#Khabkluen FINALLY Confesses To Daonuea
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[Nickname: DUNK]
[Nickname: JOONG]
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Kuafah (JIRAKIT THAWORNWONG aka MEK) comforts Daonuea (NATACHAI BOONPRASERT aka DUNK) as he realizes he can never get over Khabkluen.
Which is good since before this scene Khabkluen finally confessed his feelings to Daonuea after quite a long while of keeping his feelings to himself.
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What even is "Star in my mind" at this point?
A few days back, I saw a gif of "Star in my mind" and because I was really bored and depressed, I watched it to kill time. I think it was just the right fluffyness at the right time and today, episode six aired. Let me tell you, I'm disappointed.
Daonuea and Khabkluen arrived at a point when I'm too annoyed and frustrated to even care if they work out or not. They always find the most stupid reasons to not talk properly. Last week, Kluen just threw himself at Nuea which was way out of line and just not how you do it. Nuea wants to talk it out but then blames Kluen for the mess and mysery. Kluen just acts without explaination and decided talking is for losers or something even though he wants to change and take action. I'm lost because all of this doesn't make sense.
They drew on t-shirts before, Kluen didn't say anything about the whole confession-thing and Nuea still thinks Kluen doesn't notice him or doesn't like him at least as a friend? Kluen never acts on any of his feelings. I don't even think he calls the boys his frienda even if they obviously are. He's distant. But it just doesn't mean he can kiss Nuea without a word and expect Nuea to melt in his arms or something.
These two are weird and Phoon is the weirdest. I don't know why but I find him creepy. Maybe because he seems so needy. Yes, he uses his chances, but he pressures Nuea to answer even though he is confused. Phoon feels time running out for him but he stresses Nuea even more with all of his "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
All of this would be fine if there wouldn't be this sixth episode because oh my god. Please imagine the Janice voice (show: friends) in your head because that's how annoyed I've been until the last moment.
Nuea goes to Kluen's apartment because Kluen seems to be sick. Turns out he just has a headache but Nuea acts like he needs to take a bunch of medicine. Overreaction when someone's sick can be kinda cute though.
And then, the dumbest thing follows. Nuea mistrusts Kluen which is okay, that's not my problem, but Phoon and Nuea decide to be a couple for 24 hours?! What kind of idea is that? Instead of going on a date, they have a relationship lasting for one day and then go back to normal. This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard to make someone jealous and speed up the final confessions. Could the writers not come up with a better solution? In what world does this make sense.
Nuea is clearly uncomfortable with this idea, so why pursue it? Phoon was rejected and then pushed Nuea to not give up. Doesn't he know his place? Such a manipulative person.
But this 24h relationship wasn't the dumbest part, the scene I laughed at the most was when Kluen punched Phoon. Phoon clearly said Nuea doesn't want anything from him and after many confessions from before, Kluen knows Nuea doesn't like Phoon that way. But seems like he got amnesia or something because he straight up punches Phoon after kissing Nuea without reason. It was unnecessary and Kluen seemingly didn't listen, else he would've known what.Phoon is doing and proocing here.
Nuea drives away and I'm not sure if I will watch next week. All those cringey and over-the-top love confessions every five minutes will be too much for me.
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[Nickname: DUNK]
[Nickname: JOONG]
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