#Kamala Harris and Biden admin allowing it
Hey, just wanna put in the Kamala Harris tag that leftists like me couldn't be convinced to vote for Biden when you had his whole campaign to try and so there's really no way youre gonna convince us to vote for Kamala in 4 months.
No. I don't have a sense of solidarity to fight Trump with democrats.
Nope. I dont. I will not vote for someone who supports genocide. Period. There is no amount of guilt or yelling or shaming that you can do to change my mind. If you justify genocide, an act of ethnic cleansing why would I care to analyze how that's different from advocating for it? Why should I care about your opinion at all?
Your "TRUMP WILL BE WORSE. NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO TRY THIRD PARTY VOTING-" posts are unnecessary. Chill with the caps lock.
"Trump will be worse"
All the more reason why democrats should've spent more time putting protections in place instead of just promising to. Especially when those promises were only going to be fulfilled if their Biden won and he just Dropped Out. Why should I care to analyze how much worse a trump genocide will be compared to a Biden genocide when the deal breaker is genocide. How did you accept genocide so easily?
Why even ask when all that matters is that, like the alt-right, you'd allow a genocide to happen if it benefitted you.
"So you want trump to win??"
I want fascists to lose. Why spend time analyzing which one?
You really want to try stopping fascism with electoralism? The ACTUAL fucking hard truth is that it'll never happen with the status quo candidates running on the status quo parties that consistently cater to fascist comfort.
That should be common sense, I fear.
And so no. I will absolutely fucking not meet you "in the middle" when you've somehow convinced yourself supporting genocide is a centrist belief and the rational decision to make.
I wont fight fascists with fascists because that sounds like a bad awful terrible and not thought out plan at all but I would vote in solidarity with anti-fascists to make sure neither a Fascist Cop nor a Fascist Reality Tv Star gets elected.
Third party or fucking bust, Democrats. I'm not fucking changing my stance and as far as I'm concerned a Harris admin is the same as a Trump admin so threats about him are gonna fall on deaf ears and so are fear mongering claims about project 2025 (which I've read btw).
I think y'all should call your reps and the DNC and tell them you want Kamala to step aside so that a more left candidate can run on their ticket. It would eliminate ballot access concerns which are really the only issue I ever see come up when it comes to 3rd parties.
Your move. How bad do you actually wanna avoid Trump?
Will you stand with your party or against trump? cuz those aren't the same thing.
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beardedmrbean · 18 days
California’s Democratic-controlled legislature axed a Republican proposal that would have exempted tipped-income from state income taxes, striking down a policy proposal similar to ones endorsed by Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.
"It is deeply disappointing that the legislature chose not to consider a proposal that could have provided much-needed relief to California’s workers," Republican State Sen. Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, who introduced the measure, said in a press release after it was defeated.
Ochoa Bogh introduced the amendment in California’s Senate on Thursday that would have exempted service industry workers with a state tax exemption on tips, but the proposal was voted down on a mostly party line vote without discussion or debate by the Democratic majority.
"With Californians facing one of the highest costs of living in the nation, our service and hospitality industry employees are particularly burdened by a tax system that leaves them struggling to make ends meet," Ochoa Bogh said. "They deserve better, and today’s decision is a missed opportunity to support those who need it most."
The attempt to exempt tips from taxes in the state comes as both Trump and Harris have expressed support for federal tax legislation that would exempt tipped-income on the campaign trail. Trump was the first to champion the proposal during a June rally in Nevada, while Harris, who started her political career in California, echoed a similar sentiment during an August rally in Las Vegas.
According to a press release by California Senate Republicans, the proposal in that state was aimed at helping service workers navigate California’s "unsustainable tax burden," allowing workers who rely heavily on tipped-income to have more take-home pay.
All nine Republican state senators supported the amendment, while almost all the state’s Democratic senators, except for Senate President Pro Tempore Mike McGuire and State Sen. Nancy Skinner, voted in opposition. McGuire and Skinner voted to abstain.
"The negligence involved in a refusal to even debate a policy issue of this magnitude cannot be overstated," Republican Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones said in the release. "Legislative Democrats knew they were on the wrong side of this important issue, so they chose to sweep it under the rug rather than do the right thing for working Californians. The push to eliminate the federal tip tax has made its way to the campaign stage for both major party’s this year, yet California Democrat politicians don’t believe it be even worthy to discuss at the state level for residents here." 
McGuire’s office did not immediately respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment on the Democratic majority’s opposition to the amendment.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
by Vijeta Uniyal
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Israel of  ‘diplomatic isolation’ if it decides to go against Hamas in Rafah. The offensive “risks further isolating Israel around the world and jeopardizing its long term security and standing,” Blinken said during his visit to Israel on Friday.
Vice President Kamala Harris threatened Israel with “consequences” if the country went ahead with the operation.
“Let me tell you something: I have studied the maps,” Harris declared, bragging about her grasp of cartography and urban warfare. “There’s nowhere for those folks to go,” she claimed referring to Rafah’s civilian population.
President Biden’s national security spokesman, John Kirby, became the latest White House staffer to warn Israel against taking on Hamas terrorists in Rafah, the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported:
Later on Wednesday, the White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby reiterated that the U.S. stands against the operation in Rafah, telling Channel 12 that Washington “just can’t support a major ground offensive in Rafah that doesn’t include an achievable, verifiable plan to look after the safety and security of the 1.5 million Gazans that have sought refuge there.” “Again, we believe that a major ground operation in Rafah is a mistake. We believe that there are other ways to go after Hamas in Rafah to do it in a way that doesn’t put those people, the refugees, in harm’s way,” added Kirby.
Apart from diplomatic threats, the Biden administration appears to have slowed down defense exports in a bid to force Israel into submission. After nearly six months of fighting, the Israeli officials “noted a recent reduction of American arms supplies,” The New York Sun reported March 18. The IDF was “running out of 155 mm artillery shells and 120 mm tank shells, as well as sensitive guidance equipment,” the news website disclosed.
With Israel busy with humanitarian planning, Hamas fortifies Rafah
With the Israeli government and the military planners busy with humanitarian planning, Hamas appears to have received a desperately sought breather after months of fighting. Hamas’s terrorist fighting force is regrouping and fortifying its last-standing stronghold, the Israeli media reported citing Arab sources.
The i24NEWS reported Thursday:
Hamas began preparing for an Israeli ground operation into Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, according to a report published by the Al-Araby Al-Jadeed on Thursday. According to the report, citing a Hamas leader, coordination was underway “emphasizing not to allow the breaking of resistance in Gaza under any circumstances, no matter what it costs.”
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dalekofchaos · 28 days
Tired of the "lesser evil" and tired of genocide
I am just tired. I am tired of having to choose between two cartoonishly evil capitalists every 4 years.
One is the literal capitalist pig you see in the old anti capitalist propaganda, a convicted felon and is on record of being on Epstein's Island(who now owns Epstein's plane) and raping a girl who coincidentally looks like his daughter. The other one is "top cop" who wants to make America the most "lethal army in the world" and as of right now has no policy.
Both have horrendous boarder policies, both will be funding the police and both will arm and fund Israel's genocide.
Sugarcoat it all you want. The "ceasefire" that Harris and the liberals spout out that they constantly promise is just code word for "hostages returned home so Israel can continue the genocide"
I don't know how to tell you that if Ronald FUCKING Reagan pressured Israel to stop their siege of Beirut in 1982 because human casualties had gotten too high - around 5000 people. Now 40k+ have been killed and this admin CONTINUES to send them money and weapons.
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If Ronald Reagan is more left than you, you have fucked up.
George Bush called for an independent Palestinian state in 2002! Are you motherfuckers goldfish? Some wishy washy bullshit about self-determination is enough to impress you? She’s being outflanked by REAGAN AND BUSH!!!!
Even Nixon tried to withhold weapons… But then the israelis threatened to nuke the whole world.
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"We are working on a ceasefire" Stop arming Israel, YOU ARE THE FUCKING FIRE, JUST FUCKING CEASE. YOU HAVE THAT FUCKING POWER.
If you come out long worse than Ronald Reagan and George W Bush, you are the bad guy!
I don't want to hear "Trump bad" or the couchfucker. On his best days George Bush was a worse president than Donald Trump. The Iraq war was worse than anything Trump did. 2,000,000 civilians killed and 37,000,000 were forced to flee their homes. Nearly everything terrible Trump did in office, Bush laid the groundwork for it. and the fucking democrats rehabilitated him.
I am so fucking tired of the "lesser evil" you want me to root for the "lesser evil" that covered their ears and mocked the names of Palestinian children being named and wouldn't fucking let a Palestinian American speak at the DNC. No offense, but fuck you
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I am so fucking tired of human rights being held hostage because YOU empowered the Republicans.
You had ages to Codify RVW and didn't fucking do it. You allowed the Republicans to kill it and you let them see what they can do and because of that we have Project 2025 on the horizon and you have completely and utterly fucked over women and the LGBTQA+ community just so you can hold our fucking rights hostage as leverage for us to vote for you.
Here's what's gonna happen. Either we get a straight up Christofascist dystopian nightmare or "nothing will fundamentally change 2.0"
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One Holocaust does not justify another. Read that again.
The Republicans and Democrats are just two wings of the same bird.
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Fuck Kamala Harris. Fuck Netanyahu. Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. Fuck Israel. Fuck America. Fuck Blinken. Fuck AIPAC. Fuck the IDF.
Israel has continued to commit genocide against the people of Palestine while Americans FUND this and remain SILENT.
Fuck you demons. Free Palestine.
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centrally-unplanned · 7 months
Something I do think is important to note is that 2016 shredded the influence of those party insiders around primaries. Not fully, like people still respected the 'no running against incumbent presidents' norm this year for example. But the combo of Bernie's strong campaign against 'the insiders' and Hilary's defeat at the hands of a cartoon villian convinced the party to give up the ghost and stop trying to anoint a successor, and potential candidates that they dont need to listen if they try.
Which i think might be the right call, *given* how primaries work now. The entire edifice is not a great idea, and will deliver subpar candidates and dilute party agendas. But if you arent gonna ditch it then yeah letting it run its course is probably for the best.
And I think it does show the limitations of elite party nom systems. Amoung the reasons why the party coalesced around Hilary in 2016 was essentially "honouring the deal" of 2008 she made with Obama, but voters don't care about such deals. Allowing such deals to happen at all is in fact a risk of central systems like that, because they *can* make them they *will*. And the other, more awkward factor is that the dems really wanted a female president, they thought it was 'due', and so tried to force it. Voters again dont care about that. And in 2020 the dem party repeated that same mistake *again* in the VP nom, which is a centralized choice, saddling the current admin with the unpopular Kamala Harris in a time when VP really matters (which was predictable, since time tends to pass quite reliably).
So while I definitely can envision a better system, I tend to be in that, surprise suprise, Shor/Yglesias camp that an open convention today would quite likely produce a worse candidate than Biden. The party isn't built for this kind of choice right now.
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darkmaga-retard · 17 days
An anti-Trump lawyer is gloating that a “surprise” Supreme Court ruling against the Democrats has created a potential opportunity for Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.
In August, the Supreme Court declined to unblock a Biden-Harris rule.
The rule supposedly bans discrimination in education on the basis of “gender identity.”
However, in reality, the rule forces schools to allow male students to compete in girls’ sports and use female bathrooms and locker room facilities.
The rule repurposes Title IX, a 50-year-old civil rights law barring sex-based discrimination in schools receiving federal funding.
Republicans have blasted President Joe Biden’s expanded Title IX as a contradiction of the law’s original purpose to protect women and girls.
The Biden-Harris administration’s version requires schools to allow students to use bathrooms and locker rooms for the opposite sex and mandates the use of transgender pronouns.
The rule also reinstates Obama-era rules that denied due process to students accused of sexual assault.
The Biden-Harris admin argued the bulk of the rule could be separated from the challenged transgender provisions.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
White House claims Harris’ push for thousands of border patrol agents not new, blames Republicans
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/13/white-house-claims-harris-push-for-thousands-of-border-patrol-agents-not-new-blames-republicans/
White House claims Harris’ push for thousands of border patrol agents not new, blames Republicans
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The White House claims President Biden has wanted to put more Border Patrol agents along the southern U.S. border, but blames Republicans for not allowing it to happen.During a press briefing on Monday, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre how long they had known that Vice President Kamala Harris did not think Biden was doing a good job along the border.Jean-Pierre appeared stunned by the question, asking the Fox reporter to repeat the question one more time.”Well, she’s promising to hire thousands more border agents than there are now under President Biden,” Doocy said. “How long have you guys known that Vice President Harris does not think that President Biden is effective with his border?”TRUMP MAKES CASE FOR RETURN TO ‘REMAIN IN MEXICO’ TO SOLVE HISTORIC BORDER CRISISJean-Pierre told Doocy he was making a “huge jump,” saying he was “assuming” Harris did not think Biden was effective with his border policies.”She has a campaign ad where she is saying they need more Border Patrol agents,” Doocy said. “If President Biden’s doing such a good job, why do they need any more border agents?”In one of Harris’ most recent presidential campaign ads, a narrator says, “As vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades, and as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.”HOW WOULD A PRESIDENT HARRIS HANDLE THE IMMIGRATION, BORDER CRISISJean-Pierre defended Harris’ agenda, saying the president and vice president both believe more agents are needed:”The president does want more Border Patrol agents. You know who’s getting in the way? Republicans in Congress. They’re getting in the way. You know who else is getting in the way? The former president, Donald Trump. He’s getting in the way.”Jean-Pierre continued to defend the president’s record, saying he has worked toward getting more security along the border and had a bipartisan agreement on the table that Biden worked on for “a couple of months” with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate.GOP STATES SUE TO STOP BIDEN ADMIN EXTENDING OBAMACARE TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS”They were told not to move forward, because it would help Joe Biden, by the former president,” Jean-Pierre claimed. “That’s their decision.”Biden has used his first term in office to end many of the border and immigration policies of Trump’s administration.During the CNN Presidential Debate in June, Trump hailed the success of the “Remain in Mexico” policy — a controversial border program he has touted repeatedly and which many conservatives have called for in a potential second Trump term.Trump repeatedly hammered President Biden on the ongoing crisis at the southern border during the debate and attempted to contrast his record with Biden’s. A core part of his efforts to bring immigration numbers down was the introduction of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), commonly called “Remain in Mexico.”THESE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR OBAMACARE AFTER BIDEN RULE CHANGE The Biden administration shut down the program in 2021, arguing the policy was ineffective and left migrants in squalor and in danger in Mexico, leading to massive migrant camps set up along the border as people waited for their appointments — an argument also made by immigration advocates.Since then, the Biden administration has introduced a number of its own measures to regulate immigration and relieve pressure at the border amid a massive migrant surge that spiked in 2021.  At the heart of its policy is an expansion of the CBP One app, allowing migrants to enter legally and schedule an appointment to be paroled into the U.S. Currently, that allows about 1,500 migrants each day.Harris would in many ways be a voice of continuity for the current practices of the Biden-Harris administration. Like Biden, she has supported the rolling back of Trump-era border policies and has called for a sweeping immigration bill that the administration introduced on day one. That bill not only includes significant reforms and funding measures, but would also provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants already in the U.S.Similarly, Harris has backed the bipartisan Senate package which Biden has also supported but has failed to pass the Senate. Like Biden, she has also blamed Trump for the failure of that bill to pass the chamber.Fox News’ Michael Lee and Adam Shaw contributed to this report.
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desertsanpedro · 1 year
X-(twitter): Charlie Kirk
As the invasion of America unfolds, Joe Biden celebrates the demographic replacement of America with the Congressional Hispanic Conference Institute:
"I've directed my team to make historic increases in the number of refugees admitted from Latin America." (massive National Security Hazard)
X(twitter):" Ted Cruz Merrick Garland's memo directing the FBI to target parents speaking out at school boards is still in effect...This is a brazen example of using law enforcement as a tool to go after your political enemies...(proving yet again Marxist Democrats are a Public Safety Hazard)...
Rand Paul issues warning i.e. massive Biden Admin borrowing money from China to hand over to Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu0EcL-NK9U&t=38s&ab_channel=ForbesBreakingNews
X(twitter): Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 "Jesus Ayala, the Las Vegas teen who filmed his hit-and-run murder of fmr police chief Andy Probst, mocked the police arresting him: “I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you. Slap on the wrist.” This is what Democrats’ soft-on-crime insanity leads to. Criminals feel emboldened to terrorize our streets because punishing criminals is “mean” or “oppressive” or “racist.” Savages like Ayala require maximum punishment or else they’ll turn America into a violent, third-world hellhole. "
National Security Alert Zerohedge: The BidenAdminDisaster https://www.zerohedge.com/political/victor-davis-hanson-our-self-induced-catastrophe-border
X(twitter): James Woods How in God’s name are these worthless vermin allowed to prowl civilized society while OUT ON BOND FOR CAPITAL MURDER? The activist judges and liberal DA’s who allow this madness should be tossed in a dumpster with the lid welded shut. #BlueCities..https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-gang-member-life-parole-killing-boy-free-bond-capital-murder
X(twitter): Sen. @RandPaul on Ukraine: "They’ve canceled the elections ... They banned the political parties, they’ve invaded churches, they’ve arrested priests, so no, it isn’t a democracy, it’s a corrupt regime." (Ukraine)
China flooding the U.S. with Opium / Fentanyl https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/09/the_new_opium_wars.html
X(twitter): Ted Cruz @tedcruz By ignoring the Biden border crisis, the corrupt corporate media is complicit in covering up modern-day slavery. They won't cover the multibillion-dollar criminal cartels, the murder, the torture, or the drug smuggling.
X(twitter): Ted Cruz If we had a free and fair press, the media would be covering the invasion at our southern border 24/7. This is a national emergency, and Joe Biden’s border policies are throwing gas on the fire.
X(twitter): Collin Rugg BREAKING: An emergency declaration has been issued in Eagle Pass, Texas after a surge of migrants invaded the southern border...Most of the migrants are coming from Venezuela by train according to Fox's @BillMelugin_....The Emergency declaration was made by Eagle Pass mayor Rolando Salinas after over a thousand migrants crossed the border.
X(twitter): Elon Musk @elonmusk Strange that there is almost no legacy media coverage of this. About 2 million people – from every country on Earth – are entering through the US southern border every year. The number is rising rapidly, yet no preventive action is taken by the current administration.
x(twitter): Bill Melugin @BillMelugin_ It’s a total free for all in Eagle Pass right now. Mass illegal crossing taking place for over an hour and a half. Almost 2 years to the day we saw 15,000+ Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio, we now have thousands of predominantly Venezuelans gathering under Eagle Pass bridge.
X(twitter): Ted Cruz @tedcruz This month is projected to be the highest month of illegal immigration ever recorded. Joe Biden has not stopped the invasion at our southern border because he wants it to occur. Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, every Democrat Senator, and every Democrat Congressman are rubberstamping what is happening at our border because they want it to occur.
X(twitter): James Woods @RealJamesWoods The true enemy of America is the Republican Party surprisingly. The Democrats will always complain, grift, cheat, and gleefully ignore the law. Who will stop them? In a real two-party system it would be Republicans, but they are weak, milquetoast losers who do nothing but talk."
American Thinker: " "It is moronic to believe the 2020 election was not stolen. The Democrats main election strategy is to steal as many votes as possible, always. That is why they fight like honey badgers against any form of Voter ID requirement and same day voting. Democrats lie and steal. Those are their skill sets. They only win by cheating. So, be prepared in 2024 because they will cheat again, this time even more blatantly. They are doing it right now with their lawsuits and their demand for mail in voting. And worse, Republicans let all this happen."
x(twitter):" End Wokeness Biden in 2015: “An unrelenting stream of immigration” will make white people a minority in the United States “That’s a source of our strength” Sitting beside him is the man currently in charge of the border, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. " (The Enemy Within)..
x(twitter): "Charlie Kirk Illinois becomes the first state to abolish cash bail today. Criminals will run wild and cops will have no tools to stop them. Retailers are already fleeing Chicago because rampant theft makes it impossible to turn a profit."
x(twitter): "Jason Miller Costs are going up and the impact of cumulative Bidenflation is crushing American families. Our cities are buckling under the weight of dealing with Biden’s illegal immigrants. The UAW is on strike, with no end in sight, and Biden won’t even go to Detroit. "
x(twitter): "Rep. Jim Jordan How many times has the White House changed its mind on Joe Biden’s knowledge of Hunter’s shady business deals? Further evidence that if Democrats are talking they are lying"..
x(twitter): "Rep. Matt Gaetz @RepMattGaetz We have the evidence. It’s time to impeach Joe Biden. Not following through on an impeachment of Joe Biden would be a dereliction of duty.
Zerohedge: "The BidenAdminDisaster https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/video-shows-freight-train-migrants-heading-southern-us-border
Zerohedge: "The BidenAdminDisaster.. The Ukraine war caper has pretty clearly lost its appeal as a supposed crusade for “democracy.” The yellow and blue flags vanished from the front porches and car bumpers months ago. It was a lie from the get-go that we have any national interest in that sad sack country. Our own government engineered the fiasco, and from every angle it has been a dead loss for all parties on our side. Ukraine has been reduced to a failed state in-waiting; Euroland has sacrificed its industrial economy for nothing; and the USA has squandered its last bits of prestige among other nations in this ignominious game of Lets You and Him Fight. Also, Americans have begun to notice that the billions funneled into Mr. Zelensky’s cadre of neo-Nazis and kleptocrats is money that is not going to places like East Palestine, Ohio, Lahaina, Maui, and the towns along our tortured southern border from Matamoros to Tijuana. Even the people who supposedly elected “Joe Biden” are becoming a little concerned about blundering into World War Three over the mess created by Victoria Nuland & Company." We can't afford to keep borrowing millions and millions to hand over to Ukraine.."
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myangelgarden · 2 years
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The Daily Wire
Biden Admin Unleashes ‘Total Transformation Of Government’ With ‘Equity Action Plans’
By Tim Meads
Apr 20, 2022 DailyWire.com
WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 24: U.S. President Joe Biden, joined by Vice President Kamala Harris, takes a reporters question after delivering remarks on the Senate's bipartisan infrastructure deal at the White House on June 24, 2021 in Washington, DC. Biden said both sides made compromises on the nearly $1 trillion infrastructure bill.
(Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
On April 14, the Biden administration unleashed a “total transformation of government” — as described by the Department of Energy — arguably based on principles of Critical Race Theory.
Toward that end, more than 90 federal agencies announced “equity action plans” to supposedly address inequality in American society — but critics say that the plans will create a coercive bureaucracy intent on punishing certain Americans based on racial marxism and other progressive ideas that champion victimhood.
The White House recently noted that on his first day in office, President Joe Biden “signed Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government” which “directed the whole of the federal government to advance an ambitious equity and racial justice agenda” focused on creating “prosperity, dignity, and equality” for underserved communities.
Ryan Girdusky, founder of 1776 Project PAC, a non-profit focused on electing school board members opposed to Critical Race Theory-inspired curriculum, told The Daily Wire that Biden administration’s “plan towards equity is race-based Marxism with a different word.”
“The entire program is set to lower standards, dilute meritocracy, and have the first large-scale government-supported laws that discriminate against people based on their race since before Eisenhower was President,” Girdusky added.
Indeed, the Department of Energy explained in its equity action plan released last week that it has already started considering factors other than technical merit when doling out financial assistance via a pilot program through its Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) office.
Starting back in March 2021, applicants seeking research and development funding from EERE have had to issue diversity, equity, and inclusion statements for their projects on their applications.
The purpose of such statements are to explain how their project would help and include “underserved communities” — which is taken to mean minority, non-white, non-heterosexual, non-male groups — in order to be considered for the taxpayer-funded grants.
DOE plans to incorporate that program across all of its funding opportunities and will also focus on “increasing the diversity of merit reviewers.”
Beginning in the fiscal year 2022, all applicants seeking funding opportunities through the agency “must include at least one DEI-specific program policy factor” in a move that “will allow DOE to prioritize equity-related factors in awarding financial assistance.”
“Program policy factors allow the selecting official the flexibility to consider factors other than technical merit,” the Energy Department explained.
In other words, America’s top scientists and engineers must now incorporate progressive ideas about race, sexuality, gender, and other factors into their business model and scientific research plans in order to be considered for tax-payer-funded money. Furthermore, it would appear those plans must actually show they will benefit non-white or straight, or minority groups, in order to fulfill the goals of the equity action plans.
The plan notes that this new guidance, “will ensure that when all other aspects, such as technical merit, are considered equal, programs can select applications that broaden the diversity of institutions and individuals who are awarded DOE R&D funding.”
Under that framework, the government would prefer research and development applicants to be equally mediocre in their energy innovations while having quality DEI statements rather than have a handful of exceptionally innovative applicants without DEI statements.
The more exceptional applicants in that scenario would be discriminated against because they refused to submit a DEI statement.
Thus, as Girudksy pointed out, the diluting of merit in America comes to fruition in Biden’s America and for years to come.
Stanford professor Victor Davis Hanson explained to The Daily Wire that the transition to “equity” away from “equality” is intentionally done to increase government power and advance Leftist ideology.
“Equality is an American idea of equality and fairness in opportunity,” Hanson explained. “Equity is a French revolutionary idea of equality of result mandated by a coercive government.”
“Equity is the code for an elite professional and bureaucratic class to gain more influence, money, and power by forcing all people to be equal no matter of their circumstances or behavior,” he added.
As explained by the Department of Energy, Biden has initiated the “total transformation of the government into an entity that centers the concerns of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and underserved communities.”
As for what that entails for the American people, Hanson explained that “it simply means that in reductionist fashion, any inequality is due to racism or bias and the government must have the wisdom and morality to punish perceived victimizers and redistribute to supposed victims.”
“All else does not count–not merit, not tragedies, not health, not class, not work ethic, not family structures, not culture, not anything—except the elite in charge will always be exempt from the ramifications of their own equity ideology,” he explained.
Taken all together, it is clear that the equity action plans are covert vehicles for implementing critical theory in a way that would fundamentally alter the American way of life — which is the entire point.
“CRT’s ‘equity’ demands race-based discrimination,” a recent Heritage Foundation guide to identifying critical race theory explained.
“Because systemic racism has produced disparities between the races and because the system will only deepen these disparities by rewarding the ‘wrong’ criteria, government must treat individual Americans unequally according to skin color to forcibly produce equal outcomes,” Heritage said in its explanation of the tents of CRT and equity. “Advocating equity over equality is part of CRT.
That is the complete abandonment of the idea that Americans should be treated as individuals by the government. Now, more than 90 federal agencies under Biden have seek to institutionalize this form of discrimination.
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
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Read more in:
Critical Race Theory,CRT,Department of Energy,Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI),Equity,Joe Biden,Marxism
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2d ago
Clearly the government takes in substantially more revenue than it needs. Defund the Government, 100% school choice and following election laws would help.
1d ago
Time for race/gender equity in taxation. Historically, the IRS has disproportionately targeted White-American Men. White-American Men should not pay taxes again until at least 2185. #TaxEquity
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1d ago
Plot for the Kurt Vonnegut short story Harrison Bergeron: We are here.
In the year 2081, the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or...See more
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2d ago
How about taking away the government pensions and let our elected officials fund their own retirements like the rest of the country does?
2d ago
100% correct. Wish I could like the comment a thousand times
2d ago
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2d ago
Like common sense people needed additional reasons to vote out ALL Dems this fall.
The Dem party may not exists in its current form after the mid-term elections.
2d ago
Unfortunately, the Leftists & Progs that exist in the 4th branch of Grubermint will be difficult to expunge. The battles President DJT had to fight every day is a prime example.
2d ago
We can only pray that democrats no longer exist as a party.
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Michael Higbee
2d ago
D.I.E. "Diversity" means counting racial heads and deciding if there are "enough" of the right kind. "Inclusion" means excluding anyone who is not "diverse." "Equity" means punishing excellence and rewarding failure to make everyone the...See more
1d ago
I'm still unclear on how a single individual person can be "diverse." Is that a variation on multiple-personality disorder?
2 replies
2d ago
It is also Marxism.
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deborahringgold · 4 years
This is your SolarWakeup for August 18th, 2020
The Biden Era And Climate. The current state of energy is as volatile as ever. Oil, gas and coal is in steady state of decline both in production and new generation. Coal generation as a percentage of total is down big. This is going to cause a flywheel effect that leads us to the solution that is apparent to all, renewables, storage and demand response widespread adoption. Here are some thoughts on how the Biden White House would be able to take real action on day 1, borrowing some of the successes from the Trump time. Here we go. A National Emergency. This is the obvious one, Biden will call climate change a national emergency. This executive action triggers access to powers for the branch including the movement of funds to protect Americans against climate change. Before you blast me for exercising the unilateral executive theory, read below. This power has been litigated to the Supreme Court which allowed Trump to move money from the military for a wall. As a prerequisite this will trigger several administrative options including a reverse MOPR or at least eliminating the DOE led bailouts of coal that the Trump admin attempted but only served to create market chaos. The Rule Of Law. Kamala Harris was a San Francisco DA when she sued local polluters taking advantage of low income communities. Across the bay, a power plant powered by jet fuel just recently came down and will be replaced with a large battery for example. Once the national emergency is declared, the EPA will use emergency inspections to find generators, drillers, pipeline operators, coal ash ponds that are not complying with environmental laws that protect your water and air, especially for the less fortunate residents. Under Harris’s guidance in collaboration with the DOJ, government lawyers will take action for immediate compliance and temporary closures. (My expectation that most coal ash ponds will be found to not be in compliance for example) This national focus on compliance with clean air act or clean water act will drive the next step. Let’s Settle For Speed. The first thing with litigation is that everyone including the plaintiff is looking for it to end as quickly as possible. The message will be clear, the government will see this through but wants to focus on compliance and a settlement is on the table. Much like Volkswagen is providing funds for electric vehicles across the Country, polluters will be setting up the 21st century version of superfund compliance funds. This will drive training, cleanup and replacement of generation not in compliance. Some of the best renewable energy policies were found in legislative, regulatory and legal settlements. My hope is we achieve the same thing but a scale that’s never been thought of before. California As A Bellweather. California blackouts are not caused by solar, any decent reporter would get that answer from CAISO and utility executives (if they were honest). More importantly, the energy crisis would have been exponentially worse if there was no rooftop solar which offset gigawatts of need during peak times and is not accurately tracked by grid operators. So while SMUD wants to use kindergarten math to minimize rooftop solar’s value, what the grid needs is more solar on rooftops with more batteries installed by its side. Check out the CALSSA post on the topic. Buyer’s Group Update. For the second week in a row the buyer’s group has doubled in size. This is a program for installers by leveraging the aggregate scale in volume which levels the playing field while returning margin to installers across the Country. Through transparent pricing that we are actively negotiating with supply chain, you can not only see the trend line but actually lower your COGS. Join today at solarwakeup.com/pricing
Greentech Media: Would US Solar Tariffs Disappear Under a Biden Administration? Don’t Count On It
Bloomberg: Coal’s Days May Be Over in the U.S
Axios: U.S. oil-and-gas drilling continues to decline
Reuters: Trump administration finalizes oil drilling plan in Alaska wildlife refuge
Los Angeles Times: California blackouts are Public Utilities Commission’s fault, grid operator says
Utility Dive: Study shows value of California solar with statewide implications
CALSSA: Fossil Fuel Plants Failed Us, Not Solar
CT Mirror: Regulators issue fines to Eversource and UI over shared solar program
Solar Power World: Intersolar North America rescheduled to July 2021
SolarWakeup: There Is Data In Aerial Imagery with Tim Rochman from EagleView Technologies
New York Times: California Expresses Frustration as Blackouts Enter 4th Day
Best, Yann
The post This is your SolarWakeup for August 18th, 2020 appeared first on SolarWakeup.com.
from Solar Energy https://www.solarwakeup.com/2020/08/18/this-is-your-solarwakeup-for-october-18th-2019-2-2-2-2-2-3-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3-2-2-2-2-2-2-75/
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Biden, Harris claim to support eliminating taxes on tips, first proposed by Trump: 'COPYCAT'
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/13/biden-harris-claim-to-support-eliminating-taxes-on-tips-first-proposed-by-trump-copycat/
Biden, Harris claim to support eliminating taxes on tips, first proposed by Trump: 'COPYCAT'
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President Biden would sign a bill that would eliminate taxes on tipped wages, the White House said Monday, seeming to agree with a policy first floated by former President Trump. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated the Biden administration’s position during a news briefing. “Look, this is something that the president supports,”she said. “He supports eliminating taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers while also raising minimum wage and preventing the wealthy from gaming the system.”TRUMP PLEDGES TO ELIMINATE TAXES ON TIPS FOR SERVICE WORKERS DURING LAS VEGAS RALLYVice President Kamala Harris has also taken the same stance on taxing tips. On Saturday, she promised to endorse policies to benefit working families.”It is my promise to everyone here when I am president, we will continue our fighting for working families of America including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers,” she said at a campaign rally in Las Vegas. Trump first proposed the idea of eliminating taxes on tips for restaurant and hospitality workers, in June.REPUBLICANS BLAST BIDEN ADMIN OVER PLAN TO CRACK DOWN ON WAITERS’ TIPS”This is the first time I’ve said this and for those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy, because when I get to office we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people making tips… It’s been a point of contention for years and years and years, and you do a great job of service, you take care of people, and I think it’s going to be something that really is deserved,” Trump said back in June during a rally in Las Vegas. He criticized Harris over the weekend, accusing her of trying to mirror his proposal.”Kamala has no imagination, whatsoever, as shown by the fact that she played ‘COPYCAT’ with, NO TAXES ON TIPS!” he wrote on Truth Social. “The difference is, she won’t do it, she just wants it for Political Purposes!” Trump posted on Truth Social. “This was a TRUMP idea – She has no ideas, she can only steal from me. Remember, Kamala has proposed the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY – It won’t happen.”House Republicans in June introduced legislation to end the taxation on tips.”As the cost of living continues to rise, the hardworking men and women in the service industry, many of whom may be working a second job to make ends meet, must be allowed to keep every dollar of tip money they earn,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., wrote on social media at the time. The Biden administration rolled out a voluntary tip reporting system last year for industry workers that works to streamline tax compliance on tips. The plan was criticized by tax experts at the time as a crackdown on “waitresses’ tips” after the IRS hired 87,000 new agents under the Biden administration, Fox News Digital reported last year. 
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