#Khord Shore
almightyhamslice · 1 year
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Insektober day 9: Seaside
Ambrose and Thoran rest beside the sea at Khord Shore, allowing the local water mites to crawl over them as they lean against each other. Ambrose is a notorious pirate who wishes to be a captain someday, but is held back by his boss. Thoran wants to live a quiet and peaceful life, but always finds herself entangled with the pirates. The two hate each other, and yet they still sit together under the sunset. What must draw them to each other?
Weirdly tender piece between 2 underexplained characters of mine. I absolutely love Thoran and will talk abt her any chance I get, but there's not much of her on this blog! And Ambrose... I straight up didn't post him at all lol! I'll tell you about them right now, then! Also since it's quick, regarding the water mites: they're kind of like pests to the residents of Khord Shore, though some think they're cute and keep them as pets. They're like rats but semi aquatic and arachnids LOL. They're not anthropomorphic, kind of like how the Amorites are in the show.
Ambrose is a spotted lanternfly. I basically designed him as a central villain for a certain episode of my insektors rewrite that I haven't gotten to yet... he's something of a megalomaniac, though his boss usually "keeps him in check"... by manipulating him. He likes to take on a leading role, though often thinks he is held back by his fellow pirates. He knows as well as any other pirate in his crew that it's dangerous for him to fight alone, but he wishes his backup would. y'know. back him up. He wants Thoran to go on raids with him, but she hates the pirate life & wishes to stay out of trouble. It's frustrating-- Thoran's one of the only people Ambrose trusts, but he hates how stubborn she can be!
Thoran is an eastern dobsonfly. She's part of the same rewrite story as Ambrose, though she is more of a grey figure-- she's a Yuk, but isn't allied with the other Yuks around her. She is kind to those who are kind to her, regardless of alignment essentially. Also, she is transgender! Though you may have already guessed that if you're familiar with dobsonflies in real life. Unlike Krabo, Greeb, Moritz, and Zarojo, Thoran doesn't have access to medication so mostly relies on social presentation. Dobsonfly gender roles are interesting as well-- female dobsonflies are expected to be strong and fierce, while males are just supposed to be pretty (their mandibles are purely decorative, they're soft and not good for fighting!)-- so Thoran's been literally fighting her entire life to gain respect from her peers. That's how she lost her eye and part of her mandible! She's actually proud of the jaw scar-- the stump that's left of her mandible looks much more like a cis female dobsonfly's would. She's been thinking about getting her other mandible filed down or cut off, but she thinks it wouldn't be "honorable" or "fair" if she didn't lose it in a real fight. So I guess she has some self-destructive tendencies going on, though she definitely doesn't see it that way-- she thinks she NEEDS to risk her life in order to be viewed as 'valid' by her fellow Yuks. She doesn't have much support, so often results to a life of isolation and reclusivity. My god I rambled a lot abt her LOL. I LIKE HER A LOT OK...
Also to clarify about yuk/krud terminology-- 'Yuks' are an umbrella term for the whole group of Insektors that are dull colors and don't fly, while 'Kruds' are specifically the Yuks that live in Krud City. So every Krud is a Yuk but not every Yuk is a Krud! Joyces and Verigreens are the same-- they're only 'Verigreens' if they live in Flowered City. Also I saw Saw X today finallY!!!! it was so fucking good lol.
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