malak-ballari · 7 months
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I had a very vivid image of how I wanted to portray these prompts, but as you can see by my three separate attempts, I struggled quite a bit. Prompts are by @ultrainfinitepit and Sanctas Seraphina
That being said, I love these prompts I just wish I could’ve captured them well.
A shroud is a covering that goes over the head of the deceased. These prompts gave me a good chance to try to show the agony of Khizayonn being turned into a demon or demonic entity, when he should’ve been given the opportunity to die instead. I figured drawing horns protruding from his shroud would give the idea, but I just couldn’t capture the agony the way I wanted.
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malak-ballari · 8 months
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Facial structure studies on my most difficult character to draw, and of course, my main character.
Khizayonn, the Second Duke of Lust, demon of sadism. The only demon in Hell to have been born a human.
He succeeds at neither being human nor demon, what else is left?
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malak-ballari · 9 months
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More wing studies!
When approached by an authority figure in the hierarchy, lesser demons and angels must lower their heads and shield their eyes with their wings, clasping their hands in a praying position until told otherwise by the authority. This act of respect is called to lehissaref and was made to mimic the way seraphim behave around God.
“A power so divine one must shield their eyes and pray for permission before gazing upon it”
This is the meaning behind the act of lehissaref and it is used as a sign of respect amongst angelic and demonic culture, similar to a bow or curtsy.
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malak-ballari · 8 months
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When pureblooded demons become aggravated their eyes turn a vibrant purple and hellfire can be summoned, sometimes involuntarily. If the demon is of high status, their wing tassels will become visible.
Khizayonn is a Duke of Lust as made known by his wing tassels; the mark of Asmodeus with the symbol of Satan attached. His hellfire is particularly powerful for a pureblooded duke.
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