#Kaido covers his ears for those parts of the discussion and tries not to die of embarrassment
no-psi-nan · 1 year
Concept: Chiyo decides that the Occult Club barely has any members because it doesn't have a wide enough appeal, so she wants to change it to a book club. And being Chiyo, she wants it to specifically be a romance book club, but Arisu wants to keep at least a little bit of occult in it, so it becomes a paranormal and/or romance book club. And obviously the first reading is Twilight.
But anyways, what makes it funny is that Saiki is trying so hard to pretend he isn't into "crap like that" but of course he hates getting spoiled for books and hearing thoughts without context, so he goes and reads the assigned books as soon as they're decided on. Which means that, of course, he now has Opinions™ about the book, and wants so so badly to jump into the discussion the girls are having because they are MISSING all of the MOTIFS.
And he's so busy furiously arguing with them in his head that he misses Kaido's approach, and Kaido spots him lurking outside the bookclub listening in, right where Kaido was going to lurk outside the bookclub to listen in. Naturally, Kaido yells in surprise, and Chiyo's highly-attuned ear hears it, and she catches them both outside the door and frog-marches them in.
And as much as Saiki tries to keep up his usual silent facade, he can't help but start giving his opinion when asked directly, and he slowly talks more and more at each meeting, and occasionally, even outside the meeting.
Chiyo couldn't be prouder!
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