#King is Sif's Landlord
smilelessthan3 · 4 months
Every fantasy game gotta have some kind of modern au version of it, right? This time, the party met over an online mmorpg that they all enjoy!
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They're all meeting up for the final raid of the latest DLC. They've been invested in the story for years now and are excited to finally end this arc together! They all meet in Siffrin's city, staying the week in a hotel, playing the game the final day they're there as a last hoorah!
On the second to final day, they visit the city's park. The city was founded on Change God's beliefs and thus has a Favor Tree After a visit to the tree, Siffrin guides everyone to a restaurant nearby that he really likes. Going across a street before the sign says to walk. Everyone tells him not to, but he just says this street is always empty, it doesn't matter Then he wakes up in bed, the day having restarted.
*i know, two au drawings back to back, but i do have a lot of actual normal game drawings, but I just like drawing people in new outfits lol*
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