sharksa-shivers · 5 months
Current height chart (minus 2 derpos tho)
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needa redesign
-Pink Fin
And probably Angel (but her art on here rn will be fine for now lol)
But yee!!! Heights for everyone in the Campsite crew rn lol.
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You may also have all their orientations too lol, don't say i never did nothin for ya :p (She/they pronouns for Aqua to clarify lol...So ye...)
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sharksa-shivers · 2 months
Kidnapped and Roomies note ig lol
Ik i haven't spoken alot about Roomies so i imagine since it has anthro characters i've shown, the idea might be these series are same universe/same lore and shiz NOPE!!! So lemme discuss that a bit ig for clarity lol -------------- Kidnapped is much more lore heavy, has magic, ect. Kidnapped has: - humans (Kristy, Amber, The Captain, ect) - Normal animals (farm animals, zoo animals, wildlife, pets, animals used as food and livestock) - Anthros (Sharky, Max, Angel, Sharketa, Lady, ect) - Mers/Mermaids, mermen, merthems (OH, Nucleo, Aqua, Cherry, Lime, Talia) - Demons and monsters (Meforia, Collin, Heartsnatchers, bounders, ect) Land anthros and sea anthros evolved separately Mers and demons/monsters are not known to the broad populations Humans exist here -------------- Roomies is an ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE to Kidnapped... Roomies only has: - Normal animals (farm animals, zoo animals, wildlife, pets, animals used as food and livestock) AND -Anthro animals, both land and sea (literally all the characters we see and follow in Roomies lol) No magic No demons Some extinct animals still exist here as both normal animals and anthros (no humans=no human interference which means for examp, the thylacine never went extinct, humans were not there to hunt them to death, we need to wip on this bit very badly tho lol)
____________________ So yeah, these are 2 very diff things worldbuilding wise lol, just as a note ig.
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
Unintentional new friendo
Yet another text one cuz again, i got alotttttttttt lol :p ---
Max: Can you fuckin hurry up?
Max: plzzzzzz
Max: goddddd, been like 45m inutws
Sharky: Uhhh, sorry lmao
Sharky: I kinda have a problem now, was back on my way to land though but-
Sharky:(sends a underwater picture, we see a small normal pilot fish hovering over his shoulder)I have made a new friend and he doesn't want to leave lmao, what do?
Max: …….
Max: Itsa fish lol, just eat it ir somethin idk lol
Sharky: Hellllllllllll no!!!!
Sharky: Dude, did you not even look at it? This is a pilot fish!
Max: k and?
Sharky: Pretty fucked up for a shark to eat a pilot fish, like…That's just like…That's a taboo line you don't cross, pilot fish are friends through and through.
Max: tf? Why?
Sharky: Just…Ugh, long story but they're useful and they help sharks stay clean, we don't attack them, they pretty much got immunity lmao
Sharky: Problem is now i can't get this one to like…Leave…Idk…I think he's like…Decided im his shark or something, idk, uhhhhhh!!!! 😅
Max: …….
Max: I don't undrestand any of this lmao maybe tesxt sharketa or something lol
Max: maybe dont ask a dumbass landguy bout your weird ocean rituald and stuff man lmao, idfk shit bout the ocean
Sharky: Oooooook, fine then…In that case, you lose the right to complain lmao, i'll try and be on land again soon.
Sharky: Damn, that's a shame…Anyway, lemme text Sharketa then, ffs --------------------- Reminder that Sharketa is Sharky's cousin (like actual biological cousin, they do share blood actually lol) But also yeah, i could see stuff like this happening for anthros lol... If you don't know, pilot fish in nature are a type of those fish that will go into sharks mouths and clean the gunk and whatnot out from their teeth, they also clean parasites out too. So they're kinda like little dentists!! It's p cool naturewise lol but i could see like...Normal/non-anthro pilot fish being confused with anthro sharks and whatnot...Just like...Following this random sharkdude around and hoping for some parasites to eat off them or something... And cuz of that, i'd imagine, yeah, probably is fucked up culture-wise for anthro sharks to nom on normal pilot fish(or pilot fish in general, uhhhh, cannibalism is yknow, kinda frowned upon and an anthro eating another anthro absolutely would be cannibalism from a cultural viewpoint lol...) Anyway, yeah, here's this one lol
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sharksa-shivers · 7 months
Max's first day at The Campsite! 💜🐶💜(Max's past)
Max when he first goes to the Campsite is: *7/8/9 (Need to nail down the age storywise but in that range as is the other Campsiter kids) *kind of scared *fucking filthy and his fur is a long overgrown mess, he's got mattes, he has fleas and he's just in poor shape in that regard, just in bad condition hygiene wise all around *starving and wanting water *quite and nervous, he has no idea what to expect at all…
Amber tells Sharky to wait and play with Sharketa and Lady for a bit while she helps Max and talks with The Captain. Amber goes to The Captain first with Max and upon talking, they agree to let Max stay and live there, finding it to be the best option for a young homeless child. Max kind of sits there a moment, not really understanding and simultaneously the gravity of having a home both hitting him at once, kind of breaking down a bit in joy/confusion. Amber comforts him and tells him he's safe now but if he's gonna live with them that he needs to clean himself up a bit. Amber gives Max some flea killing shampoo, soap and a towel and guides him to a shower, telling Max to get her when he's done. Max does this and Amber helps dry him off and now has some scissors and plans to help clean his fur up a bit, trimming his head, arms, legs, helping make his fur shorter and much more manageable, taking the mattes out and brushing Max's fur along with cutting it, both of them talking a bit while Amber works. A while later, Max feels alot better and looks better, his floof finally reappearing after so long of being a scruffy ass. Max also perks up a bit after this, beginning to grow a kind of bond with Amber.
Max reunites with Sharky after this as Amber goes off to make dinner for everyone as per usual. Max also meets Sharketa and Lady around this time as well, both of them being kind with Max. Sharky, Sharketa and Lady show Max around and Max decides he wants to share a room with Sharky, obviously still being very anxious and nervous about everything. In beginning parts as a kid, Max looks to Sharky alot for guidance since Max has 0 clue about how this "living in a house shit works" and Sharky is happy to help with this, Sharky's kind nature showing through.
After a bit, Amber gets them to all come down for food and Max kind of just is still bewildered by all of this, still thinking that this might have the chance of being taken away somehow (Max's internal lack of trust which he does still kind of have to this day, that something could always happen and shit could go ary) along with Max just being starving in general leads him to just fucking destroy the food he's been given. Amber's a bit taken aback by this and offers to give Max more to which he immediately agrees. Max ends up plowing through like 7 or 8 plates of food before Amber force cuts him off, being scared that Max is gonna get sick (despite Max telling her he's still hungry and that he wants more) Sharky, Lady and Sharketa are all kind of shocked by Max's appetite too but they find it more cool a small kid like Max was able to do that(context of Max's situation aside. This is obviously different in current days, Sharky, Kristy and usually the bulk of The Campsite get kind of frustrated with Max since Max will fucking clean out a kitchen and take their food without regret or remorse quite alot of the time though Campsiters are very used to this, rip)
Amber encourages Max to go play with Sharky, Lady and Sharketa again and Max does until Amber tells them it's time to go to sleep. Sharketa at this point has her own room while Max does get his wish and gets to share a room with Sharky. Sharky finds this cool as hell, thinking of it as a slumber party of sorts and Max has zero clue what the fuck a slumber party is lmao. Sharky tells Max not to worry about that and that he can show Max what that is up until Amber tells them both "No, go to bed lol." Sharky "agrees" to this and pretends to go to sleep but when Amber leaves, him and Max start talking more, Sharky wanting to teach Max all sorts of stuff, showing Max different books and toys and things like that he has and Max being insanely fascinated with alot of it.
With this whole thing and up to this day in current series, Sharky finds himself a new friend and recognizes the possibility of making more friends with outsiders that won't judge him for him and will like him for who he is. He finds a friend who will stick up for him in future situations, a friend who thinks he's cool and smart and fun. Sharky finds himself a best friend, a brother and an ally…
Max on the other hand finds himself in a stable situation for the first time ever. (i wouldn't say the time with Megan was stable, Megan and Max were constantly moving around and constantly had to look for food, water, money, ect. They did not have a solid situation) Max finds himself in a home, with new friends and new family, where it's warm from the cold and cool from the heat, where he has food, drinks, a way to practice better hygiene, a nice place to sleep (though for his first few nights, he does have to sleep on the floor while Amber badgers Orange Hair into building another bed lmao) Max finds himself comfort and security and stability…And vows to himself to keep all of it with everything he can, not wanting to lose it all… Extra notes: *Orange Hair and Max probably meet the next day or day after, probably also meets Purple Fin either later in the day or the next day and same with Pink Fin, all of them being busy that day.
*Sharketa becomes The Captain's assistant at a young age but i may bump that age up to a diff one, not sure but regardless as a kid, Sharketa shows interest in helping The Captain and helping The Campsite.
Who is Megan tho? --- Sooooooo…I mentioned before I'm pretty sure that Max has a very very strong hate for shadowdemons/the shadowcult…Nows where thatttttttt hate source would come up… So Megan was also a homeless girl for a bit but she was a good bit older then Max (like 17/18 while…Max was a kid…) Megan was like…The very very first motherly figure Max had…And Megan cared for Max a ton…Trying to keep them both safe and trying to essentially take Max under her own wing because…Well, she liked kids and she felt like it was alot better then leaving this kid she found alone to fend for himself…
Max and Megan were together and whatnot for a while up untilllllllll…Shadowdemons happened…They'd encountered them before but…This time was different…Alot different…Because this time, they didn't get away cleanly… The Shadowdemons killed Megan and the only way Max lived was because she hid him away whenever it happened…
This all happened beforehand but it's part of why Max has such a goddamn hateful vendetta against the shadowcult…To where he wanted to be a demon fighter as soon as he found out that was an option…It's why he's so violent towards the shadowcult…Cuz if you give them that inch, they'll take everything and Max already has lost enough…He's not losing anybody else he cares about if he can help it… It's a very very very sore subject for Max whenever it is brought up and he'll get very angry if it's brought up randomly too…So…Yeahhhhhhh It's noted too, Max was even more bittered and pissed after Purple Fin went missing, Max assuming shadowcult got her and killed her too...And Max was very close to Purple Fin whenever she was around. It's unknown if this is true or not but alot of Campsiters have their suspicions... Max is also known to go goddamn feral if somebody tries to tell him Megan "wasn't your mom" anddddd...I mean, like...Max in general is the kind of hornets nest person you don't want to kick because you'd be paying dearly for that so uhhhhh yknow...
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
...Speaking of Max, fireworks and a taser
Shorter one but presuming y'all don't mind lol ---------------------- (Diff group chat with more Campsiters in it lol)
Max: ok loll so i might have potentially figured out how to ligjt firewworks with a taser do not tell the authoritys plzzz
Cherry: YOU DID WHAT NOW?????
Angel: ………Is it too much to ask that maybe you don't? Cuz i do not trust you with stuff like that and i'm pretty sure you'll set the forest on fire or something…
Sharketa: Yeah, no, i'm gonna nip this in the bud. You aren't allowed to do shit like that considering how much it can violate everyone else's safety, give me the fireworks.
Max: theya rent mine bruh i gotem from oh
Sharketa: Neptune damnit, ofc you did…
Sharketa: Said what i said, i need em. Where tf are you? I'm confiscating the fireworks. Stuff like that is a step too dangerous and i'm p sure The Captain would agree
Max: goddddddd fine i got it the first tine…UGHHHHHHHHHH im on the way ig goddamnt i worked hard figurein out how to docthat >:c -------------------- Damn...oof Max, he probably worked p hard on figuring that one out... Also, so here's some rambling lore shit!! The Captain-Guy in charge of The Campsite (as a reminder........Yes, he does have a real name but nobody knows it and we don't know why exactly either, he just goes by The Captain andddddddd yeah...) OH-Orange is basically second in command whenever it comes to stuff involving The Campsite, she gets alot of say in shit too with her money and whatnot being used to help the Campsite constantly... Sharketa-Captain's assistant. Like that's a job/role she's kind of taken. She really likes being able to help out and thus she does also get some authority over shit that happens, she's able to make decisions too but typically more stuff along these lines lol... Speaking of, here's a pic of Sharky and Sharketa together, older pic but still p good lol (Sharky more average sized here so probs more early series version of him before he bulks up and whatnot)
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