#Kbs 357
slowtraincomingsoon · 5 months
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648 261 in Bad Sachsa am 13.04.2024
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spraystory · 2 years
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A “művész úr” duma és a Fővám
Azért adtam a “Na jöjjön művészúr” címet ennek a blognak mert számomra  erősen szemétkedős jelentése van, le is írom miért. Életemben a legeslegelső graffiti amit láttam a Fővám téren volt és nem - a  mai értelemben vett - firkászok készítették, hanem csak olyan arcok akik sprayt fogtak a kezükbe és utána feloldódtak az életben - vagy külföldiek, ezt azóta sem tudom. De ez olyan jó style volt hogy azonnal rabul ejtett. ( fotón ) Na most a Fővám tér volt nekem az első graffiti spot és évekre ez is maradt. Itt találkoztam egyébként Miki 357 barátommal, aki később egymaga megalkotta a mindenkori legerősebb és legrealebb magyar rap labelt a Kriminal Beats-et. No de vissza a Fővámra. Olyan nyugis, legálozó hely volt ez, hogy a 2000-es évek közepére már kb minden részén volt egy-egy cuccunk és később már kb csak akkor mentünk oda ha esett az eső vagy ha nem maradt más spot. Amúgy omega helynek számított, a 2-es villamos tömegeket vitt ott át naponta, rengeteg turista ott jár egyszóval nap mint nap iszonyú sokan látták a cuccodat. Egy alkalommal, már nem is tudom kikkel de sokan, éjszaka legáloztunk - ez azt jelenti hogy ugyan illegális volt oda festeni de mivel ez egy földalatti megálló, illetve híd alatti, egész éjjel égtek a villanyok, pompás fényviszonyok között lehetett festeni tök nyugodtan, rendőr sosem jött le oda. Szóval egy ilyen alkalommal egész sokan festettek ott, én és még néhányan pont csak nézők voltunk amikor megjelent néhány rendőr járőr. Azonnal észrevették hogy graffitizés megy, több fiatal áll a falnál, full festékszag, kannák mindenhol. Így szóltak : - Na művész urak kérem ide sorakozzanak fel, személyi igazolványt, lakcímkártyát kérünk, zsebeket kipakolni. Átkiáltott a túloldalra : -Na művész úr jöjjön maga is, meg a másik Picasso is szépen jöjjön ide …stb. Én magam egy cseppet sem utáltam soha a rendőröket, noha nyilván nem is szerettem. Rendőrlakótelep mellett nőttem fel ( igazából csk egy U alakú háztömb volt kimondottan rendőr lakótelep rész ) mindig úgy voltam vele hogy ő a munkáját végzi, én meg a csibész vagyok, neki az a munkája hogy engem elkapjon. De ez a féle direkt lealázása a másiknak örökre nyomot hagyott bennem, ez alkalom óta nem tudom úgy nevezni az alkotót hogy művész. Elképzelhető hogy ha nem is tudatosan, de az volt a tervük hogy az ember kedvét elvegyék a festéstől, rám ez nem hatott, azonban örökre elvette a kedvem attól, hogy bármilyen klassz dolgot is készítek többé művésznek definiáljam magam.
1. kép : az “első” graffiti amit láttam és ami miatt graffitis akartam lenni, “Communion” - Fővám tér kb 1990-1993, készítője máig ismeretlen
2. kép : első cuccom a Fővámon ( kb 1998 )
3, 4 kép : további cuccaim a Fővámon 1999-ből
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themindful69 · 2 years
Bein Sport M3u Playlist Working 2022 - 2023
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Bein Sport M3u Playlist Working 2022 - 2023
M3u iptv links are a great way to benefit from watching TV. Instead of using cable or satellite TV, you can access any TV show, movies or series, Bein Sport games streaming, easily sticking to a mere iptv m3u link url or iptv m3u list. Internet Protocol TV has made TV experience simple and fun.Bein Sport M3u Playlist Working If you are a Bein Sport fanatic, you can always keep track of all your fovorite games and you only need an internet connection for that. You also need to download free iptv links m3u playlist, and you have them free here. BeIN Sports IPTV Free M3U Playlist is a list of working IPTV channels that you can use in multiple players such as GSE IPTV Player, VLC, Cherry Player, Perfect Player, and Smart IPTV Player. The lists are compatible with PC, Notebooks, Tablet PC, Smart TVs, Mag Devices, Android IPTV boxes, iOS, and Android smartphones, and many other devices.Bein Sport M3u Playlist Working We test every M3U playlist before sharing it. The playlists are updated regularly so that you can always enjoy the latest channels. You can also find lists of working channels for other countries on our website as well.
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 bein sports m3u8 playlist (5) 168 B
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 bein sports m3u playlist (1) 15 KB Read the full article
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Thursday,  3 November,  2022.. Warmup....SDLHP  &  Pull-Ups. 20 Short AMRAPs.
Today we experienced the most beautiful perfect warm Fall evening at the Barn.  You shoulda been here.  If you were here for the workout, you shoulda stayed for the after-party.  We are supposed to see temps in the low 80′s this weekend.  
2  Rounds
15/15    Heavy Kettlebell Side-Bends
20       Anyhow Sit-Ups
Run 200m / Row-Ski 250m / Bike 500m 
I was very pleased to see almost everyone participate in this warmup.
Strength WOD:
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls:     5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2     Build As You Go.
Super-Set  5  ( L-Sit ? ) Pull-Ups Between Each.  Some did it. 
Neal/Ed/Shane/Armando=185     Smoothie/Herb=145     Tom/Dana=135     Chad=115     Coach/Joe/Average Dave=95     Sue=80     Kayla/Elisa/Shannon/Sabrina=65     Linda=??     WG=“not present” (not true),     Alicia/Clare/Camille/Gee-Gee/Louis/Penny, and others=no posting.
Metabolic Conditioner:
5  Rounds
          30  Seconds Work
          30  Seconds Rest
Box Jumps     (24/20)
Slam-Balls     ( E=50 / 30 / 20 ) 
Hands Release Push-Ups
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls    ( KB ) E=70 / 53 / 35 )
Shane=333     WG=329     Average Dave=322      Neal=318     Dana=317
Sue=376     Armando=364     Chad=357     Herb=354     Herb=336     Smoothie=295 
The Real People:
Elisa=362     Linda=329     Kayla=316     Sabrina=308     Tom=307     Shannon=299     Coach=262     Joe=249      Louis/Gee-Gee/Clare/Camille/Penny/Alicia/Ruth Anne =nothing posted.
Our neighbor who will go un-named had a colonoscopy today and we are happy to report that that part of him is very perfect.
The Wednesday “MOM’s” workout (plus Nathan and me) continues to gradually grow in attendance and has a feeling of a group that is very friendly and accepting.  It is MEANT to be a minimal equipment workout, but still can be very exhausting.  The entire morning of 4 separate little workouts required only a single Dumb-Bell.  The simple 10 minute “Death by Dumb Bell Snatch” almost killed me because I picked a DB that was bigger than Susan’s .  Invitation is not required...if you know, you know.
Tonights wine tasting ranks highest of all time in the category of snacks brought.  This has occurred since we realized that only girls bring snacks, so the management has cleared, plowed, and fertilized this fertile field so that snacks are harvested in abundance.  Yes, lots of girls come.  That’s nice too.  I can’t list all the fabulous snacks without running the risk of not naming someone’s contribution, so I’ll only mention that there were 3 (THREE) very large MAGA ORDERS of Chic Fil A nuggets on the picnic table.  The Pumpkin- Chocolate-Chip cookies were made by the loving hands of Miss Dana. 
 I didn’t get an accurate count, but I think 7 bottles of reds and 3 bottles of whites were dispatched without much delay.  We were forced to visit the Buck Cellar and find a large format Big Ass bottle which held us over to the end.  Actually it wasn’t the end, except that it was getting below 65 degrees and Herb complained of the chill, plus he wanted to get home to watch the WORLD SERIES.  That’s about baseball, Alicia.  So we adjourned.
Did you all know that Old Joe The Bird Man got a Hole-In-One ??
Saturday at 0730 and at 0930.                     
0 notes
priteshchhabra · 4 years
Peer-graded Assignment: Running a Classification Tree
Features are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass [K. P. Bennett and O. L. Mangasarian: "Robust Linear Programming Discrimination of Two Linearly Inseparable Sets", Optimization Methods and Software 1, 1992, 23-34].
Dataset can be found at UCI Machine Learning Repository
In this Assignment the Decision tree has been applied to classification of breast cancer detection.
Attribute Information:
id - ID number
diagnosis (M = malignant, B = benign)
3-32 extra features
Ten real-valued features are computed for each cell nucleus: a) radius (mean of distances from center to points on the perimeter) b) texture (standard deviation of gray-scale values) c) perimeter d) area e) smoothness (local variation in radius lengths) f) compactness (perimeter^2 / area - 1.0) g) concavity (severity of concave portions of the contour) h) concave points (number of concave portions of the contour) i) symmetry j) fractal dimension ("coastline approximation" - 1)
All feature values are recoded with four significant digits. Missing attribute values: none Class distribution: 357 benign, 212 malignant
Generated decision tree can be found below:
In [17]:
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Decision tree analysis was performed to test nonlinear relationships among a series of explanatory variables and a binary, categorical response variable (breast cancer diagnosis: malignant or benign).
The dataset was splitted into train and test samples in ratio 70\30.
After fitting the classifier the key metrics were calculated - confusion matrix and accuracy = 0.924. This is a good result for a model trained on a small dataset.
From decision tree we can observe:
The malignant tumor is tend to have much more visible affected areas, texture and concave points, while the benign's characteristics are significantly lower.
The most important features are:
concave points_worst = 0.707688
area_worst = 0.114771
concave points_mean = 0.034234
fractal_dimension_se = 0.026301
texture_worst = 0.026300
area_se = 0.025201
concavity_se = 0.024540
texture_mean = 0.023671
perimeter_mean = 0.010415
concavity_mean = 0.006880
In [1]:
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import * from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn import tree from io import StringIO from IPython.display import Image import pydotplus from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from matplotlib import pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline rnd_state = 23468
Load data
In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('Data/breast_cancer.csv') data.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 569 entries, 0 to 568 Data columns (total 33 columns): id                         569 non-null int64 diagnosis                  569 non-null object radius_mean                569 non-null float64 texture_mean               569 non-null float64 perimeter_mean             569 non-null float64 area_mean                  569 non-null float64 smoothness_mean            569 non-null float64 compactness_mean           569 non-null float64 concavity_mean             569 non-null float64 concave points_mean        569 non-null float64 symmetry_mean              569 non-null float64 fractal_dimension_mean     569 non-null float64 radius_se                  569 non-null float64 texture_se                 569 non-null float64 perimeter_se               569 non-null float64 area_se                    569 non-null float64 smoothness_se              569 non-null float64 compactness_se             569 non-null float64 concavity_se               569 non-null float64 concave points_se          569 non-null float64 symmetry_se                569 non-null float64 fractal_dimension_se       569 non-null float64 radius_worst               569 non-null float64 texture_worst              569 non-null float64 perimeter_worst            569 non-null float64 area_worst                 569 non-null float64 smoothness_worst           569 non-null float64 compactness_worst          569 non-null float64 concavity_worst            569 non-null float64 concave points_worst       569 non-null float64 symmetry_worst             569 non-null float64 fractal_dimension_worst    569 non-null float64 Unnamed: 32                0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(31), int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 146.8+ KB
For visualization purposes, the number of dimensions was reduced to two by applying t-SNE method. The plot illustrates that our classes are not clearly divided into two parts, so the nonlinear methods (like Decision tree) may solve this problem.
In [15]:
model = TSNE(random_state=rnd_state, n_components=2) representation = model.fit_transform(data.iloc[:, 2:])
In [16]:
plt.scatter(representation[:, 0], representation[:, 1],            c=data.diagnosis, alpha=0.5, cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('Set1', 2)) plt.colorbar(ticks=range(2));
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Decision tree
In [6]:
predictors = data.iloc[:, 2:] target = data.diagnosis
To train a Decision tree the dataset was splitted into train and test samples in proportion 70/30.
In [7]:
(predictors_train, predictors_test, target_train, target_test) = train_test_split(predictors, target, test_size = .3, random_state = rnd_state)
In [8]:
print('predictors_train:', predictors_train.shape) print('predictors_test:', predictors_test.shape) print('target_train:', target_train.shape) print('target_test:', target_test.shape)
predictors_train: (398, 30) predictors_test: (171, 30) target_train: (398,) target_test: (171,)
In [9]:
print(np.sum(target_train==0)) print(np.sum(target_train==1))
253 145
Our train sample is quite balanced, so there is no need in balancing it.
In [10]:
classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state = rnd_state).fit(predictors_train, target_train)
In [11]:
prediction = classifier.predict(predictors_test)
In [12]:
print('Confusion matrix:\n', pd.crosstab(target_test, prediction, colnames=['Actual'], rownames=['Predicted'], margins=True)) print('\nAccuracy: ', accuracy_score(target_test, prediction))
Confusion matrix: Actual       0   1  All Predicted               0           96   8  104 1            5  62   67 All        101  70  171 Accuracy:  0.9239766081871345
In [13]:
out = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(classifier, out_file = out, feature_names = predictors_train.columns.values,                     proportion = True, filled = True) graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(out.getvalue()) img = Image(data = graph.create_png()) with open('output.png', 'wb') as f:    f.write(img.data)
In [14]:
feature_importance = pd.Series(classifier.feature_importances_, index=data.columns.values[2:]).sort_values(ascending=False) feature_importance
concave points_worst       0.707688 area_worst                 0.114771 concave points_mean        0.034234 fractal_dimension_se       0.026301 texture_worst              0.026300 area_se                    0.025201 concavity_se               0.024540 texture_mean               0.023671 perimeter_mean             0.010415 concavity_mean             0.006880 fractal_dimension_worst    0.000000 fractal_dimension_mean     0.000000 symmetry_mean              0.000000 compactness_mean           0.000000 texture_se                 0.000000 smoothness_mean            0.000000 area_mean                  0.000000 radius_se                  0.000000 smoothness_se              0.000000 perimeter_se               0.000000 symmetry_worst             0.000000 compactness_se             0.000000 concave points_se          0.000000 symmetry_se                0.000000 radius_worst               0.000000 perimeter_worst            0.000000 smoothness_worst           0.000000 compactness_worst          0.000000 concavity_worst            0.000000 radius_mean                0.000000 dtype: float64
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rewat500-blog · 4 years
This week’s assignment involves decision trees, and more specifically, classification trees. Decision trees are predictive models that allow for a data driven exploration of nonlinear relationships and interactions among many explanatory variables in predicting a response or target variable. When the response variable is categorical (two levels), the model is a called a classification tree. Explanatory variables can be either quantitative, categorical or both. Decision trees create segmentations or subgroups in the data, by applying a series of simple rules or criteria over and over again which choose variable constellations that best predict the response (i.e. target) variable.
Run a Classification Tree.
You will need to perform a decision tree analysis to test nonlinear relationships among a series of explanatory variables and a binary, categorical response variable.
Features are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass [K. P. Bennett and O. L. Mangasarian: "Robust Linear Programming Discrimination of Two Linearly Inseparable Sets", Optimization Methods and Software 1, 1992, 23-34].
Dataset can be found at UCI Machine Learning Repository
In this Assignment the Decision tree has been applied to classification of breast cancer detection.
Attribute Information:
id - ID number
diagnosis (M = malignant, B = benign)
3-32 extra features
Ten real-valued features are computed for each cell nucleus: a) radius (mean of distances from center to points on the perimeter) b) texture (standard deviation of gray-scale values) c) perimeter d) area e) smoothness (local variation in radius lengths) f) compactness (perimeter^2 / area - 1.0) g) concavity (severity of concave portions of the contour) h) concave points (number of concave portions of the contour) i) symmetry j) fractal dimension ("coastline approximation" - 1)
All feature values are recoded with four significant digits. Missing attribute values: none Class distribution: 357 benign, 212 malignant
Generated decision tree can be found below:
In [17]:
Decision tree analysis was performed to test nonlinear relationships among a series of explanatory variables and a binary, categorical response variable (breast cancer diagnosis: malignant or benign).
The dataset was splitted into train and test samples in ratio 70\30.
After fitting the classifier the key metrics were calculated - confusion matrix and accuracy = 0.924. This is a good result for a model trained on a small dataset.
From decision tree we can observe:
The malignant tumor is tend to have much more visible affected areas, texture and concave points, while the benign's characteristics are significantly lower.
The most important features are:
concave points_worst = 0.707688
area_worst = 0.114771
concave points_mean = 0.034234
fractal_dimension_se = 0.026301
texture_worst = 0.026300
area_se = 0.025201
concavity_se = 0.024540
texture_mean = 0.023671
perimeter_mean = 0.010415
concavity_mean = 0.006880
In [1]:
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import * from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn import tree from io import StringIO from IPython.display import Image import pydotplus from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from matplotlib import pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline rnd_state = 23468
Load data
In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('Data/breast_cancer.csv') data.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 569 entries, 0 to 568 Data columns (total 33 columns): id                         569 non-null int64 diagnosis                  569 non-null object radius_mean                569 non-null float64 texture_mean               569 non-null float64 perimeter_mean             569 non-null float64 area_mean                  569 non-null float64 smoothness_mean            569 non-null float64 compactness_mean           569 non-null float64 concavity_mean             569 non-null float64 concave points_mean        569 non-null float64 symmetry_mean              569 non-null float64 fractal_dimension_mean     569 non-null float64 radius_se                  569 non-null float64 texture_se                 569 non-null float64 perimeter_se               569 non-null float64 area_se                    569 non-null float64 smoothness_se              569 non-null float64 compactness_se             569 non-null float64 concavity_se               569 non-null float64 concave points_se          569 non-null float64 symmetry_se                569 non-null float64 fractal_dimension_se       569 non-null float64 radius_worst               569 non-null float64 texture_worst              569 non-null float64 perimeter_worst            569 non-null float64 area_worst                 569 non-null float64 smoothness_worst           569 non-null float64 compactness_worst          569 non-null float64 concavity_worst            569 non-null float64 concave points_worst       569 non-null float64 symmetry_worst             569 non-null float64 fractal_dimension_worst    569 non-null float64 Unnamed: 32                0 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(31), int64(1), object(1) memory usage: 146.8+ KB
In the output above there is an empty column 'Unnamed: 32', so next it should be dropped.
In [3]:
data.drop('Unnamed: 32', axis=1, inplace=True) data.diagnosis = np.where(data.diagnosis=='M', 1, 0) # Decode diagnosis into binary data.describe()
Out[3]:iddiagnosisradius_meantexture_meanperimeter_meanarea_meansmoothness_meancompactness_meanconcavity_meanconcave points_mean...radius_worsttexture_worstperimeter_worstarea_worstsmoothness_worstcompactness_worstconcavity_worstconcave points_worstsymmetry_worstfractal_dimension_worst
8 rows × 32 columns
In [4]:
Out[4]:iddiagnosisradius_meantexture_meanperimeter_meanarea_meansmoothness_meancompactness_meanconcavity_meanconcave points_mean...radius_worsttexture_worstperimeter_worstarea_worstsmoothness_worstcompactness_worstconcavity_worstconcave points_worstsymmetry_worstfractal_dimension_worst
5 rows × 32 columns
For visualization purposes, the number of dimensions was reduced to two by applying t-SNE method. The plot illustrates that our classes are not clearly divided into two parts, so the nonlinear methods (like Decision tree) may solve this problem.
In [15]:
model = TSNE(random_state=rnd_state, n_components=2) representation = model.fit_transform(data.iloc[:, 2:])
In [16]:
plt.scatter(representation[:, 0], representation[:, 1],            c=data.diagnosis, alpha=0.5, cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('Set1', 2)) plt.colorbar(ticks=range(2));
Decision tree
In [6]:
predictors = data.iloc[:, 2:] target = data.diagnosis
To train a Decision tree the dataset was splitted into train and test samples in proportion 70/30.
In [7]:
(predictors_train, predictors_test, target_train, target_test) = train_test_split(predictors, target, test_size = .3, random_state = rnd_state)
In [8]:
print('predictors_train:', predictors_train.shape) print('predictors_test:', predictors_test.shape) print('target_train:', target_train.shape) print('target_test:', target_test.shape)
predictors_train: (398, 30) predictors_test: (171, 30) target_train: (398,) target_test: (171,)
In [9]:
print(np.sum(target_train==0)) print(np.sum(target_train==1))
253 145
Our train sample is quite balanced, so there is no need in balancing it.
In [10]:
classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state = rnd_state).fit(predictors_train, target_train)
In [11]:
prediction = classifier.predict(predictors_test)
In [12]:
print('Confusion matrix:\n', pd.crosstab(target_test, prediction, colnames=['Actual'], rownames=['Predicted'], margins=True)) print('\nAccuracy: ', accuracy_score(target_test, prediction))
Confusion matrix: Actual       0   1  All Predicted               0           96   8  104 1            5  62   67 All        101  70  171 Accuracy:  0.9239766081871345
In [13]:
out = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(classifier, out_file = out, feature_names = predictors_train.columns.values,                     proportion = True, filled = True) graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(out.getvalue()) img = Image(data = graph.create_png()) with open('output.png', 'wb') as f:    f.write(img.data)
In [14]:
feature_importance = pd.Series(classifier.feature_importances_, index=data.columns.values[2:]).sort_values(ascending=False) feature_importance
concave points_worst       0.707688 area_worst                 0.114771 concave points_mean        0.034234 fractal_dimension_se       0.026301 texture_worst              0.026300 area_se                    0.025201 concavity_se               0.024540 texture_mean               0.023671 perimeter_mean             0.010415 concavity_mean             0.006880 fractal_dimension_worst    0.000000 fractal_dimension_mean     0.000000 symmetry_mean              0.000000 compactness_mean           0.000000 texture_se                 0.000000 smoothness_mean            0.000000 area_mean                  0.000000 radius_se                  0.000000 smoothness_se              0.000000 perimeter_se               0.000000 symmetry_worst             0.000000 compactness_se             0.000000 concave points_se          0.000000 symmetry_se                0.000000 radius_worst               0.000000 perimeter_worst            0.000000 smoothness_worst           0.000000 compactness_worst          0.000000 concavity_worst            0.000000 radius_mean                0.000000 dtype: float64
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btkook · 4 years
BTS awardshow performances
Dislaimer: None of these video’s are mine. This is only a list with the yearly awardshow performances. last update: 24th of june 2020
SBS Gayo Daejeon
2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2LnDc8nCVo
2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlPAreE2hSk
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k259rfFFAx8
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmbDPLYgYpw
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjqvwHrhhjo
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFy9w27KYG0
MBC Gayo Daejejeon
2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zifhl5kHK5E
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKZWHfBKh0I
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AOfgth8twI
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMMx1hOwH-4
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6gzgV1fBxg
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-00Q7LDieAo
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyNkL5iQIL0
KBS Gayo Deachukje
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYdbZqxTbIc
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRRy2120o6I
2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHl_JUQVA68
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQp_C_Zrc3U
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXqkNikPpHs
2019  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb7tgdg4Wr4
Golden Disk Awards
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ypxL9AKj1Q
2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i3EHC6TGDg
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdf4z1aJPXM
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT0tAjBrmQ0
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6STAAk9INY&t=5s
2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac6mtltj0cE
Seoul Music Awards
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8dQcaqYl5w
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOasEFAuWZo
2016  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSVrj29qPyc
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waTfmysJ_ZU
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn2glwHzjKQ
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpCOutSQVn8
MAMA Red Carpet Stage
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCa90IqQnLs
Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)
2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iq1b8_Cqj0
2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH5aZjgbN0Q
2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_hQjxGSS7k
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVHcXZK7pKs
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtqQmb54cxM
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPP5tu4ZvCE
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v8p3FNE9Og&t=357s
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdrO-iU3Glg
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFMXk0L4kG8
Melon Music Awards
2015  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIT1hHdz1j4
2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWENYAwPXPA
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eTM5RDC7xw
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-9iKcMVskY&t=630s
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-0v1fNVdas&t=1812s
Genie Music Awards
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nli8hkBU6U4
American Music Awards
2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH1PVvFj8cE
Billboard Music Awards
2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEpq6mmG6eE
2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0u1R2H1iHQ
2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9Vjvz1NPN8
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alorunwid-blog · 5 years
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sneakerhistory · 5 years
How many professional athletes are so legendary that they are celebrated around the globe and throughout social media on back to back days? The answer is one, and that is Kobe Bryant. With a birthday that lands on 8/23 and “Mamba Day” that lands on 8/24, which are the two jersey numbers that Kobe Bryant wore during his career, the Black Mamba is still top of mind for sneakerheads. The longevity and importance of Kobe Bryant signature sneakers cannot be overstated. From his early years, fresh out of high school and signed with adidas, through his free agency year during the 2002-2003 season, his 11 signature sneakers with Nike before he retired, and even beyond, thanks to the Nike Kobe AD line, the Black Mamba’s sneakers have been at the forefront of performance basketball shoes.
As you scroll through this list of the best Kobe Bryant signature sneakers, keep in mind that we only included models with Kobe’s name or initials included. That means shoes that may be associated with him, like the adidas Top Ten 2000, Nike Zoom Huarache 2K4, Nike Zoom Huarache 2K5, and the countless exclusive colorways he’s had along the way in various models are not included.
20. Nike Kobe AD Mid
Nick Says: To me, the AD Mid comes across as very lazy. It doesn’t look much different from the previous model, and it’s just kind of boring. What they did with the layered knit Swoosh was dope though.
19. Nike Kobe AD 2016
Robbie Says: It’s not the Kobe AD did anything particularly wrong, it’s just the fact that it didn’t do anything particularly right… It was low, it had the Kobe logo and utilized Zoom cushioning, but outside of that everything was extremely ‘meh.’ Kudos to the stylish, Vegeta-like, heel clip though, that was awesome.
18. Nike Kobe AD NXT
Nick Says: Between the backward-facing Swoosh, the shroud, and the quick lace system underneath it, the AD NXT stands out from the rest of the retirement-era AD models. If this model received better colorways and some more on-court appearances, it would be much higher on the list.
17. adidas KB8 3
Nick Says: Most people have been wearing a piece of the adidas KB8 3 for the past few years and they don’t even know it. The YEEZY 500 uses the same tooling as this Kobe Bryant signature sneaker that originally released in 1999. To me, it’s a perfect representation of the era. In fact, if you look closely, you can kind of see the similarities in the shape of the And1 Tai Chi, which Vince Carter won the dunk contest in that same season.
16. adidas KB8 2
Nick Says: The adidas KB8 II was another that utilized Feet You Wear technology. If you hooped in these back in the day, they are probably higher up your list. The layered paneling and three-dimensional textures are still impressive to this day. T-Mac also laced up the white pair when he was playing in Toronto, so there’s that.
  15. Nike Kobe 11
Nick Says: Kobe played his last game in the 11, so it’s important enough that I’d pick up a pair of the Fade To Blacks even though it’s relatively boring. That says everything you need to know about this shoe. Mamba out.
  14. Nike Kobe 3
Nick Says: The Kobe 3 is my least favorite from the early years of the Nike Kobe shoes. I appreciate the attempt to tie in the waffle sole but it just feels like a miss to me.
13. Nike Kobe 2
Nick Says: The Kobe 2 was not as impressive to me as the Kobe 1, but I’m a sucker for straps, so it gets a thumbs up. Looking at it now, the rounded shape of the outsole seems much more drastic than I remember it.
    12. Nike Kobe 7
Nick Says: I love the interchangeable aspects of the Nike Kobe 7 “System” and this release had some of the best commercials of all the Kobe sneakers.
11. adidas Kobe 1
Robbie Says: Kobe was a young bull by 1998 and the Kobe 1 harnessed his new-age style of play within a sneaker with pure style. They’re not for everyone and that’s okay, but you can’t tell me that another shoe looks like the adidas Kobe (in a positive sense). 
10. Nike Kobe AD 2018
Robbie Says: Sometimes a shoe just looks good, like darn good, and the latest Kobe AD installment is surely a looker. From a performance standpoint, they shined; and they were Kyle Kuzma’s weapon of choice throughout the 2018-19 season too. Every element of the upper was well throughout and executed perfectly. These are a change in the right direction for Kobe’s post-career kicks.
9. Nike Kobe 10
Robbie Says: Variety is the spice of life, so the Kobe X sure was spicy. I love how they came in 3 versions: Flyknit High, Flyknit Low, and EM and how each variant offered something new to the Kobe X equation. My favorite part of the Kobe X was the cool tooling (midsole/outsole), it’s futuristic and simplistic aesthetic hit every note for me. Oh, and the HTM x Kobe X collection was hands down my favorite HTM pack ever.
  8. Kobe AD NXT 360
Nick Says: The Kobe AD NXT 360 is one of those shoes that has such interesting tech that how it looks doesn’t even matter. The NXT 360 is basically a Flyknit sock with an outsole attached. It wraps completely around your foot, hence the “360” in the name. It’s $200 price point kept me away.
7. Nike Kobe 5
Robbie Says: Kobe’s fifth signature shoe with Nike was great, I’m not denying that one bit, but they didn’t do anything groundbreaking in my opinion. Nike took what worked with the Kobe 4 and refined it, but I look at the 5 as a half-step towards pure greatness rather than a leap. My biggest qualm with the 5 was its plastic-y panel construction – I didn’t like it nearly as much as the Kobe 4, or the Kobe 6. Don’t get it twisted, at the end-of-the-day, I love the Kobe 5.
6. adidas KB8
Nick Says: The adidas KB8, which is now called the adidas Crazy 8, is one of the most important basketball shoes in the modern era. It’s arguably the best basketball shoe adidas made before Boost. There’s also been a lot of good retro colorways over the years, which can’t be said about a lot of retros.
5. Nike Kobe 9
Nick Says: The boxing shoe-inspired style of the high-top version is not for me. However, the quality of materials used on the Kobe 9, and the gratuitous use of carbon fiber, is nothing short of impressive. I’m still on the hunt for a pair of the lows for a decent price.
  Nike Kobe 1 x NORT and Nike Kobe 1 x Premium Goods photo by Marvin De La Cruz
4. Nike Kobe 1
Robbie Says: Leather construction, how beautiful you are. 81 points. Legendary colorways. Yup (King of the Hill voice)
Nick Says:
The first signature model from Nike was basically Nike and Kobe flexing on the entire basketball footwear world with a classic design and unmistakeable Swoosh. The numbers Kobe put up in these make it that much more special. Not to mention, Nike’s limited production of the NORT and Premium Goods version changed the way social media and blogs were used to create customized products.
3. Nike Kobe 4
Nick Says: To me, this is the best Kobe signature sneaker of all. I think if you take into consideration Kobe leading the Lakers to their first NBA Championship without Shaq, and the fact that this shoe changed the way people thought about low-cut basketball sneakers, it’s the most impactful sneaker in the whole Kobe legacy.
2. Nike Kobe 8
Robbie Says: Okay, okay, okay, let me defend this pick right quick.
a) With a PPG average of 27.3, Kobe was a walking bucket throughout the 2012-13 season. Proving that will out-weighted age (you know, until he got hurt.
b) The Kobe 8’s Lunarlon was perfect, the cut was ultra-low & offered a fantastic range of motion, and the snake-like EM upper was light and airy.
c) They looked damn good in my book, and it’s my list so please, @ me.
Nick Says:
There were some incredible colorways on the Kobe 8 and I think Engineered Mesh is a very underappreciated technology and this really kicked off the “What The” releases beyond Dunks in my opinion.
1. Nike Kobe 6
Robbie Says: What says Black Mamba more than textured snake print? Nothing, the answer is always nothing. I absolutely adored the 6’s heel clip design, I loved the breathable tongue, I loved the under-foot feel, I loved every aspect of this shoe. There’a pair of Kobe 6 FTBs in my closet alongside some OGs and I can safely say that Nike knows how to flawlessly reproduce this model – can’t wait for the Protro next year.
Nick Says: I can’t rock with any of the snakeskin-like materials in the Kobe line but as I mentioned on the podcast, the launch of the Grinch Kobe 6 on Christmas Day changed the way most of the footwear brands thought about how to market sneakers. It led to me shooting courtside at the Clippers game for Li-Ning and Baron Davis, too. So I respect it, despite not being a fan of the style.
For more on Kobe Sneakers, check out Episode 45 of our podcast.
The Best Kobe Bryant Signature Sneakers How many professional athletes are so legendary that they are celebrated around the globe and throughout social media on back to back days?
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USB flash drives, pen drives, thumb drives can easily get corrupted or result in device failure due to a virus attack, file system corruption, hardware malfunction, improper shutdown, and more. When it happens, you have to repair the corrupted USB flash drive or pen drive to make the device work normally again. After some testing I found this tool that will erase them and turn them into normal usable USB Flash drives. Click on this link and then look for USB Flash Driver Format Tool (Ufix-II) download – unzip and run it. Make sure you select the correct drive to erase – it will erase all files on the drive.
PNY USB Flash Drive Warranty Statement. Firmware Update. USB Firmware Update (128GB Turbo USB 3.0 Model Only) Name Revision File Size Download; USB Firmware Upgrade Tool Manual v.1: 357 Kb: Download Manual: Firmware Update Package v2.1.8.14: 2.7 Mb: Download Firmware: Carbonite Online Back-Up Offer. Carbonite Online Back-Up Offer. Usb Flash Drive Format Tool Ufix-Ii Download Posted on 5/25/2019 From Rogosoft: USB Drive Format Tool is a tiny freeware utility designed for formatting any USB storage devices (USB Flash drive, USB stick, USB pen drive, USB portable drive, and SDCard) in FAT, FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS file systems.
'I encountered the disk not formatted error on my 64GB Toshiba flash drive. The error message said 'You need to format the disk in Drive H: before you can use it'. How can I format my USB flash drive for reuse successfully?'
USB format tool, also known as USB formatter, lets you solve many USB format problems. With the help of the recommended USB format tools on this page, you can easily format USB drive to FAT32 or NTFS, format a write-protected USB flash drive, format USB drive back to the original size, etc.
#1. EaseUS Partition Master
#2. Windows File Explorer
#3. Windows Disk Management
#4. Windows Diskpart Command
#5. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
Pick up the best USB format tool and follow the respective tutorial here to format your USB with ease now.
Why Do You Need USB Format Tool
Generally, formatting is the quickest way to prepare a USB drive ready for data storage, plus it is the best way to troubleshoot many general USB issues.
When you meet any one of the following issues, you would like to format your USB drive or a pen drive with a reliable USB format tool:
USB is slow in writing or transferring files.
USB becomes RAW, not accessible, not formatted USB drive
Remove data and restore USB drive to its full capacity.
Can't save a single file bigger than 4GB on USB.
Can't create a partition larger than 32GB on FAT32 USB drive.
Windows was unable to complete the format while formatting a USB.
Can't format USB with 'the disk is write-protected' error.
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2021 Top 5 Best USB Format Tools for Windows 10/8/7/XP Users
To help you fix USB cannot format, USB drive is write-protected, USB format error, USB becomes raw, and more issues, here we collected top 5 best USB format tools in 2021 to help you out.
Pick up one and format your USB flash drive to fix the problems immediately:
5 USB Format ToolsProsCons#1. EaseUS Partition Master
Format USB to FAT32/NTFS/Ext4/3/2/exFAT.
Support Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, and Windows Servers.
The only bootable USB format tool.
Doesn't have a Mac version.
#2. File Explorer
Format USB to FAT32/NTFS.
Support Windows 10/8/7.
Can't format USB to Ext4/3/2.
#3. Disk Management
Format USB to FAT32/NTFS.
Support Windows 10/8/7.
Can't format USB to Ext4/3/2.
#4. DiskPart Command
Format USB to FAT32/NTFS.
Support Windows 10/8/7.
Can't format USB to Ext4/3/2.
Complex for beginners.
#5. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
Format USB to FAT32/NTFS.
Support Windows XP.
Can't format USB to Ext4/3/2.
Among the top 5 USB formatters, EaseUS Partition Master is highly recommended as the TOP ONE USB format tool. It allows all Windows users to format their USB flash drive, external or internal hard drive, SD card, etc. to all any file system with ease.
As formatting will cause data loss, remember to back up valuable files from the USB drive to another location first. Reliable file backup software - EaseUS Todo Backup can help.
After picking up the USB format tool, you may follow the tutorial below to format your USB flash drive with ease now.
#1. EaseUS Partition Master - The Best USB Format Tool in 2021
There are many USB formatting tools available online to help, like HP USB Disk Storage Formatting Tool, MMC Formatting tool, USB formatting software, etc. Which one is the best?
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Here, we would like to recommend you try EaseUS partition software. Its powerful formatting capacity and easy-to-use features allows all levels of users to format their USB flash drive from all complex cases within only a few simple clicks.
Features You May Like:
Format USB to Fix 'File Is Too Large for Destination File System' Error
Format USB to EXT2/3/4, FAT16/32, NTFS, exFAT
Convert USB from FAT32 to NTFS without Formatting.
Tutorial: How to Format USB Flash Drive with EaseUS USB Formatting Tool
Now you can try the following guide to format your USB drive in Sandisk, Kingston, Panasonic, Lexar, Samsung, Sony, etc. with a few simple steps.
Step 1. Select the USB drive to format.
Connect the USB drive or pen drive to your computer. Download and launch EaseUS partition software. Right-click the USB drive you intend to format and choose 'Format'.
Step 2. Set the drive letter and file system.
Assign a new partition label, file system (NTFS/FAT32/EXT2/EXT3), and cluster size to the selected partition, then click 'OK'.
Step 3. Check the warning box.
Click 'OK' if you see the Warning window. If you have important data on it, back up the data in advance.
Step 4. Apply the changes.
Click the 'Execute operation' button first, and then click 'Apply' to format the USB drive.
#2. Windows File Explorer - Format USB Drive in Windows 10/8/7
Windows has default programs that let users format USB pen drives and a variety of hard drive storage devices as well. Windows File Explorer is one of them, though not a professional USB format tool, yet the easiest tool for formatting a USB flash drive or USB.
Note that File Explorer is not designed to solve every USB corruption issue but it's good to have the first try when your USB drive starts malfunctioning.
Features You May Like:
Format USB to NTFS/FAT32, exFAT (on big USB drive)
Delete and remove files from USB
Tutorial: Format USB Flash Drive Using File Explorer
Connect the USB flash drive to your computer, after Windows recognizes the USB, you can follow the steps below to format your USB drive now:
Step 1. Open File Explorer.
Usb Flash Drive Format Tool Ufix-ii Download Windows 7
Step 2. Choose 'This PC' from the left pane.
Step 3. Right-click the connected USB flash drive and select 'Format'.
Usb Flash Drive Format Tool Ufix-ii Downloadl Ufix Ii Download
Step 4. Under the File system section, set NTFS, FAT32 or exFAT for the USB.
Step 5. Tick 'Quick Format' and click 'Start'.
#3. Windows Disk Management - Format a Not Working USB Drive
Disk Management is the other native Windows program that is available in Windows 10/8/7. It enables users to undertake many more tasks to manage a disk as they want.
Features You May Like:
Format RAW USB to NTFS/FAT32/exFAT
Create New Volume on USB
Delete Volume on USB
Tutorial: Format (RAW or Not Working) USB Flash Drive in Disk Management
Step 1. Right-click on This PC and navigate to Manage > Disk Management.
Step 2. Right-click on the USB drive, and choose 'Format'.
Step 3. Set the allocation unit size and select NTFS, FAT32, or exFAT as the file system.
Step 4. Check 'Perform a quick format' and click 'OK' to start formatting the USB drive.
#4. Windows Diskpart Command - Advanced USB Formatter for Professionals
Windows Command Prompt is a built-in tool in Windows that can troubleshoot all kinds of computer problems with various commands. You can use the Diskpart command as the USB formatter to format an external USB drive.
Features You May Like:
Format USB to NTFS/FAT32/exFAT
Delete USB Partition
Create New Volume on USB
Tutorial: Format USB Flash Drive Using DiskPart Command
This method is somehow complex for many Windows beginners. Be patient and careful while utilizing this way to tackle some USB issues via formatting.
Connect your USB to the computer and start formatting it via DiskPart now:
Step 1. In Windows 10, press Windows + R keys and type cmd in the Search box.
In Windows 8/7, click the Windows icon and select 'Search'. Type command prompt in the Search box.
Step 2. Right-click Command Prompt and select 'Run as administrator'.
Step 3. Type the following command lines one by one and hit Enter each time:
list disk
select disk + number (If the USB flash drive is disk 2, then enter disk 2)
list volume
select volume + number (If the USB flash volume is volume 10, select volume 10)
format fs=ntfs quick (You can also replace ntfs with FAT32 or exFAT)
#5. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool - Best for Windows XP
The HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool was created to format USB drives and desktop computers that were produced prior to 2012 and computers that run Windows XP. The formatting tool will work with newer Windows operating systems but results may vary.
Features You May Like:
Format USB to NTFS/FAT32
GUI Similar Interface, Windows XP Formatting Tool
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Guide: How To Format USB Drive with HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
To achieve the best USB format result, Windows XP users can consider the USB Disk Storage Format Tool to format a USB drive, flash drive or pen drive.
Connect the USB drive to your Windows XP computer and start with the following tutorial:
Step 1. Launch HP Disk Storage Format Tool, click 'Devices' and select the USB drive to format.
Step 2. On the File System menu, select a file system. In the Volume Label input box, enter a new name for the reformatted USB.
Step 3. Click the Quick Format option to enable a quick format.
Step 4. Click Start to begin the USB formatting.
The Bottom Line
On this page, we provided 5 top USB format tools for you to pick up one and follow the respective tutorial to effectively format your USB flash drive or external USB drives to the desired format.
Remember that no what why or how you want to format the USB, you should take a backup of all important data first.
Among the 5 USB format tools, EaseUS Partition Master is always ready for you to try. Besides basic formatting operations, this software also allows you to partition the hard drive, and clone disk, even migrate OS to another drive with ease.
People Also Ask
1. How do I format a USB drive?
Connect the USB drive or pen drive to your computer.
Launch EaseUS partition software. Right-click the USB drive and choose 'Format'.
Assign a new partition label, file system, and cluster size to the selected partition, then click 'OK'
2. What happens when you format a USB?
Usb Flash Drive Format Tool Ufix-ii Download Windows 10
1. Remove existing data from USB.
2. Reset the file system.
3. Restore USB to full capacity.
3. Why can't you format a USB flash drive?
USB Flash drive formatting has its advantages. But File Explorer, Disk Management, or DiskPart can't format USB due to the following reasons:
Virus Infection
Bad Sectors
Physical Damage
Device Locked or Write Protected
Incompatible File System
To resolve these issues and format your USB back to a normal state, you'll need the best USB format tool - EaseUS Partition Master as recommended on this page for help.
FonePaw - Solution - - HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool - Download & Fix USB Flash Drive
Formatting seems like the most effective way to fix a USB flash drive that can't be detected or accessed with various errors. And when you fail to format a USB flash drive in Windows' File Explorer or Disk Management, you have to turn to a dedicated USB formatter. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool is a tool that is designed to format USB drive to FAT, FAT32, and NTFS.
Developed by HP in 2014, the tool is recommened by SanDisk to format SanDisk USB drive, while it can also be used to format Kingston, Apacer, Patriot and many other flash drive. The HP format tool works with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, although some users with computers on newer versions of Windows found the tool caused their computer to crash.
HP USB Format - Features
Format USB flash drive to FAT, FAT32, and NTFS, but not exFAT.
Provide quick format.
Create a volume label for the USB drive.
Can be used to create a DOS bootable USB drive.
Format HHD or SSD drive and other storage devices.
Free Download
The HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool(opens new window) 2.2.3 is available to download.
The HP USB format utility is for Windows PC only, to format USB drive on a Mac, learn how to format USB drive on Mac(opens new window).
# HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool - How It Works
Step 1: Save Data from USB Drive Before Starting HP Format Tool
Since formatting a USB drive with HP usb disk format tool will erase all data on the drive, you may want to back up everything on the USB drive before formatting.
FonePaw Data Recovery(opens new window) can save data from USB flash drive even the USB drive is corrupted and inaccessible. It can recover files, photos, videos, etc. from broken USB drive so that you can fix the drive without losing your precious files.
Download FonePaw USB Data Recovery tool.
Run the tool.
On the homepage, select data and select your USB drive. (It can detect the drive even if the computer can't).
Click Scan and the tool will try to find everything from the corrupted USB drive.
Click Recover to save the USB drive data back to your computer.
Step 2: Format USB Drive with HP Format Utility
Download HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool package and run the tool as administrator. The application requires no installation process.
The HP USB disk tool looks like Windows' built-in utility and has a very simple interface.
Connect the USB flash drive that needs to be formatted to your computer. Select the drive in Device column.
Select the file system(FAT, FAT32, NTFS) that you want to format the USB drive to. Which file system should you choose when formatting USB drive? Learn about the pros and cons of FAT, FAT32, NTFS.
Select Format options. You can tick Quick Format, which takes only several minutes or even a few second to complete the USB drive formatting.
Also, there is the Enable Compression option, but normally you should not enable compression since it will compress all files on your USB drive, which slow down the write and read speed of the drive as the files needs to be compressed and decompressed all the time.
After you have selected the file system and formatting option, click Start.
The HP USB tool will warn you that the process will delete all data on the USB drive, click Yes to proceed.
When the USB drive is formatted, you should see a result window as follow.
Should you choose quick format on HP format tool?
To make the best choice, you need to understand the difference between Quick Format and Full Format.
By running a quick format on your USB drive, the HP USB format tool will only delete all data on the drive, but the data is recoverable with tools like FonePaw Data Recovery(opens new window) after the formatting.
On the other hand, if you untick Quick Format, you are performing a full format on the flash drive, which will delete all data on the drive and overwrite the storage space with zero. This makes it more difficult to recover files from the formatted USB drive. Moreover, a full format will scan the whole volume for bad sectors, which could take hours depending on the storage size.
To conclude, if you would like to recover files after formatting the drive, tick quick format and see if your USB drive is fixed after formatting; if you would like to remove everything on the drive to get rid of virus and fix problems on the drive, you should not select Quick Format on the HP USB format tool.
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chloading925 · 3 years
Sig Sauer Date Of Manufacture By Serial Number
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Not the serial number. Look at the bottom of the slide, just foward of the frame. My 220 has a KB on it and that makes it a 1991 gun. Do a search on dates of figure it out like this; A=0, B=1, C=2 and so on to K=9. You'll see several proof marks at the same location as the date letters. It only goes til Sept 2018 but seems like the consensus has been anything made after August is considered good to go. The list should give you a decent idea of when one was made based on the serial number range. Here’s the list: 66A0007xx;??-JAN-2018 - RTB fixed w/ extended break-in (Jay Beckerich) 66A00070x; 20-JAN-2018 - RTB. 66A0008xx; 20-JAN-2018. Manufacture date on sig 556r, nu vot, sig 226 date of manufacture, sig 556 production dates, sig sauer 556 manufacture date, sig sauer 556 serial numbers 556-xxxx, sig sauer 556r years of manufacturing, sig sauer ar15 serial number date, sig sauer date of manufacture, sig sauer dates of manufacture, sig sauer manufacture date, sig sauer. Jun 01, 2015 just checking with a serial number of a CPO P226R.357 Sig. Frame Exeter-NH USA Slide Exeter NH-USA Have no Clue on manufactured date. First time seeing a non UU serial number on a US P226 Anyone have any information for me? Sig p230 sl serial numbers, sig sauer date codes, sig sauer p226 date codes, sig sauer p228 serial number lookup, west german sig date code. Auction:14371437 LSB#: 161212KM03 Make: Sig Sauer Model: P230SL Serial Number: S038714 Year of Manufacture: 1994 (KE Date Code) Caliber.380 ACP.
Sig Sauer Date Of Manufacture
Sauer & Sohn Suhl 1751 to 1947
Sauer & Sohn Suhl was founded 1751 by Lorenz Sauer in Suhl. In the beginning the company only worked with military contracts, but a smaller amount of civilian weapons was made.
1774 the company was run by Lorenz Sauer and J.S. Spangenberg. The company 1815 handed over to Johann-Gottlob Sauer, who in his turn handed the firm to Paul Sauer and Ferdinand Spangenberg 1835
1839 the company changed name to Spangenberg & Sauer after Ferdinand Spangenberg and Johann Paul Sauer.
1840 the company changed the name to 'J. P. SAUER & SOHN' and Lorenz Sauer joins the company.
1849 the company was divided between Sauer and Spangenberg famlilies and for some time the company 'Spangenberg, Sauer u. Sturm Suhl' existed.
1873 Rudolf and Franz Sauer starts again the comapny J.P. Sauer & Sohn. Under 1880 to 1890 some guns was made under the name L. Sauer - Suhl.
1852 J.P. Sauer moved to Steinweg 37 in Suhl
1870 Sauer wins a order on 150 000 rifles for the German army. Up to then this was the largest order in the history of Sauer
1880 the company slowly shifted focus from military production to civilian production due to lack of military orders. A display room was opened in Berlin Franzsicherstrasse 40-41.
1881 Patent for the invention of the three barreled gun (the drilling).
1881 the Sauer company presents a unique SBS rifle that should be a landmark for all modern double rifles for smokeless powder. Together with Friedrich Krupp Sauer develops special steel for barrels.
1882 The first catalogue is produced. Rudolf and Franz Sauer is the only shareholders and runs the company.
1891 patent 60492 for extractor a breech loading gun, and the first patent for expanding bullets.
Sauer introduce Krupp Special steel in four different types:
1. Krupp laufstahl
Enable dream aquarium full version serial number. 2. Special Gewehr Laufstahl, Fried.Krupp A.G. Essen.
3. Krupp-Inerso-Laufstahl.
4. Fried.Krupp A.G. Essen Nirosta.
1894 Franz Sauer runs the company and once again the company opens a display room and smaller workshop in Berlin.
1900 the shop in Berlin moves to Jägerstrasse 59-60.
1905 Franz son Hans Sauer joins the company.
1911 Franz son Rolf joins the company.
1912 Suhl Proofhaus change to a crowned N in April 1912.
1913 the company opens a display room and smaller workshop in Hamburg, Brandstwiete 28.
1914-1918 mostly war production.
1915 Mod. 25 Drilling is introduced.
1918 and the years after the war the company is down on it knees and makes typewriters and bikes, temporarily the company is moved to Thüringen and once again starts to develop sporting guns.
1920 the company sticks to sporting guns since all military production is forbidden, the company moves back to Suhl.
1930 Mod. 30 Light steel drilling is introduced.
1931 Mod. 31 Bockbüchsflinte / over and under is introduced.
1932 Mod. 32 lightweight drilling, a somewhat simplified version of the drilling m/30 is introduced due to the harsh economical times. The shop in Berlin is closed.
1933 Mod. 33 Bockbüchsflinte / over and under is introduced
1936 Mod. 36 and 37 Kipplaufbüchse is introduced
1937 the company is controlled by Hans Sauer and Rolf Sauer.
1939-1945 military production, from 1943 all production is controlled by military command.
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Sauer & Sohn Eckernförde 1951 to 2000
History in short and some vital years.
1945 Hans Sauer continues production under Soviet occupation.
1946 Sauer & Sohh Suhl makes 9500 guns for hunting, all exported/confiscated by Soviet.
1947 Sauer & Sohn Suhl is expropriated by the Soviet military administration SMath. Most of the machinery is sent to Sestorosk to form the basis of the factory who’s production we today know as Baikal.
So all guns branded Sauer, Vorm Sauer, Sauer & Sohn that is made in Suhl after 1947 are not made by Sauer - they are made by Fortuna or Thälmann. And are by no means a genuine Sauer & Sohn.
1948 VEB Fortuna is founded on the remains of Sauer & Sohn Suhl
1951 VEB Fortuna is amalgamated with VEB Mewa Ernst Thälmann. From 1951 Thälman makes m/8, m/29E, the drillings m/30 and m/32 from Sauers production before the war. In the beginning they have a lot of material from Sauers prewar production and the guns are normally engraved with either of the following trade names: Merkel, Sauer & Sohn Suhl, Vorm. Sauer and plain Sauer.
1951 Sauer & Sohn Eckernförde is started by Rolf Sauer in Eckerförde in West Germany, and the first gun to make is the m/8. No drawings was rescued from Suhl so Sauer started by taking a prewar m/8 into pieces and make the drawings from that gun. Since Sauer & Sohn Suhl was founded 1751 one cannot by being impressed that they managed in less than a year to start up production. The production started in december, on the 20:th of december.
1955 a updated version of the drilling m/30 as m/3000.
1957 Sauer starts to produce guns for Weatherby due to Sauer very high quality production.
1961 Sauer is sold to Dynamit Nobel, and again 1965 to the Murmann family. The production of quality guns in Eckerförde continues.
1972 common production between SIG and Sauer.
1974 J.P. Sauer is now a part in the Swiss concern SIG. The production at J-. P. Sauer at Sauer Weg, Eckernförde is expanding. Approx. 10% of the staff works with development.
1984 Sauer m/200 is introduced, one of the first models with easily replaceable barrels. Sauer and Franchi presents a over and under shotgun that is sold in large quantities.
1993 Sauer m/202 is introduced.
2000 Sauer celebrates its 250-years jubilee. The company is sold to Michael Löke and Thomas Ortmeier by SIG Holding Inc.
Sauer & Sohn Links
A very good article in Danish about Sauer&Sohn history including a list of serial numbers from 1880 to 1924 by Peter Ravn Lund: www.bryndumlund.dk
Copyright 2013 © shotguns.se
Senast uppdaterad/Last update: 2013-06-04
A Stamford police officer has sued gunmaker Sig Sauer over injuries he suffered when his holstered P320 pistol discharged and hit him in the leg after he dropped it in a parking lot.
According to the complaint filed Aug. 4 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, officer Vincent Sheperis dropped his holstered department-issued handgunwhile loading equipment into the back of his car in January. The gun fired when it hit the pavement, and the bullet entered beneath his left knee and lodged to the side “with the round protruding from his leg.”
Sheperis, a 34-year-old member of the department’s Special Response Team, underwent multiple surgeries and is back on light duty, although more surgeries may be required, according to his attorney, Jeffrey Bagnell of Westport.
Sheperis is seeking at least $6 million in punitive and compensatory damages, and is demanding Sig Sauer recall the pistol or include a warning that the gun is not “drop safe” when a round is chambered.
“For it to just go off—it’s kind of horrifying, really,” Bagnell said.
The Stamford Police Department said it’s shelved all P320s it issued to its officers because of the incident.
IN OTHER NEWS, Sig has posted how to “VOLUNTARILY” fix your broken firearm!
SIG SAUER is offering a voluntary program for P320 pistols. This will include an alternate design that reduces the physical weight of the trigger, sear, and striker while additionally adding a mechanical disconnector.
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Article continues below. Scroll to continue reading.
3 Steps To Upgrading Your SIG SAUER P320 Pistol
Have your P320 serial number and home address available.
Fill out the Voluntary Upgrade Sign-Up Form — one serial number per form submission.
SIG SAUER will contact you regarding the best method for you to get your P320 pistol to them.
Once SIG SAUER receives your P320 pistol, they will apply the upgrades, test it, and then return it to you free of charge.
If you run into any issues, please call Customer Service and they will help you through the process. Customer Service can be reached at (603)610-3000 Option 1, from Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. EST.
If you own multiple P320s, you will need to enter each P320 serial number separately.
How to locate your P320 Serial Number
Your P320 serial number can be found by looking on the right side of the pistol grip. The serial number will be stamped into the receiver. This number should be entered into the first entry field of the form. SKU will automatically populate if your P320 is on a qualified list of U.S. Domestic consumer serial numbers.
With some exceptions, most U.S. Domestic Consumer P320 serial numbers begin with “58A”, “58B”, or “58C”, followed by six numbers.
Example: 58Axxxxxx
Is my P320 safe in its current configuration?
Yes. The P320 meets and exceeds all US safety standards. However, mechanical safeties are designed to augment, not replace safe handling practices. Careless and improper handling of any firearm can result in an unintentional discharge.
What is the P320 Voluntary Upgrade Program?
SIG SAUER is offering a voluntary program for P320 pistols. This will include an alternate design that reduces the physical weight of the trigger, sear, and striker while additionally adding a mechanical disconnector.
Why is this upgrade happening?
Through additional testing above and beyond standard American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Sporting Arms & Ammunition Institute (SAAMI), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Department of Justice (DOJ), Massachusetts (MGL, Chapter 140, Section 123) and other global military and law enforcement protocols, we have confirmed that usually after multiple drops, at certain angles and conditions, a potential discharge of the firearm may result when dropped. Although it is a rare occurrence, with very specific conditions, SIG SAUER is offering an upgrade to all of its current P320 owners.
Does the owner’s manual say it can be unsafe?
The language used in major manufacturer’s owner’s manuals with regard to drop safety is consistently written to warn the user that dropping a loaded firearm is not recommended and could possibly result in an accidental discharge. All precautions should be taken to avoid dropping a loaded firearm. Although extremely unlikely, it is still possible for any loaded firearm to discharge when dropped.
What calibers and models are affected?
Due to the modularity of the pistols, which all share the same trigger group, all calibers and pistol sizes are affected.
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What type of ammunition was used during testing?
A variety of calibers and brands of ammunition were used. NOTE: Loaded ammunition is not used for drop testing, only primed cases with the powder and projectile removed are used.
What is different about the updated assembly?
The new design has a physically lighter trigger, sear, and striker assembly with the addition of a mechanical disconnector.
Will this affect the X-series P320’s?
Yes. However, the X-series flat trigger will not be replaced.
What about my CAL-X Kits?
You should send any and all P320 slides with your shipment, as the striker(s) will be replaced, and the slide(s) will need the disconnector cut.
Does this affect the MHS pistol?
No, the MHS pistol is a different variant of the P320 platform. It has passed the US Army’s testing protocols (TOP).
What are my next steps?
If you are a consumer and wish to participate in the voluntary upgrade, please fill out the form at the top of this page.
If you are a U.S. domestic commercial dealer or distributor:
There will be an online form available in the near future for dealers to register.
For additional support, please contact Dealer Services M-F 8:30am – 5:00pm EST directly at 603-610-3000, option 2.
If you are a U.S. or Canadian law enforcement agency, a Canadian Consumer or an individual who purchased on the Armed Professional Program (APP) or Individual Officer Program (IOP):
Because of the unique circumstances involving these customers and needed additional logistical planning, there will be additional information and an online form available in the in the coming days.
If you are a domestic government agency/entity or individual who purchased on the Armed Professional Program (APP):
There will be an online form available in the near future for Government/Federal Law Enforcement to register (including those individuals who purchased via the APP). Additional information regarding this program will be made available in the coming days.
If you are an international customer (including Puerto Rico):
Please contact your Global Defense Sales representative or local distributor.
Is there a charge to participate in this upgrade?
No. The upgrade is being offered to our consumers at no cost.
Will SIG SAUER cover the shipping both ways?
What if I don’t want to upgrade the trigger assembly on my P320?
This is a voluntary service, as the P320 meets and exceeds all ANSI/SAAMI, NIJ, DOJ, Massachusetts (MGL, Chapter 140, Section 123), and safety standards. SIG SAUER welcomes all of its P320 owners to take advantage of this program.
What if I have incorporated aftermarket items into my P320?
Sig Sauer Serial Number Lookup
Is SIG SAUER still shipping the pistol without the enhanced trigger system?
Sig Sauer Date Of Manufacture By Serial Numbers
SIG SAUER has temporarily suspended shipment of the P320 from the factory while we ramp up to implement the changes.
What is the turnaround time to receive my upgraded P320?
For the US Commercial market, once you contact SIG SAUER and register for the process, you will receive an email from us at a later date with a shipping label and instructions as to when you may return your P320. This may take several weeks, as we will need time to prepare for this program. Once your P320 is received at SIG SAUER, turnaround time will be approximately 4-6 weeks. This lengthy process is due to the high volume of pistols in the marketplace. Transit times may vary depending on your geographic location and receipt of your returned pistol.
Can I have the work performed at my local dealer instead?
No. This work must be done at the SIG SAUER factory.
What serial number ranges are affected?
Am I required to send the entire pistol?
How will I know if the P320 has the upgraded trigger system without disassembling?
The most obvious external difference is the lightweight trigger. It has a thinner profile than the standard curved trigger. The other changes are minimal and would likely not be noticed.
How often has the incident described occurred?
Minimal reported drop-related P320 incidents have occurred in the US commercial and law enforcement markets, with hundreds of thousands of guns delivered to date. These instances occurred in conditions that appear to be outside of normal testing protocols. The current P320 design meets and exceeds all US safety standards. As it relates to the ad hoc media drop tests, these were not part of standardized testing protocols, and they were performed using firearms in unknown conditions.
How will this affect my current P320 trigger pull?
There should be no meaningful or significant change from the current P320 trigger pull.
Should I conduct my own test to determine if my pistol is safe?
NO. SIG SAUER DOES NOT RECOMMEND THAT ANY CONSUMER PERFORM DROP TESTING BEFORE OR AFTER THIS UPGRADE. Mechanical safeties are designed to augment, not replace safe handling practices. Careless and improper handling of any firearm can result in unintentional discharge. Be aware that ad hoc testing is occurring and individuals are testing guns in conditions outside accepted testing protocols. ALL STANDARDIZED DROP TESTING IS DONE IN CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS WITHOUT USING LIVE AMMUNITION.
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slowtraincomingsoon · 5 months
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648 265 in Bad Sachsa am 14.04.2024
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