#Kinley Augustine
jacethegaymer · 3 years
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San Myshuno Karaoke bar
[offkey singing can be heard]
Carlin: Excuse, Don, one water please.
Don: Water huh? Alright. How well did everything go?
Carlin: Eh it went good. Ex is back in jail for good.
Don: well that’s good.
Carlin: Eh.. actually scratch the water, I’m getting a club soda.
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?: and I’ll pay it for her.
Carlin: Oh no it’s fi-
Carlin looks at him
Carlin: Eduardo? I didn’t know you were here.
Eduardo: Why wouldn’t I be here? Plus I just want to congratulate you on today. I’m glad things went well for you.
Carlin: yes I’m glad it is too.
Eduardo: Geez.. has Kinley ever sang before? Sounds like a cat trying to bark.
Carlin: [chuckles] oh my god Eduardo-
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Eduardo: Anyways, where are you staying now?
Carlin: With Kinley now. I really don’t wanna live by myself.
Eduardo: Oh next door. Nice!
Carlin; Yep.
Eduardo: Well Carlin, it was nice seeing you again after so many years. How about me and you go somewhere sometime this week and have fun?
Carlin: We still haven’t finished that water balloon thing we did back in college.
Eduardo: Ahh you still remember! [chuckled] alright well after I get done with work, I’ll pick you up and we can go.
Carlin; sounds good.
Eduardo: Yep.
Bonus image:
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Tom and Matt was there- :o
And Matt was pissed off for some reason.
Also I kid you not, when I toke this, Tom was giving a wink-
Eduardo, Tom and Matt all belong to @aftermathworld !
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jacethegaymer · 3 years
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It’s asexual awareness week and my sim Kinley is asexual and bisexual! Here is drawing of her!
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jacethegaymer · 3 years
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EW: Lost AU Sims edition
Carlin Augustine just gotten back from the doctor and a very serious court case against her ex.
TW: Abuse, domestic violence.
Carlins ex has been ever since abusing her everyday for the past 3 months and she was told to kept silent about it. Cause of the threats he made towards her. Finally carlin escaped and is living with her alien adopted sister, Kinley
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Kinley: Hey car, how was it?
Carlin; good! Doctor says the scars will heal in a month or two, and..
Kinley: what did the judge say to your ex and sentencing?
Carlin: His ass is going to jail for life! No parole.
Kinley: that’s good! Well anyways I’m making dinner
Carlin: good I’m hungry. (She chuckles)
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Carlin: anything happened here since you moved here?
Kinley: you know the family of two that lived next door?
Carlin: hm?
Kinley: they moved to San Myshuno.
Carlin: Aw what happened?
Kinley: they needed to stay with other family and also the wife was pregnant again and it was to cramp.
Carlin; explains it.
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Carlin: anyways, we got new neighbors?
Kinley: Yeah not to long ago. I know the names.. um.. Jon, Mark and.. damn which is the name..? Uh… Eduardo I believe. You know the guys from college.
Carlin: Ah yeah I remember them! That’s cool.
Kinley: But.. thing is, THEY don’t know I’m an alien yet. And I don’t know how they’ll react.. especially Mark. Me and him are good friends and I don’t want to lose our friendship. Only Eduardo and Jon know. I TOLD them to not tell him, I hope they hadn’t
Carlin: Well maybe soon, plus you got that disguise right?
Kinley: never changed it. Still the same since I was a kid.
Carlin: Anyways, I also got the part today for that commercial
Kinley: that’s cool Carlin! Proud of you. Anyways dinners finished. Oh and I signed up for the singing karaoke at the bar tonight, your going.
Carlin: nice.. I need a night out.
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jacethegaymer · 3 years
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After 3 hours of working out..
Carlin: Wow.. new equipment there.
Kinley: I can’t believe they got rid of the sports bar there.
Carlin: You spend there all the time flirting with everyone there!
Kinley: A persons gotta get a date at least!
Kinley and Carlin are open are asks
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jacethegaymer · 3 years
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The next day..
[carlin is petting, Pickles]
Carlin: you like that don’t you pickles?
[door opens and closes, Kinley in her disguise arrives]
Kinley: you won’t believe who is coming!
Carlin: ?
Kinley: Mark. I saw him today at the bookstore and he wanted to come over and Introduce himself to you.
Carlin: well that’s great! Right?
Kinley: yeah but I almost got caught in my alien form so I quickly changed into my disguise form.
Carlin: ooh.. nice outfit!
Kinley; Yeah, I went out shopping a few months ago.. this is the best.
Carlin: it looks perfect.
[knock on door]
Mark: Hello?
Kinley: I’m coming hold on!
Kinley: [whispers] please don’t say anything about me being an alien
Carlin: [whisper] I won’t.
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Mark: Well hello lovely ladies! How are y’all today?
Carlin: Oh mark you still hadn’t change that yet?
Mark: What? I’m just saying y’all are all lovely today.
Carlin and Kinley chuckled: Thanks!
Mark: Anyways Carlin, how well did things go for you yesterday?
Carlin: well everything went well! Ex is now in jail and he is going to rot there.
Mark: That’s good. I’m tired of seeing that scumbag and yeah..
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Carlin: I’m just glad I got out. So now I’m staying here until I feel like I’m-
Kinley: Carlin, you can’t live on your own from the trauma, you had last week and it didn’t go well. Your therapist and your mom and dad said to live with me.
Carlin: Okay okay! [chuckling]
Mark: I am sorry for what you been through Carlin.. if you need anything, me, Eduardo and Jon are right next door. And you got Kinley here as well. We are here for you and still will be.
Carlin: wow thank you Mark.. geez I just don’t know what I do if y’all didn’t help me.
Kinley: Anyways.. I need to get ready tonight, me and Carlin are going out to San Myshuno again.
Mark: sounds cool. Hey, i need to get going as well its getting late
Kinley: alright!
Mark: see y’all later!
Kinley and Carlin: Bye!
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