#Kazuhide Nakazawa
hardcore-gaming-101 · 3 years
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The PS2 was home to all sorts of B-tier action games that spawned from Devil May Cry’s success, from Capcom’s own Chaos Legion to the conceptually absurd but otherwise solid Bujingai. Most of these games have their fans, but Konami’s Nanobreaker was left in the dust entirely. Despite utilizing the engine of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, a generally well received game, Nanobreaker was lambasted for its repetition, boring environments, and uninteresting story. Even with Koji Igarashi as a producer and Kazuhide Nakazawa (Silent Hill 2 and 3) responsible for the art direction, Nanobreaker is completely lacking in visual or thematic identity, instead counting on the player to embrace the potential of its mechanics. If you’re willing to experiment with the options provided, you’ll find that there’s perhaps a bit more to Nanobreaker than people realized at the time. 
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ataehone · 6 years
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Silent Hill 3, dir. by  Kazuhide Nakazawa, 2003.
The Dark Alessa moment was pretty neat.
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