#Keywords: fruit chutneys
dailyneedsshop · 2 years
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Lupine Publishers | Fertilizer Effects on Nutrient Elements, Total Polyphenols and Anti-oxidant Contents of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Leaves
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A great deal of research has been geared toward the calyces of roselle due to their medicinal properties. Though leaves of roselle have been consumed by diversed ethnic groups, little research efforts have been focused on leaves due to unestablished beneficial bioactivities. This paper provides preliminary data on the effect of various types and rates of fertilizer on fresh fruit yields, total polyphenol and antioxidant contents of the leaves of roselle (Senegal accession). Fertilizer applications at planting time had nonsignificant increasing effect on fresh fruit yield/plant and non-significant reduction in total polyphenol and antioxidant contents of the leaves. Inconsistent effects of applied fertilizer on macro and micro nutrient contents of the leaves were observed. In general, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Mn and Zn were significantly (P<0.05) increased by selective fertilizer types and rates while Cu and Fe contents were not significantly affected by fertilization. Further studies on fertilization along with increased frequencies of application are needed to validate these findings.
Keywords: Roselle; Hibiscus sabdariffa; Fertilizer; Phenols; Antioxidants and fruit yield
More than 300 species of Hibiscus species (Malvacea family) can be found growing in both tropical and subtropical regions of the world [1]. Roselle, Hibiscus sabdariffa L., is only one of the hibiscus species that has its sepals of the flower developed into a swollen red calyx enclosing the mature fruit at maturity. The calyces are found to be rich in nutrients and photochemical compounds that exhibits anti-oxidant activities Consequently, economic interests have been mainly focused on roselle calyces which are used worldwide in the production of herbal tea, cold refreshing drinks, jellies, jam, sauces, chutneys, wines, preserves and food colorants (D'Heureux-Calix and Badrie, 2004). Because of the folk's medicinal uses, a great deal of research has been geared toward roselle calyces. Most research has been heavily directed toward the studies of phytochemistry, anti-oxidant properties and effects of calyx extracts on anti-oxidant activities, and other bioactivities such as anti-inflammatory action, anti-microbial, and antitumor activities [2] and Wang 2015. Even though leaves are widely consumed by a diverse population of ethnic groups, particularly in tropical regions of Africa, little research effort has been focused on leaves. In recent studies [2], roselle leaves are found to be a good source of phenolic acids and flavonoids that exhibit anti-oxidant activities. The purpose of this preliminary study is to evaluate the effect of various types and rates of fertilizer application on roselle fruit yield, nutritional, phenolic and antioxidant content of the leaves.
Materials and Methods
Chemicals and reagents
ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sufonic acid), potassium persulfate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich of St. Louis, MO, USA. Folin Ciocalteu's phenol reagent was purchased from MP Biomedicals of Solon, OH, USA. Water and methanol were purchased from Fisher Scientific of Fair Lawn, BJ, USA.
Experiment and plant samples
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of the applied fertilizers at planting time on roselle plants of Senegal accession during the 2014 growing season at Southern University's research farm, Baton Rouge, Louisiana which has a subtropical climate (30.5240N and 91.1900W and elevation of 22m). The area has an average precipitation of 1700mm and the average annual temperature is 19.70C. The field has a silty clay loam soil with a pH of 7.1. The seeds of Senegal accession were planted in the 2x2 cell-pack trays in the greenhouse at the beginning of April, 2014. Seedlings were hand-transplanted into the field one month after germination. A completely randomized design with a total nine applications as treatments. These treatments were the control; 3, 6 and 9# (lb=454g)/30.48m. of organic fertilizer 4-2-2, respectively; 3, 6 and 9# (454g)/30.48m of organic fertilizer 8-5-5, respectively; and 3 and 6# (lb=454g)/30.48 m. of inorganic fertilizer 13-13-13, respectively. Each treatment consisted of 16 plants spaced at 6 feet (1.83m) between plants within a 3.5ft (1.07m) row. Between row spacing was 8 feet (2.44m.). Fertilizers were applied and incorporated on top of the raised bed. Seedlings were planted one day after fertilizer applications. Leaves were randomly collected in late July from branches at waist height from 10 plants of each treatment.
Nutrient elemental analysis
Leaves in the brown paper bags were dried at 500C in the Precision Thelco Laboratory oven for 8 hours in the oven and then ground using Thomas-Wiley Model 4 grinder with a 30 mesh screen. The ground samples in the vials were subject to one-hour of drying before they were stored in the desiccator to prevent moisture contamination. Three individual 0.5g of composite ground leaf samples from each treatment were placed in 50mL Digi-tubes (SCP Sciences) and were digested using DEENA automatic digester. Each digested sample in the Digi tube was brought up to a total volume of 20mL with distilled water. The solution with digested sample was vacuum-filtered with a 1.0 micron Digi-filter. The filtrate was analyzed by SPECTRO ARCOS ICAP for Al, Bo, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, P, K, NA, S and Zn. Separately, 0.15g of dried leaf sample was used for determining the amount of carbon and nitrogen using LECO CN Analyzer.
Sample preparation for total phenol and antioxidant activity determination
The method of sample preparation was adopted from Xu [3] and Zhen [2]. A 100mg of each dried and ground leaf sample was measured and placed in a volumetric flask. Twenty-five mL of 70% (v/v) methanol/water with 0.1% acetic solution was added into the flask. The sample extraction was then put in ultrasonic water bath for 10 minutes followed by shaking at room temperature for overnight. The extract of each sample was then filtered through 0.45um filter. The filtrate was used for the Folin-Ciocalteu and ABTS radical scavenging assays.
Phenolic content determination (Folin-Ciocalteu assay)
The Folin-Ciocalteu assay with modifications [4] used by Zhen [2] was adopted for the determination of the total phenolic content of the leaves. 40ul of the prepared leaf extract was mixed with 900ul diluted Folin Ciocalteu's reagent followed by incubation at room temperature for 5 minutes. Then, 400ml of 15% sodium carbonate was added. The mixture was allowed to react at room temperature for 45 minutes. The UV absorption of the mixture solution at wavelength of 752nm was measured against a blank solution. The standard curve was measured based on the prepared gallic acid standard solution (0.38, 0.19, 0.095 and 0.475mg/ml). The result was transformed as mg/g of gallic acid. The results were calculated from the mean of three replicates.
In vitro antioxidant activity (ABTS radical scavenging assay)
The procedure of the decolonization of the ABTS radical cation [5] used by Zhen [2] was adopted for the determination of antioxidant activity. 38.4 mg of ABTS and 6.6 mg of potassium per sulfate were co-dissolved in 10ml of water and stored for 16 hours in the dark environment to form stable radical action (ABTS+). The stored radical solution was then diluted using ethanol to a concentration with UV absorption of 0.70+/-0.20 at734nm. 900ul of the diluted ABTS radical working solution was mixed with 10ul of the leaf extract followed by 20 minutes of reaction at room temperature. The decolonization of the mixed solution indicates that antioxidant compounds in the extract quenched ABTS radical actions. There was a quantitative relationship between the reduction absorbance at 734nm and the concentration antioxidants present in the sample [2]. The standard curve was built up by plotting the concentrations of Trolox against the percentage of inhibition. The value of antioxidant capacity of the sample was calculated as Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity. The final result was expressed as the % of antioxidant per dry weight basing on the calculation from the mean of three replicates.
Results and Discussion
Figure 1 shows the effects of the type of fertilizer and its rate on fresh fruit yield/plant. There was a trend to indicate that applied fertilizers increased fresh fruit yield of roselle of Senegal accession under this study. However, the yield increases were observed to be non-significant. Since all fertilizers were applied at the planting time in spring, the effect of fertilization might have faded away during the late summer and early fall during which fruits were produced. This fading effect of applied fertilizers can be supported by various extension publications indicating the recommended side-dressing of fertilizers are needed for various vegetable crops during the growth period [6-8]. Figure 2 shows the effects of the type and rate of fertilizer applied at planting time on the total polyphenol and antioxidant content of roselle leaves in % of dry weight. There appeared to have a trend that increased amounts and rates of fertilizer exhibited a reduction in total polyphenol content. The reduction in polyphenol content might be due to less nutritional stress by plants receiving increased amount of fertilizer. It is hypothesized here that further application of fertilizers to enhance plant growth and yield may cause significant reduction in polyphenol production. It had been reported that plants under stress provided more antioxidants in response to stresses [9-12].
Figure 1:  Effects of the type and rate of fertilizer applied at planting time on fresh roselle fruit yield in kg/plant. Note: # is denoted as lb. (454 g) of fertilizer applied per 100 feet (30.48 m) row.
Figure 2:  Effects of the type and rate of fertilizer applied at planting time on total polyphenol and antioxidant contents of roselle leaves in % of sample dry weight. Note: # is denoted as lb. (454 g) of fertilizer applied per 100 feet (30.48 m) row.
Figure 3 shows the effects of the type and rate of fertilizer applied at planting time on (A) macro-nutrients and (B) micro-nutrients of roselle leaves. The results when the effects were compared to that of the Control treatment, showed that (a) 3# of organic fertilizer 4-2-2 and 3#, 6# and 9# of organic fertilizer significantly (P<0.05) increased N content of the leaves, (b) all fertilizer treatments had no significant effect on P content of the leaves, (c) 9# of organic fertilizer 4-2-2 significantly (P<0.05) increased K content of the leaves, (d) all fertilizer treatments had no significant effect on Ca content of the leaves, (e) 9# of organic fertilizer 4-2-2 , 6# and 9# of organic fertilizer 8-5-5 significantly (P<0.05) increased Mg content of the leaves, (f) 3#, 6# and 9# of organic fertilizer and 6# of inorganic fertilizer 13-13-13 significantly (P<0.05) increased S content of the leaves, (g) all fertilizer treatments had no significant effect on Cu and Fe contents of the leaves, (h) 3# and 6# of organic fertilizer significantly (P<0.05) increased B content of the leaves, (i) 3# and 9# of organic fertilizer 4-2-2, 9# of organic fertilizer 8-5-5 and 3# and 6# of inorganic fertilizer 13-13-13 significantly increased Mn content of the leaves and (j) 9# of organic fertilizer 4-2-2, 3#, 6# and 9# of organic fertilizer 8-5-5 and 6# of inorganic fertilizer significantly increased Zn content of the leaves. The results of this study showed inconsistent in nutrient elemental contents of plants in response to fertilizer treatments. In general, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Mn, and Zn were significantly increased by selective fertilizer types and rates while Cu and Fe were not significantly affected by the fertilizer applications.
Figure 3:  Effects of the type and rate of fertilizer applied at planting time on (A) macro-nutrients and (B) micro-nutrients of roselle leaves. Note: # is denoted as lb. (454 g) of fertilizer applied per 100 feet (30.48 m) row. Macro-nutrients are expressed in % of dry weight while micro-nutrients are expressed in PPM in dry weight.
Fertilizer applications at planting time enhanced many macro and micro nutrient elemental contents of roselle leaves but did not adequately affect fresh fruit yield, leaf total phenol and anti-oxidant contents. Reviewed literature provides evidence a significant increase in fruit yield can be obtained through an increase in fertilizer application as side-dressing. Evidence provided by literatures also suggests that an increase in fertilizer applications which reduce nutritional stress can also possibly reduce polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of roselle. Inconsistent results of this study suggest that further studies on the effect of fertilizer and the frequency of fertilizer application are needed to validate the results of these findings and conclusion.
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forkfridge91-blog · 5 years
Mango banana smoothie (vegan & gluten-free)
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This mango banana smoothie gives you a taste of the tropics. With the floral flavors of mango, ripe banana, and vanilla soy milk, you’ll almost feel like you’re sitting at a beachside cabana – minus the sand between your toes. Vegan & gluten-free.
Until I moved to California in my twenties, I’d never had a mango. I’m not sure if they sold them at my local grocery store growing up, but I don’t recall seeing one.
But in California they’re prevalent.
You’ll find people adorning mango with tajin at roadside carts and even Disneyland.
They’re served in fried rice at Thai restaurants.
And they offer a sweet counterpart to a savory samosa in a mango chutney at Indian restaurants.
Needless to say, mango makes some very convincing arguments. It didn’t take long for us to become fast friends.
Mango banana smoothie
One of the easiest ways to use mango is in a mango banana smoothie.
I buy frozen mango in bags for smoothies. It’s already been peeled. And there’s no concern about finding the perfect ripeness.
Although, if you prefer to use fresh mango, here’s a tip to making sure your mango is ripe:
Check the ripeness like you do with an avocado. Give the mango a gentle push with a thumb. You want it to have some give with pressure. Look for a mango without bruises and with a fragrant smell.
No matter the time of year, a mango banana smoothie feels transportive – like I’m sitting on a beach with the sun pouring down on my skin. Even in the winter months, I crave that taste of summer.
How to make a mango banana smoothie
Start by peeling a ripe banana. Break the banana into chunks. Pop them into a freezer proof container, and put it into the freezer.
Frozen banana is beautiful in smoothies, because it gives a whippy ice cream-like texture that takes a smoothie up a notch.
For the mango, I like to buy mango that’s already peeled and frozen from the freezer section of the grocery store. But if you’d like to use peeled and diced fresh mango, or mango that you’ve peeled, diced, and frozen yourself, that works too.
Now it’s time to blend!
Put the following ingredients into your high speed blender:
Vanilla soy milk or your preferred non-dairy milk
Ground flaxseed
Frozen banana
Frozen mango
A leaf of curly kale, if using
Blend until smooth. Then pour the smoothie into two glasses and enjoy!
How to turn a mango banana smoothie into a green smoothie
To turn a tropical mango banana smoothie into a green smoothie, all you have to do is add a leaf of kale, collards, or a handful of spinach.
When I started getting into smoothies about 13 years ago, I was all about that green smoothie life. I hadn’t been eating a ton of kale or collard greens otherwise. So it was a way to sneak in some extra nutrients.
But nowadays, I eat kale, collards, spinach, and other greens all the time. So I don’t feel as much like I need to sneak them into other foods.
It doesn’t hurt anything to have them there. And the flavors of mango and banana are sweet and strong enough that a little kale doesn’t diminish that.
So if you’d prefer a vibrant yellow smoothie, make it without any kale or other leafy greens. But if you want to sneak in a bit more in the way of vitamins A, C, and K that kale provides, by all means, pop in a kale leaf.
Just remember to remove it from the rib first, because that can be extra hard to break down.
How to make a green smoothie without a high-speed blender
Fibrous greens can be a little trickier to break down in a standard blender. So what I recommend is blending your dark leafy greens & non-dairy milk separately before adding additional ingredients.
It really helps if you let the greens fully break down on their own with liquid before adding heavier ingredients to the mix. Otherwise, you’ll have larger bits of greens in the smoothie, which isn’t anywhere near as nice texturally. Who wants to chew on bits of kale while they drink?
Why use flaxseed in a smoothie?
I like to include flaxseed or chia seeds in all of my smoothies, because they add a full-bodied texture to the smoothie. Plus, they provide a dose of omega 3’s.
For your body to properly absorb flaxseed, it needs to be ground first. You can either buy flaxseed that’s already ground. Or you can grind it in a clean coffee grinder until it has the texture of flour. Then add it to your blender.
I like to store my flaxseed in the refrigerator or freezer, especially if it’s ground, so that it doesn’t go rancid.
Quench your thirst with this full-bodied and flavorful smoothie. It’s a taste of tropics that you can enjoy in your kitchen. No airplane necessary.
Mango Banana Smoothie
This velvety smoothie is packed with creamy banana and refreshing mango. A dose of ground flaxseed adds a wonderful whippy viscosity and hit of omega 3's. To turn this into a green smoothie, add a leaf of curly kale!
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Course: Beverage
Cuisine: American, Vegan
Keyword: dairy free, fruit, mango, smoothie
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 2 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2 people
Calories: 184kcal
3/4 cup vanilla soy milk or your preferred non-dairy milk
1 Tablespoon flaxseed ground
1 banana peeled and frozen in chunks
3/4 cup mango frozen in chunks
1 leaf curly kale rib removed (Optional)
Blend vanilla soy milk, ground flaxseed, frozen banana, and frozen mango in a high speed blender. If you'd like a green smoothie, add a leaf of curly kale to the blender as well. Make sure the rib has been removed from the leaf before blending. Blend until smooth.
If your flaxseed is whole, grind it in a clean coffee grinder before putting it into the blender. Or buy flaxseed that is already ground. I recommend storing flaxseed in the refrigerator, so that it doesn't go rancid. If you're making a green smoothie and not using a high speed blender, I recommend blending the kale and non-dairy milk separately first before adding the remaining ingredients. Dark leafy greens are hard to break down in a standard blender. And giving it a little extra time on its own without other frozen ingredients really helps.  Note that the video ingredients are a little bit different in amounts than the updated written version. Follow the written instructions, unless you prefer a more liquid-y smoothie. Also, I originally posted the video for a Wizard of Oz themed dinner party. Hence, the references to the Wicked Witch of the West.
Calories: 184kcal | Carbohydrates: 30g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 5g | Sodium: 72mg | Potassium: 663mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 18g | Vitamin A: 80.4% | Vitamin C: 85.3% | Calcium: 22.8% | Iron: 8.6%
Originally posted October 2012. Content, recipe, and photos updated July 2019.
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Source: https://cadryskitchen.com/wizard-of-oz-party-the-wicked-witch-of-the-west-smoothie/
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prosejudo56-blog · 5 years
Marisa McClellan’s Adaptable Chutney with Apples, Ginger & Lemon
Marisa McClellan, author of three books on canning and creator of the website, Food in Jars, just published her fourth book: The Food in Jars Kitchen.
Unlike her previous books, which focused on canning, this book includes recipes to help you use up your many jars of jams, chutneys, and pickles. She created the recipes —  think: jam-laquered chicken wings, oatmeal muffins with fruit butter, bean and rice casserole with tomato salsa — with your pantry in mind; there’s no need to start from scratch.
BUT. If you’re up for it, I think maybe you should.
At the end of the book, Marisa includes a few “essential preserves” recipes, ten of her favorites, including this “adaptable chutney,” which I’ve made with apples, but which Marisa says will work with apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, pears or plums. It takes about an hour to cook, during which time the apples completely break down, transforming into a dark, jammy mass.
I find this chutney irresistible — it’s got that expected sweet-tart balance lent by the sugar and vinegar, but there’s also a bit of heat from the crushed red pepper flakes and freshly grated ginger. The apple flavor is nearly indiscernible — the apples are merely a vehicle to carry the many other flavors. When I eat it, in fact, my brain thinks fig, which makes me understand why so many different fruits could work here.
I’ve been smearing the chutney over crackers and topping it with slices of sharp Cheddar cheese, and I imagine it would pair well with so many cheeses from minerally blues to chalky goats to creamy triple crèmes, making it an excellent addition to any cheese board.
For lunch yesterday, I spread the chutney over bread, topped it with grated Gruyère, and made a grilled cheese sandwich, which was overwhelmingly delicious. (More on this soon.)
In the book, Marisa suggests using the chutney variously: in compound butters, cheese rolls, pork tenderloin with pan sauce, and blank slate white bean spread, which I made and ate with endive spears and carrots — the chutney is such an easy and surprising way to liven up a bean-based dip, giving it both texture and depth of flavor.
I haven’t been processing this chutney in a water bath, but come next fall, I absolutely will. Wouldn’t it be fun to gift mini jars of this chutney paired with a wedge of cheese? All nicely bundled together with baker’s twine? And a festive gift tag?
It’s never too late to start preparing for the holidays… (I kid, I kid. Let’s not think about the holidays just yet.)
One More Thing
When Marisa’s last book came out, Naturally Sweet Food in Jars, I had intended to post her recipe for apple-date butter, which I had made and loved. I’m three years late but the recipe is finally up: Cinnamon-Spiced Apple-Date Butter.
Both of these apple recipes would be better suited to post in the fall, but I’m worried if I wait, Marisa might write another book and set me back three more years. So without further ado, I’m posting a few unseasonal but delicious Marisa McClellan recipes on this fine spring day:
Here’s the play-by-play: Gather your ingredients.
Peel and chop the apples and onion.
Dump everything into a pot all at once. How nice?
When it looks like this, it’s done.
Eat it with cheese and crackers, stir it into hummus or a white bean dip, or make a grilled cheese. (More on this soon. The grilled cheese looked so incredibly delicious I didn’t have the patience to take a photo. Will add photo soon.)
Marisa McClellan’s The Food in Jars Kitchen:
Author: alexandra
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Yield: 3 cups 1x
Adapted from Marisa McClellan’s The Food in Jars Kitchen, this chutney recipe will work with apples, apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, pears or plums. This is a half recipe, so scale up as needed.
If you’d like more details on sterilizing jars and preparing a water bath for canning, view this post on Food in Jars.
Scale 1x2x3x
2 lbs. apples (5 to 6), peeled and diced small-ish
1 medium yellow onion, finely diced (about a cup)
3/4 cup golden raisins
3/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 tablespoon mustard seeds, any color is fine
1.5 teaspoons freshly grated ginger
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more to taste
1/4–1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
Combine all the ingredients in a large, nonreactive pot. Bring to a boil over high heat and then turn heat to low and cover the pot. Cook for 20 minutes. Uncover and raise the heat to medium, adjusting the heat as necessary to allow the mixture to stay at a constant simmer. Simmer, stirring often, for 20-40 minutes more or until the chutney thickens, darkens and the flavors start to marry. I liked to purée the chutney in my food processor to a coarse thickness — I have weird textural issues with cooked raisins and puréeing the chutney solves the issue for me … no need to do this if you have no trouble with cooked raisins.
Transfer chutney to a jar and store in fridge for one to two weeks.
Alternatively, process the chutney: prepare a boiling water bath, and sterilize three half-pint jars. Spoon the chutney into the prepared jars, leaving 1/2 inch (1.5 cm) of headspace. Wipe the rims, apply the lids and rings, and process in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.
When the time is up, remove the jars and set them on a folded kitchen towel to cool. When the jars have cooled enough that you can comfortably handle them, check the seals. Sealed jars can be stored at room temperature for for up to 1 year. Any unsealed jars should be refrigerated and used promptly.
Category: Condiment
Method: Stovetop
Cuisine: American/Indian
Keywords: chutney, apples, ginger, onion, mustard seed, sugar, vinegar
Posted By: alexandra · In: Christmas, Condiments, Fall, Father's Day, Gluten-free, Holidays, Mother's Day, Preserves, Sauces, dressings, jams & spreads, Vegan, winter
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Source: https://alexandracooks.com/2019/04/03/adaptable-apple-chutney/
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cookingawe · 4 years
Rava Uttapam (Instant Sooji Uttapam)
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Rava Uttapam (Instant Sooji Uttapam)
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Rava Uttapam (Instant Sooji Uttapam)
I have been wanting to do a video it should be easy and more versatile, ingredients maybe you have in your pantry. Utttapam a South Indian popular dish. Traditionally Uttapam is made with rice and lentil batter, which can be a long process, soaking, grinding then fermenting the batter. Rava Uttappam, on the other hand is instant and easy to make, with a variety of vegetables of your choice. It tastes delicious also can be served for breakfast, as a snack or for dinner. Rava Uttapam will be enjoyed by all ages.
Uttapam is like a thick Dosa or Spicy pancake topped with vegetables. If you are serving this as a traditional Uttapam serve this with sambar and coconut chutney. But Rava Uttapam can be served with any chutney or condiment. Many times, I prefer this as a light dinner and enjoy with sprinkling samber powder, giving a traditional touch. The other reason I wanted to do this recipe as I said before I wanted to do the recipe more versatile you can use this batter for making Idli, because Rava Idli can be used for making so many recipes.
I have many related recipes on my website like Masala Idli, Idli Manchurian.
This recipe will serve 4.
Course Breakfast, Snack
Cuisine Indian
Keyword Appetizers, Bhartia Khana, Bread Uttapam, Coconut Chutney, Halwa, Healthy, Homemade, Idli, Jain Food, Mandir Food, No Garlic, No Onion, Quick And Easy, Rava Dosa, Samber, Savory Pancake, Sheera, Snack, South Indian Cuisine, Swami Narayan, Vegetarian, Video Recipe
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Servings 4 people
1 cup sooji coarse, semolina
½ cup yogurt curd, dahai
½ cup cabbage finely chopped
1 cup bell pepper finely chopped (capsicum, shimala mirch)
1 cup tomatoes finely chopped, remove the seeds
1 Tbsp cilantro finely chopped
1 Tbsp green chili finely chopped
2 tsp ginger shredded, adrak
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ENO fruit salt
For Seasoning
1 Tbsp oil
¼ tsp cumin seeds jeera
¼ tsp mustard seeds rai
Also need
2 Tbsp oil to cooking
In a bowl mix sooji, salt, green chili, ginger, cilantro, cabbage, yogurt, and add water as needed batter should be little thicker than dosa batter.
In a small bowl heat the oil over medium heat, oil should be moderately hot, add cumin seeds and mustard seeds as seeds crack add to the batter, mix it well. Let the batter set aside for at least 15 minutes.
Add Eno Fruit Salt to the batter just before you are ready to make Uttapam and mix well. The mixture will begin light and foaming.
Heat the skillet over medium heat and lightly grease the skillet. Pour about 2 large spoons of batter and spread consistency should be of thick then dosa. Sprinkle about 2 tablespoons of bell pepper and tomatoes press it lightly into the batter.
Pour about 1 teaspoon of oil around uttapam and cover it and let it cook for about 2 minutes and turn them over, uttapam should be golden brown from bottom making crisper, and top should be cooked well but not brown. Uttapam should be cooked over low medium heat.
Uttapam is ready to serve. I like to sprinkle lightly samber powder to add extra flavor.
Serving suggestions
You can serve the Rava Uttapam with sambar, coconut chutney or your choice of condiment.
Additional Notes
Adding tomatoes and bell pepper gives a traditional look to Uttapam.
I add green chilies and cilantro in the batter to keep the colors better.
You can choose your choice of vegetables like shredded carrots, finely chopped green beans, corn, finely chopped spinach (these are the veggies I have tried).
Do not cook on high heat, uttapam will not cook through.
If I am making Uttapam to serve as a starter I make the uttapam in small sizes, otherwise make it in about 7-inch diameter. What size you want to make it is your choice.
The post Rava Uttapam (Instant Sooji Uttapam) appeared first on Manjula’s Kitchen.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
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Former U.S. Mental Health Chief Leaves Google
Sixteen months after leaving the USA National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) for Google’s health sciences division, psychiatrist Tom Insel is the move again. The former NIMH director, who left Google on May five, is beginning his own employer. Insel’s organization, referred to as Mindstrong will try to infer a person’s intellectual-health repute by using analyzing the manner they use smartphones.
Insel stepped down as NIMH director in December 2015 which will begin a mental-health software called Verily inside Google’s Life Sciences group. One of the department’s desires overlaps with that of Mindstrong’s: Verily intends to build tools, that could consist of phone apps or PC packages, that can recognize characteristics of intellectual contamination the usage of a method called “virtual phenotyping”.
The method analyses elements which include a consumer
Word desire in conversation, voice styles when speaking to digital assistants, their physical movements and vicinity records to determine their state of mind. If a telephone could apprehend when its proprietor became feeling suicidal, for instance, it may doubtlessly interfere by means of imparting assets or alerting others.
Insel says that Mindstrong takes a comparable approach to accumulating mental-fitness information. The organization’s co-founders encompass Richard Klausner, a former director of America National Cancer Institute, and Paul Dagum, who holds patents on at least three digital phenotyping methods. They verify cognitive function — which will be impaired in disorders like Alzheimer’s ailment — from features along with misspellings and the duration of time among keystrokes, in keeping with the Mindstrong internet site.
A Former Missionary Finds God
David Flood and Aggie Hurst’s story of redemption is an image of endless grace that has captured hearts for decades. In the early 1900’s David and Svea Flood entered the venture field in Africa. Another missionary couple joined them. After little fulfillment at attaining the humans around them, the alternative missionary couple gave up and lower back domestic. The simplest contact the Flood’s had become a little boy who offered fruit.
Svea Flood gave start on the task discipline to a daughter, however, died from malaria quickly thereafter. It turned into then that David gave up as properly, gave up the challenge field, gave up his religion, and gave up his new child daughter. Feeling deserted by using God, he left the infant on the project station and again to his home, damaged hearted. The human beings that followed her named her Aggie.
For so long as Aggie Hurst had been alive
Her father David Flood had remained on the opposite side of the ocean, ignoring her tries at reconciliation. Years later she observed out he turned into deathly unwell. She turned into determined to look him. When father and daughter met for the primary time due to the fact that she changed into a little one, he tearfully informed her he in no way wanted matters to turn out to be like they did.
Aggie tried to consolation him by way of sharing that God had been there through all of it,
Working faithfully behind the scenes. David erupted in anger and instructed her now not to mention God in his presence. Forty years a widower, forty years since the task area, 40 years an alcoholic had left him filled with bitterness at the notion of a creator.
Then Aggie showed him an article, it confirmed a picture of a cross, a memorial to his former spouse Svea. She instructed him approximately the revival that came about within the Congo after he left the venture subject in disgust. She advised him about the little boy that bought fruit that has become a preacher and led the village to Christ.
Forty years become a long time to look ahead to recuperation.
But David Flood experienced it that day, turning his heart back to the one with the nail pierced palms.
It was no longer long after Aggie’s go to that David died, in the end at peace with God. But the Flood’s story changed into a long way from over.
Years handed and Aggie and her husband have been in London at a convention paying attention to a preacher from the Congo. After the convention, they approached him and asked if he knew David and Svea Flood. “I am the little boy that sold your family fruit,” he proclaimed!
Then he advised her that Svea Flood becomes one of the maximum famous humans within the Congo. Then he told her that when the village was transformed, the gospel unfolds like wildfire. He becomes now in London as a consultant of over one hundred twenty,000 believers in the Congo who traced their religious foundation again to Flood’s. Their tale is a photo of grace, great grace certainly.
Buy Organic Tamarind and Grab Health and Taste in One Go
Most biologists realize this thingamajig by means of the call of Tamarindus indica, below Fabaceae. Most homemakers and elders understand this miracle pod as the quick fix whilst one desires a good laxative, digestive, a solution for bile issues; or inside the kitchen, as a condiment or an emulsifying agent in syrups, decoctions, dips and chutneys of many types.
So why you ought to use tamarind in spite of everything?
Some researchers recognize tamarind because the state-of-the-art development for treatment options spanning across stomach ache, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, irritation, bronchial asthma, gonorrhea, parasitic infections, fevers, and so forth.; as a powerful antimicrobial, anti-venom, antioxidant, wound recovery agent.
And maximum of us realize this as a spice or condiment that absolutely transports our taste buds into a wonderland, a revolt of flavors with a lingering after-taste.
Tamarind is largely a tree of a massive length that has thick foliage, and heavy drooping branches that dish out curved fruit pods in beneficent numbers across all its branches. The pods are enclosed in tough outer shells, thus, protecting the scrumptious, powerful deep brown gentle pulp internal, draped round darkish brown seeds.
Wait, it has more in the keep.
It has been famous when you consider that historical instances for its huge and impactful medicinal fee. It is perceived to speedy alleviate belly pain, issues with digestion, for fevers, sore throat, rheumatism, irritation, or maybe sunstroke. People have been using it in various bureaucracy – some use it dried, a few boil tamarind leaves and flowers to deal with swollen joints, sprains, boils, hemorrhoids, and conjunctivitis and a few make it into a concoction.
Its fitness repertoire comes from the presence of many elements inside. To begin with, it’s miles exceptionally rich in tartaric acid that other than endowing this pulp with a signature bitter taste additionally works as an effective antioxidant and protects the human frame from harmful unfastened radicals.
Tamarind fruit is brimming with vital risky chemical compounds, minerals, nutrients and dietary fiber even as its sticky pulp gives a ready torrent of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), gums, hemicelluloses, mucilage, pectin, and tannins. Besides, assisting with bowel moves, this size additionally empowers it to combat toxins in the food and protect the colon mucous membrane from most cancers-inducing chemical substances.
  Targeted Traffic With Google AdWords
Getting centered traffic to go to our websites is the problematic a part of net advertising and marketing. We can have a top notch product and an excellent website but it’ll all be for nothing if our site receives no site visitors. We may additionally have written the greatest sales letter inside the history of advertising and marketing, but if no one reads it, all our talent and attempt will be in vain. The number one problem right here is simple; if we will carry focused site visitors to our internet site we can make money.
The maximum a success web sites, those that draw the most money
Spinning visitors are the ones committed to a totally precise and clearly described area of interest. The traffic that arrives at such websites is frequently made up of those who arrive in the ideal body of mind due to the fact they’re pushed by means of a totally particular preference or want. The greater particular your area of interest and the extra unique your advertising the greater precise might be the expectations of your website visitors.
It is frequently stated that it takes money to make money
which you need to take a position to build up. When thinking about net advertising techniques the one region wherein financial funding will definitely assist, is in your merchandising and marketing. Advertising makes humans aware of your enterprise and attracts humans on your website. If you get your advertising method proper it’s far viable to deliver an excessive extent of visitors for your internet site. Let’s say that three% of your site visitors make a buy of your product which sells for $37. If the number of site visitors is one hundred you may sell 3 gadgets making $111. If you have got a drift of 500 site visitors over that equal length your income will be $555. It is glaringly worthwhile spending a few cash on paid advertising to achieve this. Even if the advertising and marketing costs you $100 you are nevertheless $344 up at the deal.
Generating centered traffic with Google AdWords, in the eyes of many marketers,
Offers the first-class cost for cash in terms of producing leads. It is a scheme which offers whole manage over expenditure as we can set the parameters of our sales strategy and make certain that we by no means stray inadvertently over our advertising finances. The machine includes two steps; the first is to use the Google AdWords Tool to pick the pleasant keywords to use in our advertising. The 2nd step is to installation the Pay-Per-Click advertising.
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zomatocommunity · 8 years
Celebrating Women’s Day in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad
Women across the globe, across every industry and every step of the way are doing things most of us only dream of. Yet, the struggle to get to the top is real. Not very long ago, women in the restaurant industry were almost unheard of. So much so they were restricted to the front house as waitresses or hostesses, but never in the kitchen. It has taken them decades and going more than the extra mile to get to where they are today. Interestingly, some of the best chefs in the world today are women - from Anita Lo to Kylie Kwong, from Garima Arora to Dominique Crenn. In fact, they've made it possible for women to thrive in the professional kitchen and run the show. Even in India, we have more and more women making their mark in the restaurant industry. We'll tell you about a few women run establishments in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai. Go girls!
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Former brand manager, Tanu Narang, quit her job to open the cool and trendy resto-bar The Little Door in Veera Desai Area. True to its name, there's a little door at the restaurant. It's a chic, trendy and super fun bar to be at. Lively and colourful are keywords to describe the decor. The menu begins with some fun cocktails which are tequila, jagermeister, Bailey's, kalua and absinthe based which are things you might consider having at the beginning of the month (hey, that's what the menu says!). And towards the end of the month you are more likely to go for brandy, gin and Old Monk based drinks they have. They are open from 5 PM to 1:30 AM on all days except Sundays when they open at 12 noon for brunch.
Chef Rachel Goenka along with Irfan Pabaney got together to bring their culinary dream to life and that's when The Sassy Spoon happened. Rachel was trained under Rachel Allen in Ballymaloe Cookery School in Ireland. The Sassy Spoon is one of the more beautiful restaurants in the city and has food you'd go back more for. The menu consists of Mediterranean, European, Asian and modern Indian food. Their desserts are also why the place has gained the kind of popularity it has. They also have sugarfree desserts like blueberry pannacotta, sourcherry cheesecake and sweet potato and chocolate cake. They're open from 12 noon to 3:30 PM and 7 PM to 12 midnight everyday.
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Chef and owner of Bombay Salad Co. in Bandra, Karishma Dalal, graduated from IHM Aurangabad, worked with the Taj group and moved on to working as the head chef for a popular restaurant before she opened her own cafe. Her cafe is popular among young working folks who look for healthy and delicious meal options. Bombay Salad Co. makes vibrant, delicious and super healthy salads with greens like kale, lettuce, roquette and spinach and with these go in a wide range of vegetables, cheese, meat and dressings. You also have the option to make your own salad by choosing your favourite mixes that can go into it. They're open from 12 noon to 10:30 PM everyday.
PUNE Kimico Mehta started this lovely cafe called Minus 18 Degrees in Baner after her stint as a franchise owner of Baskin Robbins. The cafe serves continental and Italian food along with some of the best desserts in town. Go for their all day breakfast dishes like pancakes, waffles and crepes. They also have a good selection of starters, entrees and mains. In desserts they have chocolate & hazelnut cake, linzertorte, Italian capri, classic French opera and more. They're open between 8 AM to 11 PM everyday.
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Mad House Grill is one of Pune's favourite steakhouses. Owned and run by Mayuri Kapasi, Mad House Grill in Koregaon Park is a meat lover's heaven. They have classics like salt and pepper steak, steak Diane and BBQ steak, special ones with wasabi and kikkaman, steak in rich pepper and Swiss steak mozzarella. There are other lamb, chicken and seafood mains as well. They also have a small but amazing selection of desserts like apple crumble, cream cheese brownie with butterscotch ice cream and German chocolate among others. The steakhouse is open from 11:30 AM to 11:30 PM on all days.
Now for something sweet. Chef Meeta Makhecha holds a degree from California Culinary Academy and has worked with several top chefs in America including chocolatier Michael Recchiuti and Chef Roland Passot. She moved to her hometown, Pune, and opened The Flour Works in Kalyani Nagar. The restaurant opens quite early to serve breakfast like cheese omelette, stuffed omelette, poached eggs, stuffed crepes, waffles and a lot more. Then there's a variety of starters like ham and cheese croquettes, batter fried Bombay duck with aioli, fried calamari, mini lamb burgers among other delicious ones. Their mains, desserts and coffees are also worth making a trip for. They open from 7 AM to 12:30 AM.
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BANGALORE If you're ever in Indiranagar, don't miss out on some of the best burgers at Red Fork. Zarine Kharas owns and runs the restaurant with her family. Early on it was called Daddy's Deli serving breakfast specials. Her chef son, Xeres, tweaked it to what Red Fork is today. They still do fantastic breakfast dishes like spring onion pancakes with house cured salmon and poached egg or pig out (quite literally!) with shredded pork, beans, poached egg and habanero hollandaise sauce. Try some of their desserts like coconut pannacotta with smoked pineapple and mascarpone sorbet with forest berry compote and toasted coconut. They're open from 9 AM to 10:30 PM everyday except on Mondays when they're closed.
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When friends Kripalini Singh and Nivedita Shetty came together to open their dream coffee shop, Coffee on Canvas in Koramangala. It's an open space with a jute roof that gives this cafe a rustic and homely look. There are bean bags, board games, art and lots of good coffee. Ever since their doors opened locals flocked here to relax and enjoy some cool breeze that's perfect for breakfast or a quiet evening with some coffee. Their menu is simple yet delicious with dishes like sausage with fried eggs, masala omelette, French toast, onion pakora, sandwiches, burgers and a lot more. They're open from 9 AM to 11 PM on Monday to Thursday and Friday through Sunday they close at 11:30 PM.
Meghana Varkada has been in the restaurant industry for over 16 years and has her own cafe called Barley & Grapes in Whitefield's Phoenix Mall. If you're at the mall head here for some chilled beer and delicious food instead of the food court. They have cilantro chicken, chicken wings with BBQ sauce, beer battered fish fingers, grilled prawns with lemon garlic butter and chilli cheese fries among others. For a more cost effective experience they have draught beer with fries at 90 bucks. You can also have a glass of red or white wine for 225 bucks. They open from 11 AM to 11 PM on all days.
CHENNAI Writer's Cafe in Gopalapuram is run by a group of women who are also burn victims as a result of acid attacks and other atrocities. Walls of the cafe are lined with bookshelves filled with books, courtesy Higginbotham's. These women come together and lead rich, independent and fruitful lives with the help of the cafe. The menu here will make sure your visit is worthwhile. They serve continental and European cafe fare with pasta, all day breakfast, a range of coffee and tea and entrees. They're open from 10 AM to 10:30 PM everyday.
Maaria Kulsum is a household name in Chennai for being one of the first people to bring the cupcake frenzy in the city. Owned and run by her, Cafe Adoniya in Chetpet is the city's favourite stop shop for all things delicious. The cafe serves sandwiches, kaathi rolls, burgers, pasta, milkshakes and a whole lot of desserts. If you have a sweet tooth then a visit here is a must for cupcakes like Nutella, salted caramel, red velvet and more. They also have desserts in jars like red velvet, ferrero and Irish cream. They're open from 11 AM to 7 PM on all days.
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Young chef Mathangi Kumar opened her dream restaurant That Madras Place in Adyar after being trained in Le Cordon Bleu, Paris. She also learned under the leadership of Michelin star chefs before her bistro became a reality. The decor is quirky, hip and vibrant. The menu is primarily cafe fare with dishes like eggplant in creamy pesto, chicken ravioli in lemon butter sauce, croque monsieur and croque madam among others. For dessert try their chocolate cake with caramel popcorn, chocolate mud and Nutella cheesecake. The restaurant is open from 12 noon to 9:30 PM on all days.
HYDERABAD Inspired from her food and travel adventures, Suma Chereddi opened Kaficko in Banjara Hills. When the cafe was barely two years old she opened a pan Asian restaurant. The more, the merrier! Kaficko serves some fun cafe style food like skinned potatoes, falafel sliders, buttermilk waffles, sweet potato waffles, crepes with Nutella, caramel or strawberries and even savoury crepes. They also serve classic sandwiches like tuna melt and eggs and bacon. You can't leave Kaficko without trying some coffee - espresso, espresso macchiato, cappuccino Viennese and more. They're open from 9 AM to 10 PM on all days.
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The Gallery Cafe in Banjara Hills is owned and run by Supriya Lahoti, young entrepreneur who made art meet food at her cafe. All art you see in the cafe are for sale. The menu here has some delicious pizza like double cheese, pesto and paneer tikka among others. Other tit bits include cheese corn nuggets, stuffed mushrooms, pita bread and hummus and more. They also have some classic sandwiches like cheese and chutney, corn and spinach and grilled cottage cheese. There are a lot of good options for mains and healthy food as well. They're open from 11:30 AM to 10:30 PM on all days.
Akka, as called by children in Rock children's home, goes by the name Carolyn. She has nurtured a number of children helping them get on their feet. And four of them along with a few chefs and Carolyn herself have made Eclaire, a 16 seater cafe, possible. Their menu has classics like masala omelette, Spanish omelette, waffles, banana pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes, fruit tarts, pies, cheesecakes, cupcakes and more. They also have sandwiches like tuna, egg, veg and chicken. A simple cafe helping people be independent and not stray from their goals is what makes Eclaire all the more special.
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kevinweeksgolf1 · 8 years
Helpful Ideas On Necessary Factors Of Garcinia Cambogia
The optimal body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) is specific to each individual. Eating, accommodation, sightseeing and all the rest will be made absolutely amazing for you by Edgewater Hotel. ;DIn Asia, the fruit was used to help provide stomach relief and as an ingredient in curries and chutneys. Read on. Omega-3 fatty acid is also found to have good effect on psychological function and mood stabilization.
I have joined your feed and look forward to seeking more of your wonderful post. For instance, if people consistently comment on the hotel’s noise level, then expect that your experience will be the same. This is the first diet page I’ve visited that was completely all natural. I think Green Coffee Bean Extract sounds even better because there are no awful side effects. Traditional Chinese medicine differs from western medicine in the sense that is views health from another perspective. Garcinia Cambogia is a small fruit indigenous to South Asia that has been consumed for thousands of years. The extract is manufactured in the US, in a Hi-tech facility using FDA and GMP guidelines. If you are inToronto for a short span thenToronto furnished apartments is best staying accommodation.
Remember, spinach and other dark leaved vegetables are also rich in beta carotene that promotes well functioning body organs. The fruit rind is used to make medicine. Many businessmen also spend time in Chicago for meetings or conferences because of the many function or convention centers that are cost-efficient. I will be coming back to your blog for more soon. There’s also a way of showing it because there’s like a long history, like if you’re trying to find an administrative assistant and you know that there are vacancies all over the place. Manufacturers make their own claims as sales pitches at times supported by fake customer reviews. The term ‘CT scan’ is an abbreviation for computed tomography imaging, and is also known as CAT scanning or computed axial tomography. Feel free to bring your favorite clothes like your national dress for special occasions but there are loads of great shops in Exeter so you can pick up anything you need once you’re here.
For starters, diabetes is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. So, what the hell is this thing with the weird name? Single double-blind study or multiple cohort studiesSingulair (or leukotriene receptor antagonists)Sip in Rose Petal Water – Unknown to many, rose petal water is an incredibly refreshing and therapeutic drink.
One person that gave it 3 stars said that they stopped taking it after a few days since it irritated her stomach. Apparently they matter to you more than your self-respect. You’ll find you are hungry, you aren’t losing the weight and you’ll give up on the diet again. That has exactly what you need in it and I ordered mine and got it within 5 days. You must know how mortgage financial loans work if you wish to be truly debt-free. It is really a metabolic diseases caused due to the pancreas producing insufficient insulin or because cells not responding to the insulin produced. We do our best here at to provide in depth articles about products, supplements, and equipment that our viewers may be searching for. Abraham Z, Malik SK, Rao GE, Narayanan SL, Biju S. Collection and characterization of Malabar tamarind Garcinia Cambogia (Gaertn.) Desr.. Genet Resour Crop Evol 2006;53(2):401-406. An essential a-z on issues for garcinia cambogia.
If you are looking for a magic formula that works for everyone, including you, you are in the wrong place. Although, to date, there is little evidence to support such a benefit in humans. garcinia cambogia is now more than a weight loss supplement. Even some of the most competitive keyword results on the Internet today are from press releases.
From the last couple of hundreds of a long time, new and stylish hairstyles have grown to be the anger, specially among the affluent and celebrities. Curr Genomics 2008;9(4):239-251. The KCNA statement said North Korean authorities put emergency measures into place to rescue people from the collapsed building and to treat the injured.
When, you understand Dr. Oz states something is the “The latest, fastest, fat buster. Here are 8 signs to help you determine if your relationship is codependent. Nu Canbogia would not honor the terms if their 14 day free trial period. But our loss has proved Richman’s gain. Consult your doctor before taking garcinia cambogia.
The student is taught the same content and is expected to master the same level as his/her neurotypical peers. When heated by the atomi… (read more)Eliminate or greatly reduce fried foods from your diet. It is possible to book multiple interconnecting rooms or connecting suites if your large family wants to stay together. Another article, published in the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology in 2011, notes that an herbal fat-burning supplement containing usnic acid, guggul tree and green tea extracts was linked to a case of liver failure. Fiber is a great source for helping you feel full and helps your body maintain healthy insulin levels.
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