#KidnappedSeries Rambles
sharksa-shivers · 10 months
You doing a comic?? :O
How exciting!!
Yep, soon lol, probably next year cuz i'm working on setting up stuff but yee!!! Finally gonna be making Kidnapped into a physical thing!! (still my ultimate life goal tho is to make it animated but uhhhhhhh i need money for that so uhhhh not really possible to do that rn alas) BUT THE WEBCOMIC GON BE JUST AS GOOD LOL, I'M EXCITED FOR IT!!! :3
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Real talk tho, why does Sharky self neglect himself so much? Tw: Self hate, depression, suicide talk, ect
I wrote something recently that i feel sums up Sharky's feelings pretty well, i'll share it cuz i really like it despite it being sad obviously. TW: Sucide mention, depression, self hate, ect. --- Sharky crys more, grasping at the beanie on his head. "……Yknow, it's funny………You know Max has depression and…His is really bad, he always talks about wanting to kill himself and stuff………and yet i know i probably hate my own guts more then he could ever hate himself………Nobody really ever sees how much i hate myself because i don't talk about it……..I'm not depressed, i just hate myself to the core……….And yet i don't want to kill myself either……..But i probably should…Nothings going to ever get better…And if i died then the world wouldn't mourn me………..But i love life and i love being here and i just………i wish so bad that people could see me as a damn person but i know even if i live past 100, i will never get that wish…I'm always going to be a beast til the day i die…Just a stupid worthless shark…That's all i'm gonna be……….My feelings are really complicated…" Sharky's tears stream down his face and he keeps sniffling, he's just completely broken…
Kristy tries to be respectful and listen……..But the sheer hate, he……….She never could imagine somebody like Sharky of all people felt such visceral pain…….. --- So...Yeah...........That's...Why Sharky does it so much... Tl;dr-It's part of his arc and he has to work through it... This topic is...Alottttttttttttttttttt and obviously i have left out some stuff but this is the basic jist lol...The very very basic barebones jist... Hopefully i explained...Alright fdjfdhjfdhfdhjfd i really fuckin hope i did cuz this is important stuff to me...
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sharksa-shivers · 9 months
Current height chart (minus 2 derpos tho)
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needa redesign
-Pink Fin
And probably Angel (but her art on here rn will be fine for now lol)
But yee!!! Heights for everyone in the Campsite crew rn lol.
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You may also have all their orientations too lol, don't say i never did nothin for ya :p (She/they pronouns for Aqua to clarify lol...So ye...)
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
New Pink Fin design!!!
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"Mermaids can't be fat!!!!1!!!" Haha, anyway, here's the new Pink Fin design!!! Next to redesign is Amber, Campsite momma! I needa do that and then that shoulddddd be our main cast all redesigned and up to date owo! Isn't Pink Fin a doll?? She's adorbs to meeeeee owo!!! Took forever to do her mostly cuzzzzzzz tablet shit but art should be coming now (tho may take me a bit to get used to the new tablet and whatnot...)
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
meme dump of Kidnapped shiz lol
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(older Sharksty memes but whatever lol)
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Yeah, this what i got for memes of this variety xd
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Part 2 of last post cuz yeah, Sharky end And Max info
Sharky cont- --- *One of Sharky's more animal-esc characteristics is that true to real sharks, he can barf his stomach up...Like the entire fucking organ. He FUCKING HATES that he can do it but he can lmao. He doesn't really know how to control it really yet either but he can force it if he has to. He usually does it whenever he's eaten way too goddamn much/eaten something real fuckin bad or he's stressed as fuck/scared as fuck/disgusted as fuck. So that's fun. (He could control it if he wanted to, sharks like Slash can do it on command lol) *Out of The Trio, Sharky's defs the best cook. Mostly because Amber's the main one who cooks at the Campsite and she's taught him a tonnnnnnnnnnn in that regard...So if something has to be cooked, usually it's Sharky doing it cuz he knows how to do it and do it well. Sharky usually likes baking the most if he had to pick something he likes doing the most in the kitchen. *Sharky does like food alot but he downplays tf out of it alot because he doesn't wanna be seen as 'that kinda shark' to which his friends are like "Bruh, cmon lmao..." --- Max- *Max is a goddamn trash goblin and will like...try anything at least once as long as it's not poison (cuz duh) and if it's not fish related (fish make him sick) so like...If you gave Max a chocolate shake with hot sauce and pickles blended into it, Max absolutely fucking would...Probably without hesitation either...And then he'd tell you you'd have to try alot fuckin harder to gross him out lmao... *Max sometimes will legit eat inedible things...Because as stated above, he's a trash goblin. He literally fucking is lmao...He also will eat out of the trash without hesitation too. (he says he's had to do it a ton as a stray kid on the streets so...Doing it at 14/15 doesn't bother him at all. Not a shred lmao...) *Max does get into alcohol at some bits, mostly stealing it from adults around him...Max is constantly trying to find stuff to numb his depression so...Booze is a classic option in that catagory of stuff and Max does know that... *Max is a goddamn cryptid anomly we do not understand...Thus he can easily outeat Sharky like 30x's over and Max doesn't ever gain weight...Everrrrrrrrr really...Which actually gets on his nerves alot, he wants more weight to throw around in fights lol...Max also gets annoyed genuinely too that he seemingly is never really ever satisfied/full. It's very fucking weird and nobody understands how Max functions in that sense... *Max says there is a difference between his constant never ending hunger and like...hunger hunger like 'i need food or i'm gonna be in some shit soon'...He says the hunger hunger is alot stronger and feels like shit...It's alot stronger of a feeling then his usual constant nonstop hunger he feels all the time... *Despite being a dog, Max can eat chocolate and whatnot cuz he's an anthro. Anthros are more human-esc in some ways and more animal-esc in other ways...Depends on what aspects we're talking about but in that regard, anthro dogs are like humans, chocolate is fine for them...Which makes Max hella happy since he fuckin adores brownies... *Max should have died by cardiac arrest by now with how much fucking coffee he drinks but like so many other things, it doesn't affect him in negative ways really and we don't fucking know why... *Max knows how to cook but he is lazy and impatient alot whenever he does do it so...He usually doesn't lmao...
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sharksa-shivers · 11 months
Prince Collin...
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Collin is not someone to be trusted under any circumstances…
He is a master manipulator and cold blooded murderer.
He is not interested in reforming, he is not interested in anything except the downfall of all mortals.
Do not trust him.
Do not interact with him.
Do not talk to him.
Do everything you can to avoid him and his prissy murderous ass. ----------------------- Well here he is...Bastard #2...The biggest asshole in the series... Lol, happy halloween...
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sharksa-shivers · 6 months
So basically; lol
So I've decided to do refs inbetween thumbnailings (give myself a bit of breathing room and whatnot) but also ngl, the derpos need some new refs, ESPECIALLY since we're about to be doing a wholeass comic with em ye?
So the first one up is Sharky cuz yeah lol (then Max then Kris Kris) And for this ref, since this is Sharky at the beginning of the series/first appearance and whatnot; that means he's slimmer...He gains that weight at aboutttttt S2 i'd wanna say and keeps it throughout the rest of the run and cuz that's...the main Sharky serieswide/big picture, iiiiiiiiii usually draw him bigger, alongside it just being moreso fun to draw him bigger lol... Like i won't lie, i like doing diff body types in general...Fatter bodytypes are some of my faves to do, idk, just moreso fun for me personally lol... HOWEVER...Since it's been so goddamn long, i have run into an issue alas... i have drawn fatter Sharky so much i have forgor how to draw him with his more average sized body, welppppppp fuck lol i did figure it tho!! Took a bit but i regot it!!! So here be a sneak peak ig atm (with a 3d model ref too, ooooo, ain't you lucky?) Weapon will be included with both poses (even tho he doesn't get the sword of seas for a small small bit, it is still his main weapon serieswide so yeah lol)
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Sharky Sharkson is alot of things: Kind Strong Considerate Cool guy However 'small'? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fdjhfdhjdhfsshfd Sharky hasn't been small in some years lol, he's 14 and 7'2 at the series start soooooooo yeah, yknow, NOT SMALL AT ALL... That's just how ya boi built lol. I love him so much, the large derpo...
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sharksa-shivers · 6 months
What are…Mers? Part 1
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(Old art is old but i love it so here you go lol) --- Mers are one of the 5 types of beings in the Kidnapped universe…And they are exactly what you think they are.
Mers=Mermaids, mermen, merpeople. Mers is the term used most often though because it's gender neutral and quicker in general.
(NOTE TO BE AWARE OF: Not every single mer we see in series is good…Mers as a species are neutral until proven good or bad. Just because alot of mers we see are good DOES NOT MEAN every single mer is a good person...)
If you somehow are not aware as to what a mermaid is (first how'd you get this far into my stuff without knowing lololol) BUT; a mermaid is half human, half fish.
They're thought of as mythical beings, magical and powerful…And in the Kidnapped universe, they are all of those things.
Magical and powerful on average and humans/landies think mers are…A myth, something that doesn't exist. However…They absolutely do in this world…And they're alllllllll over the place…I'm talking worldwide, i'm talkin there's several billion of em, like…They absolutely exist lololol… --- So basic biology stuff:
Mers have several forms, similar to shadowdemons. - Their basic merform (tail, their watery appearance basically) - "Human" forms (Trading their tails for legs via magic/being out of water basically lol) - And usually, most mers have a powerform (a form made from their magic type…As an example, a water mer can transform parts of themselves into water or they can fully become water or ice. NOTE THO, NOT EVERY MER HAS A POWER FORM. Most do tho) More basic biology things, mers have: -Brighter colored hair colors, usually 'unnatural' bright colors like blues, greens, purples, ect. These appear alot brighter and oddly never fade like dyed hair would but most humans assume these people must have really amazing hair stylists or something lol -Oddly neon/rainbow colored eyes (unnatural shades of green, blue, purples, pinks, ect) -Sharp pointed fingers (this was a hunting adaptation and is still helpful but less so in modern day) -Natural swimming abilities/ability to breath underwater -Mers all have levitation/telekinesis/ability to move stuff with magic as a default power. EVERY MER HAS THIS POWER... Back in olden days, mers used to have a siren call, used as a mating call. Mers WOULD actually sing potential mates/people to death but usually this wasn't on purpose. (alot of mers didn't realize humans/landies cannot breath underwater and thus would drown, whoopsies) Mers as such could sing and attract the gender they were aiming for and it would hypnotize the person pretty much...Didn't matter the genre of music either, if the mer liked screamo music or whatever, that absolutely could hypnotize a potential mate lol In modern day, this has kind of evolved out but mers usually on average are naturally amazing singers. This is mer history though so yep... --- Magic shiz? Yeah, let's do that lol. So an important note to begin with: A mers magic comes from a core in their heart and a mer CANNOT live without magic (vital bit of their body and dna system) MAGIC CAN BE STOLEN WITH CERTAIN METHODS AND IT IS 100% FATAL TO THE MER... Ok, we got that rule? Ok, COOL. Now then... Suffice to say mer magic is vital to them, their culture, ways of life and their lives themselves... Mer magic runs on energy thus a mer cannot use it if they are sleep deprived, starving or greatly injured. The body will shut off the magic to save energy for keeping them conscious and alive. As an add on, mers typically have different power levels then each other. It varys and depends on the mer type, how much they practice their magic, if their klutzy or skilled. It greatly varys from mer to mer. This applies to Kristy as well. If she's hurt or exhausted or starving, that magic WILL NOT WORK. Her magic can be stolen via the amulet being taken but since she's human and her magic comes from the amulet, she's not in danger of death in the same way a mer is...Kristy just won't have magic at that point, she'll just be her normal human self. Mers just die without magic after a period of time. Powerful mers die faster without magic while weaker mers have a bit longer until they croak... Examps: Strong mer- OH Weaker powered mer- Nucleo We'll get more into this in more entry points buttttttt here are the mer types (mixed power mers not included here but for ref, mers are typically born with one type of magic HOWEVER you can be born with 2 types of magic, genetics depending...This is more rare though...)
Mer types:
-Water mers -Fire mers -Plant mers -Healing mers -Weather mers -Acid Radiation mers -Cloud Radiation mers -Magic mers/Mixed Bag mers -Mind mers -Rainbow mers (more rare) (pictured below is OH/Orange Hair, one of the most powerful fire mers) We'll get into actual magic shiz in part 2 lol, only got so much room here...
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--- Nowwwwww here's the bit ik everybody ALWAYS wants to know...Reproduction shiz so i shall...Answer... Do not make me regret this lmaooooo
Mers that have the equipment(usually females but not always, AFAB people too) are the ones that get pregnant and give birth. It usually takes a mer about a year or so to form and to be born. The magic aspect is what takes those extra few months...Takes more time to form...Mers are mammals also btw. Mers start life as babies and grow from that point. (Baby-->Child-->Teenager-->Adult) ……..So basically, mers age like humans, they are INSANELY similar to humans in alot of ways…But not every way obviously…
Mers are born with magic but their magic isn't able to use until they hit a certain age (4-6 for the much more powerful mers, 7-9 for average mers and usually 10-13 for weak powered mers on average…)
Mers can live up to 10,000+ years (needa figure that cap off point but uhhhhhhhhh a longass fucking time lmao...And they don't show physical aging for a longggggggg while...Like gotta be in the thousands before wrinkles even start to show up...) Mers can have mental issues considering this ENORMOUS lifespan but there are resources for such issues...
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Next part we'll talk about actual mer powers/what powers each type of mer has lol. Idk when i'll get to that but i'll try and do it soon lol.
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sharksa-shivers · 6 months
Kidnapped and Roomies note ig lol
Ik i haven't spoken alot about Roomies so i imagine since it has anthro characters i've shown, the idea might be these series are same universe/same lore and shiz NOPE!!! So lemme discuss that a bit ig for clarity lol -------------- Kidnapped is much more lore heavy, has magic, ect. Kidnapped has: - humans (Kristy, Amber, The Captain, ect) - Normal animals (farm animals, zoo animals, wildlife, pets, animals used as food and livestock) - Anthros (Sharky, Max, Angel, Sharketa, Lady, ect) - Mers/Mermaids, mermen, merthems (OH, Nucleo, Aqua, Cherry, Lime, Talia) - Demons and monsters (Meforia, Collin, Heartsnatchers, bounders, ect) Land anthros and sea anthros evolved separately Mers and demons/monsters are not known to the broad populations Humans exist here -------------- Roomies is an ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE to Kidnapped... Roomies only has: - Normal animals (farm animals, zoo animals, wildlife, pets, animals used as food and livestock) AND -Anthro animals, both land and sea (literally all the characters we see and follow in Roomies lol) No magic No demons Some extinct animals still exist here as both normal animals and anthros (no humans=no human interference which means for examp, the thylacine never went extinct, humans were not there to hunt them to death, we need to wip on this bit very badly tho lol)
____________________ So yeah, these are 2 very diff things worldbuilding wise lol, just as a note ig.
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sharksa-shivers · 6 months
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^me whenever i realize drawing, even shitty sketch thumbnails, takes a while to do Oyyyyyy ve, yeah, this will take a bit...Cuz i wanna get cracking/get a move on with this stuff but you may have insanely depressed Kristy as a hold me over atm lol I might do character refs in the meantime but idk lol...I think it'd be a good idea to tbh
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sharksa-shivers · 6 months
Kristy and her brother Josh!!! :3
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So this guy? Is Josh. Kristy's older brother lol. (P sure i have mentioned him before but if not, welp…Here you go lol)
So we've got Joshua Ron Miller/Josh (age 17, older sibling, bday is November 24th so a Sagittarius ♐️ ) And Krystal Rose Miller/Kristy (age 14, younger sibling, bday is July 5th so a cancer ♋️)
Josh and Kristy both are autistic (and ye actually, if one sibling is autistic, there's a chance irl of the other being autistic as well!!)
Kristy's special interest as we all know is manga/anime but Josh's special interest is ghosts/the paranormal/mystics of that sort. He's the one that'd be all over cryptids existing and would be the one making that damn string board to prove that the spirit does exist and therefore ghosts do too. Another hyperfixation/interest of his is cars as well.
Despite this, surprise surprise, Josh is not pleased AT ALL about the situation Kristy's found herself in…He's always been a protective older brother but…His little sister being kidnapped? Ripped away from his entire family? Somebody he's known basically his entire life? Yeahhhhh, it doesn't matter how much cool demon shit Kristy has going on that might interest him, Josh is insanely worried sick for his sister, especially now that she's determined to save the world…And even moreso whenever he sees her teammates are a bigass shark that probably could kill both of them and…That dog who seems to have something incredibly mentally unwell with him…Josh absolutely isn't happy about any of this shit…
But even still, he knows how important it is, not just to Kristy but in general…And Josh is the one other person Kristy knows who will understand because their parents are absolutely not gonna…
As a result, Josh sometimes does get roped into some of The Trio's shenanigans but he's pretty not pleased alot to be doing it…He just wants Kristy to be safe…And Kristy wants to save the world to keep Josh and her family safe too… ------------------------ Josh took a bit to design cuz i wasn't 100% sure what i wanted designwise...I knew glasses and i knew facial hair but other then that? Not really anything else XD
Since it took me a bit tho, some alt outfit colors for Kristy's outfit cuzzzzzzz yeah lol, i might as well!!! (why not? After all...Who will stop me? uwu??)
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Which colors you like best?? :3 I really like the blues and greens and the red one too XD I probably will mess around with more stuff (i do like my alternative pics fdshjkfdhjfdshj)
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sharksa-shivers · 9 months
Cuz i just reposted those 2 bits with Sharky's self acceptance arc and whatnot, i feel like i should answer this too; Does he ever lose the weight he gains? Ik alot of peeps want fat representation...And ima confirm right now-Sharky tries because of all of his self hate but he's never able to lose the weight and because of that, he does remain fat/pudgy/whatever you wanna call it, til the end. I mentioned part of his weight gain stuff is genetics. And i'm not gonna go into that 100% right now but like...Genetically speaking, Sharky never had a chance in that regard because that's how his body was going to be once he hit puberty from the getgo...If you get what i mean... But also like part of his arc, is him learning how to take his body type in stride, how to be positive about it, confident even...And Kristy helps alot with that shiz lolololol, she does. She'll tell him shit like "Six packs are boring, you're interesting and fun to cuddle with as you are." And "I don't care how much you gain lol, i love you bish, i ain't leavin uwu." And alot of her love and whatnot helps him feel better...Along with Max doing his shenanigans of argue-fighting Sharky on every single solitary bad thing he has to say about himself in that regard... Sharky's friendos help him feel better about himself in every regard alot...And uhhhhh yeah lol...I'm excited to share more cute Sharksty moments and funny Max moments where he's encouraging his homie and whatnot more down the line :p
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sharksa-shivers · 7 months
Thing i wrote a bit ago lol/an explain-y thing bout ocean names/Sharky's name origin
"…….Did you know that……My name…I picked that out when i was a kid? It's an ocean culture thing to change your name, to make yourself yourself. I didn't really know my birthname so…I didn't have a name…Amber called me Sharky all the time whenever she was taking care of me when i was like 3, 4…Whenever i was about 5 and could understand more, i decided to pick that as my name and add Sharkson as a last name. It made me feel nice because it was something Amber called me alot and……At the time, because i was pretty sheltered, i was proud and happy to be a shark because that was all i knew……..And then i stepped out into the real world and got slapped by reality. Sometimes now, i hate that that's my name…And i hate that assholes have taken something that meant so much to me as a kid and twisted into an evil………But sometimes it does remind me that i should be proud of who and what i am……….Right now though, i REALLY hate that's my name…And i hate that i cannot get away from the reminder that I'm a shark……" Sharky said after a few moments.
"………I didn't know that you picked out your name…I will admit, that…I kind of wondered why you went by 'Sharky'…Like…….No offense but it's a pretty obvious name for a shark…But knowing all that i know now, that's really sweet how you claimed that as your name…" Kristy said after a moment. Sharky listened and couldn't blame her for thinking that. It was kind of strange in a sense. It was a really OBVIOUS name and it was really simple and whatnot……..But at the same time, it did hold alot of meaning to him…It really did…Even if he hated it at the moment…It was him…Whether he liked it or not… ------------------------------------------------ So yeah tho lol...If you were wondering why stuff like "Orange Hair", "Sharky" "Pink Fin" ect; this is why...Alot of childhood nicknames usually become seafolks full names and they can also change names at any point lol...It's how some mers have a fuckton of alt identities and whatnot...It's a very cultural thing for seafolk lol "Does that mean Sharky has a birthname? Will we learn bout what that is?" Hmmmmmm...(Family Guy Peter Leaning back, clasping hands) Perhaps...But i wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise uwu...
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Idk if it's obvious but i'll say it lol: Sharky and Max are kind of meant to be like...mirrors of what society expects of them. Dogs are seen as wholesome sweet beans who can do no wrong by humans. Sharks are seen as absolute vicious maneating machines that just want to kill and do violence by humans. In Kidnapped, Sharky is an absolute sweety with a heart of gold who has alotttttttttttttt of insecuities about himself considering everything society expects of him... And Max is an absolute unhinged maniac who knows how to make b0mbs by scratch and who absolutely gets an absolute thrill out of fucking with people...Also Max is probably like..........1000 times more likely to eat somebody then Sharky ever would be... Like Sharky wouldn't do it if you put a gun to his head but Max would just because he is kinda lowkey curious about wtf a kidney would taste like also cuz when he says eat the rich, he genuinely meant killing and cannibalizing them...And then he'll give Sharky shit for "not commiting fully to eating the rich" and yeahhhhhhhh But like legit, they're meant to be parallels, in the opposite sense if you get my point lmao... Kristy goes into meeting them both expecting what society has told her and then is just...Flabbergasted to learn the truth about both of em...So yeah, yknow, fun lmao...
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Yknow what? Yknow what? Ima post some stuff with Collin cuz i want to. Tw; uhhhhh he's a murderous asshole lol
I'm gonna post a Collin scene i wrote a while back that i REALLY like...And you'll see why but you'll also get a clue of uhhhh the kinda grade A bastard who The Trio have to deal with and fight...Collin is the fuckin worst but that's why he's unironically fun to write ngl ------ (We see Collin and Sharky standing off in the road, in the rain, Collin having Max in a very tight fucking headlock and Sharky just standing outside his car, Kristy unconscious in the seat…)
Collin:(death glaring at Sharky)Give me the amulet.
Max:(restrained by Collin, his voice pained from Collin's arm on his neck so tight, frantic)Dude, don't! Don't fucking give it to hi-
Collin:(tightening his grasp, choking Max quite with his arm, pissed and determined to achieve his goal)SHUT UP YOU WORTHLESS MUTT!!!! (Death glares at Sharky)Give me the amulet or i pop his neck like a damn bird!!! Your choice!!!!
Sharky:(very fucking conflicted, stressed and scared, we see him take a very deep breath, collect himself…And then quitely reach into the car, carefully pulling The Leaf Of Lights off of Kristy, him muttering quitely while he does it)…Sorry Kristy…(and getting out, approaching Collin and leaving his car door open…We see Sharky move over to Collin…)
Collin:(grinning evily, his free hand outstretched to grab it from him)That's it…That's right, hand it over…
Sharky:(we get a close up shot of their hands, Collin's open hand and Sharky's hand above his, the strings tangled on his fingers…We see Sharky about to drop it into his hand…When he pulls it away, rolling his hand into a tight fist and clasping the amulet…And we switch back to their faces…)
Collin:(glaring)The fuck are yo-
Sharky:(angered and glaring back)Y'know…Call me stupid for it but i don't trust you…So if you really want the amulet…Let Max go first…
Sharky:(ready to fight if Collin tries some shit, standing his ground)Give. Max. Back. Then. I said what i fucking said…
Collin:(death glaring)You are in NO POSITION to be making any sorts of deals mortal!!!!
Sharky:(scoffs)Funny cuz i just did…And i'll raise the stakes more…(Serious and icey toned)You give Max back…Or…I'll fucking break the amulet…
Max:(Collin's grasp lessened some from being distracted, watching this play out, frantic)Dude, fucking don't!!!!
Collin:(tightening his chokehold again, Max in sheer pain)I SAID STAY QUIET!!!!!! (glaring at Sharky)You don't have the fucking balls to do that!!!!!!
Sharky:(icy toned, pissed)Why don't you fucking try me? You wanna fuck around and find out? Then be my absolute guest…Or…You can let Max go…And i'll hand it over to you nice and easy…And you can go on your merry way…
Collin:(he thinks a moment…Death glaring…And then he makes his mistake…And releases Max, Max immediately collapsing and gasping for air, struggling to intake oxygen before Collin kicks the fuck out of him, Max not having time to recover from the chokehold…We see Collin death glaring still at Sharky, hand open) There's your stupid fucking mutt, now GIVE ME THE FUCKING AMULET…
Sharky:(we see him looking at Max, watching him a moment(obviously wanting to help but being stuck in place by Collin…)We see him and Max make eye contact, Max forcing himself to stand up…And then turning his attention to Collin…We see him approaching Collin, the same hand shot playing out again…Tension building…Sharky about to drop the amulet in his hand…Before we get the sheer satisfaction of watching Sharky swipe the amulet back into his hand, making a fist, smiling right in Collin's face and yelling)FUCKING SYKE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!! (Sharky then fucking turning on a dime, running back to the car, grabbing Max and helping him, shoving him forward before Collin can even react)GET TO THE CAR, NOW!!!!! NOW!!!!!!
Collin:(we see him standing there in absolute bewilderment at the bamboozlement he was just dealt…Before going into murder mode, sheer fucking rage on his face…)……….AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (We cut back to Sharky and Max quickly both getting in, slamming the doors, Sharky locking the doors, turning the key and stepping on the fucking gas before Collin can even fucking really move…) ------ Ima be real, Sharky probably ran him over too, just...In the panic of the moment and also cuz we on that 'Fuck Collin' energy here lmaoooooo... Ima see if i can find some more shit with him in the next bit cuz whewwww he's a piece of shit work...
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