#KingdomCome Chapter 1 part 1
masterofmajora · 1 year
Kingdom Come Chpt1 pt1
In the Beginning there was time. once flowing Time Begot Space. For without Space, Time had no structure. It would branch into dying existences with no way to control or know when, why, and what beholds of time. As Space and time continued, Twins of two different aspects were born. Light and Dark, Light was born as a beautiful Feminine figure. Her body is shaped round and plump for she would bring life to many and give birth to a new existence. "Solles'' was the name given to her by Time. Her twin brother would be a lanky and feeble man Shaped figure, almost skeletal. "For he was the beholder of Darkness. Calamity." Was uttered nervously by Space. "She will give life and prosper to her light but he will take life and be embarrassed in his darkness" Proclaimed by Space forewarning Time of what the two will bring to the new day and age. As Time and Space flowed and prospered into existence, Solles gave birth to the skies, Lands, and all elements accustomed to this world we know. After she gave birth to fire she laid in rest in the river to cool herself off, she rested her head upon a mountain and stayed in slumber for eons. Calamity admired his sister's creations. He always stood by her when she would give birth to comfort her in her time of need. During the creation of earth and wind. Earth got very jealous of Wind and tried attacking Wind while in Solles`s arms. The Phantasmic figure decided to build his powerful sister a weapon of protection.This Artifact would provide her with coverage during her child birth and creations so no one would attack her while bonding with her new child. The shield made out of the strongest metal shielding his twin from any attack. His sister admired his heart and thoughtfulness even though his body is of death and despair. The brother, keeping his heart for his sister strong in his sleeves, watched his bet her birth of the world as time passed on and on. Once the sister finally birthed the last element she asked her brother to teach her the skill of forgery, but didn’t tell him it was to make him a gift. Solles wanted to repay her grim brother for his protection and love. She proclaimed “I have birthed all things into existence. Alas brother, you have created the purpose for my creation. For it was the dark that created love.” Calamity smiles and takes the material out of his sister's hands and shows her the processes he has created with her new life. He shows her how to melt the material with fire. Maintain the fire with wind. Shape the material with the earth making molds in the ground. As well as using water to cool the molten material. The sister carefully studying under her brother patiently worked till she created a weapon of mass destruction. “My brother. Your soul weeps for your power is to bring life to its end. But please do not fall into despair about this fact. For you have given me the purpose of reanimation to continue the next age and era of the recreation of life. Take this. It is Scythe in a new direction. Its name is Soulbrand. For each soul you strike with this weapon comes back to me and allows me to reform and recleanse the soul making them anew. Go out my brother. And find those whose souls are at their end. Allow them a new opportunity in the next day and age.” The brother looked upon the Blackened blade with its long and coarse Snath made out of a pitch black wood strengthen by brimstone and darkness. “My dearest sister.” Muttered the Phantom “Your kind words. Your soft heart. I don’t deserve a sister as yourself. For as you see I have made you your shield to protect you but no weapon to aid you in your battles. I wanted to give you these gifts. I appreciate the gift you have given me and I wish to show my gratitude with this.”
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masterofmajora · 1 year
“please sit and stay with me at the fire and I will explain why your fountain is suddenly bursting with life.” The village people gathered and listened to the old man and his story. With his Dark Divine power he manipulated the fire in the way to show visions of the past and the creation of life. Showing them the birth of all elements and the fights they endured with their new creations. He would tell stories of his travels since he left his sister and how loneliness and sadness was created. The humans were very joyful and happy to learn of this history of their creation and proclaimed that day to be a celebration of creation.
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masterofmajora · 1 year
The dark ghost-like man reaches into the dark abyss of the world and pulls out a set of armor with wings big enough to cover the world in a shadow darker than an abyssal plane named Guardian’s Angel . A sword crafted out of the purest is light. Able to pierce through anything, even the darkest soul and durable enough to never break named The Sun’s Tear. A bow that could shoot an arrow faster than the speed of light. If shot towards the sky at full force, the arrow will guide the skies and lead day into night. Allowing the life of many to sleep and dream. I name it The World Order. And lastly my beloved sister. I give you a new love ....” The ghostly figure reaches into the void again and brings out a male figure. Similarly appearing the same to the sister. This is a shell of a soul I have created. It has no life and has no purpose but only because I can’t bestow life only death. I tried to bring him to life but…” the ghost brother rests his skeletal hand on the shell’s shoulder and bestows death upon it and it awakens in a ravenous state ready to kill. “Death bestows madness and despairing thoughts. I can only bestow the body.” The corporeal being takes back the death he has bestowed and the shell falls back still. “Oh” cries the sister in joy. “I’m so happy! Thank you brother I don’t know if I could have ever asked for anything better! You have given me a new being. I would like to call it. Humans. It’s not perfect. But not flawed at all.” She kisses the shell on the mouth giving the shell life. It’s eyes and pupils starting to fill out into a dark green, darker than leaf in the night. “ This human will be the beginning of a new age of life and death. Its cycle will endure growing and learning of new information every day. It will build and learn to grow bigger with each generation. But its life will only last so long. Thus making its purpose even greater. So much to do with no time in the world. I apologize for the trial and turmoil I have put you through but without life death balance and harmony cannot reign supreme” Calamity looks at his sister. “You are correct. For harmony cannot be achieved without peace and chaos.” Calamity wipes his face from blissful sadness. Calamity knew that the longer he stayed on this world the more deaths he would cause. Whatever he touched died everything but his sister. “Sister, I must leave and travel far. I will look for treasures left by our makers and bring them back to you to cover you in new found riches.” Solles smiles brightly and brings calamity to 2 of her creations. “These are animals. Birds that I made for you specifically. They are the Raven and the Crow. The Raven is a more smart and powerful bird. Its wings flapping in the sky spreads the messages of your word to the world. The Crow is a more sly and cunning bird. It’s a great scavenger and will teach you how to find treasures created by Time and Space’s ever changing abundance.” The birds fly to its new master, bestowing upon him a cloak of deep black feathers. “The cloak will allow you to travel and communicate with your new fellow travelers.” Calamity accepts his gifts and thanks his sister with a big hug and sets off to travel with his new companions. As time flowed, and the 3 ventured. They stumbled upon the new creation of humans. A small village nesting in between the mountains his sister once laid when she first created this world. He disguised himself as a weak old man and lived among them. Because the weak old man looked so grimly no one would ever help him or try to figure out who he was. Many people would leave him food and water. Some would leave clothes and a fire. But none would ever sit and talk with him. He would talk with his birds and take on the title of the crazy old geezer by the fountain of life. Earning that title by taking a little essence he acquired from his sister and pouring it into their fountain supply. Some kids saw him do it and asked what he was doing. So Calamity would gather the young children at night with their parents and bring them all around a big fire.
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