#Kiris entire hero aesthetic is just a rip off of Crimson Riot
softer-ua · 2 years
The shade Hori throws at Kirishamas existence is so obscene 💀
Kiris trying to reinvent himself & it’s like god saying
“I just want you to know that you’re so unoriginal that completely independent from you an exact carbon copy exists, and they did it organically. Other people build themselves on their admiration of others every day but they hold a level of creativity to reinvent those pieces, you don’t, you are so spectacularly not special in almost every way imaginable”
Like Monoma showed Kiri a picture of TetsuTetsu’s room while they were standing in Kirishimas room and Kirishima thought Monoma had some how already gotten a picture of his own
Imagine not being able to tell apart your own bedroom from someone else’s?? Like that’s not even just a shared aesthetic, that just having one brain cell together
And I mean Kiri and Tetsu are good sports about it and even enjoy it, but if it were me that’d absolutely fuck me up
Maybe it’s because I’ve always had a personal sense of individuality and a social one, I never been someone that others could neatly categorize, to a degree that it’s a frequent conversation topic between those who know me well and those who are merely aquatinted with me
Not that I’m supremely unique there’s just always a “but…” following most descriptors of my character so I don’t align neatly with the majority, to the point where people tell me not infrequently some version of
“you don’t really look like other people? I don’t mean that in a bad way just if I needed to say you looked like anyone there’d be no one to compare you to?”
so I would absolutely lose my mind if I met someone who was just identical in every way after I actually put real effort into creating myself 💀
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