#Kenneth Nkosi
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southafricantv · 11 months
NikiWe 19 July 2023 Full Latest Episode
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Watch NikiWe 19 July 2023 Full Episode at Youtube Mzansi Magic free video, NikiWe Full episodes 19 July 2023 today episode watch online in HD Quality. NikiWe cast: - Lungelo Mpangase - Israel Matseke Zulu - Clementine Mosimane - Muzi Mthabela - Kenneth Nkosi Watch nikiwe teasers July 2023 at nikiwe etv. Read the full article
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creativecorner07 · 2 years
COMPANY NAME: Emanate Films
COMPANY SLOGAN: Films made for the world.
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Film: Kedibone (2020) (Film with low publicity, not even on Netflix or was marketed on Instagram)
Emanate Films is a film production that works on taking films to the map. We are a film production company of the competence brand personality. We are the hero’s and trail blazers in film. One thing about Emanate Films is that we are reliable. We prioritize every film we get big or small by taking all films to the map and showing them to the world. This is a production company that takes on films with big or small budgets because we do not believe nor understand the concept that for a film to be considered by us it should have a big budget, but we are more open to the content of the film and what the film bring into the film industry. We are a reliable company because we are smart enough to take on small films and give them a big publicity because at the end of the day, it all comes down to a job well done.
Emanate Films is an intelligent film production company. Our intelligence comes with a high standard of producing quality films because a film with no quality deprives the value that a film should have. With or without a high budget, we strive that every film be of high quality because at the end of the day, Emanate Films is all about high quality, thus making us industry leaders.  We are hard workers of the field, and thus we strive for perfection. We show maximum commitment to all the films that we work with. This comes with no say because we turn just a simple film idea into a big success because of the effort that we put on our work.
Not only are we competent, but we are also exciting and come up with bright ideas. Emanate Films brings new and creative ideas to the table without erasing the meaning behind a film. We are up to date with the trends that are happening, and thus produce our films keeping that into consideration that we are on the forth industrial revolution, so our films should go with the trends. Emanate Films is imaginative and comes up with bright out of the box ideas, thus we strive to be always on top of the chain.
We take pride on the amount of hard work we put on producing films, and that is what keeps us at the top of the chain. We put effort, hard work and lots of research in producing films. We are a film production that film writers and producers can depend on because we put effort and new ideas to the table when we produce a film. Not only are we wise and conscientious, but we strive for perfection and takes the production of film to a personal level because we want perfection, and with taking our production of film to the heart comes with highly produced quality films that keeps us at the top of the industry. We are of high standards, quality, and always strive for a job well done.
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                                                                    Tell: 051 033 4384
                                                                     Email: [email protected]
Emanate Films takes its latest release film Kedibone to the map as it tackles issues of poverty, blessers, alcohol abuse, betrayal, and sacrifice.
There is always a lot that happens behind closed doors of poor girls and boys who come from disadvantaged families and to big cities in the name of going to the university to study for a better future. Most of them get hocked very easily into drug & alcohol abuse, blessers, soft life and many more. Witten by Zaba Hlatshwayo, directed by Thomas Gumede, Kedibone stars Natasha Thahane, Wright Ngubeni, Tessa Twala, Kenneth Nkosi, Busisiwe Ntshali, Thomi Mgqolo, Thabo Malema, Matil Mohapeloa, Melvin Eheli, and Unathi Guma.
The narrative feature of the film explores and gives us a clearer picture of what happens behind the closed doors of what happens to the lives of most university students who come from poverty backgrounds and suddenly have it all and becomes the ‘it’ girls. It might not always be the same case with every girl, but it’s most likely that most if not all of them are invested in blessers and living the life of pleasing either in looks, sex or being submissive to them, including alcohol and drug abuse.
Kedibone played by bright and brilliant actress Natasha Thahane goes from her not financially advantaged home along with her friend to go and study acting in the loud and gold city of Johannesburg after her loving boyfriend sacrificed everything, he had to take her to school to study acting. Things then change when she meets the rich father of one of her school mates who happened to turn out as a blesser. We see Kedibone being flashed with expensive gifted and money so that she may stay beautiful and accompany him to clubs. She then is so invested in her new flashy life that she forgets her only true friend she came with from home. With testing how good life is with money, she then craves for more and blindly gets herself into being a ‘man pleaser’ for the internet as well as being raped and falling pregnant. With nowhere else to go, she comes to the realization that her new life is not of any good to her and decides to cut all those who hooked her to it off.  
Kedibone is not only making a name for itself on Netflix, but as well as at the international film market. Kedibone was a nominee for the Best African Actress - Natasha Thahane on the Septimius Awards 2022. As if that was all, it also scored the Best Film Award again at the Septimius Awards 2022 in Amsterdam. This award came in handy for the film, cast and the award receiver Mahlangu because “this award has also opened up collaboration opportunities for him with Dutch film creatives and is currently working on a project that will cross both African and the Netherlands' borders”, Mahlangu says.
Kedibone shows us what is not to be seen as it is in a form of exposing what young South Africans come across in their journeys of trying to build a better future for them and their families. We get the message that the writer and producer are bringing to the table of how old rich man take advantage of the beauty and purity of university girls by giving them money and gifts with the case of getting something back from them which is in most cases sex. The film comes in handy in the aspect of being informative, relatable, relevant as well as eye-opening.
Kedibone will be shown on all cinemas nationwide from 1st November.
For interviews, contact Angel Makhubele,:
Cell: +27 84 664 0301
Will be played on Jacaranda FM, Kaya FM, Radio 702, Algoa FM, Metro FM and Madibaz radio
Days of the week to be played: Weekdays- Afternoon Drive between 15:00- 17:30 8 times, Saturday and Sunday- Morning Drive between 06:00-09:00 10 times.
Description of voices over here:
ANNCR: South African, mid-twenties, very loud, outspoken & bubbly, clean English-speaking accent, influencer
GIRL: South African living in the UK, clean English-speaking accent, influencer, outspoken.
ANNCR:          (SOUNDS LIKE THE YOUNG SOUTH AFRICAN/UK INFLUENCER AND ENTERTAINER THATO FOX) Friend, after a long flight from the UK back to South Africa, I just need to Netflix and chill.
GIRL:              (SOUNDS LIKE THE SOUTH AFRICAN INFLUENCER AND TIK TOKER LASIZWE DAMBUZA) Haibo sweetie, don’t you guys from overseas kanti watch Netflix. Soo you don’t know of the hot South African film Kedibone?
ANNCR:          (GIGGLES) Of Couse we do. I just hadn’t had the time.
GIRL:              (IN A HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) Girlll, we need to watch Kedibone. It comes with all the varsity drama, blessers, popping bottles, I mean alcohol. Apart from that, it’s been on Top 10 in South Africa for the past 3 days on Netflix.
ANNCR:          Ohhhhh, the one starring the famous, bright and brilliant Natasha Thahane. Man, it was all over Twitter last week. Poor child, poor and disadvantaged to be taken advantage of by an old man.
GIRL:              Think about it. Her using the “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him motto” on her boyfriend. (ROLLING HER EYES) That guy literally sacrificed everything.
ANNCR:          Wow, interesting film to watch. Sounds very informative, relevant to today’s South Africa and educative.
GIRL:              And it’s not even that long. Close to 94 minutes. The Director Thomas Gumede meant business, not too long. Apart from Netflix, it’s even on Box-office, and some trailers are available on YouTube.
ANNCR:          (IN AN EXITED VOICE) Girlll, we are watching it. Get some popcorn and coke. Kedibone is the film spoken about everywhere, I neeeeeed to watch it.
GIRL:              (SMILING, AND ON A HIGH PITCH VOICE) Switch off Micky Mouse, we are watching Kedibone. (LAUGHS LOUDLY)
                                                                            MUSIC:           DRUM ROOL SOUND. UP AND UNDER AFTER 3 SECONDS
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Image 1: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.imdb.com%2Ftitle%2Ftt14740326%2F&psig=AOvVaw255xcyln12klQSEv_qGG02&ust=1667243506640000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjRxqFwoTCJi_3OP5iPsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ
Image 2: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.netflix.com%2Fza%2Ftitle%2F81597494&psig=AOvVaw255xcyln12klQSEv_qGG02&ust=1667243506640000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjRxqFwoTCJi_3OP5iPsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAO
Image 3: https://dl.moviesr.net/images/vUJzZ.jpg
Rational: This is a film about a young girl who dreams to be of a young actor one day, but her dreams are all ‘forgotten” as soon as she enters into the University. She gets introduced into the life of flashy and expensive life and forgets the sacrifices that her boyfriend made for her in order to get to the university as she betrays him by getting pregnant and sleeping with different men for money.
The poster above shows the release date of the film on Netflix, the cast members as well as the producer. The poster shows three pictures as a form of a pattern on how Kedibone was introduced to the flashy lifestyle, which is through money and the company that she had when she got to the university.
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Rational: The billboard explains what happens in the film in one picture because she is living the flashing city girl life forgetting the sacrifices that her boyfriend made for her. She starts hanging out with bad company when she gets to the university forgetting her boyfriend that had good intentions of marrying her. Because of the bad company that she spends most of her time with, she is being introduced to clubbing, drinking and smoking, which were things she never did before she got to the university.
Image from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.netflix.com%2Fza%2Ftitle%2F81597494&psig=AOvVaw255xcyln12klQSEv_qGG02&ust=1667243506640000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjRxqFwoTCJi_3OP5iPsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAO
DVD COVER: (Cover of what viewers will see when they go to Netflix before they watch the film)
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 Rational:  This cover looks like the one that will show when one clicks on Netflix to watch it. Before they press play, they will first read the advert above. The reason for choosing that picture is because it is one of the scenes in the film where Kedibone is being blinded with the nice cars and lots of money that her blesser blesses her with, forgetting her mission of being in the university.
Image from: https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Kedibone.jpg?w=681&h=383&crop=1&resize=681%2C383
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Rational: The first Instagram post will be posted before the release date and caption will say “Kedibone, coming to Netflix on December 1st. #Kedibone, #Kedibonenetflix, #Film, #Southafricandrama”
Image from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.netflix.com%2Fza%2Ftitle%2F81597494&psig=AOvVaw255xcyln12klQSEv_qGG02&ust=1667243506640000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjRxqFwoTCPjv4YH_iPsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAa
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Rational: The second post will be posted, and caption will say, “Innocent and blinded by money and soft life, Kedibone: A film of betrayal. #Kedibone, #Kedibonenetflix, #Film, #Southafricandrama”.
Image 1 from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_ZIHjNby0YSMOy-_rfIPs3GlaiAUs1j7T24wscICrYTK3yLYf4FRju7s5NJf8OHJIsbuHEuGCd0V-sQfjLH2oqyVBGyfXUnRdnuuBHXIIVvCqA=s750
Image 2 from: https://www.afrocritik.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/IMG-20220531-WA0013.jpg
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 Rational: Caption will read, “Kedibone: A film of betrayal, blessers, wrong company and unwanted pregnancies” The reason for this particular caption is because it sums up basically what happens in the film in just a single sentence.
Image from: https://resizing.flixster.com/jQJKi-Kf8DoYyElMqS_M2S7Vqwo=/300x300/v2/https://flxt.tmsimg.com/assets/p22263586_v_h9_aa.jpg
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Rational: The second post will be of a scene in the film where Kedibone and her friend just arrived in the university looking for accommodation since they could not afford residence. This is where all the problems began as they were Introduced to a man who took advantage of her and other girls as well. Caption will read, “Catch Kedibone on Netflix on 1st December for an epic drama of betrayal.”
Image from: https://www.leisurebyte.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Kedibone-3-1024x425.jpg
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scenesandscreens · 4 years
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Tsotsi (2005)
Director - Gavin Hood, Cinematography - Lance Gewer
"Your real name. Thug, Tsotsi...it's not a name."
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posterporn · 4 years
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District 9 (2009) by [?]
Directed by Neill Blomkamp
Starring Sharlton Copley, Jason Cope, David James, Vanessa Haywood, Mandla Gaduka, Kenneth Nkosi, Eugene Khumbanyiwa, Louis Minnaar, & William Allen Young
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bluecollarfilm · 6 years
Five Fingers For Marseilles (2018)
Twenty years ago, the young "Five Fingers" fought against brutal police oppression for the safe-keeping of the rural town of Marseilles. Now, after fleeing in disgrace, freedom-fighter-turned-"outlaw" Tau returns to Marseilles, seeking only a peaceful pastoral life. When he finds the town under new threat, he must reluctantly fight to free it. Will the Five Fingers ride again?
Directed by:   Michael Matthews
Starring:   Vuyo Dabula, Hamilton Dhlamini, Zethu Dlomo, Kenneth Nkosi, Mduduzi Mabaso, Aubrey Poolo, Lizwi Vilakazi, Warren Masemola, Dean Fourie, Anthony Oseyemi, Brendon Daniels, Jerry Mofokeng, Toka Mtabane, Vuyo Novokoza, Ntsika Tiyo, Sibusiso Bottoman, Abongile Sithole, Qhawe Soroshi
Release date:   September 7, 2018
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morrislotto · 4 years
Actor and comedian Kenneth Nkosi joins #TheQueenMzansi
Actor and comedian Kenneth Nkosi joins #TheQueenMzansi
Actor and comedian Kenneth Nkosi joins #TheQueenMzansi
Season 5 of The Queen kicks off on July 27, every weekday at 9 pm on Mzansi Magic, DStv channel 161.
Veteran actor and comedian, Kenneth Nkosi, is set to make a comeback to our screens, as he is expected to join the cast of Mzansi Magic’s The Queen.
Nkosi will be joining the show to play the role of the new cop Jaros.
According to…
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digressingme-blog · 7 years
District 9 : Film Keren Tapi Ngeselin
District 9 : Film Keren Tapi Ngeselin
Mau liat dulu gak ini film tentang apa? Coba deh cek di katalog film kita ini. Dari film ini kita liat sisi kelamnya manusia (dan para alien), pokoknya ga ada yang baik deh di sini. Ya kecuali anaknya si Christopher itu kali ya? Liat aja kelakuan Wikus (Sharlto Copley) yang semena-mena main bakar telor-telor alien dan kesenengan denger telor-telor itu meletus, eh tau2 malah dia kena batunya,…
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Ayanda and the Mechanic dir. Sara Blecher (2015)
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I have a laundry list of films made by African filmmakers set in African countries that I hope to see one day. These films very rarely get distribution, even within their own home countries, not because they’re not good but because of a toxic mess of ethnocentrism, racism, and sexism. Usually it’s only the films that make it into major European festivals like Cannes, Berlin and Venice that have a shot at distribution and those festivals aren’t known for their generous programming of African features either. Ayanda, a South African indie, is that rare African film that didn’t premiere at a major European festival but still obtained distribution in North America thanks to indie distributor ARRAY and their partnership with Netflix. 
Set in the Johannesburg suburb of Yeoville, the film concentrates on the titular Ayanda, a 21 year old furniture refurbisher who is still reeling from the loss of her father 8 years before. Ayanda comes from a family of entrepreneurs (her mother, brother and Zama, the family friend she thinks of as an uncle, all run their own businesses) and Ayanda is no different, running her own small business out of her deceased father’s garage. When Zama informs the family that the garage is bleeding money and they’d be better off selling it and pocketing the proceeds Ayanda decides that she must do whatever it takes to preserve her father’s legacy. She goes from remodelling furniture to remodelling stylish vintage cars in the hopes that she can string together enough sales to make the garage solvent. 
It struck me watching this that what makes Ayanda so unique to my eyes was that it wasn’t the typical poverty porn portrayal of an African country. Instead the film is about one woman and her specific struggle to honour her father without deifying him. At the same time the movie is very much a love letter to Yeoville, a multi-cultural pan-African community. It wasn’t a place I had heard of before the movie, but screenwriter Trish Malone and Sara Blecher make the suburb as much of a character as anyone else in the movie. The script uses a young photographer interviewing different people about the city as a device to break the 4th wall. It’s a technique that could have come across as insincere but Malone and Blecher use just the right blend of main characters and random side characters to balance the interviews out and give the city real flavour. 
I was surprised when I pressed play at just how long Ayanda was, especially when I was expecting it to be more of a light-hearted comedy. The film is light in tone and does have moments of comedy, but the lengthy running time also gives room for the relationships of the film to really grow. In the long form title of Ayanda and the Mechanic the mechanic has a double meaning, referring perhaps to Ayanda’s father whose presence guides the actions of many of the characters, but also to Ayanda’s lover, a Nigerian refugee who longs to be a lawyer but who gives up opportunities to stay near Ayanda and help her save her father’s shop. There’s also a plot line involving Ayanda’s “uncle” Zama that allows his character to be imperfect and complex. 
Fulu Moguvhani, who plays Ayanda, is solid in her debut role. The other stand out is Kenneth Nkosi as Zama, who takes a character who does some pretty reprehensible things and makes him sympathetic. 
It’s disappointing that African films have to jump through so many hoops not only to get made but to get distribution. Ayanda isn’t the type of film that would get into a prestigious European festival or win awards but it’s a good film that was enjoyable to watch. It left me wondering, as the credits ran, about all the other great films I’ll never see because of the messy politics of film distribution. 
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Título Original: Gangster’s Paradise: Jerusalema AKA  Jerusalema (Jerusalem Entjha)
Año: 2008
Duración: 115 min
País: Sudáfrica
Director: Ralph Ziman
Guion: Ralph Ziman
Música: Alan Ari Lazar
Fotografía: Nic Hofmeyer
Reparto: Rapulana Seiphemo, Ronnie Nyakale, Daniel Buckland, Robert Hobbs, Motlatsi Mahloko, Jafta Mamabolo, Shelley Meskin, Kenneth Nkosi, Jeffrey Zekele
Productora: Muti Films
Género: Crime, Drama, Action
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silverlovesmadi · 6 years
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New official poster for Five Fingers for Marseilles
Starring: Vuyo Dabula, Hamilton Dhlamini, Zethu Dlomo, Kenneth Nkosi, Mduduzi Mabaso, Aubrey Poolo, Lizwi Vilakazi, Warren Masemola and Jerry Mofokeng.
Official South African premiere April 6, 2018
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zambianobserver · 3 years
An absentee President awakened by neighbours in mourning
By Luvuyo Nkosi @newsworthy24/7. 19th June 2021 As President Kenneth Kaunda lay critically ill in a Lusaka Military Hospital with severe pneumonia, the incumbent President collapsed while inspecting a huge military parade 5 kilometres away from where KK, as he was fondly referred to, was hospitalised. President Edgar Lungu suffers from hypoglycemia, a chronic diabetic condition that can be…
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xoliswazewas-blog · 5 years
When he demanded the attention of the lady and the lady didn’t give entertain him. Nkosi got angry seized the 26 year old lady’s phone and started beating her up.
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capetownpeople · 4 years
Kenneth Nkosi joins The Queen, to play character of a police officer
Kenneth Nkosi joins The Queen, to play character of a police officer
– Kenneth Nkosi has joined the stellar cast of Mzansi Magic’s hit soapie The Queen
– The veteran actor, who has been away from our small screens for a while now, will be playing the role of a new cop
– Kenneth’s character will replace the police character that was played by actor Mlamli Mangcala, whose contract recently came to an end
PAY ATTENTION: Click “See First” under the “Following” tab to…
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sabryna88rsi · 4 years
District 9 (2009)
Cliccare QUA per il film su AKvideo
Cliccare QUA per il film su WStream
District 9 USA, Sudafrica, Nuova Zelanda, 2009 Genere: Fantascienza Regia di Neill Blomkamp Con Sharlto Copley, David James, Jason Cope, Mandla Gaduka, Vanessa Haywood, Kenneth Nkosi, Louis Minnaar, William Allen Young… TRAMA DEL FILM: Gli alieni sbarcarono sulla terra circa trent’anni fa. Gli umani riuscirono a contenere…
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artsvark · 5 years
Sexy new comedy about being caught with your pants down
Sexy new comedy about being caught with your pants down
Sexy new comedy ‘Blessers’ has some of South Africa’s biggest leading men at the helm and is set to grab the attention of many with its naughty premise. Directed by Rea Rangaka and executive produced by entertainment entrepreneur Tbo Touch, the film stars Kenneth Nkosi in the lead, as well as Khathu Ramabulana, Nay Maps, and king of the airways Tbo Touch himself in his big-screen debut.
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