#Kadewe Group
octuscle · 1 year
Hotel room - Blue
Frederik hated Berlin. Chaotic. Dirty. Politically far left. Sexually promiscuous. And now it was Christopher Street Day. The city overflowed with fags running half-naked and some even completely naked through the city. Frederik couldn't wait until he was back in Munich. He was looking forward to the comfort of first class on the ICE train he was about to board. The platform at Berlin's main train station was crowded. It was Friday evening. Crowds of people were leaving, crowds of people were flooding the city. Thank God his train was leaving in ten minutes.
"Dear passengers, due to a technical defect in two signal boxes, rail traffic at Berlin Central Station is suspended for a short time. Trains in the direction of Hanover will run today only from and to Berlin Spandau. Train services in the direction of Hamburg and Munich will be completely suspended until further notice. We ask for your understanding."
There was a second of shock on the platform. Then crowds of people started moving frantically, storming rental car counters and the cab stand. People made phone calls or frantically tried to book flights on their cell phones. Frederik traveled a lot on business. He stayed in at least three different beds during the week. He knew what this situation meant: Find a hotel bed! Now! Because you won't get out of this juggernaut before morning. He had quickly phoned his regular hotels. No chance. All that was left were the hotel chains where he had gold or platinum status. After fifteen minutes, he had called all the four- and five-star hotels that came into consideration. Finally, he was recommended a hotel where, according to the internal system, there was still a room available. That would have been blocked for him. A three-star hotel near KaDeWe and Kurfürstendamm. Okay, better than nothing. There were no more cabs.
Frederik hated public transportation. His mood was correspondingly bad as he stood in the lobby of the hotel. Everything was decorated in rainbow colors. In front of him, a group of beefcakes in leather gear were just checking in. Behind him stood a skinhead, under whose bomber jacket a latex shirt shiny emphasized his six-pack. Frederik felt uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable. And when he was told that the room was wrongly blocked for him, his collar burst. He demanded this room, after all he was a Platinum customer and had a right to a room. The receptionist tried to explain to him that the guest who had been staying in the room had actually moved out. However, it was only because he had obviously ended up in the hospital with a bit much alcohol in his blood. A friend had just picked up the clothes and paid the bill, but housekeeping hadn't had a chance to do the room yet. And there would be no one else in the house at that time of day. However, given his status, they would fix it up first thing in the morning, and he could move into it at 08:00.
From behind the skinhead came forward. He had quite a suit fetish, Frederik was very welcome to spend the night with him. "Listen," Frederik pleaded with the gentleman at the front desk. "I don't care about the condition of the room. I just want my own bed and my own bathroom." After promising not to complain about anything, he got the door card. And Frederik hurried to get out of this den of iniquity.
The bed was not made. There were knotted condoms and tissues on the floor. There were still clothes in the closet that had been overlooked. Shower gel was still in the shower and there was still a razor. It smelled of sweat and sweetish perfume. Frederik didn't care about anything. He looked again after the status of the German Rail. Supposedly, trains should start running again at 07:00 in the morning. He set the alarm clock in his cell phone to 06:00, undressed and hung his clothes neatly in the closet. With a used towel, he wiped the shower, toilet and washstand. And fortunately, there was still a clean towel left for him to use. He lay down on the bed. The pillow smelled of the sweetish perfume. Slowly, he calmed down. And fell asleep.
At 04:00 his cell phone woke him up. He had received a new message. "Sweetie, how are you". And there were at least two dozen more messages and missed calls. What the hell!!! Darn it! Had he been drinking yesterday? Actually, no. But somehow he had a hangover. A glass of water might help. He went into the bathroom and ran the cold water and drank straight from the tap. Yes, that felt good. He washed his face with cold water and looked in the mirror.
FUUUCK! Frederik was 42 years old. He had once been athletic, but lately he had let himself go quite a bit. As a self-employed management consultant, he earned a lot of money and made a point of maintaining a well-groomed, discreet and conservative appearance. But what was that in the mirror!?!?!?!?
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Shit, Freddy had really drunk a lot after arriving in Berlin yesterday. For a short time he had gone black before his eyes. But now it worked again. And in the name of Cher, Bette Midler and Zarah Leander: He wasn't here to sleep it off. Freddy put on his one-million-dollar smile and answered the last message with a selfie. And the subtext: "Honey Bear, I had to freshen up for a minute. Where are you?"
He quickly swapped the baggy shorts go his pink glitter hot pants, put on matching sneakers and pink chest harness and left the room. He didn't get far. In the elevator he met a skinhead whose upper body was in a shiny latex shirt. He was no longer completely sober. But he obviously thought Freddy was hot. And somehow the latex made Freddy horny. One blowjob more or less didn't matter anymore. His friends could wait a few more minutes for him.
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nawapon17 · 3 months
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schoenes-thailand · 5 months
Berlin: Central Group hat das Wahrzeichen KaDeWe im Zentrum Berlins erworben
Der thailändische Einzelhändler Central Group hat das Wahrzeichen KaDeWe im Zentrum Berlins von der insolventen österreichischen Firma Signa erworben und sei damit ein weiterer Schritt auf dem Weg zum Kauf der Gruppe, berichten die thailändischen Medien. Central sagte am Freitag in einer Erklärung, man sei optimistisch hinsichtlich der Gespräche über die Übernahme der gesamten KaDeWe Gruppe , zu der auch das Alsterhaus in Hamburg und Oberpollinger in München gehören. Der thailändische Einzelhändler hält bereits eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung von 50,1 % an der Gruppe „Der Erwerb des KaDeWe Gebäudes ist für uns der erste wichtige Meilenstein bei dem Versuch, die KaDeWe Group Betreibergesellschaft in ein nachhaltiges, finanziell tragfähiges Unternehmen umzuwandeln und umzustrukturieren“, sagte Vittorio Radice , Vorstandsmitglied der Central Group Europe , in einer Erklärung.
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Die insolvente Signa Prime , die Anteile an den Luxuskaufhäusern KaDeWe besitzt, lehnte gegenüber den Medien eine Stellungnahme ab. Der Kaufpreis für das Gebäude, ein beliebtes Touristenziel in Berlin , wurde von der deutschen Wirtschaftszeitung Handelsblatt mit rund einer Milliarde Euro (1,07 Milliarden US-Dollar) angegeben. Central machte keine Angaben dazu, wie viel für die Immobilie gezahlt wurde. Signa, das vom Tycoon Rene Benko gegründete Immobilienimperium , war eines der größten Opfer der europäischen Immobilienkrise und Gläubiger meldeten Forderungen in Milliardenhöhe an. Die Holdinggesellschaft der Gruppe, die im Zentrum eines Geflechts von Hunderten von Unternehmen steht, hat Insolvenz angemeldet, ebenso wie ihre beiden wichtigsten Einheiten, Signa Prime und Signa Development . / The Nation // Reuters Read the full article
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gorky-gorod · 5 months
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ГЕРМАНИЯ ЗА МИНУТУ. 12 АПРЕЛЯ 2024 ✅Беженцев переводят на безналичный расчет Бундестаг одобрил новую систему выплаты пособий мигрантам, попросившим убежища. Впредь они станут получать наличными только небольшую сумму. Остаток пособия раз в месяц будут начислять на электронные карты для безналичной оплаты товаров в специальных магазинах. Как пояснила глава МВД Нэнси Фезер, это помешает беженцам переводить денежные средства за рубеж, например, близким, оставшимся на родине. За голосовали депутаты от партий правящей коалиции, а также АдГ и «Союза Зары Вагенкнехт». ✅Инфляция продолжает тормозить По сравнению с прошлым мартом уровень цен повысился только на 2,2%. Это самый низкий показатель инфляции за три года. Эксперты объясняют происходящее удешевлением энергии и большинства продуктов питания. ✅42% немцев за расширение военной помощи Киеву Западу следует активнее поддерживать Украину в войне с Россией. Такого мнения 42% опрошенных для телепрограммы ZDF. В феврале за расширение военной помощи Киеву была треть населения. 31% полагают, что нынешнего объема помощи достаточно. 22% - что ее нужно сокращать. Резко упала доля тех, кто ожидает победы Украины. Таких только 8%. Более половины немцев считают, что после окончания военных действий Украину следует принять в НАТО. ✅Подростки задумали теракты В Северном Рейне-Вестфалии задержаны четверо подростков: двое юношей и две девушки в возрасте 15-16 лет, которые обсуждали планы возможного теракта. По данным полиции, они обменивались в интернете-чате соображениями по поводу целей и средств нападения. Речь шла о поджоге христианских церквей и полицейских участков в Дортмунде, Дюссельдорфе и Кёльне. Задержанных относят к числу радикальных исламистов. ✅KaDeWe купили таиландцы? Знаменитый столичный универмаг KaDeWe перешел в руки инвесторов из Таиланда. Об этом сообщает издание Handelsblatt. Ранее разорился австрийский холдинг Signa Gruppe, которому принадлежала в Германии сеть магазинов Galeria Kaufhof и другие объекты коммерческой недвижимости, в том числе KaDeWe. Будущее «храма потребления» оказалось под вопросом. Теперь, судя по всему, он продолжит работу. Утверждают, что здание, где с 1907 года размещается KaDeWe, сменило владельца за миллиард евро. Новый хозяин – Central Group – контролирует ряд торговых центров в Таиланде, а также в Швейцарии и Великобритании.
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world-of-news · 8 months
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raum-e · 8 months
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Das KaDeWe ist jetzt das KaDeO (seit 2015 überwiegend, jetzt zu 100% Eigentum der Central Group).
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wirinformieren · 8 months
KaDeWe-Gruppe: Luxus-Kaufhauskette kurz vor der Insolvenz.
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Die KaDeWe-Gruppe, eine renommierte Luxus-Kaufhauskette, steht offenbar kurz vor der Insolvenz. Diese alarmierende Nachricht wurde vom Wirtschaftsmagazin "Capital" veröffentlicht und stützt sich auf Informationen aus Unternehmenskreisen. Die Insolvenzantragstellung wird voraussichtlich Anfang der kommenden Woche erfolgen, ohne dass das Unternehmen bisher auf Anfragen reagiert hat.
Die Situation im Detail
Das Insolvenzverfahren soll in Berlin eröffnet werden, wo die KaDeWe-Gruppe den größten Teil ihres Geschäfts tätigt. Insbesondere das gleichnamige Kaufhaus an der Tauentzienstraße im Ortsteil Schöneberg zählt zu den bedeutenden Filialen. Der offizielle Firmensitz befindet sich jedoch in Essen. Neben dem KaDeWe in Berlin betreibt die Gruppe das Alsterhaus in Hamburg und das Oberpollinger in München.
Die Rolle von Signa und René Benko
Die KaDeWe-Gruppe gehört zum Signa-Konzern, einem weit verzweigten Immobilien- und Handelskonzern unter der Leitung des österreichischen Immobilieninvestors René Benko. Im vergangenen Jahr geriet der Signa-Konzern in finanzielle Schieflage, was zu erheblichen Problemen bei mehreren Tochtergesellschaften führte. Die Ursachen dieser finanziellen Turbulenzen werden auf steigende Zinsen, Baukosten und Energiepreise zurückgeführt. Bereits im Januar dieses Jahres hatte der zum Signa-Konzern gehörende Warenhauskonzern Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof einen Insolvenzantrag gestellt.
Signa hält einen Anteil von 49,9 Prozent an der KaDeWe-Gruppe, während die restlichen 50,1 Prozent seit 2015 im Besitz des thailändischen Konzerns Central Group sind. Michael Peterseim, der Chef der KaDeWe-Gruppe, gab an, dass das Unternehmen zuletzt einen Umsatz von etwa 800 Millionen Euro erzielte.
Central Group als möglicher Retter
In Anbetracht der finanziellen Schwierigkeiten der KaDeWe-Gruppe könnte die Central Group als möglicher Retter in Erscheinung treten. Diese thailändische Unternehmensgruppe ist bereits seit 2015 Mehrheitsaktionärin der Luxus-Kaufhauskette. Die Central Group hat sich in der Vergangenheit als expansiv und finanziell robust erwiesen. Michael Peterseim äußerte sich nicht näher zu den Gründen für die drohende Insolvenz, ließ jedoch verlauten, dass die Central Group als potenzieller Käufer für die deutschen Luxuskaufhäuser gelten könnte.
Die Herausforderungen für die KaDeWe-Gruppe
Die finanzielle Schieflage der KaDeWe-Gruppe verdeutlicht die Herausforderungen, denen auch andere Einzelhändler und Luxusmarken gegenüberstehen. Steigende Zinsen, gestiegene Baukosten und Energiepreise setzen Unternehmen in der Branche zunehmend unter Druck. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat zudem die Einbußen im Einzelhandel verstärkt, da Lockdowns und Beschränkungen die Kundenströme beeinträchtigten.
Einblick in die Geschichte der KaDeWe-Gruppe
Das KaDeWe, kurz für Kaufhaus des Westens, ist eines der ältesten und bekanntesten Warenhäuser in Deutschland. Es wurde im Jahr 1907 in Berlin eröffnet und hat seitdem eine lange Geschichte als renommierte Adresse für Luxus und Einkaufserlebnisse. Die KaDeWe-Gruppe, zu der auch das Alsterhaus in Hamburg und das Oberpollinger in München gehören, hat sich als Anlaufstelle für anspruchsvolle Kunden etabliert.
Signa-Konzern: Immobilien und Handel im Fokus
Der österreichische Immobilieninvestor René Benko gründete den Signa-Konzern, der sich auf Immobilienentwicklung und Handel spezialisiert hat. Neben dem Engagement im Einzelhandel besitzt Signa zahlreiche Immobilienprojekte, darunter Bürogebäude, Einkaufszentren und Hotels. Die Diversifikation in verschiedene Branchen sollte dem Konzern Stabilität und Wachstum ermöglichen, doch die finanziellen Herausforderungen des vergangenen Jahres haben diese Strategie erschüttert.
Auswirkungen auf Mitarbeiter und Lieferanten
Die drohende Insolvenz der KaDeWe-Gruppe hat nicht nur Auswirkungen auf das Unternehmen selbst, sondern auch auf die zahlreichen Mitarbeiter und Lieferanten. Insolvenzen können zu Arbeitsplatzverlusten führen und die gesamte Lieferkette beeinträchtigen. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie die Insolvenz den Arbeitsmarkt im Einzelhandel und die Beziehungen zu den Lieferanten beeinflussen wird.
Zukunftsaussichten und Herausforderungen
Die Zukunftsaussichten der KaDeWe-Gruppe hängen maßgeblich von den Entwicklungen in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten ab. Eine erfolgreiche Übernahme oder Rettung durch die Central Group könnte das Fortbestehen der Luxus-Kaufhauskette sichern. Andernfalls könnten die Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Einzelhandelslandschaft erheblich sein.
Die Herausforderungen im Einzelhandel, insbesondere im Luxussegment, sind vielfältig. Die steigenden Kosten, der zunehmende Online-Wettbewerb und die Veränderungen im Konsumverhalten stellen Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Eine mögliche Neuausrichtung der KaDeWe-Gruppe, unterstützt durch erfahrene Investoren, könnte jedoch die Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft legen.
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Mr. Crocodile making a splash in the windows of THE KADEWE GROUP Berlin. Lacoste #windowdisplay #visualmerchandising #retail #fashion #berlin #windows (Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn39j2Jtlsx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Das KaDeWe hat einen weiteren Bauabschnitt seiner seit 2016 laufenden Transformation fertiggestellt. Grund genug, das vorgestern Abend mit 2000 Gästen zu feiern.
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Julian Daynov attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Petra Fladenhofer and Christiane Arp attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: French singer Corine and her DJ at the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: German actress Julia Malik at the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Doorman Frank Kuester at the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: DJane Wana Limar at the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Timo Weber, Simone Heift and Vittorio Radice attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Mandy Bork attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Austrian business man Rene Benko and his wife Nathalie Benko with Berlin Mayor Michael Mueller at the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Alice Dwyer and Sabin Tambrea attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Bettina Cramer attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Rabea Schif attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: August Wittgenstein and Sabin Tambrea attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Guests arriving at the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Sean Hill and Sebastian Andersen attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Andrea Sawatzki and Christian Berkel attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Bettina Zimmermann, Alexandra Neldel and Minu Barati-Fischer attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Veronika Rost and Sean Hill attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Alexandra Maria Lara and Sam Riley attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Julia Malik and Rabea Schif attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Michael Mueller attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Juliane Diesner, Aylin Koenig and Laura Noltemeyer attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Kolja Kleeberg attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Ronald Zehrfeld and Benno Fuermann attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Johann Lafer attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Fiona Dinkelbach attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Katja Eichinger attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: German actor August Wittgenstein and German actor Tom Wlaschihaat the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Annabelle Mandeng attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Benno Fuermann, Iris Berben, Andrea Sawatzki and Christian Berkel attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Caro Daur attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Iris Berben attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Andre Maeder and Bettina Zimmermann attend the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: Julia Malik attends the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
BERLIN, GERMANY – DECEMBER 10: German presenter Jochen Schropp at the KaDeWe Grand Opening event at KaDeWe on December 10, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Isa Foltin/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group/image.net)
Profashionals auch in Instagram. Jetzt folgen: profashionals_live
Grand Opening in Berlin Das KaDeWe hat einen weiteren Bauabschnitt seiner seit 2016 laufenden Transformation fertiggestellt. Grund genug, das vorgestern Abend mit 2000 Gästen zu feiern.
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Foto: Panorama Helsinki / Finland - Dom und Parlamentsplatz (by tap5a)
“We only do this for Fergus!” is a short Outlander Fan Fiction story and my contribution to the Outlander Prompt Exchange (Prompt 3: Fake Relationship AU: Jamie Fraser wants to formally adopt his foster son Fergus, but his application will probably not be approved... unless he is married and/or in a committed relationship. Enter one Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp (Randall?) to this story) @outlanderpromptexchange​
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Chapter 1: Life offers you many surprises
Berlin, Französische Straße Friday, 25 July 2025, 8.50 a.m.
         Five minutes earlier, Claire Elisabeth Beauchamp had entered the large, light gray house, built in the neo-Renaissance style that dominated the whole Forum Fridericianum. In the lobby, which was dominated by marble and dark wood, Claire was greeted by a receptionist. She was asked to sit down for a moment in one of the dark leather armchairs, of which four were grouped around an elegant round table. As she waited, her eyes wandered up the high walls of the entrance hall. A few steps of a staircase led out of the hall through a large glass door that ended in a round arch at the top, reminiscent of a gate entrance. Above it was a large ornament of dark stones inlaid in the light marble. The ornament showed a circle, which, as it seemed, was formed from a belt. The words "Je suis prest" could be read in the curve of the circle and in the center of the ornament was the head of a stately stag, which looked directly at the observer.
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“Französische Straße Berlin” by Jörg Zägel / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)
         Claire knew that the French motto meant "I am ready!", but just as she was wondering what the sign meant, an older lady approached her. She introduced herself as Mrs. Fitz-Gibbons. This employee, whose blue costume gave the impression of a uniform, led Claire down various small staircases and long corridors to the room where she was now sitting. Wherever they had gone in this house, it had been extremely quiet. The heavy, dark red carpets that covered all the stairs and hallways, had swallowed every sound of their footsteps. Now she sat in a room whose furnishings were characterized by dark wood and light brass and whose dimensions were more like those of a hall. But it was the antechamber of the CEO’s office of "Fraser & Son International" and behind the large double-winged door that Claire was now looking at was the study of Dr. James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, one of the country's leading business owners.         Until two weeks ago, Claire did not know the man's name or that of his company. She didn't care about the gossip press, which also reported on the local "high society" in Berlin. But then Geillis Duncan, her best friend, came by one evening and showed her a job ad from the "Wirtschaftswoche" newspaper. At first Claire was completely surprised. How did Geillis, who loved to read the gossip press, come to show her an ad from Germany's leading weekly magazine for managers?
         "Dave left it on the kitchen table, and since I didn't have anything else at hand, I looked into it while having breakfast. But now take a look at this job ad!"
Geillis had emphatically pointed to an ad that featured the same ornament as the one she had seen in the lobby.          Claire had started reading. A pedagogically trained caregiver was needed for an almost seven-year-old child. The woman should speak fluent German, English and French. Further foreign language skills were welcome but not required. Furthermore, an extensive general education and an impeccable curriculum vitae (i.e. no entries in the Federal Central Crime Register) were expected. Special emphasis was placed on the knowledge and practice of the literature written by Adolph Freiherr Knigge. Three times the current monthly salary was offered, 30 days paid vacation, free board and lodging, private health insurance 1st class.
         "Just imagine Claire!" the girlfriend had exclaimed enthusiastically, "If you got this job and worked there for a few years, all your problems would be solved!”
         Geillis was right, well, almost. Surely not all her problems would be solved. But the financial problems she had to deal with could at least be significantly reduced by this job. She had to acknowledge that and so Claire, Geillis and her friend Dave met that very evening to write a letter of application. Dave, who worked for a large media company at Potsdamer Platz, immediately agreed to help her with his knowledge. The next day, Claire had sent off the application. Then she had bought an updated edition of "The Knigge" and started reading it. Shortly after, Geillis came and brought her a large pile of current newspaper clippings so Claire could learn all she needed to know about the person of James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser and the family business he ran.
         She learned a lot about the company from various business magazines, but the person of James Fraser seemed almost like a phantom. It seemed to her that this man also didn't care about the so-called "high society" and obviously he didn't deliver any headlines to the gossip press. There was neither an article about him nor a photo of him on the company's homepage. Even a Wikipedia article with his name only gave the basic data (birthday, place of birth, family, studies) and otherwise dealt more with the globally active company. "Fraser & Son International" was one of the few family-owned companies that to this day had no shareholders and, having invested in a wide range of economic sectors, not only survived the financial crisis of 2008 well, but had even emerged from it stronger. In this Wikipedia article, however, there was a photo by James Fraser. It showed him with a group of business leaders at a national conference. However, this picture was over eight years old and also very pixelated. At some point everything turned in Claire's head and she hoped that she had not learned all this information for nothing. If she would at least be invited for a job interview.          Ten days later, she hadn't dared to hope that she would ever hear of Fraser & Son International, and to her surprise, her smartphone rang just before the lunch break began. A Dr. Ned Gowan called on behalf of the company, explained that he was the lawyer for "Fraser & Son International" and asked if she could come for an interview at the company's headquarters two days later at 9:00 am. She told him that she had to ask her department head to give her time off first and would call back. As the summer vacation period was over, it was no problem to get a day off and so she called Dr Gowan fifteen minutes later and agreed to meet him (and Dr. Fraser!) two days later. Claire had to be extremely restrained not to cheer out loud. This would have immediately drawn the attention of her colleagues in the department, and she definitely did not want to tell them about it. During lunch break, she left the clinic and sat down on a bench in a nearby park. From there she called Geillis and told her the good news. Right after the end of her shift, the friends met in the parking lot of the clinic to go into town together and pick out a suitable "outfit" for Claire's job interview. Geillis, who had worked as a freelance fashion consultant for many years before she met "the rich Dave", dragged her friend directly to the fashion department of the KaDeWe. There, after a while, they found a muted dark green business costume that emphasized Claire's figure but still looked respectable.
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“Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) - Foto by Avi1111 dr. avishai teicher / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
         "That's perfect," exclaimed Geillis as Claire stepped out of the dressing room.          "Yes, perfectly too expensive for me. Have you seen the price?"          "Don't worry about that," Geillis replied. Then she whispered:          "I'll pay for it. If the job doesn't work out, we'll just give it back afterwards. And if you get the job and want to keep it, you'll give me the money back when you get your first salary.”
         They bought the costume and also a matching blouse and shoes. Claire was not allowed to think about the amount of money they had spent within a few hours or she would get sick.          But that was all forgotten at that moment. Now it was time to concentrate and make a good impression.          Mrs. Fitz-Gibbons had led her into this room and instructed her to use one of the twelve large brown leather armchairs. With the words          "You will be called in when it is your turn,"          she had said goodbye.          Claire had taken a seat and scanned the room as inconspicuously as possible. Seven other women sat in leather armchairs of the same type, which were set up on three side walls of the room, each separated by a small table. On the tables were glasses and bottles of mineral water, but none of the other women had made use of them. Claire had not intended to drink anything either. She was far too excited to drink, and she was afraid that she might have to go to the bathroom in the middle of her upcoming job interview. Slowly, her gaze wandered across the light-colored carpet to that large, two-winged mahogany wooden door. On each of the wings was a coat of arms, divided into four sections. On the upper left and the lower right quarter were three white flowers on a blue background. The upper right and the lower left quarter each showed three red, pointed crowns on a white background. Behind this door, Claire assumed, must be the director's room. What would she expect there? She did not know. Why had she only gotten involved in this thing that Geilis Duncan had suggested to her? Out of desperation? She wasn't sure. Only one thing was sure: she had never thought that she would have to have another job interview at the age of almost 30. But that was her life. Much of what had happened in her life had not been planned, nor had she ever expected her life to be like that.          Claire Elisabeth Beauchamp, almost divorced Randall, had lost her parents in a car accident when she was five years old. For the next fifteen years she was raised in the loving care of her uncle 'Lamb'. Dr. Quentin Lambert Beauchamp, an archaeologist and Egyptologist whose research focus was on the Old Kingdom of Egypt and who was highly revered by his students, came to Berlin in 2015, where he taught at Humboldt University in the last years before his retirement. There Claire had also met her future husband, Dr. Frank Randall. He had been assigned to her uncle as a research assistant. Randall had courted her like no man before and they had already married in May 2016. The first four years of their marriage had gone in a way that Claire would still describe as happy today. Although, she was no longer quite so sure. What did happiness actually mean? Was there a definition for this term? And even if there was a definition for the term "happiness", was it really valid for all people? In any case, the first four years of her marriage had not been very negative. Together they had made regular trips to Paris, Madrid, Prague, Budapest, Dubrovnik, Palermo, Venice, Turin, Marseille, Amsterdam, Florence, Milan, Barcelona and Bruges.
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“Palermo/Sizilien” by  nataliaaggiato 
         Claire enjoyed getting to know these cities and experiencing their cultural particularities. When Lambert Beauchamp died unexpectedly in February 2019 as a result of a stroke, Frank had been kind and, in her opinion, very sensitive to her needs. But in the spring of 2020, a strange development had set in with him. At first Claire had blamed it on the effects of the corona pandemic. After the start of the lockdown, Frank was mainly at home, giving lectures via Zoom and otherwise writing a new book on the history of the Scottish Jacobite uprising in 1745. Claire, on the other hand, was working as a nurse in the children's clinic of Berlin's Charité hospital, as she had been before the crisis. Frank had insisted that Claire should give up her job. The possibility that she could become infected with the virus seemed too high to him. But Claire could not bring it over her heart to leave her fellow nurses alone, especially in such a severe time, and thanks to the strictly observed precautions she got through this difficult time without any problems. While she could be happy about the successes in her profession, the problems in her marriage with Frank seemed to become bigger and bigger. At some point, she felt that Frank was becoming more and more monosyllabic and that they were drifting apart rapidly. But evem then she thought this was a temporary phase that would end after the pandemic at the latest. At least she hoped so. When a vaccine against the virus was finally found in July 2021 and became available in December 2021, Claire breathed a sigh of relief. She and Frank would get vaccinated and then they could travel again. This would change Frank's mind and make her marriage blossom again. But it all turned out differently. Once they were vaccinated, Frank suddenly didn't feel like traveling anymore. Again and again he put off his work. Regularly he worked until late at night at the university and sometimes he spent whole nights there. It was always about important analyses, which he published in specialist publications and for which there were tight deadlines. Even on evenings when Claire was off, he was rarely at home, and whenever she tried to initiate a little marital tenderness, he was too tired for that. In the spring of 2022, they had slept together for the last time. A few months later, Frank had stopped kissing her goodbye, as he usually did when he left the house.          What happened then had the potential to throw her completely off track. By the fall of 2022, a hunch that Claire had suppressed again and again had been confirmed. Frank had a mistress. When she returned from her work at the children's hospital one evening in October, she saw Frank saying goodbye to a slender blonde at the door of their shared house, kissing her intensely. She stood there frozen. Everything inside her urged her to turn around and run away. But then the anger that built up within her gained the upper hand. Like a burning ray that shot out of her stomach through her whole body, he took a breath. She ran to the front door, unlocked it and found Frank standing at the sink in the kitchen, where he was just rinsing out two wine glasses. He turned to her in surprise, but before he could say a word, Claire's purse hit him in the left half of his face with full force. Frank had lost his balance and had fallen over. His glasses had come off his head and had broken when he hit the kitchen floor. Claire no longer knew what insults she had used to call him. Frank had picked himself up and collected the parts of his glasses. He had not even set out to explain the situation or apologize.Claire would not have listened to him either. She had turned on her foot and had run into the shared bedroom. When she arrived there, she had taken Frank's bed linen, run back downstairs with it and threw it all into his study. Then she ran back into the bedroom again and locked herself inside. She did not know how long she had cried angrily. But before she had fallen asleep, she had made a plan. The next morning she went on the morning shift. During a break she called a lawyer and that same afternoon she went to see her to discuss the formalities of a divorce.
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“Brille” by  jottbe
         Frank had had the injuries Claire had inflicted on him treated, but had not reported them to the police. It was only later that he let it show that he had orchestrated the whole situation. He had simply been too cowardly to have a conversation with her about a divorce, as two adults normally do. He probably wanted to make her feel guilty, too. Claire was convinced of that, at least. Frank had always been against her going back to work. When she accepted the job at the children's hospital a year after their wedding, he had expressed himself very negatively about it. What kind of impression would it leave on his colleagues if the wife of a prospective professor went to work? And in the last year of their marriage he had not missed any opportunity to tell her how much he felt neglected.            It took three months before Claire was able to move into a small room in one of the Charité nurses' homes. During these three months she did everything she could to avoid Frank as much as possible. Anything she couldn't take with her to the nurses' home, she stored in her friend Geillis Duncan's basement. Claire hoped that the divorce would be finalized in October 2023 after the obligatory year of separation and that she could finally start a new life. But this time, too, everything turned out differently than she had hoped.          It was a rainy autumn day in September 2023 and it was to be the last day in the life of Dr. Frank Randall. On a country road near Lübeck, where he had attended a conference for historians, Frank's car skidded for some unknown reason. The car broke through the barrier and then came to a halt in a field. There it was discovered the next morning by a farmer. When the police arrived at the scene of the accident, Dr. Frank Randall was strapped in the seat belt and sat in the driver's seat as if nothing had happened. He was uninjured and even still wearing his hat. But Frank Randall was dead. An autopsy performed later revealed that Frank had had a heart attack that caused him to lose control of the car, causing it to veer off the road. It was, as the police later said, very lucky that no other car had been hit. Claire was shaken.
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“Lübeck”  by scholty1970 
         But an even greater shock struck her on the day of the reading of the will. On that day, the notary told her that she would not inherit any money, only debts from Frank. Her still-husband had bought a condominium for his mistress for 250,000 euros, which he had signed over to her. For this gift Frank had gone into debt and Claire, who was still married to him by law, inherited his debts. It was one big nightmare. Although Claire had also inherited the rights to Frank's books, these reference books sold only in very manageable numbers and brought in little money. With her salary as a pediatric nurse, it would take her decades to pay off Frank's debts. Meanwhile, Sandy Travers, this  bleached ...., was sitting in her apartment, probably enjoying herself with her next lover. Once again the anger about Frank rose in Claire's heart, but before she could think about him any further, a familiar voice tore her from these thoughts. 
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enibas22 · 5 years
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from fashionstreet-berlin.de, 📸 Franziska Krug/Getty Images for KaDeWe Group
On December 10, 2019, the traditional Berlin department store KaDeWe celebrated its “GRAND OPENING”.
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innocentamit · 3 years
The new owners of Selfridges are renovating a luxury hotel in a luxury London store
The new owners of Selfridges are renovating a luxury hotel in a luxury London store
The new owners of Selfridges are planning to build a luxury hotel and used building as part of the renovation of Oxford Street, according to Austrian Real Estate Group Signa, a liaison with Thai Central Group retailers. £ 4bn price. Signa and Central, formerly owned by German and Swiss supermarkets KaDeWe and Globus, have rebuilt the Selfridges restaurant after buying a UK brand from the Weston…
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indiarightnow · 3 years
Canada's Weston family selling off Selfridges luxury store chain | CBC News
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Thailand’s Central Group and Austrian real estate group Signa said Friday they plan to buy luxury British department store chain Selfridges. The deal, reportedly worth 4 billion pounds ($6.88 billion Cdn), adds to Central’s collection of posh retailers that includes Rinascente in Italy, Illum in Denmark, Switzerland’s Globus and The KaDeWe Group in Germany. Selfridges was founded in 1908 by…
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clubbyfr · 3 years
Que porte-t-on cet automne ? Entretien d'acheteurs avec Daniel Marker du groupe KaDeWe
Que porte-t-on cet automne ? Entretien d’acheteurs avec Daniel Marker du groupe KaDeWe
Quelles tendances porterons-nous au cours des cinq prochains mois sombres ? Daniel de KaDeWe le révèle Trois choses que j’attends avec impatience chez Journelles quand les températures baissent et que l’automne commence : Faire découvrir les nouveaux venus sur les boutiques en ligne, préparer notre grand Spécial Cadeaux de décembre et, surtout, rédiger nos interviews d’Acheteurs. Pas seulement à…
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architectnews · 3 years
Kaufhaus des Westens, Tauentzienstraße Berlin
Kaufhaus des Westens, Tauentzienstraße Berlin, German Real Estate, Commercial Building, Interior Architecture Photos
Kaufhaus des Westens in Berlin
8 October 2021
Design: OMA
Location: Berlin, Germany
Kaufhaus des Westens
Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) belongs to a consolidated tradition of historical European urban department stores such as Galeries Lafayette in Paris, Selfridges in London and La Rinascente in Milan. Historically, these department stores have been some of the pillars of early modern retail, acting as incubators for sophisticated crafts, social exchange and experimentation in services.
Since its opening in 1907, the KaDeWe has always been at the forefront of product selection, while also setting new standards for customer services. Its unique size – the biggest department store in continental Europe – makes it akin to a city: a three-dimensional network of paths, squares, neighborhoods, activities and views unfolding through its large extensions, providing opportunities for commercial, social and cultural encounters. Its evolution reflects Germany’s modern history: from its origins in the early 20th century, through WWII destructions and the subsequent rebirth in the 1950s when it became a symbol of the country’s post war reconstruction and economic success.
Late 20th century modifications, accelerating global economic shifts and the digital revolution have turned the KaDeWe’s former set up into an obsolete model. An alternative to the established retail model – a model that redefines the relationship between the department store, its patrons and its physical and urban environments – is timely.
Our proposal for the transformation of KaDeWe is tactical. Rather than treating the existing building as a singular mass, the project breaks it into four quadrants, each one with different architectural and commercial qualities, targeted at different audiences: classic, experimental, young, generic. The four department stores under one single roof fragment the original mass into smaller, easily accessible and navigable components – similar to distinct urban sectors embedded into a unifying city fabric.
Each quadrant addresses a different street entrance and is organized around its core void, which acts both as a central atrium and a primary vertical circulation space. Through a process closer to curating than designing, each void is developed specifically, resulting in four distinct spatial experiences and four efficient models of organization within a single department store.
Throughout the nine levels of the building, the voids transform in size and extension, avoiding repetition and making every floor unique: they disappear on the ground floor, morph through the commercial areas, and one of the voids reaches the new rooftop.
A cross-shaped organizational system reinforces the presence of the quadrants on each commercial floor. It regulates the use of the spaces, the general circulation, the transition between one quadrant and the other and the relationship between brands and curated spaces, while at the same time allowing the injection of unexpected programs. The building operates as infrastructure allowing for multiple conditions and uses.
The original vaulted rooftop becomes a compact glass volume, extending organically from the profile of the existing building. The journey through one of the voids culminates with a final escalator ramp that brings the visitors here for an expansive view of Berlin. The configuration of the new rooftop creates an open-air courtyard between the new architectural insert and the rest of the building. Irregular in shape, the courtyard provides a space for outdoor programs and simultaneously unveils the most exciting and yet most secret spaces of KaDeWe: its food laboratories
KaDeWe in Berlin, Germany – Building Information
Design: OMA
Client: KaDeWe Group Location: Berlin, Germany Site: Berlin, Tauentzienstraße Program: Renovation 90.000 sqm department store
OMA Team Partner: Ellen van Loon, Rem Koolhaas Team: Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, Alex de Jong, Natalie Konopelski. Giacomo Ardesio, Sandra Bsat, Laurence Bolhaar, Janna Bystrykh, Paul Cournet, Alessandro De Santis, Alice Gregoire, Luis Guzman Grossberger, Sacha Hickinbotham, Piotr Janus, Aleksandar Joksimovic, Francesca Lantieri, Barbara Materia, Romea Muryn, Miguel Taborda, Salome Nikuradze, Rita L. Álvarez-Tabío Togores, Felix Perasso, Mariano Sagasta, Iason Stathatos, Tom Xia, Weronika Zaborek
Collaborators Management: SMV Bauprojektsteuerung Ingenieursgesellschaft mbH Structural Engineer: IBK Ing.-Büro für Tragwerksplanung Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineers: IBT Ingenieurbüro Trache Local Architects: Architekturbüro Udo Landgraf, Heine Architekten Partnerschaft mbB, AUKETT+HEESE GmbH Lighting: Sekles Planungsbuero Escalators: HUNDT CONSULT GmbH, Geyssel Fahrtreppen GmbH Resin panels: Sabine Marcelis Studio
Kaufhaus des Westens, Berlin images / information received 081021 from OMA
Kaufhaus des Westens Berlin Building
OMA Architects
Location: Berlin, Germany, western Europe
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