#Kasper Nordin fanfiction
ill-skillsgard · 3 years
A little something where the reader and Kasper were together in highschool, but broke up, only to meet a few years later and rekindle their love 😭
Awww, yes! I haven't written any fluff in so longgg. And I love Kasper with my whole heart. Please, more Kasper stuff! I need him in my life. +
Sports was never your thing. You had seen the odd hockey game, took part in Superbowl festivities if not for the hoards of fried food, and caught a fraction of the Olympics every four years. By no means were you a fanatic and certainly didn't fit in with your sports fan friends, all of which had dragged you to a European football game. You agreed to go with only a flutter of hesitation. It's not that you wouldn't have fun drinking overpriced beer with your pals; it was that you had no emotional ties to either team and couldn't genuinely join in the cheer of a win or the disappointment of loss. To you, it was all just a game, and the points weren't real.
Admittedly, it was impressive watching the players finesse the ball with nothing but their feet and heads, and you cheered on with the rest of the crowd. During the hubbub of a recent goal, the guy your friends had introduced you to shook his fists and bellowed curses. His name was John, and he had been the most zealous with the fanfare and criticisms.
"Ah, we'll get 'em next time," you supplied. "It's only fifteen minutes in."
"Not with the way these guys are playing. Look, I could run circles around that forward, and our goalie is acting like a total pansy."
You flinched from the comment. John ground his teeth together and waited for the next drop-in. As you sipped your beer and sat down, the empty seats on your right filled up. Soon, you were boxed in with showgoers who all bore the colour green in some fashion. The away team's colour. This did not sit well with John, and you became invisible.
John continued to yell and boo the other team, rousing blowback from the surrounding enemy. It was okay, you told yourself. Maybe it wasn't a match. He was far too loud and not in a fun way. His comments continued deteriorating into ignorance. You kept your eyes on the field and the players, blocking out the negativity standing next to you. Your only solace was that John's screaming blended in with the other hollers and hoots from the stadium chairs. Friends to the left were fully ensconced in the intensity of the plays that they didn't notice or chose to ignore John's slurs.
The crowd tightened like a knot while the ball careened toward the home team's goalie, then snapped like a rubber band. The keeper dove a fraction too soon, and the ball sailed between outstretched arms and hit the net. It happened in a blink, and so too did the fight that broke out next to you. Your full drink flew, splashing down your shirt as you were knocked back into the stranger next to you. At first, it felt like falling. You scrunched your face in anticipation of a hit, but only two arms caught you and whirled you away from the violence.
When you looked back, you saw a white and green jersey, and beyond that, John restrained and screaming at another man in the row before.
"Are you okay?"
You looked up at the person who had shielded you from flying elbows but not from flying drinks and saw a face that aligned with the vaguest of memories. He was tall, and somehow his scent took you aback. You had breathed it before.
"Holy shit, it's you!"
"You remember me?"
"Of course I do! Oh my God. Jesus, what's going on? Are you with him?" Kasper asked.
You backed away like the rest of the units around your seat. Security recognized the scuffle, though John was well on his way out after a half-ass apology to your mutual friends. Once John's spot was vacated, they came to you with apologies. Kasper remained next to you. They dabbed at your wet shirt, but it was no use. Your front was soaked.
Kasper pulled off his jersey and tried handing it to you.
"Here. Take this. Go to the washroom, and change into it. Don't worry, it's clean. I just bought it. Plus, I have others."
"Yes! Go, get cleaned up and come back to watch my team whoop your team's ass!"
"Actually, I don't really have a team. This is my first game. I really don't have any stock in either of the players. I just like that they're having fun."
Kasper laughed and thrust the jersey into your arms.
"Now you have a team. Go on!"
Strangely enough, you listened to Kasper, a boy you once dated for a total of two weeks in high school. He had been an exchange student while his family temporarily relocated for work. They worked in movies, and dating Kasper had been a thrill for the whispers and enjoyable because he was a nice guy. Circumstance had forced your adolescent fling apart, but you did not part on bad terms.
After many years, the landmark of dating Kasper shrunk on your timeline until it was nothing but a blip. You thought of Kasper from time to time, though the thought of ever seeing him again seldom crossed your mind when you had done so many other things. It made the coincidence seem like fate. And when you returned to your seat wearing his jersey, the glimmer in his eyes affirmed what you hoped to be true. He was overjoyed to see you, too.
Kasper's team won the match, and as fans packed up to leave the stadium, Kasper turned to you with a mischievous smile.
"Are you in town for long?"
"A couple of days," you said.
"Come out for a drink with me."
"When" You chuckled.
"Now. We're going to a pub right now."
You looked back at your friends who had secretly deemed your chance encounter with a past beau as the best thing to happen to the entire group. They encouraged you and agreed to meet with you later on or, if things went well for any of you, in the morning.
Kasper led you out of the venue and stuck close enough your arms brushed. The conversation flew. Memories upon memories hashed, evolving into stories, questions and laughter. Soon, Kasper was touching your hand until you hooked his pinky. One small finger gave way to two, three and more. You looked down at your clasped hands, and both of you giggled and turned warm.
"I'm so glad I ran into you. You're gonna love this place," said Kasper.
"I will?"
"Yes! Don't worry. We're almost there."
Thrust under poor lighting, you met a gaggle of Kasper's friends and stood by listening to the Swedish conversations with a sheepish grin. Not long after, Kasper hid you away in the corner of a booth at an Irish pub with a similar crowd to the place you had just left. The low ceilings and sturdy décor loaned the atmosphere a cozy intimacy, and the highbacked tables shielded flirtatious looks.
"Can you believe we dated when we were kids? What did we know about anything back then?"
"I can believe it. You were pretty. You're still pretty. And fun. Wait... You're not seeing anyone, are you?"
"Do you think I'd be holding your hand if I were?"
Kasper blushed. "Yeah, I guess not."
"I'm glad we ran into each other, too. Can you believe my friends tried setting me up with that asshole at the game? They texted me and said he's usually chill. He must have had too many beers and lost his filter, so they say."
"Who cares about that guy."
You stared at Kasper's welcoming lips, turned up lazily and lopsided. There was enough glow on his face to light your private little corner. Kasper turned down another beer and continued staring at you like he was expecting you to say something.
"I'm just going to come out and say it... I really wanna kiss you right now. Can I do that?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
The words slipped from your mouth, and soft, plushy kisses took your breath and replaced it with the taste of beer and tongue. You settled close to Kasper, circling his torso and splaying your hands on his back. He clutched your shoulders and stroked your collarbones and the sides of your neck. When he scooped your jaw upward to ease his angle, you both pulled away slowly and watched your eyes open.
"What else are you doing tonight?" Kasper asked.
"You tell me."
"Should I behave? I don't want to put pressure on you."
"No way. I have the night to myself, and I'd love to see where it goes."
"Well, aren't I lucky?"
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Tasting Pain - Kasper Nordin
Title: Tasting Pain
Warning: 18+ sex/angst/suicidal themes/cheating/cock-worship/mentions of depression/mentions of hospitalization/AU shenanigans. Please read at your own discretion.
Characters: AU Kasper Nordin (Funhouse) x ambiguous female OC
Note: I had this potent idea pop into my head and had to get it down before it left me. That’s really it—I didn’t want to overthink it, or spend hours editing a lengthy piece. It’s been a while since I had the immediate inspiration to write something I just felt like writing. I hope you enjoy this one-shot and consider giving it a like/reblog/comment. I really appreciate all support. Much love and hugs/fist-bumps!
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The fish tank bubbled in the corner of the living room. It was the only sign of life. The spotted Mollies flittered around their plastic anemone, darting in and out of ceramic castles looking for food. She crossed the living room, found a jar of fish flakes and tossed a pinch to the hungry creatures.
She knew the layout of the apartment well enough. With only one bedroom, one bathroom, and an empty kitchen, it was no challenge to find the home's resident. A bar of dull blue light leaked from under a closed door at the end of a short hall. After a moment of hesitation, leaning close to the door to pick up any movement, the girl knocked softly.
There was no answer.
She knocked again. "Kasper?"
Again, her greeting went unanswered. Huffing, she placed her hands on her hips and came an inch away from the wood.
"Kasper, I'm coming in. So, if you're doing anything weird, wrap it up. And if you don't want me coming in, you better say something!"
More silence followed her demand. She twisted the handle and pushed open the door to find the tall man lying on his bed, palms pressed into his eyes. The blue light came from an LED strip glued to the perimeter of the room. He wore a plastic bracelet around his wrist, half-covered by the sleeve of his cardigan, blue jeans and grey socks.
"Kasper," she whispered, sitting beside him on the bed. 
The man refused to answer her. She tugged his elbow and tried to make him look at her, but he rolled onto his side, facing away.
"Why'd you ask me to come over if you intend to ignore me?"
"Sucks being ignored, huh?" He finally answered.
She sighed and touched his shoulder. "Nobody is ignoring you."
"Nobody is ignoring me now."
"Did you ask me over just to run the guilt train on me?"
"You didn't visit while I was away."
She shook her head. Kasper always tried to tug on her heartstrings in the most callow of ways. But she remained patient. He'd gone through hell in the last few days, and she didn't want to prolong his suffering.
"Please don't put this on me. Nobody had visitors. It's against the rules now."
"Whatever," he muttered.
"I know you're hurt, darling, but alienating me right now won’t help you feel better."
"Nothing will make me feel better."
She flinched away, then sighed and squeezed his broad shoulder, tugging him onto his back. Kasper covered his eyes, but it was too late. The blue light caught the tears on his lashes. He crushed them away with his fists, whimpering and turning toward her, curling around her crossed legs.
"Darling," she cooed, thrusting her fingers through his soft blond hair. "I'm here for you."
"Don't say that," his voice cracked. "You know that's bullshit."
"Well, I'm here now, aren't I? And if I'd have known you were already home, we would have gotten together sooner."
Kasper tightened his body around her, nuzzling into the loving sensation of fingertips stroking his scalp, parting the strands, and swerving around the shell of his ear. When he closed his eyes and sighed, the icy hold on his heart began to shutter. Kasper knew the feeling was temporary, destined to fade as soon as she left. Making the best of what he could get, Kasper pulled her closer.
"I'm sorry. I've never felt this way before. It's scary."
"I know, I know," she soothed. "It's frightening to feel like you have no control over your emotions."
"It's not my emotions. It's the sense of failure following me around. No matter what I do, it's never enough. I'm never enough."
She frowned, though he didn't see the remorse tugging on her lips. Pushing his hair back from his forehead, she leaned over and kissed his temple. 
"You are enough. More than enough."
"Not compared to them."
She clicked her tongue. "Stop. Stop saying that."
"Stop telling the truth? Do you want me to lie and say I'm just as good as them? That I'll make it to their level? Fuck, I'm almost twenty-five. Do you know where they were at my age? Travelling the world, instant recognition no matter where they went. More fucking money than they knew what to do with."
"You don't realize how much luck plays into that type of success, Kasper."
"It's true what they all say... I'm a second-rate version of him. Not even. Third-rate."
"Enough. I won't have you belittling yourself. It stops now. These aren't things you should be striving for if it's your passion and in your blood. Money and recognition are fleeting. It has no bearing on reality or your talent."
"Why does it matter to you? Nothing I say about myself hasn't already been said by the public. I'm shit. I'm nothing, and I'll never be him."
Anger touched her nerves, flaring under her skin and opening a wound of guilt in her heart. She'd had enough of Kasper flaunting his pain to spite her.
"Take your clothes off," she demanded.
"What?" Kasper stuttered. "Why?"
"Because I'm going to show you you're more than enough."
"Fuck off," the blond man muttered.
She climbed over him, straddling his hips while undoing the buttons of his sweater. Kasper allowed this and lifted his arms when she pushed his t-shirt up, revealing his bare torso. Smooth skin under the blue light tantalized her eyes. When he looked up at her, pouty lips opened slightly, she leaned over and smothered his mouth with hers.
"You're beautiful, Kasper."
"You are," his retort was light, noncombative.
His tongue met her bottom lip, eliciting a bare whimper. She framed his face and kissed him hard while his large hands roamed the curve of her hips, journeying upward to her breasts.
"You're all I want," Kasper said.
"Sh. Don't say that. You can have anything you want in this world."
"But, I want you."
"No, you don't. You want what he has, but you should be out there searching for your own prizes—not even giving a thought to what anyone else has."
She rocked her hips against his, denim shuffling against denim until the nudge of his swelling member drove between them. With a smirk, she shimmied down between his legs, tugging the metal button on his jeans, then the zipper. Kasper's hardness tempted her through the soft cotton of his boxer briefs. Leaning over, she nipped at the tip of the bulge, barely contained under the elastic band. He let out a quiet sigh as she teased him. The appendage continued to grow and thicken, twitching as blood swirled in his groin. Her mouth inched down the clothed shaft until she reached the base, then swapped her lips for one hand. 
"You're bigger. I've never seen a cock like yours before. It's so perfect, and thick, and... God, I dream of it all the time."
Kasper's scarred eyebrow shot up. "Oh, yeah?"
"When I touch myself, there's never a time I don't think of you and how good it feels when this big cock is inside me." She kneaded his balls until he writhed.
"Fuck me," he whispered.
"No, not yet. I'm not done worshipping your cock."
"Worship it with your pussy." 
Covering his mouth with the same hand that had been trifling his balls, she kissed and nibbled his thigh until he kicked. "Hush. Let me do this the way I want to."
"You always tease me so much," came Kasper's muffled whine.
"I know, but it's worth it to see you shoot those massive loads of yours."
His pride tickled, Kasper shifted his hips, parting his legs with a sly look. She uncovered his mouth. "Yeah, you love taking all my cum."
"That's right, baby boy."
The indignation returned to his face, pulling his eyebrows together. "Don't call me baby boy. I'm a fucking man."
Unbothered by his demand, she snickered against his thigh and took up massaging his cock through his underwear once more. "Sorry. You're right. I mean, it's true, I've never been with anyone as hung as you, Kasper."
"Come on, touch me more."
"In due time. No more commands. Just lie back and let me play with you the way I want."
"What about the way I want?" He scoffed.
"You don't want me to work you up? To savour it?"
Kasper winced as she squeezed his girth gently. "Is that what you do to him?" He asked.
"No," she said.  
"Yeah, right."
"Believe it or not. You're still thinking about him when you should be thinking about me... And yourself."
Kasper pressed his tongue against clenched teeth, fighting back another retort. With long, even strokes, she caressed his shaft. He shuttered and nudged his hips upward. She was right. There was never a time he allowed himself to live in the moment, to enjoy the present without invalidating it with envy and regret. One too many people had held him to impossible standards, and though he was accustomed to acting around his discomfort lately, the feeling beat him with a heavier hand.
"Don't go soft on me, Kasper," she said.
Kasper surfaced from the black hole he'd tumbled down, remembering the sweet pressure around his manhood and the beautiful woman doused in blue light, orchestrating his pleasure. He moaned and tried to push his boxers down.
"Fine. Since you're so eager," she said, undressing him. 
She hoped to dangle him over the precipice of orgasm for as long as he could handle. Attention always seemed to soothe him when he got into his foul moods. Although this time, it wasn't a simple display of temper— it was a genuine cry for help. She had to be delicate.
"You know what I love about your cock? This one thick vein on the top. When it swells, I know you're really turned on. It's just like your pretty eyes. You give yourself away. But when you realize it, they turn to stone, and I can no longer read you."
"Why are you saying all this? Don't you just want to fuck?" Kasper asked, still enjoying the heated grip circling him.
"Is that all you want? Don't you care what I have to say about you? Does everyone else's opinion matter but mine?"
Kasper's chest caved in as his lungs released piling tension. "I'm sorry. I'll shut up."
"Say what you like, but you know I'll challenge you," she said.
Kasper didn't speak again until her lips met the tear-shaped slit at the tip of his cock. Smoothing her lips around him, she ran her tongue up, tasting the salty residue of arousal. When she dove deeper, Kasper groaned, throwing his arm over his eyes as though he couldn't bear to watch. He changed his mind and propped himself on bent elbows. 
He caressed her head, then cupped her chin and pulled her off. "Stay with me tonight."
Before she could protest, Kasper flipped her onto her back and worked her clothes off like she had done his. 
"Kasper... That's not a good idea."
"Neither was downing a bottle of pills. But I did it, and I'm still here. And you're still here, no matter what you do or say or think. You always end up in my bed."
"I'm worried about you," she murmured.
"Don't. I'm fine now," said Kasper.
"Says the guy I found crying in his bedroom."
Her reminder tore a hole through his flimsy lie. Kasper winced but continued working his way between her legs in hopes burying himself might help hide the shame he harboured.
"What were you saying about how much you love my big dick?"
"That's not all I love about you, Kas," she said as he pushed inside of her opening with care.
The fullness dulled her thoughts, but only for a moment before he rocked against her. She reached up to stroke his face, smiling.
"You're beautiful. Everything about you, not just the large parts."
Kasper laid his head on her shoulder while he withdrew himself and thrust back into her with a grunt. "You make me feel beautiful."
"Good. You deserve to feel that way, darling."
He kissed up her neck, snaking his tongue out to lick the spot he intended to suck. But she pulled away. Kasper chuckled.
"What? You don't want him seeing marks on your skin? I suppose you can't wear a scarf in the Summer."
"Don't be naughty."
"You're one to talk. Coming here, toying with me after you promised you wouldn't."
"I told you I was worried," she defended.
"Yeah, worried you'd never feel me inside of you again, right? You got here quickly."
"Why are you saying all this?" She mimicked him. "Don't you just want to fuck?"
Kasper sneered. "Yeah, that's all I want."
They coupled well into the night until it was too late for her to leave. Kasper got his way and anchored her to the bed with his arms around her. Exhausted from the romp, and hacking away the tendrils of depression coiling around his limbs, Kasper fell into a deep sleep. She did not drift off as quickly as Kasper did, but his calm breaths tickling the back of her neck placated her racing mind for a few hours until the sun came up.
The girl slid out of bed, hoping Kasper might stay asleep while she gathered her clothes from the floor and dressed. Looking over the naked man, she held her breath and hoped it wasn't the last time she'd see him this way. Before her departure, she went to the side of the bed and smoothed his hair back until his lashes fluttered.
"I love you, Kasper. Don't leave us."
Kasper did not move. She bent over to kiss his shoulder, nodded, and turned to leave. 
Creeping away, she turned back to see his head rise from the pillow. Kasper rolled onto his back and smiled.
"Leaving so soon?" He asked.
"Yes, darling."
A touch of darkness tainted his grin. "Tell my brother I said hi."
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Now there needs to be Swedish Heat fanfiction. I don't know what would happen but maybe he is a bounty hunter. He falls slowly in love with one of his bounties. He finds out she was framed for whatever it is she did that made her run from the law and now they are both on the lame as he tries to get the real criminal caught.
Swedish Heat is the most amazing thing I've seen in a while. I'm so in love with Kasper Nordin and thinking about him as an ex-cop turned bounty hunter fills me with joy. His baby face hooks people, makes them trust him, but he's not as innocent as he looks. Underestimating him is a bad idea because he won't hesitate to shoot first and ask questions never. But once in a while he trips over his own enormous heart and finds love in a dangerous place. He has to choose between money, power and glory or a beautiful face that has his balls in a vice grip. Please stop me before I lose myself in yet another elaborate universe and die 🥺
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