, I thought he was a mystery after Unlocked but he just got more mysterious after Stellarlune I swear. Oralie: … Mom…
- Keefe isn’t that important in this and it kind of hurts.
- At this point in the series SoFitz was 100% Endgame.
- If I was at Foxfire, my favorite subject would 100% be history (thought it’d be 75% propaganda) and the universe.
- Telepathy is overrated
- This world is aristocratic and that’s just so funny to me.
- Biana is so bad in this book OMG. And honestly so is Alden. The twist at the ending. Horrible.
- Marcua and Stina are legit awful in this book too regardless of there later redemption.
- I can’t pick between any of the abilities I would want so oh well. There’s to many.
- Iggy is the real hero of this series
- The councils apology to Sophie at the end of the series is honestly both funny and horrible. Like they basically said, “Sorry that you were stalked, kidnapped, and tortured right under our noses but we’ll do better next time. Consider that your official punishment for saving the world! (Plus promise we’ll catch them!)”
- 8 books and one novella later and no one has been caught.
Anyway, book one was fun and all but mostly I was just thinking about how much of it was set up. Like seriously. Almost EVERYTHING was set up.
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cecebookworm07 · 1 year
The realization just hit me that this is the year that KOLTC ends. Like wow.
I started reading almost five years BECAUSE of this series. If I hadn’t stumbled across it in the dark corner of my elementary school library then I never would have become a reader. The entire idea of it ending never crossed my mind until now. It almost feels surreal.
Like what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to FEEL? After 2023 there won’t be any theorizing about future plot twists, worrying about Tam having a regression arc, crying over SoKeefe moments, and losing my mind over the the memes that this fandom creates. It’ll all just kind of stop.
Sad realization. :(
Edit: Nvm, Shannon said the books not coming out this year. So oh well. I have a year of a peace to go.
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