#Karl Von Wultendorf
Book Blog: A Taste of Blood Wine by Freda Warrington
The only reason why this took as long as it did was because I was getting adjusted to my new apartment down here in the south. It’s still a better vampire love story then twilight!
PLOT: Charlotte (Charli) is the middle child of three; her sisters Fleur and Madeline (Maddie). Charli is mousy, quiet, keeps to herself, loves science and lab work and would anything to make her father happy; even if means making her unhappy in the future. One night during Maddie’s birthday party everything Charli believed changed within an instant. There standing aloof was a strong, well-built, incredibly handsome Austrian that went by Karl Von Wultendorf. Maddie already wants to claim him as her own but he has set his eyes on Charli. Something about her attracts Karl to no end. Although he must tell her an awful secret if they are to have any form of a relationship. He is a two hundred year old vampire! His master whom he’s been trying to run away from for years is Kristian. Kristian is the epitome of a zealot and will do anything; ANYTHING! To make Karl submissive and part of his grand plan.
PROS: I really like how the characters play off each other and more important how they treat Charli; our main character. Her sister Maddie is like a spoiled child and when she doesn’t get her way or when Karl refuses Maddie’s advancements she blames Charli. Charli just wants Maddie to be happy, but she doesn’t like how Maddie handles everything.
There’s Charli’s father. Charli claims she looks like a clone of her mom and since her passing the dad uses Charli’s looks as a type of coping mechanism. In turn Charli feel like her father would never see her for who she actually is, just a replacement.
Then there’s Karl, Karl sees Charli for who she truly is. Not some saint, but a human with flaws and feelings. A human who craves to explore the outside world but has to walk on eggshells to make those around her happy. A woman who long to be loved, truly loved instead of artificial affections. There relationship throughout the book is what made the story work. 
Keep in mind those were just the main characters. Let’s not forget Kristian the antagonist. He reminds of Frollo. From believing in God to the point where it causing destruction all around him. He uses religion to uphold his arguments, even if he contradicts himself. His faith is so strong it scares the other vampires, talk about power.
Another thing to note is that it’s nice that the author tried to combine science and fantasy in a time period (1920′s) where science was fully taking root. Inventors and scientist alike were discovering evolution, lighting, steam power, and electricity. Witches, Demons, and Vampires were just turning into folktales. So for Karl; a vampire, to ask a scientist where do human evolve from here is funny and intriguing.
CONS: While I did say that Charli and Karl’s relationship was the strongest point in the book; it was also very cheesy. Like, boarderline soap opera cheesy. There was way too much “No don’t leave me! Come back! I hate you, I love you, how could you blah, blah, blah” It could’ve been turned down a notch. Especially because Charli is supposed to be smart, rational character; so for her to get so emotional felt out of place. 
Not to mention those characters I listed earlier were the main cast. I couldn’t even list all the other side characters. There were way to many which in turn lead to a couple of unnecessary side-B plots. Honestly if the author took out two, maybe three characters the story would not have changed one bit. 
I did like it. and Apparently it has a sequel book. I won’t get it right now because I just started a different book but maybe in the future I will. In this time however I will rate it a 6.5/10.
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