#Kaytoko writes fanfiction
kaytoko · 3 years
Breaking Point
A Tianshan Drabble
A/N: so, I super love this pairing, and 19 Days, I’ve just never felt confident enough to write anything for them. But, I’ve been thinking about these plot developments enough lately that I had to get something out. I’ve started several short fics over the last few weeks - this is just the only one I’ve actually had time to finish 😅 ah well, enjoy!
Twenty-one days.
Mo scratched the tally mark deeper into the paper next to the twenty other just like it. Just below it, He Tian’s crude drawing of Mo eating a sandwich stared back at him. He had taken the text book after that night - the one where he had read He Tian’s scratched out note about leaving. He couldn’t bring himself to put it back and act like he hadn’t seen it. There was none of He Tian’s normal bravado in the words, no confidence in the script. The tremble in the characters and the harshness of the scratch out said enough. But He Tian said nothing about it. Chicken dick hadn’t even noticed the notebook missing. And Mo, being Mo, said nothing about it.
But it had been twenty-one days - twenty-one - since He Tian disappeared without so much as a sarcastic text good-bye, and now, Guanshan wanted nothing more than to go back in time and kick his own cowardly ass for not confronting him about it the first time around.
He knew something was up. Maybe it was because they fought, or because She Li had beaten the shit out of him, but He Tian was different after that day. His smiles were tighter and his eyes more distant, like he had so much he wanted to say but no time to say it in. And yet, Mo had said nothing. He always figured that He Tian had his secrets and that eventually he would open up if he felt like it. So, he never pushed him to say anything he didn’t want to.
He didn’t realize it at first, but after that day, the walls Guanshan had built around his heart had begun to soften. He found himself allowing their shoulders to linger together when He Tian leaned against him and their fingers to stay intertwined when He Tian would reach out. It was like a breath of fresh air when He Tian reached out to touch him, like a reminder that everything was going to be fine. The precarious line between them felt more blurred than ever before, and so he didn’t miss when something in He Tian’s behavior changed. He just couldn’t bring himself to push past the precedent they had set for themselves to really ask why.
And now, twenty-one days later, he really wished he had.
He pushed the pencil harder against the paper until the lead snapped, and he leaned back in his chair with a frustrated sigh. Movement shuffled behind him and Jian Yi slipped his pencil down the gap between his hoodie and his neck. Mo swatted him away, letting the pencil drop to the floor.
“Still nothing?” Jian Yi asked. There was an uncharacteristic note of seriousness to his tone that made Mo uncomfortable.
A knot instantly formed in his throat and he grimaced, trying to hide it. “What do you think?”
Jian Yi frowned and Mo leaned his head against his folded arms. He wish he knew the answer. He wish he knew where He Tian was or when he’d come back. Both so he could kick his ass for leaving without saying anything, and so he could man up about how he really felt and tell him that he actually missed his chicken dick ass. Guanshan pressed his lips together and ran angry fingers through his short red hair.
Damn, he was tired of lying to himself.
“Are you busy after school?”
Jian Yi’s eyebrows lifted, like was shocked that Mo would ask him anything like that. “No?”
“Good,” Mo said sitting up. “Come with me. I want to get my ear pierced.”
Jian Yi stared at him like he had grown a second head. “What? Why?”
You don’t have to pierce your ears to prove anything. I just hope you’re doing it because you like me.
“Because I feel like it.”
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kaytoko · 3 years
A Tianshan fic
A/N: This started out as a cute short drabble but clearly got out of hand very quickly lol 🤪 Enjoy!
“Come to my place after school. I’ll help you study.”
He Tian knew his invitation was bogus. He had promised to help Mo study since the first week he began following him around, but never actually followed through with the act. At this point, the offer was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at pretending he wasn’t just asking Mo to willingly spend more time in the day with him. He knew exactly what he was doing, but he always like to see Mo squirm.
But this time, Guanshan’s answer was nothing more than an absent-minded, “Fine.” He hadn’t even looked up from the workbook he was busy working on between them.
He Tian frowned. Guanshan had been doing that more often lately — just rolling with He Tian’s suggestions and letting himself get pulled along to the other boy’s whims. At first it was fun to tease him like that - Mo always fought back and came up with every excuse not to do what He Tian wanted. But now? There was no bite in his responses. It was as if he legitimately didn’t care if He Tian pulled him along. And He Tian wasn’t sure he liked that. He craved getting a rise out of the other boy - seeing his face flush and his brows pull down in annoyance. In those moments, he knew that he was the only thing Guanshan was thinking about. And that wasn’t something he was willing to give up.
So, He Tian leaned forward over the desk between them and made a point of holding the hand Mo was writing with. Guanshan let out a puff of irritation, but didn’t make a show of pulling away like He Tian expected. Instead, he merely reached over to take the pencil out of his now occupied hand and attempted to continue copying answers down with his non-dominant hand. Fascination pulsed through He Tian’s chest as he began playing with Guanshan’s relaxed fingers.
“What is this?” he said, almost to himself. “Have you finally decided to give yourself to me, Momo?”
Guanshan said nothing, acting like he couldn’t hear him. He Tian studied his face, heart beating heavy in his chest, as he looped his fingers between Guanshan’s, slowing letting them slide between his own. He made slow, deliberate movements as he caressed each of them, trying to see the exact moment that Mo’s attention shifted from his work at hand, to He Tian’s work on his hand. When his attention didn’t seem to waver, He Tian leaned on his arm and ran his thumb against the skin of his knuckles.
“You used to try and punch me for this,” he finally said.
Guanshan frowned and attempted to erase a mistake he made on the paper, struggling to flip the pencil over smoothly. It slipped from his fingers and dropped against the paper. He sighed and picked it back up. “Yeah, well, punching you does nothing, and I don’t feel like wasting the energy. You’re going to do what you want anyway.”
Something about the way he said it made the pieces click in He Tian’s mind. His heart gave a stutter and he sat up slightly, his lips playing upwards in the start of a devious smile.
“What’s this? Are you saying that you’re fine with whatever I do to you?” he asked.
Guanshan said nothing again, merely letting his eyebrows pull down into a dark line over his eyes. But He Tian knew that look. It was the look he was hoping to see the whole time he was watching him.
He Tian’s smile grew again and he leaned forward, bringing Guanshan’s hand up to his lips. He let his breath cascade over the other boy’s knuckles until his lips found purchase. He let the kiss linger longer than he knew Guanshan would feel comfortable with before he gently pulled away to look at his face.
The first thing he noticed was the pinkness of Momo’s ears, a telltale sign that he had succeeded in his goal of worming his way to the forefront of Guanshan’s mind. But his heart skipped a full, harsh beat when he saw the pair of amber eyes watching him right back. They looked distressed - there was no better way of describing it - but distressed in a way that He Tian hadn’t seen exposed so honestly to him before. It was clear to him now. He had done more than just catch Guanshan’s attention - he was utterly captivated.
But, as soon as the moment came, Guanshan dipped his gaze and fell into the embarrassment He Tian was so used to seeing on him - the kind of reaction he normally craved to see. But even as he cussed and pulled his hand from He Tian’s, He Tian found himself already replaying Guanshan’s new reaction over and over in his mind, a strange sort thrill bubbling up in his chest at the idea of being able to pull it out of Momo once again.
The teasing grin returned and he leaned over Guanshan’s desk again. “Come to my house tonight.”
Guanshan avoided his look, his cheeks noticeably pinker. “Chicken dick… I already said I would.”
And that was all the acquiescence He Tian needed to hear.
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